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With F.B.I. Search, U.S. Escalates Global Fight Over Chinese Police Outposts

来源:纽约时报    2023-01-13 02:23

        The nondescript, six-story office building on a busy street in New York’s Chinatown lists several mundane businesses on its lobby directory, including an engineering company, an acupuncturist and an accounting firm.        这座不起眼的六层写字楼位于纽约唐人街一条繁忙的街道上,大堂的租户名录上列出了几家寻常公司,包括一家工程公司、一个针灸工作室和一家会计师事务所。
        A more remarkable enterprise, on the third floor, is unlisted: a suspected Chinese police outpost operating without jurisdiction or diplomatic approval — one of more than 100 such outfits around the world that are unnerving diplomats and intelligence agents.        三楼则有一家不寻常的公司,没有出现在名录上:一家疑似在没有管辖权或外交批准的情况下运作的中国海外警务服务站。这样的机构在全球有100多个,它们令外交官和情报人员感到不安。
        F.B.I. counterintelligence agents searched the building last fall as part of a criminal investigation being conducted with the U.S. attorney’s office in Brooklyn, according to people with knowledge of the inquiry. The search represents an escalation in a global dispute over China’s efforts to police its diaspora far beyond its borders. Irish, Canadian and Dutch officials have called for China to shut down police operations in their countries. The F.B.I. raid is the first known example of the authorities seizing materials from one of the outposts.        据知情人士透露,FBI反谍报人员于去年秋天搜查了这座大楼,这是布鲁克林美国检察官办公室正在进行的刑事调查的一部分。此次搜查代表了一场全球争端的升级,这场争端围绕中国在海外对其侨民的监管努力展开。爱尔兰、加拿大和荷兰官员呼吁中国停止在它们国家的警务行动。联邦调查局的突然搜查是当局从这类警务站没收材料的第一个已知案例。
        Those who discussed the F.B.I. search did so on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter. The Chinese Embassy in Washington on Wednesday played down the role of the outposts, saying they are staffed by volunteers who help Chinese nationals perform routine tasks like renewing their driver’s licenses back home.        因为未获授权谈论FBI的搜查,相关知情人士要求匿名。中国驻华盛顿大使馆周三淡化了警务站的作用,表示在那里做事的人是志愿者,帮助中国公民完成一些诸如更新驾照等日常事宜。
        But Chinese state news media reports reviewed by The New York Times cite police and local Chinese officials by name describing the operations very differently. They tout the effectiveness of the offices, which are frequently called overseas police service centers. Some reports describe the Chinese outposts “collecting intelligence” and solving crimes abroad without collaborating with local officials. The public statements leave it murky who exactly is running the offices. Sometimes they are referred to as volunteers; other times as staff members or, in at least one case, the director.        但《纽约时报》看到的中国官方新闻媒体报道实名提及了警官和中国地方官员,这些报道对这类行动的描述截然不同。他们吹捧这些办事处的效率,它们通常被称为海外警务服务中心。一些报道称,中国的海外警务站在绕过当地警方的情况下“收集情报”并破获国外犯罪活动。这些公开声明让人猜不透究竟是谁在管理这些办事处。有时他们被称为志愿者;其他时候则是工作人员,至少在一例情况下是主任。
        Some of those online articles have been deleted recently as Western officials and human rights groups have called attention to the police offices.        最近,由于西方官员和人权组织呼吁关注这些警务站,其中一些文章已从网上删除。
        Western officials see the outposts as part of Beijing’s larger drive to keep tabs on Chinese nationals abroad, including dissidents. The most notorious such effort is known as Operation Fox Hunt, in which Chinese officials hunt down fugitives abroad and pressure them to return home.        西方官员将这些警务站视为北京加大力度推动监视海外中国公民(包括持不同政见者)的一部分。此类行动中最恶名昭彰的是“猎狐行动”,在该行动中,中国官员追捕海外逃犯并迫使他们回国。
        At least four Chinese localities — Fuzhou, Qingtian, Nantong and Wenzhou — have set up dozens of police outposts, according to state media accounts and public statements published in China. They identify sites in Japan, Italy, France, Britain, Germany, Hungary, the Czech Republic and other nations.        根据官方媒体报道和在中国发表的公开声明,至少有四个地方——福州、青田、南通和温州——设立了数十个警务站。这些报道和声明确认了在日本、意大利、法国、英国、德国、匈牙利、捷克共和国和其他国家存在站点。
        “It’s extremely worrying from the human rights perspective. We’re essentially allowing the Chinese diaspora to be controlled by the P.R.C. rather than subject to our national laws,” said Igor Merheim-Eyre, an adviser to a Slovakian member of the European Parliament, using the acronym for the People’s Republic of China. “That obviously has a huge impact — not only for our relations with the Chinese diaspora across Europe, but also has huge implications for national sovereignty.”        “从人权的角度来看,这非常令人担忧。我们实质上是在允许华人侨民被中华人民共和国控制,而不是受制于我们国家的法律,”欧洲议会一名斯洛伐克议员的顾问伊戈尔·默海姆-艾尔说。“这显然会产生巨大影响——不仅对我们与欧洲各地华人侨民的关系,而且对国家主权也有巨大影响。”
        The New York outpost, which was set up by the city of Fuzhou, is based in the offices of a Chinese community organization, the America Changle Association NY, according to the state-run China Youth Daily, which last year published a document listing various police outposts. Changle is a district in the city of Fuzhou. The article has since been deleted. Other addresses of Chinese police outposts match locations of private businesses, including Chinese restaurants and commercial associations. The Chinese embassy in Washington described the spaces as “provided by local overseas Chinese communities who would like to be helpful.”        据官方媒体《中国青年报》报道,福州市在纽约设立的警务站位于华人社区组织纽约美国长乐公会的办公室,该报去年发表了一份文件,列出了许多警务站。长乐是福州市的一个区。这篇文章后来被删除了。其他中国警务站的地址与包括中餐馆和商业协会在内的私营企业的地址相吻合。中国驻华盛顿大使馆将这些空间描述为“由愿意提供帮助的当地海外华人社区提供”。
        America Changle is headed by Lu Jianshun, known as Jimmy Lu, a donor to Mayor Eric Adams of New York. It is unclear whether he is a focus of the F.B.I.’s investigation. A spokesman for Mr. Adams said the mayor does not know him.        美国长乐公会的负责人卢建顺(英文名Jimmy Lu)是纽约市长埃里克·亚当斯的捐款人之一。目前尚不清楚他是否是FBI的重点调查对象。亚当斯的发言人称市长不认识他。
        Mr. Lu, asked during a brief phone conversation about the F.B.I. search, said he would call back but did not. He did not respond to telephone and text messages seeking comment. Spokesmen for the F.B.I. and the U.S. attorney’s office in Brooklyn declined to comment, but the F.B.I. director, Christopher Wray, told lawmakers in November that he was aware of and concerned by the outposts, which he called police stations.        在简短的电话交谈中,卢建顺被问到有关FBI搜查的问题,他说他会回电,但未兑现。他没有回复置评请求的电话和短信。FBI发言人和布鲁克林的美国检察官办公室拒绝置评,但FBI局长克里斯托弗·雷曾在11月告诉立法者,他知道这些站点的存在——他称之为警察局,并为此感到担忧。
        The Chinese Embassy in Washington said the sites are not police stations. “They are not police personnel from China,” said the embassy spokesperson, Liu Pengyu. “There is no need to make people nervous about this.”        中国驻华盛顿大使馆表示,这些地点不是警察局。“他们不是来自中国的警察,”大使馆发言人刘鹏宇说。“大家不必紧张。”
        It is not automatically inappropriate for police officers to work overseas. The F.B.I., for example, posts agents abroad. But they typically declare themselves to the foreign government and work out of American embassies. If they perform law enforcement duties, it is with the permission of the local authorities. China has made similar arrangements for joint patrols in places like Italy, a popular destination for Chinese tourists.        警察在海外工作不一定就是不正当。例如,FBI也在国外派驻特工。但他们通常向外国政府申报并在美国大使馆工作。如果履行执法职责,则需要获得地方当局的许可。中国也有类似的联合执法安排,例如在意大利,那里是中国游客的热门目的地。
        That makes the off-the-books operations all the more curious.        这使得这些未置于台面之上的操作更加令人好奇。
        China’s Foreign Ministry has said little in response to the criticism, but back in China, police departments have trumpeted their reach and information-gathering powers both in official statements and in the state news media.        中国外交部未对批评做出回应,但在中国,公安部门在官方声明和官方新闻媒体上大肆宣扬他们的影响力和信息收集能力。
        One article in a newspaper associated with the propaganda department of China’s Qingtian County describes a Chinese woman who said she had money stolen in Budapest. Instead of calling the local authorities, she sought help from the Chinese police outpost there. The people in charge of the police center, the article said, used surveillance footage from a convenience store to identify the thief, a Romanian, and recovered the money through “negotiation and education.”        与中国青田县宣传部门有关的报纸上有篇文章称,一名华人女子称在布达佩斯被偷了钱。她没有报告地方当局,而是向当地的中国警务站寻求帮助。文章称,警务中心负责人利用一家便利店的监控录像确定了小偷是一名罗马尼亚人,并通过“交涉和教育”追回了这笔钱。
        The state-run China News Service said Qingtian’s overseas police centers gathered information on public opinion and the sentiment of Chinese people living abroad.        官方的中国新闻社称,青田县的海外警务中心收集了海外华人的民意民情。
        And an article posted by a Communist Party body in Jiangsu province said that Nantong City Overseas Police Linkage Service Centers had helped capture and persuade more than 80 criminal suspects to return to China since February 2016. The human rights group Safeguard Defenders said in a report late last year that the police stations carried out similar operations in Serbia, Spain and France.        江苏一个党组织发文称,自2016年2月以来,南通市海内外警侨联动服务中心已帮助抓捕和说服80多名犯罪嫌疑人返回中国。“保护卫士”人权组织在去年年底的一份报告中表示,这些警务站也在塞尔维亚、西班牙和法国开展了类似行动。
        It is not clear what the F.B.I. was investigating during its search, but it comes amid a broader Justice Department effort to rein in Fox Hunt. In October, prosecutors in Brooklyn — the same office that searched the New York office — charged seven Chinese nationals with harassing a U.S. resident and his son, pressuring the man to return to China to face criminal charges.        尚不清楚FBI的搜查是在调查什么,但这是在司法部更广泛地遏制“猎狐行动”之际进行的。去年10月,布鲁克林检察官——也就是搜查纽约办公室的那个单位——指控七名中国公民骚扰一名美国居民和他的儿子,试图迫使该男子返回中国接受刑事指控。
        “It’s outrageous that China thinks it can come to our shores, conduct illegal operations and bend people here in the United States to their will,” Mr. Wray said in 2020, after the authorities charged eight others with being part of Fox Hunt.        “中国以为可以把手伸到我们这边,从事非法行动,并让美国人民屈从于他们的意愿,这太过分了,”雷在2020年说,当时有另外八人因参与“猎狐行动”而受到当局指控。
        The Chinese government has also surveilled and pressured ethnic minorities abroad, including Uyghurs and Tibetans, as well as their families. Human rights groups and government officials fear that the outposts could be bases for these kinds of operations.        中国政府还对包括维吾尔人和藏人在内的海外少数民族及其家人进行监视和压迫。人权组织和政府官员担心,这些警务站可能正是此类行动的基地。
        Current and former law enforcement officials in New York say that the Chinatown outpost, like others elsewhere in the United States, date to the middle of the last decade. Police officials in at least one Chinese province tried then to arrange for their officers to train with the New York Police Department and other departments in cities that are home to large Chinese communities, the law enforcement officials said.        纽约现任及前任执法官员称,和美国其他地方一样,设于华埠的警务站可以追溯到2010年代中期。执法官员说,当时至少有一个中国省份的公安官员试图安排手下警官与纽约警局和华人社区较多的城市的警察部门一起接受培训。
        The Chinese officials wanted the N.Y.P.D. to sign a memorandum of understanding to outline the training program and make it official. But senior commanders and New York F.B.I. officials had serious concerns. They feared that the training program could legitimize the presence of Chinese officers and potentially make the N.Y.P.D. an unwitting partner in a campaign of surveillance and harassment, the officials said.        中国官员想让纽约警局签署谅解备忘录,概述培训计划,并使之具有正式效力。但高级警官和纽约FBI官员对此表示严重关切。官员称,他们担心培训计划会使中国官员的存在合法化,并可能导致纽约警局在不知情的情况下成为监视和骚扰活动的帮手。
        “The Chinese government wants to have more influence and to extend their transnational policing,” said Chen Yen-ting, a Taiwan-based researcher who worked on the Safeguard Defenders report. “It’s a long-arm power to show their own citizens inside China that their government is so strong. We have the power to reach globally, and even if you go out, you’re still under our control.”        “中国政府想获得更大的影响力,并扩张他们的跨国警务,”参与“保护卫士”报告撰写的台湾研究员陈彦廷说。“这样的长臂力量是在告诉中国国内公民,他们的政府无比强大。我们有能力触及全球,即使你出国,照样也我们的控制之下。”
        The Chinese cities appear to be taking steps to conceal their efforts. Márton Tompos, a Hungarian lawmaker, said he visited a Chinese police center in Budapest last year. “There were three signs saying Qingtian Police Overseas Service Station,” he said in an interview. After he spoke about the visit, he said, the signs were removed.        中国的城市似乎在采取措施掩盖其行动。匈牙利议员通波什·马顿说,他去年参观了布达佩斯的一处中国警务中心。“三块标牌上写着青田警侨海外服务中心,”他在接受采访时说。他说在自己谈及这次访问后,标牌均被移除。
        Not everyone is convinced that the outposts present a major threat. Jeremy Daum, a scholar at the Paul Tsai China Center at Yale Law School, said that though government harassment of Chinese nationals is a serious problem, for the most part these personnel appear focused on arranging administrative tasks by providing video links between Chinese people abroad and police departments back in China.        并非所有人都认为这些警务站构成重大威胁。耶鲁大学法学院蔡中曾中国中心的学者唐哲(Jeremy Daum)表示,虽然政府对中国公民的骚扰是个严重问题,但在大多数情况下,这些人员似乎专注于安排行政工作,为海外华人和国内公安部门提供视频联络。
        In theory, a person could carry out the same video chat process, he said, using a smartphone.        他说,理论上,个人也可用智能手机进行同样的视频会话。
        “The processing and activity seems to be happening in China,” Mr. Daum said, referring to examples cited in the Safeguard Defenders report.        “处理和行动似乎发生在中国,”唐哲在谈到“保护卫士”报告中援引的案例时表示。
        Chinese dissidents in Europe see things differently. “Those are things you can get done at the embassy,” said Lin Shengliang, a Chinese dissident in the Netherlands. He said people fear the police are keeping tabs on them.        欧洲的华人异见者有不同的看法。“这些事在大使馆也能做,”荷兰的华人异见者林生亮说。他表示,人们担忧警察正在监视他们。
        “I am extremely anxious about them,” he said by phone. “There are no channels to report this, and there’s nothing we can do about it.”        “我对他们感到非常焦虑,”他在电话中说。“没有能上报这种情况的渠道,我们对此无能为力。”

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