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Local govts issue vouchers to boost consumption

来源:中国日报    2023-01-12 15:50

        As the Spring Festival approaches, many local governments have stepped up their efforts to boost consumption by issuing vouchers and launching a range of promotion activities, Securities Daily reported on Wednesday.        据《证券日报》1月11日报道,随着春节临近,许多地方政府都通过发放消费券和开展一系列促销活动来加大刺激消费的力度。
        Such efforts were encouraged by the Ministry of Commerce, which worked with relevant local departments to prioritize economic recovery and boost consumption by fine-tuning the implementation of policies and initiatives, according to the ministry's spokeswoman Shu Jueting said at the regular press conference on Jan 6.        这些促进消费的措施也受到商务部的支持。1月6日,商务部新闻发言人束珏婷在例行新闻发布会上表示,商务部将和各地方各相关部门一道,把恢复和扩大消费摆在优先位置,积极研究细化落实促消费政策举措。
        Shenyang, the capital of Liaoning province, will distribute 100 million yuan of Spring Festival consumption coupons from Jan 10 to Feb 28, aiming to encourage sales in automobiles, home appliances and retails.        1月10日至2月28日期间,辽宁省沈阳市将重点面向汽车、家电、商超、餐饮等领域,发放1亿元新春消费券。
        In Tianjin, the second phase of 115 million yuan of vouchers will be issued from Jan 11 onwards, with four categories of vouchers for automobiles, home appliances, retails and catering sectors.        天津市从1月11日起陆续发放第二期1.15亿元的“津乐购”消费券,将设立汽车、家电、百货零售、餐饮文旅等四大类消费券类型。
        Beijing's Fangshan district is starting to issue 1 million vouchers to encourage spending in cultural and tourism sectors from Jan 11 until Feb 2.        北京市房山区1月11日至2月2日期间将发放百万文旅消费券。
        In Zhejiang province, over 250 special promotions and investment events will be held across the province, and over 1.6 billion yuan of vouchers are expected to be distributed in a bid to spur consumption.        浙江省各地将举办250场以上特色促销和招商引资活动,预计发放消费券超16亿元。
        Shanxi province proposed to issue 1,500 yuan consumption vouchers per person for people with special needs.        山西省提出,为特困救助供养对象发放“爱心消费券”,发放标准为每人1500元。
        Henan province will extend its subsidy for purchasing vehicles until the end of March.        河南省将购车补贴政策延续至2023年3月底。
        Chongqing will issue 12 policies by the end of this month to further increase financial support for consumption and enlarge domestic demand, according to the municipal's press conference on Jan 3.        1月3日,重庆市政府新闻办举行发布会介绍,1月底前还将出台进一步加大金融支持消费恢复促进扩大内需的若干措施等12项政策文件。
        Encouraging consumption is on the top of the agenda in 2023, said Fu Yifu, a senior researcher from the Star Atlas Institute of Finance.        星图金融研究院高级研究员付一夫表示,2023年,扩大消费被放在优先位置。
        It is timely that many places across the country are issuing vouchers, which are expected to be more effective in boosting consumption, given that people are more willing to spend during the upcoming Spring Festival, which is traditionally the peak season for consumption, Fu added.        付一夫表示,考虑到每年春节假期前后都是传统的消费旺季,人们消费意愿普遍较强,因此全国多地发放消费券正当其时,有望在拉动消费方面取得更好的成效。
        The move has reduced household burdens, injected vitality into the consumption market and enhanced confidence in economic recovery, said Zhang Yiqun, deputy director of the China Special Committee on Budget Performance.        中国财政学会绩效管理专委会副主任委员张依群表示,各地发放消费券既在一定程度上减轻了家庭成本负担,又有力促进了消费市场活跃、提振了经济恢复信心。

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