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China Denounces Covid Testing Rules Imposed on Its Travelers

来源:纽约时报    2023-01-04 12:11

        The Chinese government on Tuesday denounced Covid testing requirements imposed by other countries on travelers arriving from China as unscientific or “excessive,” and threatened to take countermeasures.        中国政府周二谴责其他国家对来自中国的旅客实施的新冠检测要求不科学或“过度”,并威胁采取反制措施。
        As China prepares to open its borders later this week, allowing its citizens to travel abroad for the first time since the pandemic began, countries like Canada, the United States, France, Spain, Japan and the United Kingdom have moved to restrict travelers arriving from the country.        中国准备在本周晚些时候开放边境,自疫情开始以来首次允许公民出国旅行,加拿大、美国、法国、西班牙、日本和英国等国家已采取行动,限制来自中国的旅客。
        The countries have cited concerns about a surge in Covid-19 infections in China, the potential risk of variants emerging from its outbreak and the government’s perceived reluctance to share coronavirus data with other countries. The restrictions include requiring a negative Covid test or mandatory testing upon arrival.        这些国家对中国新冠感染激增表示关切,担心暴发有可能导致变异株的出现,并认为中国政府不愿与其他国家分享新冠病毒数据。采取的限制举措包括要求在抵达时出示新冠阴性结果或进行强制检测。
        In response, Chinese officials have accused the countries of introducing the restrictions for political reasons, imposing requirements on Chinese travelers that are not applied to others.        作为回应,中国官员指责这些国家出于政治原因实施限制,要求仅针对中国旅客。
        “Some countries have no scientific basis for restricting entries from China, and some excessive practices are even more unacceptable,” said Mao Ning, a foreign ministry spokeswoman, speaking at a news conference in Beijing on Tuesday.        外交部发言人毛宁周二在北京举行的新闻发布会上说:“部分国家采取仅针对中国的入境限制措施缺乏科学依据,一些过度做法更让人不能接受。”
        “We firmly oppose the practice of manipulating Covid prevention and control measures to achieve political goals, and will take corresponding measures in accordance with the principle of reciprocity according to different situations,” Ms. Mao said. She did not elaborate.        毛宁说:“我们对试图操弄疫情防控措施以达到政治目的的做法表示坚决反对,将针对不同情况本着对等原则采取相应措施。”她没有详细说明。
        Even after China eases its travel restrictions, the government will still require incoming travelers to show a negative result on a polymerase chain reaction, or P.C.R., test, taken within 48 hours before departure.        即使在中国放宽旅行限制之后,政府仍将要求入境旅客出示在出发前48小时内进行的核酸阴性结果。
        Many health experts have said, however, that travel restrictions would not stop new variants — just as earlier bans on international travel did very little to stop the spread of the Omicron variant.        然而,许多卫生专家表示,旅行限制不会阻止新的病毒变种出现——正如早期的国际旅行禁令那样,对阻止奥密克戎变种病毒的传播收效甚微。
        China is dealing with a surge of Covid cases after the government abruptly abandoned a “zero Covid” pandemic strategy that helped to keep the virus at bay within its borders for nearly three years. The government in December dismantled a sprawling testing apparatus that required residents to test regularly, and scrapped its strategy of lockdowns and grueling quarantine that applied not just to those who tested positive but also their contacts.        在突然放弃“清零”政策后,中国正在应对新冠病例激增的情况,该策略在过去三年里帮助将病毒控制在边境外。去年12月,政府取消了定期的大规模核酸检测要求,以及对阳性患者和密接的封锁和严格隔离政策。
        This Sunday, for the first time since early 2020, shortly after Covid-19 first appeared in China, the government will drop quarantine rules for visitors to China from abroad and ease restrictions on incoming flights.        本周日,政府将取消对来自境外游客的隔离规定,并放宽对入境航班的限制。这是自2020年初新冠第一次出现在中国以来的首次。
        It has also restarted processing passport applications by Chinese citizens for tourism abroad. Outbound flight bookings surged by nearly 300 percent on Dec. 27 when the government announced the changes to its border restrictions, as many people began to plan trips abroad to see family and simply travel, according to data from Trip.com Group, a travel-booking company.        政府还重新开始办理中国公民出国旅游的护照申请。旅行预订公司携程的数据显示,12月27日,当政府宣布改变边境限制后,许多人开始计划出国看望家人和旅游,出境航班预订量激增近300%。
        Many countries that had long depended on Chinese tourists before the pandemic are now struggling to balance the economic prospect of a flood of Chinese tourism with health concerns over the outbreak in China.        现在,面对大量中国游客带来的经济前景与对中国疫情暴发的健康担忧,许多在疫情之前长期依赖中国游客的国家都在艰难寻找平衡。
        A group of officials from European Union countries, known as the Health Security Committee, which has been a key source of advice for the bloc’s Covid-era travel policies, suggested Tuesday that testing travelers from China for Covid before they board Europe-bound flights would be sensible, a top E.U. official said on Twitter.        一直以来,由来自欧盟国家的官员组成的卫生安全委员会是欧盟在新冠时代旅行政策的主要建议来源。一名欧盟高级官员在Twitter上表示,该委员会周二认为,在来自中国的旅客登上飞往欧洲的航班之前对他们进行新冠检测将是明智之举。
        The European Union is expected on Wednesday to offer its 27 member states, many of which are popular destinations for Chinese tourists, nonbinding advice on how to address travelers from China.        预计欧盟将于周三向其27个成员国提供关于如何应对来自中国游客的非约束性建议,其中许多成员国是中国游客的热门目的地。
        But each of the E.U. nations is free to set its own rules, and Stella Kyriakides, the European health commissioner, made an implicit plea on Twitter to E.U. nations not to adopt clashing policies that could undermine public health and create logistical chaos for travelers from China.        但每个欧盟国家可以自由制定自己的规则,欧洲卫生专员斯特拉·基里亚基德斯在Twitter上含蓄地呼吁,欧盟国家不要采取可能破坏公共卫生并给来自中国的旅客造成旅程混乱的冲突政策。
        “Unity remains our strongest tool against Covid,” she wrote.        “团结仍然是我们对抗新冠的最强大工具,”她写道。
        But some European countries have begun putting in place restrictions for visitors from China without waiting for E.U. guidance.        但一些欧洲国家没有等待欧盟的指南,已经开始对来自中国的游客实施限制。
        Italy’s Lombardy region, which includes Milan, last week began screening travelers arriving from China — a policy that was soon adopted throughout Italy.        上周,包括米兰在内的意大利伦巴第大区开始对来自中国的旅客进行筛查——这一政策很快被整个意大利采用。
        More than half of the 120 passengers arriving in Italy on a flight from Wenzhou, China, on Dec. 26 were positive for the virus on P.C.R. tests. On another flight that landed on Dec. 29 from Tianjin, China, nearly half — 26 of 56 passengers — tested positive.        12月26日从中国温州乘飞机抵达意大利的120名乘客中,核酸检测呈阳性者超过半数。在12月29日来自中国天津的另一架航班上,近一半乘客——56人中的26人——检测呈阳性。
        The E.U. health agency, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, said Tuesday that reported infections in China had been falling since an all-time high recorded on Dec. 2, “likely also due to a lower number of tests being carried out, resulting in fewer infections being detected.”        欧盟卫生机构欧洲疾病预防控制中心周二表示,中国据报感染病例数自12月2日创下历史新高以来一直在下降,“这也可能是由于进行的检测数量减少,导致检测到的感染更少。”
        “There continues to be a lack of reliable data on Covid-19 cases, hospital admissions, deaths as well as Intensive Care Unit (ICU) capacity and occupancy in China,” the E.C.D.C. said.        欧洲疾控中心表示:“中国仍然缺乏有关新冠病例、住院、死亡以及重症监护病房床位和占用率的可靠数据。”
        But the agency noted that no new variants had been recorded in China so far, and E.U. citizens had high levels of immunity and vaccination against the known variants circulating, meaning that the boom in China’s infections was “not challenging for the immune response of” people in Europe.        但该机构指出,迄今为止中国没有记录到新的变种,欧盟公民对已知流行的变种具有高水平的免疫力以及高接种率,这意味着中国感染的激增“不会对欧洲民众的免疫反应构成挑战”。
        China has stopped regularly reporting daily cases, and many scientists have raised concerns about the opacity of its reporting of severe cases and Covid-related deaths. Some health experts have also cited fears that the sheer volume of cases could mean that the virus will mutate into new and more dangerous variants. There is no indication of this yet, and many scientists are skeptical of such a scenario happening in the coming weeks.        中国已停止定期报告每日病例,许多科学家对于中国在报告重症病例和新冠相关死亡病例上的不透明表示关切。一些卫生专家还对病例数量之多感到担心,这可能意味着病毒会变异成新的、更危险的变种。目前还没有任何迹象表明这种情况,许多科学家对它会在几周内发生持怀疑态度。
        Officially, China reported just 4,804 local cases and three deaths on Monday in its latest disclosure, but several cities have reported estimates of half a million or more daily cases. Health officials in Zhejiang said the coastal province is recording a million cases each day, adding that they expected the outbreak there to peak sometime later this month.        据官方统计,中国周一在其最新披露中仅报告了4804例本地病例和三例死亡病例,但一些城市报告估计每日新增病例超过50万。浙江省卫生官员表示,该省份每天录得100万例病例,并且预计当地疫情将在本月晚些时候达到峰值。
        “With the adjustment of international travel policy, the risk of imported new strains and the risk of domestic transmission will also be significantly increased,” the Zhejiang provincial Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a notice published on Tuesday.        “随着入境政策的调整,境外输入新变异株的风险以及引起本土传播的风险也将显著上升,”浙江省疾病预防控制中心在周二发布的一份通知中说。
        China’s state-controlled media has accused the United States and European countries of applying a “double standard” to China and of using restrictions as a “political card.”        中国官方媒体指责美国和欧洲国家对中国实行“双标”,将防疫当作“政治牌”打。
        “It seems that, according to the political logic of some people in Europe and the United States, no matter if China ‘opens up’ or ‘doesn’t open up,’ what it does is wrong,” read one commentary by China’s state broadcaster, CCTV.        官方的中央电视台在一篇评论写道:“看来,在欧美一些人的政治逻辑里,无论中国“放开”或是“不放开”,怎么做都不对。”

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