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Single-use plastic cutlery and plates to be banned in England

来源:中国日报    2023-01-16 14:52

        A ban on some single-use plastics will come into force in England from October, the government has announced.        英国政府宣布,对部分一次性塑料制品的禁令将从10月起在英格兰生效。
        To tackle the growing plastic problem, takeaways, restaurants and cafes must stop using single-use plastic cutlery, plates and bowls.        为解决日益严重的塑料污染问题,外卖、餐馆和咖啡馆必须停止使用一次性塑料餐具、碗盘。
        Each person in England uses an average of 18 single-use plastic plates and 37 items of plastic cutlery every year, according to Defra, while just 10% of those are recycled.        英国环境、食品和农村事务部数据显示,英格兰地区每人每年平均使用18个一次性塑料盘子和37件塑料餐具,而其中只有10%被回收。
        Plastic items relating to takeaway food and drink, including food containers and cutlery, make up the largest share of litter in the world’s oceans, according to research.        根据研究,与外卖食品和饮料相关的食品容器和餐具等塑料制品,是世界海洋垃圾主要来源。
        "I am determined to drive forward action to tackle this issue head on. We've already taken major steps in recent years - but we know there is more to do, and we have again listened to the public's calls," Environment Secretary Thérèse Coffey said.        英国环境大臣特蕾丝·科菲称:“我决心推动采取行动,解决这个问题。近年来,我们已经采取了一些重大措施,但我们知道还有更多要做,我们再次倾听了公众的呼声。”
        "This new ban will have a huge impact to stop the pollution of billions of pieces of plastics and help to protect the natural environment for future generations."        “这项新禁令将产生深远影响,阻止数十亿塑料的污染,有助于环保,造福子孙后代。”
        Similar bans have already been made in Scotland, while single-use plastic straws, stirrers and plastic stemmed cotton buds were already banned in England in 2020.        类似的禁令已经在苏格兰实施,英格兰在2020年已经禁用一次性塑料吸管、搅拌棒和塑料棉签棒。

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