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China’s Abrupt Covid Pivot Leaves Many Without Medicines

来源:纽约时报    2022-12-21 04:30

        When demand for fever-reducing drugs more than quadrupled the price of ibuprofen, a city in eastern China began rationing sales by selling the pills individually.        对退烧药的需求导致布洛芬的价格增长了三倍多后,中国东部一座城市开始用按片出售的方式限量供应。
        When a popular Chinese online pharmacy offered the antiviral drug Paxlovid, it sold out within hours.        一家受大众喜爱的中国网上药店提供抗病毒药物Paxlovid后,几个小时就销售一空。
        And when word of the medicine shortages in China reached friends and relatives in Hong Kong and Taiwan, they quickly bought vast quantities of drugs from local sellers to ship to the mainland.        中国药品短缺的消息传到香港和台湾的亲友那里后,他们立即前往药店购买大量药品寄往大陆。
        As Covid rips through parts of China, millions of Chinese are struggling to find treatment — from the most basic cold remedies to take at home to more powerful antivirals for patients in hospitals. The dearth of supplies highlights how swiftly — and haphazardly — China reversed course by abandoning its strict “zero Covid” policies about two weeks ago.        随着新冠病毒席卷中国部分地区,数百万中国人正在为寻找药物费尽心机——从家用的最基本感冒药到医院为住院患者提供的更强效抗病毒药。药物短缺凸显了中国政策逆转的速度之快和杂乱无章,政府在大约两周前放弃了严格的“新冠清零”政策。
        The whiplash of change has caught the nation’s hospitals, clinics and pharmacies off guard. Across many cities, pharmacies have sold out of the most common fever and cold medicines. Many health facilities were unprepared for the onslaught of demand from patients after they were given little to no notice about needing to stockpile drugs. The shortages are fueling anger and anxiety among Chinese who until recently had been warned by the government that an uncontrolled spread of Covid would be devastating.        政策突变使全国的医院、诊所和药店措手不及。最常见的退烧药和感冒药已在许多城市的药店售罄。许多医疗机构几乎没有或根本没有收到需要储备药物的通知,面对患者需求猛增毫无准备。药物的短缺加剧了中国人的愤怒和焦虑,直到最近,政府曾一直警告,新冠病毒不受控制地传播将是毁灭性的。
        “The doctor told me there was no fever medicine,” said Diane Ye, a 28-year-old Covid patient in Beijing, who lined up outside a hospital for hours with a fever only to be sent home with a bottle of sore throat medicine.        “医生告诉我没有退烧药了,”北京28岁的新冠病毒感染者黛安·叶(音)说,她有发烧症状,在医院外排了几个小时的队后,医生只给她开了一瓶缓解喉咙痛的药物,就让她回家了。
        For nearly three years, the country maintained some of the toughest pandemic controls in the world, mandating mass testing and locking down cities such as Shanghai for months. Then, with little warning, the government announced a broad easing of restrictions on Dec. 7, seemingly bowing to economic pressure and rising social discontent following widespread protests in late November.        在将近三年的时间里,中国曾保持着世界上一些最严厉的防疫措施,动不动就要求全员核酸检测,对城市进行封控,比如上海今年长达两月的封城。后来,在几乎没有任何警告的情况下,政府在12月7日宣布全面放松限制,这似乎是迫于经济压力和11月下旬各地发生抗议活动后不断上升的社会不满情绪。
        In many cities, signs of outbreaks have emerged. China reported only seven deaths from Covid so far this week, but reports of crowded crematories and funeral homes have raised concerns about the accuracy of government data. Lines of people have formed at hospitals, and medication has flown off drugstore shelves.        许多城市已出现了疫情暴发的迹象。虽然本周迄今为止,中国只通报了七例新冠病毒死亡病例,但火葬场和殡仪馆爆满的报道让人们对政府数据的准确性表示怀疑。医院里排起了长队,药店货架上的药物已卖光。
        “Opening up is great, but it happened too fast and without preparation. People don’t have these common medicines stocked up at home,” said a pharmacist working at a public hospital in Beijing who only provided his last name, Zhang, given the political sensitivity of the issue.        “放开是大好事,但来得太快,而且毫无准备。人们家里没放着这些常用药,”在北京一家公立医院工作的药剂师说道,考虑到这个问题的政治敏感性,他只说自己姓张。
        Even before the policy pivot, stocks of fever medicines had already been low, he said, because the government had strictly controlled the sale of cold and flu medication under “zero Covid.” The policy had required buyers to register their names, a rule aimed at preventing residents from using over-the-counter drugs to reduce fevers and avoid detection by the country’s pervasive health tracking system.        他说,甚至在政策急转弯之前,退烧药的库存就很低,因为政府的“新冠清零”政策严格控制感冒药和流感药的销售。为了防止民众使用非处方药退烧,躲避国内无处不在的健康追踪系统,这些药品的购买者需要实名登记。
        “If you ease these restrictions first, say for two months, and open up once people have stuff prepared, then this rush wouldn’t have happened,” Mr. Zhang said.        “如果,比如说你两个月前先放宽这些限制,等人们准备好药物后再放开,就不会出现这种抢购了,”张先生说。
        Many Chinese are now confronting the specter of a massive Covid outbreak that could stretch through the winter, and have been forced to improvise to fill in the gaps. Some are turning to folk remedies like canned peaches, believing they can ward off illness. One group of volunteers organized a social media campaign to deliver aid to older adults in rural areas. The group received plenty of cash donations, but little medicine because of shortages.        许多中国人现在面临着贯穿整个冬季的大规模新冠疫情的恐慌,人们被迫想办法自救。有些人转向民间偏方,比如黄桃罐头,认为它可抵御病痛。一个志愿者群体组织了一场社交媒体活动,为农村地区的老年人提供帮助。该群体收到了足够多的现金捐款,但由于缺货,几乎没有药品捐献。
        In recent days, some Chinese have ventured across the border to Macau to receive the one thing they have less chance of finding than ibuprofen: a foreign-made mRNA vaccine. China has failed to approve such vaccines despite their availability, in an apparent effort to protect the domestic industry. (Earlier this month, Beijing said China would allow German vaccines — but only for German nationals in the country.)        近日来,一些中国人为了获得一种比布洛芬更难找到的东西,冒险出境到澳门,去打外国生产的mRNA疫苗。虽然这种疫苗在国外常见,但中国尚未批准使用,显然是为了保护国内的产业。(本月早些时候,北京表示,中国将允许进口德国疫苗——但仅限于在中国的德国公民使用。)
        A data analyst in southern Shenzhen, who asked to be identified only by her last name, Fan, traveled to the nearby gambling destination last week to receive an mRNA booster. She believed that the mixture of the booster plus two doses of the Chinese Sinovac vaccine she received at home would strengthen her immunity.        深圳南部的一名只说自己姓范的数据分析师上周去澳门打了mRNA疫苗的加强针。她相信,在国内接种了两剂中国科兴疫苗后,打不同疫苗的加强针会增强她的免疫力。
        She said she began stocking up on cold medicine, saline nasal sprays and masks as early as mid-November, when cases were climbing in Guangzhou, a neighboring city. When regions across China saw shortages this month, she mailed packages with supplies to dozens of relatives in Shanghai, the northern city of Xi’an and the eastern province of Fujian.        她说,她早在11月中旬就开始囤积感冒药、生理盐水鼻喷剂和口罩,当时邻近城市广州的感染病例正在上升。中国各地本月出现了药物短缺后,她给上海、北部城市西安和东部省份福建的几十名亲戚寄去药品包裹。
        Social media users have resorted to dark humor to cope with crisis, twisting a government slogan under “zero Covid” that reminds people that “Anyone who should be transferred for quarantine will be transferred for quarantine.” The new version? “Anyone who can have Covid will have Covid.”        社交媒体用户用黑色幽默来应对这场危机,他们将政府实行“清零”政策期间进行集中隔离时使用的口号“应转尽转”改为“应阳尽阳”。
        The government has tried to reassure the public, saying it is prioritizing efforts to increase the nation’s medicine stocks.        政府试图安抚公众,称正在把增加国家的药品库存作为优先事项来抓。
        State media reports called the shortages temporary and highlighted a recent push by Chinese drugmakers, under the direction of the central government, to increase supplies. China is one of the world’s largest producers of pharmaceuticals, making roughly one-third of the world’s supply of ibuprofen, a painkiller and fever reducer.        官媒报道称短缺是暂时性的,并强调中国制药商最近已在中央政府的指导下全力以赴增加供应。中国是世界上最大的药品生产国之一,中国生产的布洛芬(一种止痛、退烧药)约占世界供应量的三分之一。
        Local governments are also pledging to procure more drugs and distribute them to pharmacies. In the eastern city of Nanjing, officials announced they would add two million tablets of fever-reducing medicine to the market each day, starting on Dec. 18. To stretch out supplies, pharmacies were instructed to unseal packages to sell the tablets individually and to limit purchases to six pills per person.        地方政府也在承诺采购更多药品,分发给药店。东部城市南京的官员宣布,从12月18日起,每天向市场投放200万片退烧药。为了让人们都能买到药,政府指示药店将包装拆开卖,并限制每人只能买六片。
        In the central city of Wuhan, the Hubei provincial government said it would supply three million ibuprofen tablets a week mostly to medical facilities. And in the northeastern city of Jinan, more than a million tablets of ibuprofen were distributed to clinics and pharmacies, state media reported.        位于中部城市武汉的湖北省政府表示,每周将投放300万片布洛芬,主要提供给医疗机构。另据官媒报道,东北部城市济南已向诊所和药店投放了110万片布洛芬。
        China’s rush to address the shortfalls in medicine mirrors the flurry of last-minute deals to bring more vaccines and foreign-made treatments onto the market.        中国在忙着解决药品短缺问题的同时,还紧急批准了几款新疫苗和外国生产的治疗药物的使用授权。
        The authorities have approved four domestic vaccines in the past two weeks alone, and the state-owned pharmaceutical company China Meheco Group announced last week it had struck a deal to import and distribute Pfizer’s Paxlovid, an oral treatment found to significantly cut the risk of hospitalization and death. (In April, Pfizer had also signed a separate deal with another Chinese pharmaceutical company, Zhejiang Huahai, to manufacture Paxlovid for the China market.)        仅在过去两周的时间里,当局就批准了四种国产疫苗,国有的中国医药集团上周宣布,已达成了进口和在分销辉瑞生产的抗病毒口服药Paxlovid的协议,这种药物被证明可显著降低重症和死亡风险。(今年4月,辉瑞曾与另一家中国制药公司浙江华海药业签署了为中国市场生产Paxlovid的协议。)
        The approval of Paxlovid contrasts with China’s treatment of foreign Covid vaccines. The difference in this case is that China has several domestically produced alternatives for Covid jabs, but no antiviral substitute as effective as Paxlovid.        中国批准Paxlovid的做法与对待外国新冠疫苗的做法截然不同。区别在于,中国已有几种国产新冠疫苗,但没有与Paxlovid一样有效的抗病毒药物。
        “Paxlovid fills a large gap for China to treat Covid patients with severe conditions,” said Xi Chen, a health economist at the Yale School of Public Health. “There is no clear competitor among China’s domestic antiviral drug producers.”        “Paxlovid填补了中国治疗新冠重症的一大空白,”耶鲁大学公共卫生学院卫生经济学家陈曦说。“中国本土的抗病毒药物生产商中没有明显的竞争对手。”
        In a sign of Paxlovid’s high demand in China, boxes of the drug were quickly snapped up last week through a Shanghai-based health care company called 111, Inc. on the first day China allowed the antiviral treatment to be sold online. There have been no reports of online sales since, as the drug remains scarce.        Paxlovid在中国需求很高的一个迹象是,中国上周批准网上销售抗病毒药物的第一天,上海一家名为“1药网”的医药健康平台上的Paxlovid很快被抢购一空。之后就没有关于该药在网上销售的报道了,因为这种药物继续稀缺。
        The clamor for medicine has even spilled out of the mainland. In Taiwan, the self-ruled island, the government has urged people to moderate their purchases for China. In the Chinese city of Hong Kong, some pharmacies are limiting how much customers can buy, while others are helping mail medicine across the border.        找药的努力甚至超出了中国大陆。在自治的岛屿台湾,政府敦促民众勿大量购买转寄中国。中国香港的一些药店正在限制顾客的购买量,而有的药店则帮忙将药物寄往内地。
        Wonderful Dispensary on Hong Kong Island charges customers roughly $15 for staff there to ship a package of pills to the mainland. Tony Ng, a clerk who has worked at the store for more than two decades, said the pharmacy was cleaned out of a popular brand of acetaminophen recently.        在位于香港岛的万事达西药房,顾客要求店员将一包药物寄往内地需交相当于大约15美元的费用。已在这家药店工作了二十多年的店员托尼·吴说,药房一个大众品牌的对乙酰氨基酚最近已售罄。
        “The customers told me that they are buying for their family and friends,” said Mr. Ng, 50. “People cannot buy fever medicine in mainland now. They really need it.”        “客人告诉我都是买给亲戚朋友的,”现年50岁的托尼·吴说。“他们在大陆买不到退烧药,是真的需要。”
        At the Xiehe Hospital in the city of Wuhan, an anesthesiologist who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not allowed to speak to the foreign media said his hospital was rationing fever reducers and pain relievers to patients so it wouldn’t run out.        武汉协和医院的一名麻醉师说,他所在的医院对退烧药和止痛药采取定量供应的方式提供给患者,以免用光。因为院方不允许接受外媒采访,他要求不具名。
        The shortages could have been avoided with proper planning had the government taken a more gradual approach in shifting out of its “zero Covid” phase, the doctor said.        如果政府在放松“新冠清零”政策时采取更渐进的做法,有适当计划的话,这种短缺本来是可以避免的,这名医生说。
        “I never thought a 180-degree change in policy was possible. I thought it would take at least half a year to gradually relax Covid controls,” he said. “We are totally unprepared.”        “我完全没想到政策会是这样一个180度大转弯,一下子就给放开。我以为至少要半年,慢慢地放开,”他说。“我们完全没有准备。”
        The growing lengths people must go to in order to secure a box of medicine are sparking anger among some who blame the government for not ensuring a smooth transition out of “zero Covid.”        为了得到一盒药,人们必须付出越来越大的努力,这已激起了一些人的愤怒,他们指责政府没有确保平稳过渡。
        “When I see the news calling for folks to help each other, I feel it is stupid,” said Simon Zhang, a 24-year-old Beijing resident whose girlfriend is recovering from Covid. “They are asking us not to stockpile and suggesting dividing a box of ibuprofen into several pieces to sell … Why are Chinese people always rescuing ourselves?”        “当我看到新闻号召大家民众互助时,我就觉得很愚蠢,”现年24岁的北京居民西蒙·张(音)说,他的女友感染了新冠病毒,正在康复中。“他们说什么不要囤药,把一盒布洛芬剪成小份再卖……为什么我们中国人永远都在自救?”

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