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Twitter users say Elon Musk should step down as CEO in a poll

来源:中国日报    2022-12-21 08:00

        Twitter users voted with a majority in a weekend poll indicating that Elon Musk should step down as CEO of the social media company.        在周末的一项民调中,多数推特网友投票支持埃隆·马斯克辞去这家社交媒体公司的首席执行官职务。
        Among the 17.5 million votes cast in Musk's 12-hour poll, which closed early Monday, 57.5 percent were in favor of his exit, with 42.5 percent indicating he should stay.        马斯克发起该投票12小时后,有1750万人参与,57.5%的人支持他辞职,42.5%的人表示他应该留下来。
        The move followed another day of controversy for the social media platform that has been embroiled in tumult since Musk bought it in October and subsequently laid off large swaths of employees, according to a report of The San Francisco Chronicle.        据《旧金山纪事报》报道,自今年10月收购推特后,马斯克解雇了大批员工,公司陷入混乱。马斯克发起这项投票的前一天,其推特改革措施又引发了争议。
        On Sunday morning, Twitter announced that it would prohibit users from steering their followers to their Instagram, Facebook, or Mastodon pages. It said accounts that repeatedly violated this new rule would be permanently suspended.        12月18日上午,推特宣布将禁止用户将粉丝导流至Instagram、Facebook或Mastodon主页。推特称,多次违反这一新规定的账户将被永久封号。
        Vigorous blow-back from Twitter users followed, and Musk later Sunday tweeted an apology, saying that "going forward, there will be a vote for major policy changes." By Sunday night, Twitter had taken down its posts and its website notice announcing the new policy about linking to the targeted social media platforms.        此举引发推特用户强烈不满,马斯克当天在推特上致歉,称“今后,将对重大政策调整进行投票”。到18日晚,推特已经删除其帖子和网站通知,宣布了有关分享目标社交媒体平台链接的新政策。
        By that time, Musk had also invited Twitter users to vote "yes" or "no" to the question whether he should step down as the head of Twitter, and promised he'd follow the 12-hour poll's results.        当时,马斯克还邀请推特用户对他是否应该卸任推特CEO一职进行投票,并承诺将遵守12小时后的投票结果。
        Later Sunday, he tweeted, "No one wants the job who can actually keep Twitter alive. There is no successor."        18日晚些时候,马斯克在推特上发文称,“没有人想要接手拯救推特的工作。没有继任者。”
        Musk expressed pessimism about the prospects for a new CEO, saying that such a person "must like pain a lot" to run a company that "has been in the fast lane to bankruptcy."        马斯克对新任首席执行官的前景表示悲观,称这样的人“必须非常享受痛苦”,才能经营一家“一直快速走向破产”的公司。


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