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Speaker Fight Reveals a Divided and Disoriented House Majority

来源:纽约时报    2023-01-04 05:09

        WASHINGTON — House Republicans began their new majority rule on Tuesday with a chaotic and historic debacle, an embarrassing failure to rally around a leader that showcased the difficulties they will face in performing even the basics of governing and their lack of a unifying agenda.        华盛顿——周二,刚刚成为多数党的共和党人以一场混乱的、历史性的惨败开始了他们对众议院的掌控,他们没能就领袖人选达成一致,此次难堪的失败表明,他们在哪怕最基本的政府治理上都将面临困难,并且缺乏一个统一的议程。
        Handed narrow control of the House by voters in November, Republicans squandered the opening hours of the new Congress they could have used to dispel concerns about their capabilities. Instead, they feuded in a disorderly display over who among them should be speaker as the most extreme elements of the new majority repeatedly rejected Representative Kevin McCarthy of California.        11月的选举让共和党以微弱优势获得了众议院的控制权,他们本可以在新一届国会开幕之际打消对他们的能力的质疑。结果在由谁担任议长的问题上,他们开始了乱哄哄的争吵,这个新科多数党中最极端的一群人反复拒绝接受加州众议员凯文·麦卡锡。
        Despite Mr. McCarthy’s prominent role in fund-raising and delivering the House to Republicans and his backing among most in the party ranks, about 20 Republicans refused to support him and for the first time in a century forced repeated rounds of voting for the speakership. After three flailing attempts at electing a speaker, Republicans abruptly called for the House to be adjourned until noon Wednesday as they scrambled for a way out of their leadership morass. The stalemate meant the usually routine organization of the new House did not occur and its members were not sworn in, nor could any legislation be considered.        尽管在筹款和让共和党得到众议院多数席位的竞选中发挥了显著作用,且得到共和党上下多数人的背书,还是有大约20名共和党人拒绝支持他,这是一个世纪以来首次被迫进行多轮次的议长选举。在三次试图选出议长未果后,共和党人突然提出众议院休会至周三中午,与此同时他们在手忙脚乱地为领袖人选问题寻找出路。这个僵局意味着,通常只是走过场的新一届众议院组织工作没有完成,议员没有宣誓就职,也不能考虑任何立法议案。
        The paralysis underscored the dilemma facing House Republicans: No matter the concessions made to some of those on the far right, they simply will not relent and join their colleagues even if it is for the greater good of their party, and perhaps the nation. They consider themselves conservative purists who cannot be placated unless all their demands are met — and maybe not even then. Their agenda is mostly to defund, disrupt and dismantle government, not to participate in it.        这样的瘫痪突显众议院共和党人身处两难境地:无论向党内极右翼做出多少让步,都无法促使他们动摇立场,与他们的党内同仁携手,哪怕这样做有利于本党乃至国家的大局。他们自认为是纯正的保守派,除非满足他们的要求,否则是不会息事宁人的——可能就算满足了都不行。他们的议程大体上就是对政府进行撤资、拆解和废除,而不是参与其中。
        It means that whoever emerges from the messy leadership fight will face deep-seated resistance when trying to shepherd spending bills and other measures that are fundamental to governance. Tuesday’s spectacle reflected that House Republicans have grown more skilled at legislative sabotage than legislative success, leaving the difficult business of getting things done to others.        也就是说,无论谁在这场混乱的领导权之争中胜出,接下来要想领导议院通过预算案以及其它对政府治理至关重要的举措,都将遭到顽固的抵制。周二的闹剧表明,众议院共和党人已经变得更擅长破坏立法而不是取得立法的成功,把办实事的艰辛留给别人去承受。
        “The rebels just don’t like McCarthy, and they seem to not be able to find a way to like him,” said John Feehery, a longtime Republican strategist and former top House aide. “They lack a legislative maturity to understand it can’t be personal. It has to be just business.”        “这些反叛者就是不喜欢麦卡锡,他们看起来实在没办法喜欢上他,”资深共和党策略师、前众议院高层助手约翰·费赫瑞说。“他们缺乏立法者的成熟,不理解这不是个人的事。必须做到公事公办。”
        Mr. McCarthy himself sought to make the conflict about something bigger than himself in an appeal to his opponents to put aside whatever feelings they had about him so Republicans could move forward.        麦卡锡本人试图强调这并非一场关于他的冲突,希望这能打动反对的人,让他们搁置对他的不满,帮助共和党向前推进。
        “This can’t be about that you are going to leverage somebody for your own personal gain inside Congress,” Mr. McCarthy told reporters. “This has to be about the country.”        “不应该为了自己在国会内的私利而去利用别人,”麦卡锡对记者说。“一定要以国家为重。”
        But the holdouts were not yet budging.        但是反对者不为所动。
        “I have heard nothing new from Kevin,” said Representative Lauren Boebert, Republican of Colorado and a McCarthy foe, between rounds of votes.        “我看不到凯文能拿出什么新的东西,”麦卡锡的死对头、科罗拉多州共和党议员劳琳·博伯特在两轮投票的间隙说。
        To try to quell the revolt, Mr. McCarthy had already promised new rules that would open him or another figure to regular efforts to depose them from the speakership, along with requirements that would leave the leadership hamstrung and at the mercy of conservatives in trying to advance legislation.        为了平息反对声音,麦卡锡已经承诺制定新规,无论是他还是别的什么人当选,都会面临随时被免职的危险,同时还要接受一些要求,让领导层受到限制,在推进立法方面任由保守派摆布。
        Representative Jim Jordan, the Ohio Republican and hard-right alternative for speaker favored by some conservatives, conceded that the legislative outlook was limited at best, considering that bills favored by House Republicans were unlikely to pass in the Democratic Senate or to be signed by President Biden.        俄亥俄州共和党众议员、一些保守派支持的极右翼议长人选吉姆·乔丹承认,立法方面顶多能做一些有限的事,因为众议院共和党人支持的法案不太可能在民主党控制的参议院得到通过,也不太可能得到拜登总统的签署。
        “So be it,” said Mr. Jordan in nominating Mr. McCarthy. “They have to answer to the people in 2024.”        “那又如何,”乔丹在提名麦卡锡时说道。“到了2024年他们还是得面对人民的质问。”
        He also alluded to what was likely to be an epic struggle to keep the government running and stave off a disastrous debt default with Republicans in charge of the House, saying that their principal task was to ensure that Congress never again passed the kind of sprawling spending bill enacted last month.        他还暗示,在共和党控制众议院的情况下,要维持政府运转,避免灾难性的债务违约,可能得经历一番艰苦斗争。他说,他们的当务之急是确保国会再也不能通过上个月颁布的那种庞大的支出法案。
        The breakdown on the House floor was the latest and most pronounced of the assaults by the hard right on its own congressional leadership in recent years. Archconservatives drove out John A. Boehner in 2015, denied Mr. McCarthy the votes needed to succeed Mr. Boehner at the time and complained about the stewardship of the compromise consensus choice of Paul D. Ryan. But Tuesday’s attack was their most aggressive yet, a nationally televised implosion that showcased the intransigence and unwillingness to compromise of a segment of House Republicans in what should have been a moment of triumph.        在众议院发生的分裂是近年来强硬右翼对本党国会领导层发起的最新也是最引人瞩目的攻击。2015年,极端保守派将约翰·A·博纳赶下台,拒绝让麦卡锡获得接替博纳所需的票数,并对各方妥协达成的议长人选保罗·D·瑞安抱怨连连。但周二的攻击是他们迄今为止最为强势的一次,通过这场全国转播的内讧,人们看到部分众议院共和党人在本应欢庆胜利的时刻依然持着顽固和不愿妥协的态度。
        Even Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, typically a Republican firebrand eager to stir turmoil, castigated those holding out on Mr. McCarthy because of how it reflected on the party’s image.        连热衷制造混乱的典型共和党煽动者、佐治亚州众议员马乔里·泰勒·格林也严厉批评了拒不接受麦卡锡的人,因为这损害了党的形象。
        “If the base only understood that 19 Republicans voting against McCarthy are playing Russian roulette with our hard-earned Republican majority right now,” Ms. Greene said on Twitter. “This is the worst thing that could possibly happen.”        “这19名投票反对麦卡锡的共和党人,是在拿我们辛辛苦苦赢得的共和党多数席位玩俄罗斯轮盘赌,但愿选民能明白这一点,”他在Twitter表示。“不可能有比这更糟糕的情况了。”
        Democrats were enjoying the tumult to a degree but also recognized the problems it could mean down the road. Representative Mike Quigley, a senior Democrat from Illinois, said the speaker fight was the culmination of a growing Republican ethos of “taking their ball and going home” if they fail to get what they demand.        民主党人在一定程度上享受着这场混乱,但也认识到了未来可能出现的问题。伊利诺伊州资深民主党众议员迈克·奎格利说,这场议长之争是共和党日益膨胀的一股风气的爆发,即如果要求未被满足,就“拿着他们的球回家去”。
        Other Democrats watched in amazement as they saw Republicans open their reign with a clash that would leave whoever was eventually chosen badly undermined and the party’s strength diluted from the start.        其他民主党人则惊奇地看着共和党以一场冲突开始他们对众议院的统治,在这场冲突之中,无论谁最终当选议长,都将深受其害,这也让共和党的力量在一开始就遭到了削弱。
        “What a weakened position they have put themselves in,” marveled Representative Rosa DeLauro, a senior Democrat from Connecticut.        “他们将自己置于多么不利的地位啊,”康涅狄格州资深民主党众议员罗莎·德劳罗感叹道。
        The uproar in the House was in marked contrast to the opening day of the Senate, where seven new members were sworn in and senators then quietly adjourned for three weeks. While House Republicans were ensnared in a brutal internal battle, Senator Mitch McConnell, the Kentucky Republican and minority leader, was scheduled to appear alongside President Biden on Wednesday to celebrate funding for a major public works project in Kentucky.        众议院的乱局与参议院的开幕日形成鲜明对比,七名新成员在当天宣誓就职,随后参议员们悄悄进入三周休会期。在众议院共和党人陷入残酷内斗之际,肯塔基州共和党参议员、少数党领袖米奇·麦康奈尔定于周三与拜登总统一起露面,庆祝肯塔基州一个大型公共工程项目获得资金。
        As they sought a way out of their dilemma, some Republicans acknowledged the poor message they were sending with the stalemate but also said that it was likely to be a distant memory with voters once the leadership question was resolved.        在努力走出困境的同时,一些共和党人承认,他们在这样的僵局中发出了糟糕的信号,但他们也表示,一旦领导权的问题得到解决,这一切应该都会变成选民遥远的记忆。
        “Just like everything in three months that becomes small ball, it becomes insignificant,” said Representative Ken Buck, Republican of Colorado. “In a year and a half, when people are starting to think about voting again, they are not thinking about that. They are thinking about what have we accomplished. It is more important to do things than it is to have a good first impression.”        “就好像三个月后变得微不足道的所有事一样,它会变得无关紧要,”科罗拉多州共和党众议员肯·巴克说。“一年半之后,当人们又开始考虑怎么投票的时候,他们不会想起这件事。他们会想我们取得了怎样的成绩。做实事比留下良好的第一印象更重要。”
        His colleagues no doubt hope Mr. Buck is correct.        他的同事无疑都希望巴克是对的。

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