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Take these things off of your resume for a better shot at landing the job

来源:中国日报    2023-01-11 08:00

        If you applied, it's already obvious you want the job.        如果你投递了简历,很明显是你想要这份工作。
        Amanda Augustine, a career expert for TopResume, suggests including only one phone number on your resume, ideally your cell phone.        TopResume网站职业专家阿曼达·奥古斯丁建议,简历中只留一个电话号码,最好是手机号码。
        If you're using a 0.5-inch margin and eight-point font in an effort to get everything to fit on one page, consider it an "epic fail," says J.T. O'Donnell, founder of career advice site Careerealism.com.        职业咨询网站Careerealism.com创始人J.T.奥唐纳认为,如果为了将所有内容都放到一页纸上,而使用0.5英寸的页边距和8号字体,那简直是“史诗级败笔”。
        She recommends lots of white space and no more than a 0.8 margin.        她建议多留些空白,且不超过页边距0.8英寸。
        Augustine agrees, warning particularly against dense blocks of text.        奥古斯丁对此表示同意,并特别警告不要出现大段大段的文字。
        Avoid including a job on your resume if you only held the position for a short period of time, Alyssa Gelbard, founder of career consulting firm Resume Strategists says. You should especially avoid including jobs you were let go from or didn't like.        职业咨询公司Resume Strategists的创始人阿丽莎·格尔巴德称,如果一份工作经历很短暂,不要写在简历上,应该避免出现你被解雇或不喜欢的工作经历。
        Never describe past work experience using the present tense. Only your current job should be written in the present tense, Gelbard says.        格尔巴德提醒,在写英文简历时,要注意不要用现在时描述过去的工作经历。只有现在的工作应该用现在时来描述。
        Candidates often think, "If I explain why I left the position on my resume, maybe my chances will improve."        应聘者常常会想,“如果在简历上阐述离职原因,也许提高简历通过机会。”
        In reality, doing so is "irrelevant". Instead, use your interview to address this.        事实上,这样做是“无意义的”。相反,在面试中阐述这一点。
        Once you're out of school, your grades aren't nearly as relevant anymore.        一旦离开学校,你的成绩就不再那么重要了。
        If you're a new college graduate and your GPA was a 3.8 or higher, it's okay to leave it. But, if you're more than three years out of school, or if your GPA was lower than a 3.8, ditch it.        如果你是一名刚毕业的大学生,且GPA在3.8以上,那么可以写在简历上。但是,如果你离开学校超过三年,或者GPA低于3.8,那么不要写。
        Don't just say you accomplished X, Y, or Z — show it by quantifying the facts.        不要只说你完成了X、Y或Z——通过量化事实来说明。
        For instance, instead of saying, "Grew revenues," try saying, "X project resulted in an Y% increase in revenues."        例如,不要说“增加收入”,而是说“X项目增收Y%”。

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