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Financial steps set to boost private firms

来源:中国日报    2023-01-09 17:58

        China's financial policy will focus on improving the income level of vulnerable groups while stepping up support for private enterprises, in order to spur domestic demand, a central bank official said.        中国人民银行官员表示,中国的货币政策将侧重于增加中低收入群体的收入水平,加大向民营企业的倾斜力度,以刺激国内需求。
        Experts said such efforts are expected to be a key driving force for China's economic recovery, especially as the country's space in monetary policy has expanded, thanks to a stabilizing renminbi exchange rate and expectations of mild domestic inflation.        专家表示,这些举措将成为中国经济复苏的关键动力,特别是由于人民币汇率稳定、国内通胀预期温和,中国的货币政策空间更加充足。
        "Financial policy should actively cooperate with fiscal and social policies on boosting the income of low- and middle-income groups and those severely affected by the pandemic through multiple channels, to meet their basic living needs and increase spending power," said Guo Shuqing, Party secretary of the People's Bank of China, the country's central bank.        中国人民银行党委书记郭树清表示:“金融政策要积极配合财政政策和社会政策,多渠道增加中低收入和受疫情影响较大群体的收入,以满足其基本生活需求,提高消费能力。”
        More financial products should be created to encourage spending on housing and automobiles, and financial support will be strengthened for services consumption in such areas as education and culture, Guo told Xinhua News Agency on Saturday.        1月7日,郭树清在接受新华社记者采访时表示,应开发更多适销对路的金融产品,鼓励住房、汽车等消费,围绕教育、文化等领域加强对服务消费的综合金融支持。
        According to Guo, financial services will play a big role in transforming income into consumption and investment, which are at the core of rapid economic recovery and high-quality development.        郭树清认为,将当期总收入最大可能地转化为消费和投资,是经济快速恢复和高质量发展的关键,金融服务大有可为。
        Experts said Guo's remarks have detailed financial authorities' work agenda of boosting consumption, a key focus of the country's economic work in 2023.        专家表示,郭树清在采访中阐述了金融部门提振消费的计划,这是2023年中国经济工作的重点。
        Lou Feipeng, a researcher at Postal Savings Bank of China, said monetary policy is expected to work closely with fiscal policy to boost domestic demand, such as in terms of accommodating local government bond issuances by maintaining reasonable and ample market liquidity.        中国邮政储蓄银行研究员娄飞鹏表示,预计货币政策将与财政政策密切配合,以提振国内需求,例如,通过保持市场流动性合理充裕来调节地方政府债券发行。
        Monetary policy will also step up support for private enterprises, Guo said, as efforts will be made to support private companies' equity and bond financing, reduce their comprehensive financing costs and promote the healthy development of platform enterprises while increasing support for the services sector.        郭树清表示,货币政策还将加大向民营企业的倾斜力度,支持其通过发行股票债券获取更多金融资源,推动降低综合融资成本,促进平台企业健康发展,同时加大对服务行业支持力度。
        As economic policies take effect while COVID containment is optimized, China's economy is likely to return to the normal growth track quickly, Guo said, adding that the country has a relatively high potential for growth.        郭树清表示,随着疫情防控措施优化,中国经济增长有望较快恢复到正常轨道上来,经济潜在增长率较高。
        Reflecting international financial markets' confidence in China's economic prospects and price stability, the renminbi has sharply rallied since late last year with rising capital inflows, Guo said.        郭树清称,去年底以来,人民币汇率大幅反弹,境外资本流入持续增长,充分反映了国际金融市场坚定看好我国经济发展。
        The country will further simplify the procedures for foreigners to invest in China, he added.        他补充道,中国将进一步简化境外投资者进入中国市场的程序。
        The onshore renminbi advanced by 585 basis points against the US dollar to close at 6.8235 on Saturday, the highest level in more than four months.        1月7日,在岸人民币兑美元收报6.8235元,上涨585点。创近四个多月最高水平。

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