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Driver Runs Down Pedestrians in Southern China, Killing at Least 5

来源:纽约时报    2023-01-12 03:29

        A driver sped into pedestrians in a busy intersection in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou, killing at least five people and injuring more than a dozen others, according to the police and videos posted online.        警方通告和网络视频显示,在中国南部城市广州一处闹市区的十字路口,一名司机驾车冲撞行人,造成至少五人死亡,十余人受伤。
        Officers arrested a 22-year-old man and were trying to determine a motive, according to the city’s public security bureau. Videos appeared to show the driver throwing money into the air after hitting the people and before being apprehended.        广州市公安局称,警方逮捕了一名22岁的男子,正试图确定其动机。视频似乎显示撞人后的肇事司机在被逮捕之前曾向空中洒钱。
        The incident, which took place on Wednesday during the afternoon rush hour, set off shock and anger online and in Guangzhou, a city of more than 18 million people and the capital of Guangdong Province.        周三这起事件发生在晚高峰时段,在广州这个人口超1800万的广东省会城市引起了广泛的震惊和愤怒。
        Footage of the scene, in the busy Tianhe district, showed a black BMW S.U.V. entering the intersection of Tianhe Road and Tiyu East Road at high speed, making turns as it struck pedestrians and motorists in multiple crossings.        事发现场位于车水马龙的天河区,录像显示一辆黑色宝马SUV高速驶入天河路和体育东路的十字路口,在多个路口不断转向碾压路人和司机。
        Afterward, victims lay immobile and bloodied on the roads, stray shoes and phones scattered around them. “There was a collective wail,” Hym Chu, a 25-year-old photographer, wrote in a post on Weibo, a Twitter-like social platform. “Everyone ran.”        事发后遇害者一动不动倒在马路上的血泊中,鞋子和手机散落在身边。“各种哀嚎声,”25岁摄影师谦仔(Hym Chu)在类似Twitter的社交平台微博上写道。“大家都在跑。”
        Mr. Chu said he stayed for two hours at the chaotic scene, retrieving belongings for the injured and helping to move the damaged motorcycle of a delivery worker.        谦仔说他在混乱的现场待了两小时,为伤者拿回财物,并帮一名快递员扶起损坏的摩托车。
        In one video of the driver, filmed while he was being held to the ground, he shouted that his uncle was Huang Kunming, the Communist Party secretary of Guangdong Province. It was unclear whether that was true.        在拍摄肇事司机被按倒在地的一段视频中,他大喊自己的叔叔是广东省委书记黄坤明。尚不清楚这是否属实。
        It is rare for vehicles to be deliberately driven into crowds in China, but reckless driving involving luxury cars has sometimes stoked public anger, touching a nerve in a country with a stark wealth gap.        在中国,车辆故意碾压人群的事件很少见,但豪车野蛮驾驶有时会激起公愤,触动这个贫富差距悬殊的国家的敏感神经。
        More than a decade ago, in the northeastern city of Baoding, the son of Li Gang, a deputy police chief, killed a college student while drunkenly driving his Volkswagen sedan. As he was apprehended, he yelled, “My father is Li Gang!” Propaganda officials tried to cover up the incident, but the phrase became a grim joke symbolizing the impunity of powerful local officials and those connected to them.        十几年前,在东北部城市保定,公安局副局长李刚的儿子醉酒驾驶一辆大众轿车撞死一名大学生。在被制服时,他大喊“我爸是李刚”。宣传官员后来试图掩盖这一事件,但这句话逐渐成为有权有势的地方官员以及和他们有关系的人逍遥法外的象征。
        Within hours of the Guangzhou incident on Wednesday, it became one of the top trending topics on Weibo, with many users decrying the senseless deaths and disparaging the driver. By Thursday morning, several graphic videos and photos from the scene had been taken down by censors.        与周三这一事件相关的话题在事发后数小时成为微博上最热门的话题之一,许多用户对无辜者的惨死发起谴责,愤怒声讨肇事司机。到周四早上,审查人员已经删除了许多事故现场的视频和图片细节。

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