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As Covid Spreads Fast, Beijing Isn’t in Lockdown. But It Feels Like It.

来源:纽约时报    2022-12-14 10:48

        Restaurants have closed because too many staff members have tested positive for Covid. The usually ubiquitous food delivery workers zipping through traffic on their scooters have nearly vanished because of infections. Pharmacies have been emptied of cold medicine, and supermarkets have been running low on the essentials: disinfectant solution, antibacterial wipes, beer.        由于太多的员工核酸阳性,餐馆已经关门。以前街头随处可见的骑着小摩托车在车流中穿梭的外卖送餐员已几乎消失,因为他们中很多人感染了新冠病毒。药店的感冒药被抢购一空,超市的必需品也告罄:消毒液、抗菌湿巾、啤酒。
        Less than a week after the Chinese government lifted its stringent “zero Covid” restrictions, Beijing looks like a city in the throes of a lockdown — this time, self-imposed by residents. Sidewalks and pedestrian shopping streets are barren, and once busy traffic thoroughfares are deserted. Residents are hunkering down indoors and hoarding medicine as a wave of Covid sweeps across the Chinese capital.        中国政府取消了严格的“新冠清零”政策后不到一周,北京看起来像是一座处于封控困境下的城市,只不过这次是民众自己强加的。人行道和步行购物街人迹稀少,曾经繁忙的交通要道现在变得空空荡荡。随着一轮新冠疫情席卷中国首都,民众都躲在家中并囤积药物。
        “No one dares to come out now,” said Yue Jiajun, a Beijing restaurant owner, who initially celebrated when customers were allowed to dine indoors last week only to learn later that the surge in infections would keep them away.        “现在放开没人敢出来,没有人,”北京一家餐馆的老板岳家军(音)说,政府上周允许顾客堂食后,一开始他还挺高兴的,后来才发现感染激增会让顾客不敢来吃饭。
        “Even takeaway, I have no customers,” said Mr. Yue, who admitted that there probably weren’t enough delivery drivers for his orders anyway.        “外卖一样,也没有客人,”岳先生说,不过他承认,就算有人下单,可能也没有足够的外卖送餐员。
        All over the city, residents were gripped by the sinking realization that a virus most of the world had already experienced was spreading freely and rapidly for the first time, three years after it emerged. Weibo, China’s popular social media service, was awash with people around the country sharing news of their infections and their personal experiences with Covid.        整座城市的居民都有一种不祥的意识,那就是,世界上大部分地区已经历过的病毒在出现了三年后,正首次在北京不受限制地、迅速地传播。受欢迎的社交媒体平台——微博充满了全国各地的人们分享感染新冠病毒的消息和患病经历。
        “Fifty to 60 percent of my relatives and friends have tested positive,” wrote one person on Weibo, a social media site.        “目前亲戚朋友里的阳性大概增加到了50%到60%,”一名网友在微博上写道。
        Liu Qiangdong, the chief executive of the e-commerce site JD.com, and Wang Shi, a real estate tycoon, shared on Weibo their experiences about recovering from Covid. A virus-stricken Zhang Lan, the founder of a popular restaurant chain, South Beauty Group, summoned the energy to hawk vitamin supplements and sausage as potential remedies on a livestream.        电子商务网站京东的首席执行官刘强东和房地产大亨王石都在微博上分享了他们感染新冠病毒后康复的经历。人气连锁餐厅俏江南集团的创始人张兰也感染了病毒,尽管状态不佳,她仍在网上直播带货,推销维生素和香肠作为治病补充措施。
        “I’m here to encourage you,” Ms. Zhang told her viewers. “Adjust your mentality, drink plenty of water. You’ll be fine.”        “我在这里就是鼓励你,”张兰告诉她的观众。“调整好心态,多喝水,没事。”
        Medicine has become hard to find, either at hospital clinics or at pharmacies. Many residents complain that the city should have done more to anticipate the Covid outbreak and to stockpile drugs ahead of time.        药物已变得很难找到,无论是在医院还是在药店。许多居民抱怨,北京应该对预料之中的疫情暴发有更多的准备,应该提前储备药物。
        “The most urgent issue is the shortage of medicine,” said a 25-year-old Beijing resident who gave only his family name, Wang, given the political sensitivity of the issue.        “最紧缺的是没有药,”一名现年25岁的北京居民说,由于讨论疫情问题的政治敏感性,他只说自己姓王。
        Mr. Wang said that he developed a fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit and a sore throat on Saturday morning and became dizzy. He tested positive for coronavirus on a rapid antigen test at home and went to a fever clinic at a hospital.        王先生说,他周六早上发烧37.8度,喉咙痛,头晕。他在家中做了快速抗原检测,阳性后去了一家医院的发热门诊。
        “I don’t know if I’m doing it right at home, so I came to the hospital to find out if there are any precautions,” Mr. Wang said, adding that he tried to obtain ibuprofen, a painkiller, and a popular herbal remedy called Lianhua Qingwen that has been the subject of price gouging.        “在家不知道做得对不对,来医院了解有没有什么注意事项,”王先生说,还说他想让医生给他开止痛药布洛芬和一种名为连花清瘟的抢手中成药,后者的价格已遭到哄抬。
        The doctor instead prescribed loxoprofen, a different painkiller, and Ganmao Qingre granules, a less coveted herbal remedy. “Many medicines in great demand are not available now, and I don’t know if other medicines prescribed can have the same effect,” Mr. Wang said.        医生给他开了另一种止痛药洛索洛芬和一种人气没有那么高的中成药——感冒清热冲剂。“因为现在很多药没有,开的其他药不知道能不能有大效果,热门的药基本卖光了,”王先生说。
        Vincent Chen said he resorted to begging friends outside Beijing to send him fever medication after he couldn’t find any at his local pharmacies or online. He had to splurge on an express delivery company because ordinary services were either too busy or didn’t have enough staff.        文森特·陈(音)说,他在本地药店或网上都找不到退烧药,后来求他在北京以外的朋友把退烧药寄来。他不得不为此花了一大笔钱快递费,因为普通投递服务忙不过来或人手不够。
        “Couriers are paralyzed,” said Mr. Chen, 35.        “其他快递也瘫痪了,”现年35岁的陈先生说。
        Others have caught on. Tutorials are now spreading on Weibo teaching city dwellers how to purchase drugs from pharmacies in the countryside.        人们各有奇招。微博上现在流传着教城市居民如何从农村药店买药的攻略。
        The hoarding of remedies isn’t limited to cough medicine and lozenges. Stores are now running out of jarred peaches because they’re believed to be packed with enough nutrients to ward off the virus. The sweet snack is popular in northeastern China for treating cold symptoms, but it now appears to be winning converts elsewhere as people try to gain an edge on the illness. State media has had to weigh in, declaring there’s no proof peaches make a difference.        囤积的药品不仅限于止咳药和润喉糖。商店里的黄桃罐头现已售罄,因为据信它们富含足以抵御病毒的营养。这种甜品在中国东北地区颇受欢迎,当地人用它来缓解感冒症状,但现在随着人们想方设法战胜新冠病毒,黄桃罐头似乎正在其他地方赢得信徒。官方媒体不得不出面澄清,称没有证据表明黄桃罐头有任何药效作用。
        It wasn’t the only time in the last week the government has had to step in to try to calm a frenzy over an elixir. The State Administration for Market Regulation, a market watchdog, warned producers and retailers about runaway prices after Lianhua Qingwen, the herbal remedy, started selling at more than triple its regular price.        这不是政府上周唯一一次试图平息人们寻找“神药”的狂热。国家市场监督管理总局已就中成药价格失控问题向生产商和零售商发出警告,这之前已出现了以高于正常价格三倍多的价格出售连花清瘟的情况。
        “It is strictly forbidden to drive up prices,” the regulator said on Friday.        “严禁哄抬物价,”国家市监局上周五通报说。
        Shares of Shijiazhuang Yiling Pharmaceutical, the maker of Lianhua Qingwen, have jumped more than 20 percent on the Shenzhen stock market since Covid restrictions were relaxed.        自从政府放松新冠病毒防控措施以来,连花清瘟的制造商石家庄以岭药业的股票已在深圳股市上涨了逾20%。
        The shortages don’t appear to have extended to food. Beijing has repeatedly promised that groceries would remain adequate through the pandemic. The capital, given its political importance, has traditionally had priority for food supplies.        短缺问题似乎没有扩大到食物。北京已一再承诺保持在疫情期间生活必需品供应充足。鉴于首都的政治重要性,北京历来在食物供应上享有优先权。
        Large piles of oranges, corn, cabbage and other produce were still available at supermarkets in the city that were able to round up enough staff to remain open. The only sections with dwindling inventory were for cleaning products and booze as customers tried to hedge how much time they’d need to stay indoors.        在北京仍有足够员工维持营业的超市里,橙子、玉米、卷心菜和其他农产品供应充足。只是清洁产品和酒类的货架正在变空,因为顾客们试图为他们需要在室内待多久做准备。
        Other businesses aren’t so fortunate as grocery stores. China tried to revitalize its travel industry last week by ending the many restrictions on travel between provinces. But some Beijing hotels have stopped admitting new guests because they have too few staff to look after them.        其他生意就没有超市那么幸运了。中国为试图重振旅游业已在上周取消了对国内旅行的限制,但北京的一些酒店已不再接收新客人,因为酒店的员工太少,无法为客人提供服务。
        The severity of Beijing’s outbreak is hard to discern. China’s mass testing system is being dismantled, so the number of infections is unknown. The city recorded 559 confirmed cases and 468 asymptomatic infections on Monday. That’s down from 1,163 confirmed cases and 3,503 asymptomatic infections on Dec. 5, the last day authorities required a negative test to enter public spaces.        北京疫情的严重程度难以判断。中国正在拆除国内的大规模核酸检测系统,因此无法知道感染人数。北京市周一通报了559例确诊病例和468例无症状感染者,低于12月5日通报的1163例确诊病例和3503例无症状感染者。12月5日是当局要求进入公共场所需出示核酸检测阴性证明的最后一天。
        Other available data suggests a city experiencing a surge in cases. Li Ang, a spokesman for the Beijing Municipal Health Commission, said at a news conference on Monday that the number of calls for emergency services on Friday was six times higher than normal and that visits to fever clinics had increased 16-fold in a week.        其他可得到的数据表明,北京的感染人数激增。北京市卫健委新闻发言人李昂在周一的新闻发布会上说,120急救电话呼入量急剧增加,上周五的呼入量是平时的六倍,全市发热门诊上周的就诊人次是一周前的16倍。
        One of the biggest questions is whether China can maintain medical care for people who fall seriously ill with Covid or who have unrelated conditions requiring treatment. Beijing, with some of the country’s best hospitals, has an advantage over rural areas. The city appealed on Saturday for people not to call the medical emergency hotline if they were asymptomatic or had only mild cases.        一个最大的问题是,中国能否为感染新冠病毒的重症患者或患有其他不相关疾病的人提供所需的救治和医疗服务。北京与农村地区相比有很多优势,拥有国内一些最好的医院。北京上周六呼吁人们如果无症状或轻症,不要拨打120急救电话。
        Several older people leaving a hospital in the Dongcheng district on Saturday said in separate interviews that they had received treatment, including for kidney dialysis and an injured foot.        记者上周六先后采访了离开东城区一家医院的几位老人,他们表示得到了治疗,包括透析和脚伤。
        But a 66-year-old man, complaining about a week of chronic pain at the base of his back, said that he had been turned away because the emergency room was full. The man, who gave only his family name, Gao, given the political sensitivity in discussing China’s pandemic response, said that he would try again later.        但是一名66岁的男子抱怨说,他患有慢性腰痛,已经疼了一周,他说没能看成急诊,因为号都挂完了。由于讨论中国应对新冠病毒大流行做法的政治敏感性,这名男子只说自己姓高,他说,他来日会再试着挂一次号。
        “I am still in pain,” he said. “I will come again.”        “我现在还是疼,”他说。“我会再来。”

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