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ByteDance Inquiry Finds Employees Obtained User Data of 2 Journalists

来源:纽约时报    2022-12-23 02:59

        ByteDance, the Chinese parent company of TikTok, said on Thursday that an internal investigation found that employees had inappropriately obtained the data of U.S. TikTok users, including that of two reporters.        TikTok的中国母公司字节跳动周四表示,一项内部调查发现,该公司员工以不当方式获取了美国TikTok用户的数据,其中包括两名记者的数据。
        Over the summer, a few employees on a ByteDance team responsible for monitoring employee conduct tried to find the sources of suspected leaks of internal conversations and business documents to journalists. In doing so, the employees gained access to the IP addresses and other data of two reporters and a small number of people connected to the reporters via their TikTok accounts. They were trying to determine if those individuals were within proximity of ByteDance employees, according to the company, which added that the efforts failed to find any leaks.        今年夏天,字节跳动一个负责监察员工行为的团队的几名员工试图找到涉嫌向记者泄露内部谈话和商业文件的源头。在此过程中,这些员工获得了两名记者的IP地址和其他数据,以及通过TikTok帐户与这两名记者有联系的少数人的数据。字节跳动公司称,他们试图确定这些人是否与字节跳动的员工存在关联。该公司补充说,他们的工作没有发现任何泄露。
        The investigation was initiated after an article was published by Forbes, and the inquiry confirms part of that report and highlights the privacy and security risks associated with TikTok that U.S. lawmakers, state governors and the Trump and Biden administrations have raised for more than two years. More than a dozen states have banned TikTok from government-issued devices, and the company has been in prolonged negotiations with the administration on security and privacy measures that would block any potential access to U.S. user data by ByteDance and the Chinese government.        这项调查是在《福布斯》发表一篇文章后启动的,调查证实了该报道的部分内容,并凸显出美国议员、州长以及特朗普和拜登政府两年多来一直提出的与TikTok有关的隐私和安全风险。十多个州已经禁止在政府发放的设备上安装TikTok,该公司一直在与政府就安全和隐私措施进行长期谈判,这些措施将阻止字节跳动和中国政府对美国用户数据的任何潜在访问。
        ByteDance’s general counsel, Erich Andersen, revealed the findings of the investigation, which was conducted by an outside law firm, in an email to employees on Thursday.        字节跳动的法律总顾问埃里希·安德森周四在发给员工的电子邮件中披露了由一家外部律师事务所进行的调查的结果。
        All four employees involved in the scheme were fired, the company said, correcting an earlier statement that one of the four had resigned. Two of those employees were working in China and two were in the United States. ByteDance said it had restructured its internal audit and risk team and had removed any access to U.S. data from that department.        该公司表示,参与该计划的四名员工全部被解雇,更正了早些时候四人中有一人辞职的声明。其中两名员工在中国工作,两名在美国工作。字节跳动表示,已经重组了内部审计和风险团队,并取消了该部门获取美国数据的权限。
        The targeted reporters were Emily Baker-White, who wrote for BuzzFeed and is now at Forbes, and Cristina Criddle of the Financial Times, ByteDance said, though it declined to identify other affected TikTok users. Forbes reported that two more of its reporters, who are also former BuzzFeed reporters, were targeted. ByteDance said its investigation did not conclude that those additional reporters were affected but said it would re-examine raw data to determine if the allegations were true.        字节跳动表示,被攻击的记者包括曾为BuzzFeed撰稿、现供职于《福布斯》的艾米丽·贝克-怀特,以及《金融时报》的克里斯蒂娜·克里德尔,不过该公司拒绝透露其他受影响的TikTok用户的身份。据《福布斯》报道,该杂志另外两名记者也成为了目标,他们也曾是BuzzFeed的记者。字节跳动表示,其调查并未得出上述记者受到影响的结论,但表示将重新检查原始数据,以确定这些指控是否属实。
        Mr. Andersen and ByteDance’s chief executive, Rubo Liang, revealed the findings of the investigation in separate emails to employees.        安德森和字节跳动首席执行官梁汝波分别在发给员工的电子邮件中披露了调查结果。
        “I was deeply disappointed when I was notified of the situation … and I’m sure you feel the same,” Mr. Liang wrote. “The public trust that we have spent huge efforts building is going to be significantly undermined by the misconduct of a few individuals.”        “得知这一情况后,我深感失望……我相信你们也有同感,”梁汝波写道。“我们花费巨大努力建立起来的公众信任,被少数人的不当行为严重破坏。”
        The chief executive of TikTok, Shou Zi Chew, also sent an email to his employees about the investigation, expressing disappointment and stressing the company’s commitment to protect U.S. data.        TikTok首席执行官周受资也向员工发送了一封关于调查的电子邮件,表达了失望之情,并强调了公司保护美国数据的承诺。
        “We take data security incredibly seriously,” Mr. Chew said in the email. He said that over the past 15 months, the company had worked to create a new U.S.-based data storage program as a “testament to that commitment.”        “我们非常重视数据安全,”周受资在邮件中说。他说,在过去的15个月里,该公司一直致力于在美国创建一个新的数据存储项目,作为“这一承诺的证明”。
        The employees obtained historical data, according to ByteDance and TikTok officials. For several months, the company said, it has been in the process of putting all U.S. data on the Oracle cloud, but the past data obtained by the ByteDance employees was still available. TikTok said it planned to delete all historical data outside the Oracle systems.The revelations come amid growing concerns by U.S. officials about the privacy and national security risks posed by TikTok, a hugely popular video-sharing app with an estimated 100 million American users. ByteDance acquired TikTok, formerly known as Musical.ly, in 2017. Since then the company has been the focus of national security officials who say the app is too closely aligned with its parent company in China and can put sensitive data, such as geolocation and the habits and interests of users in the United States, into the hands of the Chinese government.        字节跳动和TikTok高管表示,这些员工获取了历史数据。该公司表示,几个月来,它一直在将所有美国数据放在甲骨文云上,但字节跳动员工过去获得的数据仍然可用。TikTok表示,计划删除甲骨文系统之外的所有历史数据。TikTok是一款非常受欢迎的视频分享应用,估计有1亿美国用户。美国官员越来越担心TikTok带来的隐私和国家安全风险。字节跳动在2017年收购了TikTok,该公司前身为Musical.ly。自那以后,该公司一直是国家安全官员关注的焦点,他们说,该应用与其在中国的母公司关系过于密切,可以将美国用户的地理位置、习惯和兴趣等敏感数据交到中国政府手中。
        In September, TikTok’s chief operating officer, Vanessa Pappas, testified in a Senate hearing that the app did not share data with the Chinese government. The company has tried to distance the app from ByteDance, saying TikTok has its own corporate structure, with offices in New York, Los Angeles, Singapore and Washington.        今年9月,TikTok首席运营官瓦妮莎·帕帕斯在参议院听证会上作证说,该应用程序没有与中国政府共享数据。该公司试图让这款应用与字节跳动保持距离,称TikTok有自己的公司结构,在纽约、洛杉矶、新加坡和华盛顿设有办事处。
        In the hopes of allaying national security fears, ByteDance has moved the data of U.S. users to a cloud storage system operated by Oracle, the Silicon Valley software company.        为了缓解人们对国家安全的担忧,字节跳动已将美国用户的数据转移到硅谷软件公司甲骨文运营的云存储系统。
        TikTok has been locked in negotiations with the Biden administration on that security plan to move all U.S. data and erect walls around the data to prevent access by the Chinese government. The negotiations, which began during the Trump administration, have stalled in recent weeks, prompting a cascade of state and federal actions to restrict the use of TikTok. Senator Mark Warner, Democrat of Virginia and chairman of the Intelligence Committee, called on the administration to conclude its talks with TikTok on national security fixes to the app.        TikTok一直在与拜登政府就该安全计划进行谈判,该计划旨在转移所有美国数据,并在数据周围竖起高墙,防止中国政府访问这些数据。谈判始于特朗普政府期间,最近几周陷入僵局,促使州和联邦政府采取了一系列限制使用TikTok的行动。弗吉尼亚州民主党参议员、情报委员会主席马克·华纳呼吁政府结束与TikTok就修复该应用的国家安全问题而进行的谈判。
        “This new development reinforces serious concerns that the social media platform has permitted TikTok engineers and executives in the People’s Republic of China to repeatedly access private data of U.S. users despite repeated claims to lawmakers and users that this data was protected,” Mr. Warner said. “It’s time to come forward with that solution or Congress could soon be forced to step in.”Congress is set to vote as early as this week on a proposal that would ban TikTok from any federal government-issued devices. Intelligence officials, including the F.B.I. director, Christopher Wray, have warned that Chinese officials can siphon sensitive data about U.S. citizens to use for surveillance and to spread propaganda.        “这一新进展加剧了人们的严重担忧,即该社交媒体平台允许中华人民共和国境内的TikTok工程师和高管反复访问美国用户的私人数据,尽管他们一再向立法者和用户声称这些数据受到保护,”华纳说。“现在是提出解决方案的时候了,否则国会很快就会被迫介入。”国会最早将于本周就一项提案进行投票,该提案将禁止TikTok被安装在任何联邦政府发行的设备。包括联邦调查局局长克里斯托弗·雷在内的情报官员警告,中国官员可以窃取有关美国公民的敏感数据,用于监控和宣传。
        TikTok is in the middle of an escalating economic and trade war between the United States and China for technology leadership. The superpowers have imposed trade restrictions on foreign-made technologies and have poured hundreds of billions of dollars into subsidies and grants to bring back tech supply chains for manufacturing within their borders.        TikTok正处于美中之间为争夺技术领先地位而不断升级的经济和贸易战争之中。这两个超级大国对外国制造的技术实施了贸易限制,并投入了数千亿美元的补贴和拨款,使技术供应链回归境内制造。
        Senator Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida and a ranking member of the Intelligence Committee, has introduced legislation with Democratic support that would ban TikTok from all consumer devices. The bill would face First Amendment challenges, legal experts say, but highlights the increasing pressure to ban the app.        佛罗里达州共和党参议员、情报委员会高级成员马可·卢比奥在民主党的支持下提出了一项立法,将禁止TikTok在所有消费设备上使用。法律专家表示,该法案将面临宪法第一修正案的挑战,但也凸显出禁止这款应用的压力越来越大。
        “No one should be surprised or fooled by ByteDance’s public apology,” Mr. Rubio said in a statement about the internal investigation. “The company is desperate to tamp down growing bipartisan concerns about how it enables the Chinese Communist Party to use — and potentially weaponize — the data of American citizens. Every day it becomes more clear that we need to ban TikTok.”        “任何人都不应对字节跳动的公开道歉感到惊讶,也不应被它愚弄,”卢比奥在一份关于这项内部调查的声明中说。“该公司迫切希望平息两党日益增长的担忧,即它如何使中国共产党能够使用美国公民的数据,并将其变为武器。我们需要禁止TikTok,这已经越来越明确了。”

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