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11 Takeaways From Prince Harry’s Memoir, ‘Spare’

来源:纽约时报    2023-01-11 10:31

        “Spare,” the hotly anticipated memoir by Prince Harry, has captivated people across the world, and is shaping up to be one of the year’s biggest books.        《备用》(Spare)是哈里王子备受期待的回忆录,吸引了世界各地的读者,有望成为今年最畅销的书籍之一。
        A series of high-profile interviews, along with leaked excerpts and premature sales of the book in Spain, heightened interest in a memoir that offers a frank, if one-sided, look at Harry’s life.        一系列的高调采访,加上泄露出来的片段,以及西班牙文版提前在西班牙销售,增加了人们对这本回顾哈里人生的坦率自传的兴趣,尽管它只是一面之词。
        Harry says he decided to write “Spare” when he traveled to Britain for his grandfather’s funeral in April 2021. There he had the “staggering” realization that neither his father nor his brother truly understood why he and his wife, Meghan, had moved to California. “I have to tell them,” he thought. “And so: Pa? Willy? World? Here you go.”        哈里说,他2021年4月回英国参加祖父的葬礼时,做出了写《备用》一书的决定。他在那里“令人难以置信地”意识到,父亲和哥哥都没有真正了解他和妻子梅根搬到美国加州的原因。“我不得不告诉他们,”他当时想。“所以:爸?威利?世界?这是写给你们的。”
        Here are 11 takeaways from the book.        以下是本书的11个要点。
        He talks candidly about Princess Diana’s death        哈里直言不讳地谈了戴安娜王妃之死
        The morning after Diana, Harry’s mother, died in a car crash in Paris, Charles, his father, woke him up to tell him what had happened.        哈里的母亲戴安娜在巴黎因车祸去世后的第二天早上,父亲查尔斯把他叫醒,告诉他发生了什么。
        “He sat down on the edge of the bed,” Harry writes. “He put a hand on my knee. Darling boy, Mummy’s been in a car crash.” He went on, “They tried, darling boy. I’m afraid she didn’t make it.”        “他坐在我的床边,把手放在我的膝盖上,”哈里写道。“宝贝儿子,妈咪出车祸了他们尽了最大的努力,宝贝儿子很遗憾她没活过来。
        Harry writes that “none of what I said to him then remains in my memory. It’s possible that I didn’t say anything. What I do remember with startling clarity is that I didn’t cry. Not one tear. Pa didn’t hug me. He wasn’t great at showing emotions under normal circumstances, how could he be expected to show them in such a crisis? But his hand did fall once more on my knee and he said: It’s going to be OK. That was quite a lot for him. Fatherly, hopeful, kind. And so very untrue.”        哈里写道,“我当时对他说了什么,脑子里完全没有印象。也许我什么都没说。我只是以惊人的清晰度记得,我没哭。一滴眼泪都没有。爸没有搂我。一般情况下他都不善于表露情感,怎么会指望他在这个危急时刻有所表现呢?但他的确再次把手放在我的膝盖上,并说:事情会过去的。这种慈父般、满怀希望、体贴的表露,对他来说已经难得。但事情后来完全不是这样。”
        Years after his mother’s death, Harry asked to see the secret police files related to the crash. Harry’s private secretary obtained the files, though he removed the most “challenging” ones, Harry wrote. Still, he saw many paparazzi photos of his dying mother.        母亲去世多年后,哈里曾要求查看警方提交的与车祸有关的秘密报告。哈里的私人秘书拿到了这些文件,但他没有让哈里看最“挑战性的”部分,哈里写道。尽管如此,他还是看到了多张狗仔拍下的母亲濒临死亡的照片。
        The men who followed her “never stopped shooting her while she lay between the seats, unconscious, or semiconscious,” he writes. “Not one of them was checking on her, offering her help, not even comforting her. They were just shooting, shooting, shooting.”        追着拍她的人“在她昏迷或半昏迷地倒在车座之间时,从未停止过拍照”,哈里写到。“他们中没有一人查看她的情况,向她提供帮助,甚至没有为她提供安慰。他们只是拍、拍、拍。”
        Prince William and Harry begged Charles not to marry Camilla        威廉王子和哈里曾恳求查尔斯不要娶卡米拉
        “When asked, Willy and I promised Pa that we’d welcome Camilla into the family,” Harry writes. “The only thing we asked in return was that he not marry her. You don’t need to remarry, we pleaded. … We support you, we said. We endorse Camilla, we said. Just please don’t marry her.”        “被问到后,我和威利向爸保证,我们会欢迎卡米拉进入这个家庭,”哈里写道。“我们反过来的唯一要求是,他不娶卡米拉。你不需要再婚,我们恳求道。……我们支持你,我们说。 我们支持卡米拉,我们说。只是请你不要娶她。”我们支持卡米拉,我们说。只是请你不要娶她。”
        Press leaks from his family were common, he says        哈里说,他的家人向新闻界泄密是常事
        According to the book, Charles and sometimes Camilla approved damaging press leaks about Harry and William.        据书中的说法,查尔斯同意向报刊泄露有关哈里和威廉的破坏性信息,有时卡米拉也这样做。
        On one occasion, Harry writes, Charles — advised by a spin doctor — cooperated with the tabloids on a story about Harry and drugs to bolster his own faltering reputation. “No more the unfaithful husband, Pa would now be presented to the world as the harried single dad coping with a drug-addled child.” Much later, in 2019, Harry writes, William was “seething” because “Pa and Camilla’s people had planted a story or stories about him, and Kate, and the kids, and he wasn’t going to take it any more. Give Pa and Camilla an inch, he said, they take a mile.”        哈里写道,有一次,在一名擅长导向性陈述的人建议下,为巩固他自己摇摇欲坠的声誉,查尔斯在一篇关于哈里与毒品的报道中与小报进行了合作。“在这篇报道中,爸不再是那个不忠的丈夫,而是被描述为一名烦扰不断的单身父亲,需要妥善处理一个吸毒成瘾的孩子。”后来,在很久以后的2019年,哈利写道,因为“爸和卡米拉的人把一个或多个关于威廉、凯特和他们孩子的故事透露给媒体,一直强压着怒火的威廉再也忍不住了。他说,爸和卡米拉得寸进尺”。
        Separately, the news report that Harry and Meghan were leaving England included a tidbit that Harry believes was leaked by the palace.        另外,在有关哈里和梅根即将离开英国的报道中,包括了一条哈里认为是王室泄露的信息。
        The article, which appeared in The Sun, “included the telling detail that we’d offered to relinquish our Sussex titles,” Harry writes. “There was only one document on earth in which that detail was mentioned — my private and confidential letter to my father. To which a shockingly, damningly small number of people had access. We hadn’t even mentioned it to our closest friends.”        那篇发表在《太阳报》上的文章“包括了我们愿意放弃苏塞克斯头衔的细节,这很说明问题”,哈利写道。“世界上只有一份文件提到了这个细节,那就是我写给父亲的保密私函。只有极少数人看到了这封信,这个少得惊人的人数足以证明泄密者在其中。我们甚至没有向我们最亲密的朋友提及这个细节。”
        While in Afghanistan, he killed 25 Taliban fighters        哈里在阿富汗服役期间打死了25名塔利班战士
        “Most soldiers can’t tell you precisely how much death is on their ledger,” Harry writes of his tours during the war. “My number: 25.”        “大多数士兵无法准确地告诉你,他们总共打死了多少人,”哈里讲述他在阿富汗战争期间服役时写道。“我的总数是25。”
        He added: “While in the heat of combat, I didn’t think of those 25 as people. You can’t kill people if you think of them as people. They were chess pieces removed from the board, Bads taken away before they could kill Goods. I’d been trained to ‘other-ize’ them, trained well. On some level I recognized this learned detachment as problematic. But I also saw it as an unavoidable part of soldiering.”        他补充道:“在激战中,我没有把这些数字想象为人。如果你把它们想象为人的话,你会下不了杀手。它们是从棋盘上移走的棋子,在它们能杀死好棋子之前被拿下的坏棋子。我接受了将它们“异化”的训练,那是很好的训练。我在某个层次上认识到,这种学来的超然有问题。但我也将其视为行伍生涯不可避免的一部分。”
        Harry describes suffering anxiety and panic attacks        哈里描述了遭受焦虑和恐慌突发的痛苦
        Fear of public speaking morphed into a fear of crowds, and then full-blown anxiety attacks on the cusp of his 30th birthday. In the book, Harry sees the afflictions as a form of PTSD, attributing them to both his military service and the death of his mother. When he told his father what was happening, Charles said: “I suppose it’s my fault. I should’ve got you the help you needed years ago.” Harry writes: “I assured him that it wasn’t his fault. But I appreciated the apology.”        对在公开场合讲话的恐惧演变成了对人群的恐惧,后来,这种恐惧在他30岁生日即将到来之际成了全面性的焦虑发作。哈里在书中将这些痛苦视为创伤后应激障碍的一种,将其既归因于服兵役,也归因于母亲的死亡。当他告诉父亲正在发生的事情时,查尔斯说:“我觉得这是我的错。我本该在多年前让你得到你需要的帮助。”哈里写道:“我让他确信这不是他的错。但我也对道歉表示了感激。”
        And a nasty case of frostbite        一次严重的冻伤
        A trip to the North Pole left Harry with some discomfort. “Upon arriving home I’d been horrified to discover that my nether regions were frostnipped as well, and while the ears and cheeks were already healing, the todger wasn’t,” he reports. When home remedies — like applying Elizabeth Arden cream — did not work, he finally saw a doctor.        一次北极之旅给哈里留下了一些不适。“回到家后,我惊恐地发现我的下体也受了冻伤,虽然耳朵和脸已在愈合,但阴茎却没有愈合,”他写道。用土法(比如涂抹伊丽莎白雅顿牌面霜)治疗无效后,他终于去看了医生。
        Meghan convinced him to return to therapy        梅根说服他恢复心理治疗
        One evening during their courtship, “Meg said something I took the wrong way,” so “I snapped at her, spoke to her harshly — cruelly.” Meghan left the room. “I went and found her upstairs. She was sitting in the bedroom. She was calm, but said in a quiet, level tone that she would never stand for being spoken to like that.” Harry writes:        他们谈恋爱期间的一个晚上,“我误会了梅格说的一些东西”,所以“对她发了火,对她说了残酷、甚至残忍的话”。梅根离开了房间。“我上楼找到了她。她坐在卧室里。她很平静,但用平静、平和的语调说,她永远不会忍受别人这样对她说话。”哈里写道:
        She wanted to know where it came from.I don’t know.Where did you ever hear a man speak like that to a woman? Did you overhear adults speak that way when you were growing up?I cleared my throat, looked away. Yes.        她想知道我的火气是从哪里来的。我不知道。你在哪里听到过男人这样对女人说话?你长大成人的过程中无意中听到过大人们这样说话吗?我清了清嗓子,把目光移开。是的。
        Harry told Meghan he’d tried therapy, but it hadn’t helped. “No,” she told him. “Try again.”        哈里告诉梅根,他曾试过心理治疗,但无济于事。“不行再试试,”梅根对他说。
        Charles told Harry there wasn’t money to support him and Meghan        查尔斯告诉哈里,没有帮助他和梅根的钱
        The exchange between father and son when Harry announced his intention to marry did not go as expected.        哈里宣布结婚意向后,父子之间的交流并没有像预期的那样进行。
        Does she want to carry on working? Say again? Does she want to keep on acting? Oh, I mean, I don’t know, I wouldn’t think so. I expect she’ll want to be with me, doing the job, you know, which would rule out “Suits” … since they film in … Toronto.Hmm, I see. Well, darling boy, you know there’s not enough money to go around. I stared. What was he banging on about? He explained. Or tried to. I can’t pay for anyone else. I’m already having to pay for your brother and Catherine.        她想继续工作吗?再说一遍?她想继续当演员吗?哦,我的意思是,我不知道,我觉得不会吧。我希望她会想和我在一起,做这份工作,你知道,这就排除了《金装律师》的可能……因为戏在……多伦多拍。嗯,我明白了。好吧,宝贝儿子,你知道钱不够用吧。我瞪大了眼睛。他唠叨这个是什么意思?他解释了。或者试着解释了。我不能再为别人掏钱。我已经不得不为你哥哥和凯瑟琳掏钱。
        Harry writes: “Pa didn’t financially support Willy and me, and our families, out of any largesse. That was his job. That was the whole deal. We agreed to serve the monarch, go wherever we were sent, do whatever we were told, surrender our autonomy, keep our hands and feet in the gilded cage at all times, and in exchange the keepers of the cage agreed to feed and clothe us.”        哈里写道:“爸在经济上支持威利和我,以及我们的家人,并不是出于某种慷慨。那是他的工作。那是这桩交易的全部。我们同意侍奉君主,叫我们去哪儿就去哪儿,让我们干什么就干什么,放弃我们的自主权,将我们的手脚始终困在镀金笼子里,作为交换,看笼子的人同意让我们有吃有穿。”
        But it wasn’t about money, of course: “Pa might have dreaded the rising cost of maintaining us, but what he really couldn’t stomach was someone new dominating the monarchy, grabbing the limelight, someone shiny and new coming in and overshadowing him.”        但这当然不只是钱的问题:“爸可能会担心不断上升的维持我们生活的费用,但他真正无法忍受的是,新来的人占了这个君主制的主导地位,吸引公众注意力,一个光鲜夺目的新来者让他相形见绌。”
        William didn’t want Harry to be the best man at his wedding        威廉不想让哈里在自己的婚礼上当伴郎
        “The public had been told that I was to be best man, but that was a bare-faced lie,” Harry writes. “Willy didn’t want me giving a best-man speech. He didn’t think it was safe to hand me a live mic and put me in a position to go off-script. He wasn’t wrong.” Still, he managed to present the newly married couple with an ermine thong at the wedding reception: “The room let out a collective gasp,” he writes, then “a warm, gratifying wave of laughter.”        “公众已被告知我将当伴郎,但这是个赤裸裸的谎言,”哈里写道。“威利不想让我作为伴郎发言。他认为把现场的麦克风交给我、让我脱稿讲话不安全。他这样认为没错。”尽管如此,哈里还是设法在婚宴上送给了这对新婚夫妇一条貂皮丁字裤:“房间里先是一片惊叹声,”他写道,然后是“一阵热情、令人欣慰的笑声”。
        Harry singles out Rupert Murdoch’s media empire for blame        哈里点名指责了鲁珀特·默多克的媒体帝国
        “I couldn’t think of a single human being in the 300,000-year history of the species who’d done more damage to our collective sense of reality,” he writes. But those hired to shoot photographs for British tabloids are targets of his anger, too.        “在人类30万年的历史中,我想不出任何人比这个人更大地破坏了我们的集体现实感,”他写道。但那些受雇为英国小报拍照片的人也是他怒火的对象。
        “The paps had always been grotesque people, but as I reached maturity they were worse,” he says. “They were more emboldened, more radicalized, just as young men in Iraq had been radicalized. Their mullahs were editors, the same ones who’d vowed to do better after Mummy died.”        “狗仔一直都是一群丑陋的人,但在我长大成人的过程中,他们已变得更遭,”哈里写道。“他们更胆大妄为,手法更激进,就像伊拉克的年轻人被激进化了那样。编辑是他们的毛拉,也就是那些在妈妈死后曾发誓要有所改进的人。”
        Harry and Meghan felt blindsided during negotiations over their future        哈里和梅根在对他们未来的谈判中感到受了意外打击
        The couple chose to leave England, but hoped to keep up some of their royal duties and to retain the security that came with their titles. Instead, after a meeting dubbed “the Sandringham Summit” in January 2020, they learned that, in Harry’s words, “the fix was in” — they would no longer represent the queen and their security would continue for only a 12-month transition period. (In fact, they would lose that security several months later.)        虽然夫妇俩选择离开英格兰,但仍希望继续履行他们的一些王室职责,并保留为他们的王室头衔配置的保安人员。然而,2020年1月在被戏称为“桑德林汉姆庄园峰会”上与王室成员见面时,他们了解到,(用哈里的话说是)“解决方法已经有了”,他们将不再代表女王,他们的保安人员只能保留到12个月的过渡期结束。(实际上,他们将在几个月后失去保安人员。)
        “I love my Mother Country, and I love my family, and I always will,” Harry writes. “I just wish, at the second-darkest moment of my life, they’d both been there for me.”        “我爱我的祖国,也爱我的家人,永远如此,”哈里写道。“我只是但愿,在我人生的第二个最黑暗的时刻,祖国和家人没有抛开我。”

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