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This Is What Shanghai’s Covid Outbreak Looks Like

来源:纽约时报    2023-01-11 09:40

        Shanghai is being gripped by China’s massive Covid wave, leading to a surge in hospitalizations and crowded funeral homes.        上海正被中国大规模的新冠感染浪潮所笼罩,导致住院人数激增,殡仪馆人满为患。
        Local health officials said last week that up to 70 percent of the city’s 26 million residents had been infected, and they expressed confidence that its outbreak had peaked.        当地卫生官员上周表示,该市2600万居民中高达70%的人已经被感染,他们表示相信疫情已经达到顶峰。
        But many of the city’s hospitals are still overcrowded, particularly with older people. Funeral homes have been inundated with mourners.        但是这个城市的许多医院仍然人满为患,尤其是老年人。殡仪馆里挤满了哀悼者。
        Infections soared across China late last year, and the government abruptly lifted its strict, but ultimately futile, Covid restrictions in early December. Shanghai endured one of China’s most grueling lockdowns last spring, with residents confined to their homes for more than two months.        去年末,中国各地的感染人数飙升,政府在12月初突然取消了其严苛、但最终徒劳无效的防疫政策。上海去年春天经历了中国最令人痛苦的封锁,居民被限制在家中超过两个月。
        China’s current wave of infections has been fueled by a lack of immunity in the population, most of which was not exposed to the coronavirus for years because of the country’s strict controls. In addition, many older adults never received a full course of vaccines or booster shots.        人群免疫力缺乏助长了中国目前的这波感染,由于国家的严格控制,大多数人几年来没有接触过新冠病毒。此外,许多老年人从未接受过完整的疫苗注射或打加强针。
        The following photographs capture the grief and anxiety that swept across Shanghai over the weekend, beginning with this image of patients being taken to the emergency room of a Shanghai hospital.        从这张病人被送入上海一家医院急诊室的照片开始,以下这些照片捕捉了在周末席卷上海的悲痛和焦虑。
        Hospital personnel say they are overworked because many colleagues are absent, having tested positive for Covid.        医院工作人员称他们过度工作,因为许多同事都因感染新冠而不在岗。
        With hospitals overwhelmed, patients are being treated in every available space.        医院不堪重负,病人在每一个可用的空间接受治疗。
        Many older Chinese adults did not take a full vaccine course or get booster shots, fearing that they were too frail to be inoculated.        许多中国老年人没有接受完整疫苗注射或打加强针,他们担心自己身体过于虚弱,不能接种。
        People in a hospital courtyard, with the body of a recently deceased family member.        人们在一家医院的院里,旁边是一位刚刚去世的家人的遗体。
        Consoling a grieving woman outside a Shanghai funeral home.        在上海一家殡仪馆外安慰一名悲痛的妇女。
        Mourners coming out of a funeral home, one carrying the ashes of the deceased.        送葬的人离开一家殡仪馆,其中一人抱着逝者的骨灰。
        Another crowded hallway in a Shanghai hospital.        一家上海医院里拥挤的过道。
        A view of a hospital lobby.        一家医院的大厅。
        Getting treatment in a hallway.        在走廊里接受治疗。
        Patients in a crowded Shanghai hospital.        病人们在上海一家拥挤的医院里。
        Another group of mourners, walking past a funeral home.        一群送葬者走过一家殡仪馆。
        A body on a gurney in a Shanghai hospital.        一具遗体躺在上海一家医院的轮床上。

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