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Man Who Fatally Bludgeoned Chinese Immigrant Sentenced to 20 Years

来源:纽约时报    2023-01-11 12:10

        A man who pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the fatal bludgeoning of a Chinese immigrant as she swept a Queens sidewalk was sentenced Tuesday to 20 years in prison.        周二,一名男子承认过失杀人罪,他因为攻击一名在皇后区清扫人行道的中国移民致其死亡,被判处20年监禁。
        Elisaul Perez, 33, appeared in Queens County Criminal Court in a tan long-sleeve sweatshirt and green pants, with a lone supporter greeting him with a wave as he entered. Mr. Perez sat looking down during the hearing, speaking though an interpreter only to say that he did not have any comments.        33岁的伊莱索·佩雷斯身穿棕褐色长袖卫衣和绿色裤子,在皇后区刑事法院出庭,只有一名支持者在他进入法庭时向他挥手致意。佩雷斯在听证会低头坐着,通过翻译,仅表示自己无可奉告。
        The victim, GuiYing Ma, 61, was on a sidewalk in the North Corona neighborhood on the morning of Nov. 26, 2021, when Mr. Perez confronted her, argued with her and then hit her twice in the head with a large rock. Ms. Ma, a grandmother who had moved to New York with her husband in 2017 to seek better-paying jobs to support their son and his family in northeastern China, spent about three months in Elmhurst Hospital before dying.        2021年11月26日早上,61岁的受害人马桂英在北科罗纳社区的人行道上与佩雷斯相遇,两人起了口角,后者随后用一块大石头两次砸向她的头部。马桂英已为人祖母,2017年与丈夫一起搬到纽约,寻找薪水更高的工作,以支持在中国东北的儿子一家的生活。她在艾姆赫斯特医院接受了约三个月的救治后去世。
        On Tuesday, the courtroom was filled with over two dozen people — friends, supporters, attorneys and reporters. The victim’s husband, Zhanxin Gao, was not there: He has returned to China. Instead, Jennifer Wu, a pro bono attorney who has worked with his family, read a statement from him.        周二,法庭坐满20余人,包括友人、支持者、律师和记者。受害人的丈夫高占新未到场:他已经回到中国。所以,曾与他一家合作的公益律师詹妮弗·吴宣读了他的声明。
        Mr. Gao told the court that he was grateful for the community of friends and lawmakers that helped him after his wife’s attack, but that his family is “still overwhelmed in grief.”        高占新向法庭表示,他对妻子遇袭后各位朋友及议员的帮助表示感谢,但他们一家“仍沉浸在悲痛之中”。
        “It was all too sudden that our life in New York City came to an end,” he wrote. “I still can’t accept the sudden death of my wife. I’ve seen violent attacks on old people in the news, but I was overwhelmed when it really happened to me.”        “我们在纽约市的生活结束得太突然,”他写道。“我仍然不能接受妻子的突然去世。我在新闻中见过对老年人的暴力袭击,但当它真的发生在我身上,我完全不知所措。”
        Mr. Gao has been struggling with guilt that he was not able to reunite his wife with their son and her mother, said a friend and the couple’s former landlord, Yihung Hsieh, in a statement during the hearing.        高占新的友人兼这对夫妇的前房东谢奕宏(音)在听证会上说,因为没能让妻子与儿子和岳母团聚,高占新一直感到内疚。
        “The tragedy that happened to Ms. Ma hit him very hard,” Mr. Hsieh said.        “马桂英的悲剧对他打击很大,”谢奕宏说。
        Michael Yavinsky, the Queens Supreme Court judge overseeing the case, called it “a tragedy for everyone involved” before announcing Mr. Perez’s sentence, which also includes five years of post-prison supervision.        负责此案审理的皇后区最高法院法官迈克尔·雅文斯基在宣布佩雷斯的判决前表示,这对“所有相关人士来说都是一场悲剧”。佩雷斯的判决结果还包括出狱后为期五年的监管。
        The attack came amid a wave of attacks on people of Asian descent in New York City: Michelle Alyssa Go was pushed to her death by a mentally ill man at the Times Square subway station in January. The following month, Christina Yuna Lee was fatally stabbed more than 40 times by a man who followed her from the street into her apartment.        此案发生时,纽约市出现了大量针对亚裔人群的袭击事件:高慧民(Michelle Alyssa Go)在时报广场地铁站被一名患有精神疾病的男子推下站台致死。接下来的一个月,克里斯蒂娜·妍儿·李被一名男子尾随至公寓,被捅了40多刀后身亡。
        “This case struck a chord because it was so relatable,” said Ms. Wu, the lawyer, before the sentencing. “It was a woman who got up in the morning the day after Thanksgiving to sweep a porch, to clean up for the community, and she was brutally attacked.”        “此案引起了共鸣,因为它代入感极强,”詹妮弗·吴律师在宣判前说。“这名女子在感恩节次日一早起来清扫门廊,为社区打扫卫生,却遭遇了残忍的袭击。”
        Mr. Perez was captured on surveillance video picking up a large rock and striking Ms. Ma in the head once, according to prosecutors. Once she fell to the ground, he struck her again, they said.        检方称,监控录像显示,佩雷斯拿起一块大石头击中了马桂英头部。他们说,在她倒地后,他又砸了她一下。
        He was arrested near the scene and told a police officer what he had done, according to court documents.        法庭文件显示,他在作案现场附近被捕,并将自己的所作所为告诉了一名警察。
        Mr. Perez, of Brooklyn, was initially charged with assault and criminal possession of a weapon. After Ms. Ma’s death, his charges were upgraded to second-degree murder and first-degree manslaughter. He pleaded guilty to manslaughter last month.        来自布鲁克林的佩雷斯起初被控袭击和非法持有武器罪。在马桂英死后,他的指控被升级为二级谋杀和一级过失杀人。他于上个月承认了过失杀人罪。
        The Queens district attorney’s office said last month that the judge had indicated he would sentence Mr. Perez to 20 years in prison.        皇后区地方检察官办公室上个月表示,法官曾表示将判处佩雷斯20年监禁。
        “Twenty years will serve justice and also send a message,” said the Queens district attorney, Melinda Katz, after the sentencing.        “20年刑期既能伸张正义,也能传达一个信息,”皇后区地方检察官梅琳达·卡茨在宣判后表示。
        In his statement, Mr. Gao asked the judge to sentence Mr. Perez to the maximum.        高占新在陈述中要求法官对佩雷斯判处最高刑期。
        “I still can’t forget my wife, and I miss her more in every holiday season,” he wrote. “When we hold family reunions, our children usually cry before they have meals, because they also miss their mother or grandmother.”        “到现在我也忘不了妻子,每逢佳节倍思亲,”他写道。“在家庭聚会的时候,我们的孩子经常在饭前落泪,因为他们也想念母亲、想念祖母。”

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