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China seeks to balance energy needs, green power transition

来源:中国日报    2023-01-06 15:08

        China is accelerating wind and solar power development for its transition to green energy even as it increases coal, oil, and gas output to ensure energy security this year, the National Energy Administration said.        国家能源局表示,在增加煤炭、石油和天然气产量以确保今年能源安全的同时,中国正在加快风能和太阳能的发展,以向绿色能源过渡。
        By this year-end, the installed capacity of wind power will reach about 430 million kilowatts, and the installed capacity of solar power will reach about 490 million kW, the NEA said at a recent conference that mapped out goals for this year.        国家能源局在最近召开的2023年全国能源工作会议上表示,2023年风电装机规模达到4.3亿千瓦左右、太阳能发电装机规模达到4.9亿千瓦左右。
        It also said more efforts will be made to coordinate hydropower development and ecological protection with a goal of 423 million kW of installed hydropower capacity by 2023.        国家能源局表示,将加大力度统筹水电开发和生态保护,2023年水电装机规模达到4.23亿千瓦。
        The NEA also vowed to actively develop nuclear power in a safe and orderly manner. The goal is to increase the installed capacity of nuclear power by 2.89 million kW.        国家能源局还表示,将积极安全有序发展核电,2023年新增核电装机289万千瓦。
        "China will make efforts to improve the ability to ensure energy supply, increase the security and stability of the supply chain in the energy sector. Meanwhile, the country will increase the share of non-fossil energy under its green commitment and continue to increase the supply of clean energies," said Zhang Jianhua, head of the NEA, at the conference.        国家能源局局长章建华在会议上表示:“中国将努力提高能源供应保障能力,增强能源领域供应链的安全性和稳定性。同时,中国将坚定推进绿色发展,提高非化石能源的份额,并继续增加清洁能源的供应。”
        To improve the ability to ensure energy production and supply, further efforts will be made to approve the construction of smart coal mines, push the coal mines under construction to start production as soon as possible, and enhance the ability to safely increase coal production and ensure supply. It is also important to promote the planning and construction of trans-provincial power transmission channels, the NEA said.        国家能源局表示,为提高能源生产和供应保障能力,将积极推进智能化煤矿核准建设,推动在建煤矿尽快投产达产,全面增强煤炭安全增产保供的能力和韧性。推进跨省区输电通道规划建设也很重要。
        Wang Lining, director of the oil market department at the Economics and Technology Research Institute, an affiliate with the China National Petroleum Corp, said that with the rapid development of new energies, the role of coal in China's energy structure will continue to change, from being the main source of supply to a supporting role and as an emergency back-up in case of shortage of new energy resources.        中国石油集团经济技术研究院石油市场研究所所长王利宁表示,随着新能源的快速发展,煤炭在中国能源系统中的地位将发生变化,从能源供应主体逐步转变为新能源短缺情况下的应急兜底保障。
        The share of coal in the energy structure will continue to decline to 44.3 percent in 2030 and 5.8 percent in 2060, according to the institute's estimates.        据该机构估计,煤炭在能源结构中的份额将持续下降,到2030年降至44.3%,到2060年降至5.8%。
        It is also important to increase oil and gas production and supply, promote major pipeline projects, and improve the oil and gas reserve capacity. It is estimated that crude oil production will reach 205 million metric tons and natural gas output will increase by more than 6 billion cubic meters by the end of this year, NEA said.        明年能源工作的重点任务还包括推动油气增产增供,推进重大管道工程和油气储备能力建设。国家能源局表示,预计2023年原油产量达到2.05亿吨、天然气增产60亿立方米以上。
        The NEA also said international cooperation on clean energy will be deepened by establishing China-ASEAN and China-Arab clean energy cooperation centers, and by facilitating cooperation with European countries in areas like hydrogen energy, energy storage, wind power and smart energy.        国家能源局还表示,将通过推动建立中国-东盟清洁能源合作中心,共建中阿清洁能源合作中心,纵深推进氢能、储能、风电、智慧能源等重点领域对欧合作,来深入推进清洁能源国际合作。

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