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Two Dogs from North Korea Become Victims of a Political Squabble

来源:纽约时报    2022-12-15 05:08

        SEOUL — President Yoon Suk Yeol of South Korea and his predecessor, Moon Jae-in, are both dog lovers. Still, they could not agree on how two dogs given to their country by North Korea should be cared for.        首尔——韩国总统尹锡悦和他的前任文在寅都是爱狗人士。不过,对于两只由朝鲜送给韩国的狗应该如何照管,两人存在分歧。
        The animals, now orphaned, ended up in a zoo this month.        本月,这两只已失去主人的狗进了动物园。
        The squabble between ​the two presidents goes beyond the fate of a pair of white Pungsans, a dog breed indigenous to North Korea. The dogs, named Songgang and Gomi​, are the latest victims of an internecine battle between two leaders​ whose opposing views have come to symbolize South Korea’s history of political gridlock.        而两位总统的争执并不仅限于该如何处理一对白色丰山犬——朝鲜特有的品种。两人的水火不容已经成为韩国政治僵局历史的缩影,而两只名叫“松江”和“小熊”的狗,只是这场两败俱伤的斗争的牺牲品之一。
        North Korea​’s leader, Kim Jong-un​,​ gave the dogs to Mr. Moon in 2018, when Mr. Moon visited Pyongyang for summit talks ​during a rare period of rapprochement on the Korean Peninsula. ​Last month, Mr. Moon gave up the dogs, ​saying that Mr. Yoon’s government didn’t want him to keep them. Mr. Yoon’s office denied those claims, saying discussions were underway to determine how to care for the dogs and who should pay for them, since they were technically the property of the South Korean government.        朝鲜领导人金正恩于2018年将这两只狗送给了前往平壤参加首脑会晤的文在寅,当时朝鲜半岛正处在少有的和睦气氛中。上月,文在寅弃养了两只狗,并称是尹锡悦的政府不让他养。尹锡悦的办公室否认了这一说法,称正在磋商以决定以何种方式照看它们,费用应由谁来出,因为它们理论上是韩国政府的财产。
        With no prospects ​for a quick agreement​​​, the dogs were moved to a veterinary hospital for a temporary stay ​last month ​and then found a new home in a municipal zoo in the southern city of Gwangju last weekend. But the dispute between Mr. Moon and Mr. Yoon’s government ​runs deeper than what appears to be a petty financial rift over a couple of canines. The tiff over the two dogs’ custody is an example of the ways in which political disagreements often become public spectacles in South Korea.        眼看短时间内无法达成一致,两只狗先是上月被转移到一家宠物医院,上周末又在南部城市光州一家市动物园找到了新家。但是文尹之争远不止是看上去那样,只是为了两只狗的抚养费这样鸡毛蒜皮的小事吵闹。在韩国,政治分歧时常演变成公开的闹剧,而为狗的监护方式而争吵正是典型的事例。
        In a recurring pattern in the country, a new ​administration has often tried to boost ​its standing by tarnishing the legacy of its predecessor, ensnaring former officials with criminal investigations and other scandals after they have left office.        这是一种反复出现的模式,新政府往往为了巩固自己的地位,要去抹黑前任的政治遗产,让前政府官员离职后陷入刑事调查和其它各种丑闻。
        Of the four former presidents who have governed the country in the past two decades, one — Roh Moo-hyun — killed himself while being investigated for possible corruption. Two — Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye — ended up in prison for corruption. All were put under investigation after leaving office and being targeted by their political enemies who took power.        过去二十年共有四位前总统,其中一位——卢武铉——在因可能存在腐败而接受调查后自杀。两位——李明博和朴槿惠——因腐败入狱。四人全都在卸任后被调查,他们的政敌掌权后对他们采取了行动。
        Mr. Yoon​ has​ repeatedly vowed to probe wrongdoings that he said were committed by Mr. Moon’s administration. Mr. Moon and his liberal opposition, the Democratic Party, have accused Mr. Yoon of seeking “political revenge” to distract voters from his low approval ratings. What makes the Moon-Yoon fracas different from feuds of the past is that the two had been trusted allies in going after Mr. Lee and Ms. Park, and putting them in prison.        尹锡悦此前多次承诺会调查文在寅政府的不当行为。文在寅及其所属的自由派反对党共同民主党指责尹锡悦在进行“政治报复”,以便让选民无瑕关注他的低支持率。文尹之争与以往的勾心斗角有所不同的是,两人曾经是坚定盟友,共同对付李明博和朴槿惠,并把他们送进了监狱。
        “Prosecutors must stop acting as hunting dogs for ​political power,​” Kim Eui-kyeom, a spokesman of the Democratic Party, said last week. ​Mr. Yoon, he added, “must also stop exercising political revenge for the purpose of consolidating his support base.”        “公诉机关不能再充当政治势力的鹰犬,”民主党发言人金宜谦上周说。他还说,尹锡悦“也不应该出于巩固自身地位的目的,进行政治复仇”。
        State prosecutors have already arrested Mr. Moon’s former defense minister and his former national security adviser on criminal charges​. (A court later allowed the former defense minister to stay out of jail while he stood trial.) On Wednesday, ​prosecutors interrogated another former Moon official, the director of the National Intelligence Service, for possible criminal charges stemming from allegations that they mishandled cases involving North Korea. ​Those under investigation have accused prosecutors of politicizing national security issues ​on Mr. Yoon’s behalf.        国家检察官已经以刑事罪名逮捕了文在寅的前国防部长和他的前国家安全顾问。(法院后来允许那位前部长在受审期间不入狱。)周三,检察官审问了前国家情报局局长——另一名文在寅政府官员——他在涉及朝鲜的案件中涉嫌处理不当,可能受到刑事指控。接受调查的人控诉检察官是在为尹锡悦办事,将国家安全问题政治化。
        “I sincerely hope that they will no longer drag the National Intelligence Service into the political scene,” Park Jie-won, the former spy chief under Mr. Moon​, told reporters before ​presenting himself to prosecutors​ for questioning on Wednesday. Prosecutors have also indicted aides close to the ​Democratic Party’s new leader, Lee Jae-myung, on charges of ​collecting illegal campaign funds.        “我真诚地希望他们不再将国家情报局拖入政治舞台,”文在寅领导下的前情报局长朴智元在周三接受检察官讯问之前对记者说。检察官还起诉了与民主党新任党魁李在明关系密切的助手,罪名是收集非法竞选资金。
        Mr. Moon once trusted Mr. Yoon​ enough to make him prosecutor general during his administration. The two men soon fell out over Mr. Moon’s efforts to curtail the power of prosecutors who have long been accused of meddling in politics. Mr. Yoon resigned ​from Mr. Moon’s government and then in March won the presidential election by a razor-thin margin as the candidate for the conservative ​People Power Party, defeating Mr. Lee.        文在寅曾经非常信任尹锡悦,在他执政期间任命他为总检察长。两人很快因文在寅限制检察官的权力而闹翻,检察官们长期以来一直被指控干涉政治。尹锡悦辞去了在文在寅政府的职务,然后在3月作为保守派人民力量党的候选人,以微弱优势击败李在明,赢得了总统选举。
        As president, Mr. Yoon’s approval ratings​ have hover​ed around 30 percent after his administration was hit by a host of scandals involving cabi​net appointees,​ ​presidential staff and ​his wife, Kim ​Keon-hee​, as well as the recent Halloween crowd crush that killed more than 150 people in Seoul.        尹锡悦的总统支持率徘徊在30%左右,此前他的政府受到一系列丑闻的打击,涉及内阁任命、总统工作人员以及他的妻子金建熙,还有最近在首尔造成150多人死亡的万圣节踩踏事故。
        Mr. Yoon’s office denies the investigations are politically motivated, saying that inquiries into Mr. Moon’s government were a matter of​ human rights and​ “national sovereignty​.​”        尹锡悦的办公室否认调查是出于政治动机,称对文在寅政府的调查事关人权和“国家主权”。
        The ​​investigations stemmed from a case in 2020, when a South Korean fisheries official went missing from his ship and was later found by the North in its waters. South Korea accused the North of killing the official and burning his body at sea. Its Defense Ministry and its coast guard ​announced at the time that the official, Lee Dae-joon, was suspected of trying to defect to the North.        调查始自2020年的一起案件,当时一名韩国渔业官员从他的船上失踪,后来被朝鲜在其水域发现。韩国指责朝鲜杀害了这名官员并在海上焚烧了他的尸体。其国防部和海岸警卫队当时宣布,这名官员李大俊(音)涉嫌企图叛逃到朝鲜。
        But after Mr. Yoon took office, both agencies reversed their findings, saying that there ​had not been enough evidence to consider Mr. Lee a defector.​        但在尹锡悦就任总统后,两个机构都推翻了自己的调查结果,称没有足够证据怀疑李大俊叛逃。
        P​rosecutors said ​that Mr. Moon’s former ​aides falsified documents and deleted intelligence reports, to ​help depict Mr. Lee ​as a defector in order to mitigate the backlash over his death and to minimize ​its impact on relations between the two Koreas. ​(Easing ​tensions with North Korea was ​one ​of Mr. Moon’s ​signature policy​ goals while Mr. Yoon has taken a more confrontational stance toward the North​.) Mr. Moon’s former aides all denied the accusations and stood by their findings on Mr. Lee.        检方称,文在寅的前助手伪造了文件并销毁了情报报告,导致李大俊被视为叛逃者,目的是为了缓和公众对其死亡的强烈愤慨,并将此事对朝韩关系的影响降至最低。(缓和与朝鲜的紧张关系是文在寅的标志性政策目标之一,而尹锡悦则对朝鲜采取了更具对抗性的立场。)文在寅前助手均否认这些指控,并坚持对李大俊的调查结果。
        “At the time, it was impossible for ​our security agencies to nail down facts clearly, and the​y tried to figure out what happened as best as we could from all the​ available information and ​from ​the circumstances,​” Mr. Moon said in a statement this month. “But after ​the change of governments, the agencies reversed their decision, although the information and circumstances​ remained the same​.”        “当时,我们的安全机构不可能清楚地确定事实,我们试图从所有可用信息和情况中尽可能拼凑出事情的原貌,”文在寅在本月的一份声明中表示。“但在政府换届之后,虽然信息和情况没变,但安全机构颠倒了结果。”
        The fate of the two North Korean dogs, ​too, ​became an issue after Mr. Yoon won the election. By law, gifts to the president belong to the state. But the Presidential Archives, which was supposed to own the dogs​, had no kennel. When he was president-elect, Mr. Yoon indicated his support for the idea that Mr. Moon should continue to care for the​ dogs in the best interest of the animals’ welfare.        尹锡悦赢得大选后,朝鲜送来的两只狗的去向同样也成了问题。按照法律规定,送给总统的礼物应属于国家。但本拥有犬只所有权的总统档案馆并未设有犬舍。尹锡悦还是候任总统时,曾支持让文在寅继续饲养两只狗,认为这是最有利于动物福祉的方案。
        On Mr. Moon’s last day in office, the Presidential Archives​ informally entrusted the​ dogs to him. But there were no subsequent efforts to make the transfer legally binding or to ​hash out ​​financial and other support for the dogs. Mr. Moon blamed Mr. Yoon’s office for the delay.        文在寅在职的最后一天,总统档案馆以非正式的方式将两只狗托付给他。但此后没有实施任何措施保障这一转让的法律效力,也没有对两只狗的财政开销和其他支持措施进行安排。文在寅将延误归咎于尹锡悦办公室。
        “The presidential office ​​seems negative ​about entrusting the Pungsan dogs to former President Moon,” Mr. Moon’s office said on Facebook​ last month​. “If that’s the case, we can be cool about it​,” it said, adding that it was left with no option but to hand the dogs back to the state, even though it pained Mr. Moon to part with the dogs he had raised for four years.​        “总统办公室似乎不愿将丰山犬托付给文在寅前总统,”文在寅办公室上个月在Facebook上表示。“若果真如此,我们可以接受,”声明中表示,并称虽然与抚养了四年的爱犬分离让文在寅很难过,但他别无选择,只能将它们交还给国家。
        That left the dogs with no home, until the Presidential Archives arranged for the zoo in Gwangju to care for them. On Monday, the dogs, sporting name tags around their necks, were shown off to journalists and citizens at the zoo. “Gomi and Songgang are a symbol of peace and South-North Korean reconciliation and cooperation​,” Gwangju Mayor Kang Gijung ​told reporters. “We will raise them well, like we cultivate a seed for peace​.”        这也导致两只狗无家可归,直到后来总统档案馆安排光州的动物园负责照看。周一,脖子上挂着名牌的两只狗在动物园与记者和市民见面。“小熊和松江是朝韩和解与合作的和平象征,”光州市长姜琪正告诉记者。“我们会像培育和平的种子一样妥善抚养它们。”

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