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As China Lifts Pandemic Border Controls, Mixed Feelings at Home and Abroad

来源:纽约时报    2023-01-09 11:35

        HONG KONG — Over the past three years, Zhou Wanhui, a Hong Kong resident, has visited her parents in China just three times. Though they live only two hours away by train, Covid restrictions made it so difficult to cross the Hong Kong border into mainland China that one of Ms. Zhou’s trips included a three-hour flight to Shanghai and nearly a month of quarantine in two cities.        香港——过去三年里,生活在香港的周婉蕙(音)与住在内地的父母只见过三次面。虽然他们住的地方相距只有两小时的火车车程,但遏制新冠病毒的疾控措施让人们从香港入境内地变得如此之困难,以至于有一次周女士回内地时不得不坐了三个小时的飞机先飞到上海,然后在两个城市共计集中隔离了近一个月。
        Families like Ms. Zhou’s — kept apart for weddings and funerals, birthdays and graduations — are finally preparing for less arduous reunions.        像周女士这样的家庭已经几年没能为婚礼、葬礼、生日和毕业典礼聚在一起,现在他们终于能为没有那么艰难的团聚做准备了。
        On Sunday, China fully opened its borders for the first time since the coronavirus pandemic began, welcoming visitors without strict quarantine requirements and allowing its citizens to go overseas once again just as the travel period for Lunar New Year, typically the busiest season, begins. In Hong Kong’s airport, hundreds of people waited to check in for flights to cities in the south like Xiamen and Chongqing and in the north like Beijing and Tianjin, but the arrivals hall was more quiet. Many of the city’s border checkpoints were reopened; empty transportation halls filled up with groups of people, and shuttered storefronts were open once again.        中国大陆已在周日开放了边境。这是自新冠病毒大流行开始以来,大陆不再要求入境者进行集中隔离后首次迎来游客,并在中国最繁忙的旅行季节农历新年到来之际再次允许本国公民出国。在香港机场,数以百计的人正在等着办理飞往厦门、重庆等南方城市,以及北京、天津等北方城市的航班值机手续,但到达大厅则安静得多。香港通往内地的许多边境检查站已重新开门;曾经空荡荡的运输大厅里挤满了人,关了门的商铺也重新开张了。
        Ms. Zhou, 22, a university student, texted her parents that she planned to be home for Lunar New Year on Jan. 22. “Wow, this is such happy news! The border is finally open,” her parents wrote back with a line of thumbs-up emoji.        现年22岁的周女士是一名大学生,她给父母发短信说打算今年1月22日回家过年。“哇塞,这个消息好开心啊,终于开关啦,”她父母回复道,还用了好几个大拇指的表情符。
        But unease, from both travelers and nations that have long waited to welcome deep-pocketed Chinese tourists again, has tempered the celebratory mood.        但来自旅行者和一些国家的不安给庆祝的气氛泼下冷水,一些国家曾一直在等待迎接出手阔绰的中国游客。
        As China swiftly abandoned Covid restrictions, a ferocious outbreak has ripped through the country in recent weeks, causing chaos in hospitals and putting pressure on health care workers. Beijing’s decision, announced less than two weeks ago, to open its borders has left many surprised, confused and cautious.        随着中国异常迅速地放弃了新冠病毒防控措施,狂风暴雨般的疫情已在最近几周席卷了全国各地,给医院制造了混乱,给医护人员带来了压力。中国政府在不到两周前宣布开放边境的决定让许多人惊讶、困惑和谨慎。
        “It was too abrupt,” said Jenny Zhao, 34, referring to China’s swift reversal of its Covid policies. Ms. Zhao, who is a marketing manager, has been living in Singapore for the past year. She found herself stuck overseas with near-impossible barriers to getting back home to China last year and decided to stay put after finding a job with an international company.        “太突然了,”现年34岁的珍妮·赵(音)说,她指的是中国“新冠清零”政策的迅速逆转。赵女士是一名营销经理,过去一年一直住在新加坡。去年,她发现自己被困在了海外,回国的障碍几乎不可克服,她在一家国际公司找到一份工作后,决定留在新加坡。
        Now, with infections spreading in China, Ms. Zhao isn’t sure she is ready to go back.        现在,随着新冠病毒在中国蔓延,赵女士拿不准自己是否做好了回国的准备。
        “All of my family members, including my grandmother, who is 88 years old, have gotten Covid,” Ms. Zhao said. Her mother told her that everyone in their 3,000-unit compound in the southern city of Chongqing seems to be sick with the virus.        “我所有的家人,包括我88岁的祖母,都感染了新冠病毒,”赵女士说。她妈妈告诉她,他们在重庆一个有3000户人家的小区里,几乎每个人都感染了新冠病毒。
        Instead of going there over the Lunar New Year, Ms. Zhao has decided to wait until summer to see her family. By then, she hopes, the current surge in Covid numbers will have fallen, restrictions on Chinese travelers overseas will have eased and airfare will be less expensive. Ms. Zhao said she plans to then take her parents on a trip to Thailand.        赵女士不打算在春节期间回国,而是决定等到夏天再与家人团聚。她希望到那时,新冠病毒感染人数激增的情况将得到缓解,国外对来自中国游客的限制将会放松,机票价格也会降下来。赵女士说,她打算夏天带父母去泰国旅行。
        Nations around the world are eager to welcome the return of Chinese tourists like Ms. Zhao and her parents. Before the pandemic, Chinese tourists spent $250 billion a year overseas. Their abrupt disappearance in early 2020, when China suspended tour groups and travel packages, plunged many tour guides and travel operators into bankruptcy. The impact was acutely felt in places like Thailand, Japan and South Korea.        世界各国都想迎来像赵女士和她父母这样的中国游客。在新冠病毒大流行之前,中国游客每年在海外的消费达2500亿美元。中国在2020年初暂停了旅行团和包价旅游后,中国游客在国外突然消失了,导致了许多当地的导游和旅行社破产。泰国、日本和韩国等地受到的影响最为严重。
        But some of those same countries are also hesitating between attracting Chinese tourists and concerns from health experts about the extent of China’s Covid outbreak, the potential for new mutations of the coronavirus and the possible strain that sick tourists could have on health care systems.        但这些国家中有些也在吸引中国游客与卫生专家的担忧之间犹豫不决,后者担心中国目前新冠疫情的严重程度、可能出现新变异株,以及感染了病毒的游客可能对本国医疗系统带来的压力。
        Global health experts and the World Health Organization have warned that the outbreak in China, and the country’s opacity in reporting cases, has made it hard to assess the severity of the situation.        全球卫生专家和世界卫生组织警告,中国暴发的疫情以及在报告病例方面的不透明使局势的严重性难以评估。
        In recent days, dozens of countries worldwide have started to require Covid testing and health monitoring of travelers coming from China. That’s prompted rebuke from Beijing, which has argued that the moves have no scientific basis.        最近几天,全球数十个国家开始要求对来自中国的旅客进行新冠病毒检测和健康监测。这招致了北京方面的谴责,称这些举措没有科学依据。
        The European Union on Wednesday said it “strongly encouraged” its 27 members to put in place testing and masking requirements as Chinese travelers begin to return to popular European cities.        欧盟周三表示,随着中国游客开始返回欧洲热门城市,它“强烈鼓励”27个成员国实施检测和佩戴口罩的要求。
        Even Hong Kong, where the government imposed many of the same border restrictions as China until a few months ago, has taken a cautious approach to opening its border with the mainland, capping the number of visitors at 60,000 people a day. The rule will be applied to Hong Kong visitors traveling north as well. Anyone entering either side of the border is required to show a negative P.C.R. test.        就连香港在开放与大陆的边境方面也采取了谨慎的态度,将每天的游客人数限制在6万人,仅在几个月前,香港政府实施了许多与中国相同的边境限制。去内地旅行的香港游客也需要遵守该规定。任何出入边境的人都必须出示核酸阴性检测结果。
        On Jeju Island, a South Korean destination once favored by Chinese tourists, many businesses are in wait-and-see mode. The government has halted all direct flights from China to the island, redirecting visitors to the country’s main airport in Seoul, where travelers will have to take a P.C.R. test upon arrival and quarantine if they are found to be sick.        在曾经深受中国游客青睐的韩国旅游胜地济州岛,不少商家都处于观望状态。政府已停止从中国到该岛的所有直飞航班,将游客引向位于首尔的主要机场,旅客必须在抵达时进行核酸检测,如果发现感染则将被隔离。
        “We are focused on alternative markets for the time being, such as Japan and Southeast Asia,” said Kim Chang-hyo, an official at the Jeju Island Tourism Association. South Korea has also stopped processing short-term visas for Chinese nationals, except those for diplomatic or business visits.        “我们暂时专注于其他市场,例如日本和东南亚,”济州岛旅游协会官员金昌孝(音)说。韩国也停止为中国公民办理短期签证,外交或商务访问除外。
        Thailand’s response has been friendlier. One government minister floated the idea of offering booster vaccines to Chinese tourists. Another urged Thais not to “bully” Chinese visitors based on unfounded fears about Covid.        泰国的反应更为友好。一位政府部长提出了向中国游客提供疫苗加强针的想法。另一位敦促泰国人不要基于对新冠的毫无根据的恐惧而“欺负”中国游客。
        But the Thai government is also taking measures to prevent its hospital system from being inundated by a sudden outbreak now that China’s borders are open. All visitors to the country must have two shots of a Covid vaccine, and the government has recommended mask-wearing in public. Visitors also must also have medical insurance to cover Covid treatment if they get sick.        但泰国政府也在采取措施,防止其医院系统在中国边境开放后因突然暴发疫情而不堪重负。所有来该国的游客都必须注射两针新冠疫苗,政府还建议在公共场合戴口罩。如果游客生病,必须有医疗保险支付新冠病毒治疗费用。
        Thailand is anticipating around 300,000 Chinese visitors in the first three months of 2023, said Yuthasak Supasorn, governor of the country’s Tourism Authority. “There are only 15 flights per week compared to before Covid, where there are around 400 flights per week,” he said. Before the pandemic, nearly a million Chinese tourists visited every month.        泰国旅游局局长育他沙·素巴颂表示,预计2023年前三个月泰国将接待约30万中国游客。“新冠之前每周大约有400个航班,相比之下现在每周只有15个航班,”他说。在疫情之前,每月有近百万的中国游客来访。
        At the Maetaeng Elephant Park in the northern Thai province of Chiang Mai, employees said they were excited to see Chinese tourists return. For now, though, they are busy with South Koreans, who have largely replaced the Chinese as their biggest clientele.        在泰国北部清迈省的湄登大象公园,员工们表示,他们很高兴看到中国游客回归。不过目前,他们忙于接待韩国游客,韩国人已基本取代中国人成为他们最大的客户群体。
        “It is all still wait and see,” said Thipsuda Poungmalee, a sales and marketing manager at the park.        “一切都还在观望中,”公园的销售和营销经理基普苏达·彭马莱说。
        In Osaka, Japan, where Chinese tourists would sometimes make the news for what the Japanese call “bakugai” — or explosive buying — the optimism is also muted. “Of course, it has been much quieter without tourists from China, the city has been less lively,” said Makoto Tsuda, an official with the Osaka Prefecture’s Tourism Promotion office. Before the pandemic, nearly half of all foreign visitors to the city came from China, he said.         在中国游客有时会因为日本人形容的“爆买“而上新闻的大阪,乐观情绪也减弱了。“当然,没有来自中国的游客,这座城市安静了许多,也没有那么热闹了,”大阪府观光振兴组课长津田诚说。他表示,在疫情之前,该市近一半的外国游客来自中国。
        Japan is requiring visitors from China to provide a negative P.C.R. test before arriving and to take another test when they arrive. Mr. Tsuda said he expects to see more visitors from China, but perhaps not right away.        日本要求来自中国的游客在到达之前提供阴性核酸结果,并在到达时再次进行一次检测。津田说,他预计会有更多来自中国的游客,但可能不会马上到来。
        “I do think there is an additional hurdle compared with visitors from other countries, so it may not be a sudden burst of incoming tourists from China, but more gradual,” Mr. Tsuda said.        “我确实认为,与来自其他国家的游客相比,来自中国的游客面临一个额外的障碍,所以可能不会突然激增,而是渐进的,”津田说。
        Among those at Hong Kong International airport on Sunday was Yan Yan, a 55-year-old garment wholesaler who had traveled from South Carolina with her husband.        周日在香港国际机场,一名55岁的服装批发商严燕(音)和丈夫从南卡罗来纳州来到香港。
        They waited patiently to check their luggage on a Xiamen Airlines flight to Tianjin as the lines in a packed departures hall inched forward.        出发大厅里,拥挤的队伍正一点一点向前推进,他们耐心地等待将行李托运到厦门航空飞往天津的航班上。
        She used to visit her parents in Tianjin every year. But this will be her first time home since the start of the pandemic in early 2020. Limited flights and abrupt cancellations, not to mention onerous quarantines and P.C.R. testing, had deterred her until now. One of her friends who had flown back to China had spent the entire trip between quarantine facilities.        她过去每年都去天津探视父母。但这将是她自2020年初大流行开始以来第一次回家。航班有限和突然取消,更不用说繁重的隔离和核酸测试措施一直让她望而却步。她的一个朋友飞回中国后,整个旅程都是在不同的隔离设施中度过的。
        “Now that the restrictions have loosened, it’s much better,” she said, adding that she was relieved to see her relatives after they had recovered from difficult bouts of Covid several weeks ago.        她说:“现在放开了,情况好多了。”她还说,看到亲戚几周前从艰难的新冠疫情中恢复过来,她感到如释重负。
        “It will be a great new year to spend with family.”        “这次会和家人好好过一个春节。”

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