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The Numbers in the News

来源:纽约时报    2022-12-30 11:11

        Numbers that count        重要的数字
        2        2
        Two major central banks — the Bank of Japan and the People’s Bank of China — were the only ones not to raise interest rates this year, as inflation threatened economic growth and sapped consumer purchasing power. Central banks have collectively increased rates by more than 70 percent in 2022, according to LPL Financial, with the same goal: raise borrowing costs to cool rising prices that have been hitting shoppers from London to Poughkeepsie. Many were following the Fed, which increased its prime lending rate to a target range of 4.25 to 4.5 percent from roughly zero a year ago. The effect: stocks and bonds slumped on concerns that the increases would slow the economy.        随着通胀威胁经济增长,侵蚀消费者购买力,全球重要央行中,今年没有升息的已经只剩下日本银行和中国人民银行两家。据LPL金融的数据,各国央行在2022年升息幅度总和超过70%,其目的都是为了增加借贷成本,缓解物价的上涨——这种上涨已经给从伦敦到波基普西的众多购物者造成打击。许多央行是在效仿美联储,后者将最优惠贷款利率从一年前的约等于零提升到了4.25%到4.5%的目标范围。后果是股市和债市因担心升息导致经济放缓而暴跌。
        44 billion        440亿
        The value in dollars of Elon Musk’s deal to buy Twitter, backed by about $12.5 billion of debt that investment banks, led by Morgan Stanley, took on to help finance the acquisition. The banks made the promise before technology sector shares crashed, the billionaire tried to walk away from the acquisition, and the market for leveraged loans seized up. Unable to sell that debt without incurring huge losses, the banks head into the new year saddled with loans that will constrain their ability to finance more deals.        伊隆·马斯克收购Twitter交易的美元价值,其中有125亿美元的借债来自以摩根士丹利为首的多家投资银行的融资。银行是在股市科技板块崩盘之前做出承诺的,这位亿万富翁试图退出收购,杠杆贷款市场停摆。银行要出售这笔债务肯定会有大幅亏损,于是只能背着这笔债进入新的一年,从而限制了它们为更多交易融资的能力。
        Mr. Musk’s management of Twitter has been erratic: He’s fired workers, refused to pay invoices, changed content moderation policies, allowed banned users back on to the platform, temporarily suspended some journalists’ accounts, been accused of neglecting his other companies and said he would resign as C.E.O. (eventually). But his style has won admiration among many tech executives, founders and investors.        马斯克的Twitter管理层不走寻常路:他解雇员工,拒绝报销发票,改变内容管理政策,允许被封禁的用户回归平台,短暂关停了一些记者的帐号,还被指对他的其他公司不管不顾,他说他(最终)会辞去CEO一职。但是他的风格得到不少科技企业高管、创始人和投资者的赞扬。
        90 million        9000万
        The number of vacant properties in China as of late summer. The world’s second-largest economy has been hammered this year and a sharp slowdown in the crucial property sector has been one big reason. Real estate development accounted for about a quarter of China’s G.D.P. over the past decade, but a squeeze on the industry caused seemingly impregnable companies to teeter and prompted rare social unrest among unhappy property owners. The lingering challenges facing the debt-fueled housing industry point to structural questions that still hang over the economy.        夏末中国空置房产的数量。世界第二大经济体今年遭受重创,至关重要的房地产板块出现急剧下滑是一个重要原因。在过去十年里,房地产开发在中国GDP中的占比约为四分之一,但是对该产业的制约导致一些看上去坚不可摧的企业陷入困境,在不满的业主中间引发罕见的社会动荡。由债务驱动的房地产业久久无法摆脱困境,揭示了该国经济仍然存在着结构性问题。
        151,000        151000
        The number of layoffs in the tech sector, according to Layoffs.fyi. Job cuts at companies including Amazon, Meta, Twitter and Stripe have dominated headlines in recent months, as Silicon Valley faces pressure to downsize. The shift is partly a post-pandemic correction. Companies hired aggressively (perhaps too aggressively) when demand for services boomed as consumers were stuck at home. But as the broader economy slowed in the latter half of the year, companies have been squeezed and tech stocks have plummeted.        Layoffs.fyi给出的科技业裁员数量。随着硅谷面临缩减规模的压力,包括亚马逊、Meta、Twitter和Stripe在内的多家企业裁员,成为近几个月最受热议的新闻。这种转变在一定程度上是一种大流行之后的盘整。此前消费者居家不出导致服务需求猛增,于是这些公司大举招人(可能太过激进)。随着今年下半年经济整体放缓,企业面临困境,科技板块股票暴跌。
        4.9 million        490万
        The number of jobs created in the past 12 months, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The labor market is confounding economists. Ordinarily, when economic growth falters, hiring slows down, too (example A: the tech sector). Job growth is ticking lower, but employers are continuing to hire, keeping the unemployment rate a relatively strong 3.7 percent. That’s good news for workers, but it may force the Fed to double down on aggressive rate increases in the first half of 2023.        据劳工统计局,过去12个月创造的就业岗位数量。劳动市场让经济学家们大感困惑。通常在经济增长疲软的时候,招工也会放缓(以科技业为例)。就业增长在放缓,但雇主没有停止招人,失业率一直保持在3.7%,表现相对强劲。这对工人是好事,但可能会迫使联储在2023年上半年愈发坚持激进的升息策略。
        51 billion        510亿
        The cost in euros of Germany’s bailout of Uniper, once Europe’s biggest importer of Russian gas. The utility company has been decimated this year as energy prices soared. The business was hit particularly hard after Gazprom, the Russian energy company that was its biggest supplier, cut gas flows in apparent retaliation for economic sanctions on Moscow over the invasion of Ukraine. Uniper posted a net loss of €40 billion, or about $42.5 billion — the biggest in German corporate history — for the first nine months of 2022. The government nationalized the company to avoid a Lehman Brothers-style effect on the energy sector.        德国救助Uniper的欧元成本,该公司曾是欧洲最大的俄罗斯天然气进口商。由于能源价格飙升,这家公用事业公司今年遭受重创。该公司最大供应商俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司切断了天然气供应,明显是为了报复俄罗斯因入侵乌克兰而受到的经济制裁,令Uniper受到极大打击。2022年前9个月,Uniper公布的净亏损为400亿欧元,约425亿美元,是德国企业历史上最大的亏损。政府将该公司国有化,以避免在能源领域出现雷曼兄弟式的影响。
        14        14
        The number of consecutive quarters Apple has grown — a streak that is now at risk. The tech giant last reported a year-on-year quarterly decline in 2019, but the punishing impact of China’s “zero Covid” policy on supply chains and consumer spending in one of its biggest markets now poses a big threat. Apple produces more than 95 percent of its iPhones in China and warned last month that it would ship fewer of its newest models after a Covid outbreak and weekslong lockdown at the device’s biggest manufacturing hub. That could have hit sales in the crucial holiday quarter.        苹果连续增长的季度数——这一势头现在正面临风险。这家科技巨头上一次公布的季度同比下降是在2019年,但中国“清零”政策对其最大市场之一的供应链和消费者支出的痛苦影响现在构成了巨大威胁。苹果公司95%以上的iPhone是在中国生产的,该公司上个月警告,在新冠疫情暴发和iPhone最大的制造中心被封锁数周后,该公司将减少其最新型号的出货量。这可能会影响关键的假日季的销售。
        8 billion        80亿
        The amount in dollars of the shortfall in FTX’s accounts when the cryptocurrency exchange founded by Sam Bankman-Fried declared bankruptcy last month. The company, once seen as one of the most stable in the sector, could owe money to more than a million people and organizations. Mr. Bankman-Fried was once lauded as an industry leader, able to secure funding from top investors who backed a wide range of causes and businesses, from charities and politicians to sports and the news media. But he is now under criminal investigation, former top associates are cooperating with the authorities, and FTX has been called “one of the biggest financial frauds in American history.”        上月萨姆·班克曼—弗里德创立的加密货币交易所FTX宣布破产时该交易所账户上的美元缺口。该公司曾被视为该行业最稳定的公司之一,现在可能欠了100多万人及组织的钱。班克曼—弗里德曾被誉为行业领袖,能够从顶级投资者那里获得资金,这些投资者支持广泛的事业和企业,从慈善机构和政治人士到体育和新闻媒体。但现在他正在接受刑事调查,他的前高级助手正在与当局合作,FTX被称为“美国历史上最大的金融欺诈之一”。
        11 years and three months        11年零3个月
        The length of time that Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of the blood-testing start-up Theranos, was sentenced to prison after being convicted of defrauding investors. (Ramesh Balwani, the company’s former C.O.O., was sentenced to nearly 13 years.) Ms. Holmes raised $945 million and her company was valued as high as $9 billion, turning her into one of Silicon Valley’s most celebrated entrepreneurs. But her claims that Theranos’s technology would enable tests to be conducted with just a few drops of blood proved untrue.        血液检测初创公司Theranos的创始人伊丽莎白·霍姆斯因欺诈投资者被判入狱的时间。(该公司前首席运营官拉梅什·巴尔瓦尼被判近13年监禁。)霍姆斯筹集了9.45亿美元,她的公司估值高达90亿美元,使她成为硅谷最著名的企业家之一。但她声称Theranos的技术只需几滴血就能进行检测,这被证明是不真实的。
        747        747
        Boeing produced its final humpbacked jumbo jet on Dec. 6. The industry’s push for more fuel-efficient planes and the pandemic proved the death knell for the onetime titan of the skies. The plane made its first commercial flight in January 1970. By being able to carry hundreds of passengers at a time, the 747 helped drive a boom in international travel. But its market share fell in recent years, as airlines shifted to more sustainable and less expensive aircraft.        12月6日,波音公司生产了最后一架该型号巨型喷气式飞机。航空业对更省油飞机的推动和新冠疫情为这个曾经的航空业巨头敲响了丧钟。1970年1月,该型号飞机进行了首次商业飞行。由于一次能搭载数百名乘客,747帮助推动了国际旅行的繁荣。但近年来,随着航空公司转向更可持续、更便宜的飞机,它的市场份额有所下降。

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