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Govt unveils new steps to help small businesses

来源:中国日报    2023-01-16 17:09

        China has rolled out a string of new measures to help small and medium-sized enterprises tide over short-term difficulties, as part of its broader push to promote the high-quality development of these firms.        我国出台了一系列新措施,帮助中小企业度过短期困难,这是中国推动中小企业高质量发展的举措之一。
        The 15 steps published by the State Council on Saturday offer targeted help for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, or MSMEs, to stabilize growth and improve their competitive edge, experts said.        专家表示,国务院促进中小企业发展工作领导小组办公室1月14日印发的15条举措为中小微企业提供了有针对性的帮助。
        Part of these measures seek to help MSMEs tide over difficulties through policy support, easier financing and demand expansion, among others, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the nation’s top industry regulator.        工信部表示,其中一部分措施旨在通过政策支持、融资促进和扩大需求等方式帮助中小微企业渡过难关。
        In particular, large enterprises and platform institutions are encouraged to release procurement lists targeting MSMEs and carry out cross-border matchmaking activities, in order to create more business opportunities for these enterprises.        特别是鼓励大型企业和平台机构发布针对中小微企业的采购清单,开展跨境撮合活动,为中小微企业创造更多商机。
        Wang Peng, associate professor at the Hillhouse Research Institute at the Renmin University of China, in Beijing, said China's economy will have good momentum if private and small businesses remain sound, given that many of them are increasingly being recognized for their role as leaders for new concepts and new business models.        中国人民大学高礼研究院副教授王鹏表示,如果民营和小型企业健康发展,中国经济就会保持良好势头,因为许多民营和小型企业越来越被认可为新理念和新商业模式的领导者。
        "But in reality, they tend to become vulnerable to external pressures. Thus, targeted efforts are needed to help them overcome short-term challenges," he added.        他补充说:“但在现实中,这些企业往往容易受到外部压力的影响。因此,需要有针对性的措施来帮助他们克服短期挑战。”
        In China, SMEs are responsible for nearly 50 percent of the nation's tax revenue and 60 percent of GDP. They also contribute to 70 percent of the nation's technology innovation and 80 percent of urban employment, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.        在中国,中小企业贡献了近50%的国家税收和60%的国内生产总值。根据工信部的数据,这些企业还贡献了全国70%的技术创新和80%的城镇就业。
        Zhou Hongyi, founder of cybersecurity company 360 Security Group, said it is of great significance to push forward the digital transformation of MSMEs, as they still face mounting pressure and challenges from the shortage of capital, talent and technology.        网络安全公司360安全集团创始人周鸿祎表示,推动中小微企业数字化转型具有重要意义,因为这些企业仍然面临着资金、人才和技术短缺的压力和挑战。
        More efforts are needed to leverage digital technologies to help such enterprises, which play a critical part in narrowing the income gap and bolstering development of the real economy, Zhou said, adding that the company has launched an SaaS — or software as a service — platform and is helping drive the digitalization push of MSMEs.        他表示,需要更多的努力来利用数字技术帮助这些企业,这些企业在缩小收入差距和支持实体经济发展方面发挥着关键作用。他补充说,该公司已经推出了一个SaaS(软件即服务)平台,并正在帮助推动中小微企业的数字化。

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