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Tesla Sales in China Slump as Competition Intensifies

来源:纽约时报    2023-01-06 12:57

        Tesla sales in China, the world’s largest car market and a crucial element of the company’s fortunes, slumped at the end of 2022 as domestic manufacturers like BYD gained ground with lower-priced electric vehicles, according to data published Thursday.        周四公布的数据显示,随着比亚迪等国内制造商凭借低价电动汽车取得市场份额,特斯拉的中国销量在2022年底大幅下滑。中国是全球最大的汽车市场,也是特斯拉生意的重要组成部分。
        Tesla sold around 56,000 cars in China last month, a decline of 21 percent from a year earlier, and 44 percent from the previous month. For the full year, Tesla’s Chinese sales rose nearly 50 percent, according to data published by the China Passenger Car Association.        特斯拉上个月在中国售出约5.6万辆汽车,同比下降21%,环比下降44%。根据中国乘联会公布的数据,全年来看,特斯拉在中国的销量增长了近50%。
        China accounts for roughly 40 percent of Tesla’s sales. Concern about the carmaker’s performance there has been a significant factor in the precipitous decline of Tesla’s share price last year. The company’s stock closed down about 3 percent on Thursday.        中国约占特斯拉销售额的40%。对这家汽车制造商在华业绩的担忧是特斯拉去年股价暴跌的一个重要因素。该公司股价周四收盘下跌约3%。
        Tesla has grown rapidly in China but is facing increasingly stiff competition from companies like BYD, which sells well-regarded cars at lower prices and is the country’s No. 1 electric vehicle brand. BYD sales including hybrid vehicles more than doubled in December from a year earlier, and rose 2 percent in December from November, according to the Passenger Car Association’s data.        特斯拉在中国发展迅速,但面临来自比亚迪等公司日益激烈的竞争,比亚迪以优势价格销售口碑良好的产品,是中国第一大电动汽车品牌。根据乘联会的数据,比亚迪12月包括混合动力汽车在内的销量是去年同期的两倍多,比11月增长了2%。
        China is considered key to Tesla’s global ambitions. In contrast to the United States and Europe, overall auto sales there are still rising because many people do not own cars, or own just one vehicle. The Chinese government has heavily promoted electric vehicle ownership as a solution to urban air pollution, though it has slashed subsidies recently.        中国被认为是特斯拉全球野心的关键。与美国和欧洲相比,中国的整体汽车销量仍在上升,因为许多人还没有汽车,或者只有一辆车。尽管中国政府最近削减了补贴,但它大力推动购买电动汽车作为城市空气污染的解决方案。
        “When you are not active in the largest market in the world, you are nowhere,” Axel Schmidt, a senior managing director at Accenture who oversees the consulting firm’s automotive division, said before publication of the sales figures.        “如果在世界上最大的市场不活跃的话,你将毫无进展,”在埃森哲负责该咨询公司汽车部门的高级董事总经理阿克塞尔·施密特在销售数据公布前表示。
        Tesla's factory in Shanghai is considered one of the company’s most efficient plants and supplies cars to Europe and other parts of Asia in addition to China. The figures published Thursday include exports. The Shanghai factory was forced to shut down repeatedly during 2022 because of supply chain problems and pandemic lockdowns.        特斯拉在上海的工厂被认为是该公司效率最高的工厂之一,除中国外,还向欧洲和亚洲其他地区供应汽车。周四公布的数据包括出口。由于供应链问题和疫情封锁,上海工厂在2022年期间多次被迫关闭。
        China is in the midst of a pandemic crisis after the government abandoned its “zero Covid” policy in the face of public protests, lifting draconian quarantine and lockdown measures and triggering a surge in cases.        面对公众抗议,政府放弃了“清零”政策,解除了严厉的隔离和封锁措施并引发了病例激增,中国目前正处于大流行危机之中。
        The Tesla sales decline has to be viewed “in the context of the massive Covid outbreak” in December, Gary Black, managing partner of the Future Fund, an investment firm that owns Tesla shares, said on Twitter.        拥有特斯拉股票的投资公司“未来基金”的执行合伙人加里·布莱克在Twitter上表示,必须在12月“新冠病毒大规模暴发的背景下”看待特斯拉销量的下滑。
        Overall, sales of hybrids and cars powered solely by batteries in China were flat in December compared with November, the association said.        乘联会表示,总体而言,与11月相比,12月中国混合动力车和纯电动汽车的销量持平。
        There have been other signs that Tesla was suffering from softening demand for its products in China. The company has cut prices for the Model Y and Model 3, the two vehicles it makes in Shanghai. The company’s website says vehicles can be delivered in as little as a week — last year, waits stretched to months.        还有其他迹象表明,特斯拉正受到中国对其产品需求疲软的影响。该公司降低了在上海生产的两款车型Model Y和Model 3的价格。该公司的网站称,车辆可以在短至一周内交付——去年,等待时间长达数月。
        Analysts say Tesla could be vulnerable to political tensions between the United States and China. Elon Musk, the company’s chief executive, has courted the Chinese government, suggesting, for example, that Taiwan become a special administrative zone of China as a way of ceding more control to Beijing. Taiwan refuses to relinquish any control to China or compromise its independence, and Mr. Musk’s remark angered leaders in Taipei.        分析人士表示,特斯拉可能容易受到美中政治紧张局势的影响。该公司首席执行官伊隆·马斯克曾向中国政府示好,例如建议台湾成为中国的一个特别行政区,以此将更多控制权让给北京。台湾拒绝将任何控制权交给中国或损害其独立性,马斯克的言论激怒了台北的领导人。
        Another concern for Tesla: BYD and other Chinese automakers have begun selling cars in Europe. Their expansion could cost Tesla, Volkswagen and other automakers sales and market share when many European car buyers are replacing combustion engine vehicles for battery-powered cars.        特斯拉的另一个担忧:比亚迪和其他中国汽车制造商已开始在欧洲销售汽车。当许多欧洲购车者正在用电池驱动的汽车更换内燃机汽车时,它们的扩张可能会导致特斯拉、大众汽车和其他汽车制造商的销售和市场份额下降。
        “The major worry now overhead for Tesla is that the demand story, especially out of China, is showing heavy cracks in the armor at a time that E.V. competition is steadily increasing,” Daniel Ives, an analyst at Wedbush Securities, said in a note to clients on Wednesday.        “特斯拉现在面临的主要担忧是,需求故事——尤其是来自中国的需求故事——在电动车竞争逐渐加剧之际正在呈现严重的缺陷,”韦德布什证券的分析师丹尼尔·艾夫斯周三在给客户的一份报告中表示。

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