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The U.S. wants to counter China’s moves in Africa. But American officials try not to mention that.

来源:纽约时报    2022-12-15 01:34

        WASHINGTON — There is one word that American officials are trying to avoid saying as they meet with African counterparts during the U.S.-Africa leaders summit in Washington this week: China.        华盛顿——本周在华盛顿举行的美非领导人峰会期间,美国官员在与非洲官员会晤时都尽量避免提到一个词:中国。
        President Biden and his aides do not want the nearly 50 African leaders attending the event to perceive that official U.S. interests on the continent are mainly driven by a desire to counter China, which has built enormous trade ties with African nations and is trying to grow its military and security presence in the region. Yet, in discussions on Africa in Washington, U.S. officials and analysts often mention China, and African diplomats say publicly that American commerce with Africa is anemic next to that of China.        拜登总统及其助手不希望出席峰会的近50名非洲领导人认为,美国对非洲大陆的官方兴趣主要是受与中国对抗的愿望驱动。中国与非洲国家建立了深厚的贸易关系,并试图在该地区扩大军事和安全影响力。然而,在华盛顿关于非洲的讨论中,美国官员和分析人士还是经常提到中国,非洲外交官也公开宣称,与中非相比,美非贸易较为疲软。
        People will be watching carefully to see whether Mr. Biden alludes to U.S.-China competition in the speeches he plans to make at various summit events on Wednesday and Thursday. He and Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken say China is the greatest long-term rival to the United States and the only nation with the ability and resources to try to usurp American power across the globe. They have also mentioned Russia as an important medium-term challenger and noted the destabilizing presence in Africa of the Wagner Group, a private military force with close ties to the Kremlin that has fought U.S. troops.        拜登计划于周三和周四的多场峰会上发表讲话,他是否将提及美中竞争将受到密切关注。他与国务卿布林肯均表示,中国是美国最大的长期竞争对手,也是唯一有能力和资源在全球尝试取代美国影响力的国家。他们还将俄罗斯称为重要的中期挑战者,并指出瓦格纳集团在非洲的存在破坏了稳定。瓦格纳集团是一支与克里姆林宫关系密切的雇佣军,曾与美军作战。
        At a news conference in South Africa in August, Mr. Blinken said the administration’s Africa strategy was not centered on rivalry with China and Russia. But a White House document on Mr. Biden’s strategy in sub-Saharan Africa released the same day said the effort to strengthen “open societies” was partly intended to “counter harmful activities” by China, Russia and “other foreign actors.”        布林肯8月曾在南非举行的新闻发布会上表示,拜登政府非洲战略的核心不是与中俄竞争。但当天公布的一份关于拜登在撒哈拉以南非洲地区战略的白宫文件写道,加强“开放社会”的努力一定程度上是为了“对抗”中俄等“其他外国势力的有害活动”。
        Mr. Blinken said in a speech that afternoon in South Africa that the U.S. strategy “reflects the region’s complexity, its diversity, its agency,” and “focuses on what we will do with African nations and peoples, not for African nations and peoples.”        同日下午,布林肯在南非发表演讲时表示,美国的战略“这项战略体现了该地区的复杂性——其多样性及其威力和影响力”,并“着重于我们将与非洲国家和人民共同做些什么,而不是为非洲国家和人民做些什么”。
        U.S. officials who work on Africa policy are aware of the brutal history of colonialism by European powers in Africa and do not want this week’s summit or other U.S. engagements with African nations to be seen as efforts to make those countries into pawns in a broader geopolitical struggle.        负责制定非洲政策的美国官员了解欧洲列强在非洲推行殖民主义的残酷历史,他们不希望本周的峰会或美国与非洲国家的其他接触被解读为试图将这些国家变为更广泛地缘政治斗争的棋子。
        Mokgweetsi Masisi, the president of Botswana, said at the Brookings Institution on Tuesday that many African countries were wary of the intentions of world superpowers and sought to exert some agency over those larger nations’ policies.        博茨瓦纳总统莫克维齐·马西西周二在布鲁金斯学会表示,许多非洲国家都对世界超级大国充满提防,并试图对这些大国的政策发挥一些自主性。
        “The world has not been extremely kind to Africa,” he said. “It’s almost as if the carving out and colonization of Africa assumed a new form without the labels of colonization — but some measure of conquest. And we’re trying to move away from that and engage so that they work with us and not on us and through us.”        “世界对非洲并不是特别友善,”他说。“对非洲的开拓和殖民似乎有了一种新的形式,没有殖民的特征,但仍是某种程度的征服。我们正在努力摆脱这种情况,并参与其中,以便让他们与我们合作,而不是对我们进行图谋利用。”
        On Monday, China’s ambassador in Washington, Qin Gang, said at a talk hosted by Semafor, a news organization, that Beijing was focused on its own interests in Africa, regardless of Washington’s concerns.        周一,中国驻华盛顿大使秦刚在新闻机构Semafor主办的一场论坛上表示,北京专注于自身在非洲的利益,不会顾及华盛顿的担忧。
        “We are not interested in the views of any other countries on China’s role in Africa,” he said. “And we believe that Africa should be a place for international cooperation, not for major-power competition for geopolitical gains.”        “我们并不在意其他国家怎么说中国在非洲的作用,”他说。“中方认为,非洲应该成为国际合作的大舞台,而不是大国竞争的角斗场。”
        He also rebutted the frequent statements from American officials that Chinese state-owned companies give development loans to countries in Africa and elsewhere to lure those nations into debt traps.        他还反驳了美国官员频繁发表的言论,即中国国企向非洲及其他地区的国家提供开发贷款,引诱这些国家陷入债务陷阱。
        “China’s investment and financing assistance to Africa is not a trap,” he said. “It’s a benefit. Over the past decades, China has provided loans to help Africa with economic and social development. Construction works are everywhere in Africa. You can see hospitals, highways, airports, stadiums.”        “中国对非投融资给非洲人民带来的不是陷阱,”他说。“而是福祉。在过去几十年里,中国向非洲提供贷款,帮助其经济社会发展。非洲各国到处可见建设项目,包括医院、高速公路、机场、体育馆等。”
        Mr. Qin even suggested China and the United States could find areas of cooperation in Africa.        秦刚甚至提议中美两国可以在非洲寻找合作领域。
        “For example, in 2015, China and the United States together helped African countries like Liberia to fight against Ebola,” he said. “Several good economic projects in Africa are jointly participated by China, the United States and African countries. There’s a textile industry park in Ethiopia that is jointly sponsored, built and operated by China, the United States and Ethiopia.”        “2015年,中美曾联手帮助利比里亚等非洲国家抗击埃博拉疫情,这是双方的合作范例,”他说。“中国、美国和非洲国家还开展了三方、多方合作的经济项目。比如中美和埃塞俄比亚共同发起、建设和运营的埃塞俄比亚纺织工业园。”

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