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They Were Surrogates. Now They Must Raise the Children.

来源:纽约时报    2022-12-07 02:54

        PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — The baby was not hers, not really.        柬埔寨金边——孩子其实不是她的。
        Hun Daneth felt that, counted on that. When she gave birth to the boy, who didn’t look like her, she knew it even more.        达妮丝·洪(音)觉得是这样,希望是这样。当她生下这个长得并不像她的男孩,她更加确定了。
        But four years after acting as a surrogate for a Chinese businessman, who said he had used a Russian egg donor, Ms. Hun Daneth is being forced by the Cambodian courts to raise the little boy or risk going to jail. The businessman is in prison over the surrogacy, his appeal denied in June.        但在为一位自称靠俄罗斯人提供卵子的中国商人提供代孕四年后,柬埔寨法院正迫使达妮丝·洪抚养这个小男孩,否则她就要进监狱。那位商人已经因代孕入狱,他的上诉在6月被驳回。
        Even as she dealt with the shock of raising the baby, Ms. Hun Daneth dutifully changed his diapers. Over the months and years, she found herself hugging and kissing him, cajoling him to eat more rice so he could grow big and strong. She has come to see this child as her own.        尽管突然面对要抚养一个孩子这样的事,达妮丝·洪还是尽职尽责地照料着孩子的日常。月复一月年复一年,她抱他亲他,哄他多吃米饭,这样才能快高长大。她已经把这个孩子当作自己的了。
        “I love him so much,” said Ms. Hun Daneth, who is looking after the boy with her husband.        “我非常爱他,”达妮丝·洪说,她和丈夫一起照顾这个男孩。
        The fates of a Cambodian woman, a Chinese man and the boy who binds them together reflect the intricate ethical dilemmas posed by the global surrogacy industry. The practice is legal — and often prohibitively expensive — in some countries, while others have outlawed it. Still other nations with weak legal systems, like Cambodia, have allowed gray markets to operate, endangering those involved when political conditions suddenly shift and criminal cases follow.        一位柬埔寨女性、一位中国男性以及这个将他们的命运联系在一起的男孩,反映了全球代孕产业带来的复杂道德困境。在一些国家,代孕是合法的——但价格令人难以企及——还有一些国家将代孕视为非法。像柬埔寨这样法律制度薄弱的国家则存在灰色市场,当政治环境突变,代孕相关者就会面临威胁,进而惹上刑事官司。
        When carried out transparently with safeguards in place, supporters say, commercial surrogacy allows people to expand their families while fairly compensating the women who give birth to the children. Done badly, the process can lead to the abuse of vulnerable people, whether the surrogates or the intended parents.        支持者认为,只要过程透明并有适当的保障措施,商业代孕能帮助人们扩大家庭,同时向生育女性提供合理报酬。但如果过程不恰当,代孕可能导致弱势群体——无论是代孕母亲还是未来父母——的权利受到侵犯。
        The practice flourishes in the nebulous space between those who can and cannot bear children; between those with the means to hire someone to bear their biological offspring and the women who need the money; and between those whose sexuality or marital status means they can’t adopt or otherwise become parents and those whose fertility spares them having to face such restrictions.        在能生育和不能生育的人、在有能力雇人为自己生儿育女的人和需要赚钱的女性,还有在性向或婚姻状况导致其无法领养或成为父母和有生育能力而无需受此限制的人之间的模糊地带,代孕十分盛行。
        Cambodia became a popular surrogacy destination after crackdowns in other Asian countries nearly a decade ago. Foreigners flocked to newly opened fertility clinics and surrogacy agencies in Phnom Penh, the capital.        近十年前,在其他亚洲国家对代孕进行打击后,柬埔寨变成了热门目的地。外国人大量光顾首都金边新开业的生育诊所和代孕机构。
        As the industry flourished, the government imposed a ban on surrogacy, promising to pass legislation officially outlawing it. The ill-defined injunction, imposed in a graft-ridden country with little rule of law, ended up punishing the very women the government had vowed to safeguard.        随着代孕行业蓬勃发展,政府颁布了禁令,宣称将通过立法正式将代孕定为非法。在一个腐败猖獗、法治匮乏的国家实施不完善的禁令,最终惩罚的正是政府口口声声要保护的女性。
        In 2018, Ms. Hun Daneth was one of about 30 surrogates, all pregnant, who were nabbed in a police raid on an upmarket housing complex in Phnom Penh. Although Cambodia to this day has no law specifically limiting surrogacy, the government criminalized the practice by using existing laws against human trafficking, an offense that can carry a 20-year sentence. Dozens of surrogates have been arrested, accused of trafficking the babies they birthed.        2018年,警方突袭金边一处高档住宅区,约有30名已怀孕的代孕母亲被捕,达妮丝·洪就是其中之一。尽管柬埔寨至今没有专管代孕的法律,但利用现有的反人口贩卖法规,政府将代孕有罪化,最高可判处20年有期徒刑。被逮捕的数十名代孕母亲均被指控贩卖自己所生的婴儿。
        In a poor country long used as a playground by foreign predators — pedophiles, sex tourists, factory bosses, antique smugglers and, yes, human traffickers — the Cambodian authorities said they were on the lookout for exploitation.        在这个长久以来任由恋童癖、性游客、工厂老板、古董走私犯、还有少不了的人贩子等外来掠夺者猖獗活动的贫困国家,当局表示正在提防剥削行为。
        “Surrogacy means women are willing to sell babies and that counts as trafficking,” said Chou Bun Eng, a secretary of state at the ministry of interior and vice chair of the national countertrafficking committee. “We do not want Cambodia to be known as a place that produces babies to buy.”        “代孕意味着女性愿意出卖婴儿,这算是人口贩卖,”内政部国务秘书兼全国打击人口贩卖委员会的副主席周文英表示。“我们不希望柬埔寨被视为一个生产可购买婴儿的地方。”
        But applying a human trafficking law to surrogacy has imposed the heaviest costs on the surrogates themselves. Nearly all of those arrested in the 2018 raid gave birth while imprisoned in a military hospital, some chained to their beds. They, along with several surrogacy agency employees, were convicted of trafficking the babies.        但将人口贩卖法用于代孕让代孕母亲自己成为了最大的代价。在2018年那次突击行动中被捕的代孕母亲基本都是被监禁在一所军事医院时生产的,有些人还被锁在床上。她们和多名代孕机构员工被判犯有贩卖婴儿罪。
        Their sentencings, two years later, came with a condition: In exchange for suspended prison terms, the surrogates would have to raise the children themselves. If the women secretly tried to deliver the children to the intended parents, the judge warned, they would be sent to prison for many years.        两年后她们被宣判时还附带了一个条件:要得到缓刑,代孕母亲必须自行抚养孩子。法官警告称,如果这些女性试图私下将孩子交给委托父母,将面临多年监禁。
        This means that women whose financial precarity led them to surrogacy are now struggling with one more mouth to feed. The intended parents are separated from their flesh and blood. And surrogacy, a well-regulated practice in places like the United States, Georgia and Ukraine, has been relegated to the shadows in Cambodia.        这意味着那些因收入不稳定才选择代孕的女性要面临多喂一张嘴的难处。而委托父母也与自己的骨肉分离。代孕在美国、格鲁吉亚和乌克兰都受到严格监管,但在柬埔寨,这种行为被置于阴影之下。
        From behind the bars of a courthouse in Phnom Penh, Xu Wenjun, the intended father of the boy to whom Ms. Hun Daneth gave birth, spoke quickly, his words tumbling out before the police intervened. He has been in prison for three years.        在金边一间法院的围栏里,达妮丝·洪所生男孩的委托父亲许文军(音)急匆匆地说了很多话,直到警察出声干预。他已经被监禁了三年。
        “My son must be big by now,” said Mr. Xu, dressed in an orange prison jumpsuit. “Do you think he remembers me?”        “我儿子现在一定长大了,”身穿橙色囚服的许文军说。“你们觉得他还记得我吗?”
        ‘Where did he come from?’        “他是哪里来的?”
        Amid a cloud of mosquitoes, near a pile of garbage sodden from recent rains, a boy ran up to Ms. Hun Daneth, still in her factory uniform. She scooped up her son and sniffed his cheek, a sign of affection in parts of Southeast Asia.        在一堆被最近的雨水浸透的垃圾旁,蚊虫密布,一个男孩跑向仍穿着工厂制服的达妮丝·洪。她一把抱起儿子,嗅了嗅他的脸蛋,这是东南亚一些地方表达爱意的方式。
        Ms. Hun Daneth, now 25, decided to become a surrogate for the same reason as the others: debt, lots of it.        现年25岁的达妮丝·洪决定成为代孕母亲的原因与其他人一样:债台高筑。
        Over the past few years, Cambodian households have become some of the most indebted on earth, victims of a microfinance crisis. Once touted as a transformational tool for lifting families out of poverty, microfinance has in some countries, Cambodia included, devolved into a predatory scheme trapping millions in cycles of dependency.        过去几年,柬埔寨家庭负担的债务是全世界最重之一,成了小额信贷危机的受害者。小额信贷曾被吹捧为帮助家庭摆脱贫困的根本性手段,但在包括柬埔寨在内的一些国家,它已沦落为掠夺性计划,使无数民众陷入债务依赖的循环。
        Local banks compete to offer microfinance loans that can balloon fast. Ms. Hun Daneth said her family took out multiple loans, some just to service interest payments that exceeded 10 percent a month.        地方银行竞相提供可能迅速膨胀的小额贷款。达妮丝·洪说,她家申请了很多贷款,有些只是为了支付每月超过10%的利息。
        “At first it was a few hundred dollars,” Ms. Hun Daneth said, of her family’s burden. “Then it was thousands of dollars.”        “一开始就贷了几百美元,”在谈到家里的债务时,达妮丝·洪说。“然后变成了成千上万。”
        Like nearly a million other Cambodians, mostly women, she had left the countryside to stitch together T-shirts and bras, gym bags and sweatshirts in factories. But a couple hundred dollars a month doesn’t go far in the cities.        和其他近百万主要是女性的柬埔寨人一样,她离开了农村,在工厂里缝制T恤、文胸、健身包和运动衫。但几百美元的月薪远不够支撑城市生活的开销。
        A scout at the garment factory where Ms. Hun Daneth worked told her of a way out. She could earn $9,000 — about five times her annual base salary — by acting as a surrogate.        达妮丝·洪所在服装厂的一位猎头给她指了一条路。如果做代孕母亲,她能赚到9000美元,大约是她基本年薪的五倍。
        She knew of villages outside Phnom Penh where imposing concrete houses, said to have been built from surrogacy payments, loomed over bamboo shacks.        她知道,金边郊外村庄里那些赫然耸立于竹棚之上的气派的混凝土房屋,据说就是靠代孕赚来的钱建造的。
        “They paid off their debts,” Ms. Hun Daneth said. “Their lives could start like new.”        “她们还清了债务,”达妮丝·洪说。“人生就能重新开始了。”
        The scout was connected to an agency managed locally by a Chinese man and his Cambodian wife. Her sister ran luxury villas where the surrogates stayed.        那位猎头与当地一家代孕机构有联系,该机构的管理人是一位中国男子和他的柬埔寨妻子。她姐姐负责经营代孕母亲所住的豪华别墅。
        Eight surrogates who spoke to The New York Times described chandeliers, air conditioning and flush toilets in the villas, none of which they enjoyed at home. Their meals were plentiful. The women dreamed about the money they would earn. They also thrilled at the notion that they were providing a desperately needed service.        接受《纽约时报》采访的八名代孕母亲描述了别墅里的吊灯、空调和抽水马桶,她们在家里都没有享受过这样的条件。她们的饭菜很丰盛。这些女性畅想着她们能赚到多少钱。她们也为自己正在提供他人迫切所需的服务而高兴。
        “I was helping give someone a baby,” Ms. Hun Daneth said. “I wanted to give that joy.”        “我正在帮助某人生育孩子,”达妮丝·洪说。“我愿意带给人那种快乐。”
        Mr. Xu, a prosperous businessman from the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, was matched with Ms. Hun Daneth. The one thing he was missing, he told friends who spoke to The Times, was a son to continue the family line.        许文军是来自中国南方城市深圳的富商,与达妮丝·洪达成了代孕合作。他对时报访问到的友人表示,他最大的缺憾,就是没有一个能传宗接代的儿子。
        Most of the Chinese babies carried by Cambodian surrogates are boys. Sex selection is banned in China, but not in Cambodia. Commercial surrogacy is not openly practiced in China, despite official concern about the country’s plummeting birthrate after decades of a brutally enforced one-child policy.        柬埔寨代孕母亲所怀的中国婴儿大多都是男孩。中国禁止性别鉴定,但柬埔寨没有禁止。尽管官方担忧数十年严酷的独生子女政策导致人口直线下滑,但中国没有公开推行商业代孕。
        In Cambodian court testimony, Mr. Xu said his wife could not bear a child. But Mr. Xu’s friends, who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of antagonizing the Cambodian authorities, said that his situation was more complicated: He had no wife and was open about being gay. Ms. Hun Daneth said Mr. Xu told her about his sexuality. L.G.B.T.Q. couples cannot adopt in China, and gay or single individuals are precluded from surrogacy in most countries where that practice is legal.        在向柬埔寨法院作证时,许文军称他的妻子无法生育。但据害怕与柬埔寨当局对抗而不愿透露姓名的许文军友人称,他的情况没那么简单:他没有妻子,是公开的同性恋者。达妮丝·洪也说,许文军把自己的性向告诉了她。LGBTQ伴侣在中国无法收养孩子,而在代孕合法的大多数国家,同性恋或单身人士也都不被允许选择代孕。
        Perfect Fertility Center, or P.F.C., a surrogacy agency registered in the British Virgin Islands, showed rare sympathy for L.G.B.T.Q. intended parents, promising babies via Cambodia, Mexico and the United States. The company’s website is illustrated with photos of same-sex couples cradling babies.        在英属维尔京群岛注册的完美生育中心(简称PFC)则对LGBTQ委托父母表现出罕见的同情,承诺在柬埔寨、墨西哥和美国为他们孕育孩子。该公司网站上展示了同性伴侣怀抱婴儿的照片。
        P.F.C. was founded by Tony Yu, who turned to Cambodian surrogates for his own children. Mr. Yu, who is openly gay, said Cambodian lawyers assured him that his agency was legal.        PFC由托尼·于(音)创立,他自己的孩子就是柬埔寨代孕母亲所生。托尼·于是公开的同性恋者,他说柬埔寨律师曾向他保证,他的机构是合法的。
        It was a multinational operation that spanned continents. Mr. Yu partnered with a fertility clinic in Phnom Penh run by a Vietnamese person. There, a German fertility specialist trained Cambodian doctors. An Indian logistics expert flew in with eggs harvested from donors.        该公司的经营跨越多个大洲和国家。托尼·于与金边一家越南人经营的生育诊所合作。在那里,一位德国生育专家负责培训柬埔寨医生。还有位专门负责后勤的印度人乘机送来捐献者的卵子。
        In 2017, Mr. Xu signed a contract with P.F.C., agreeing to pay $75,000 for surrogacy in Cambodia, according to documents reviewed by The New York Times.        《纽约时报》审阅的记录显示,许文军在2017年与PFC签约,同意支付7.5万美元作为在柬埔寨代孕的费用。
        Mr. Xu visited Ms. Hun Daneth at the luxury villa. He told her that the egg donor was a Russian model, and he later showed Ms. Hun Daneth and her husband photographs of a white woman with wavy hair standing next to a sports car.        许文军去豪华别墅拜访了达妮丝·洪。他告诉她,卵子来自一名俄罗斯模特,后来还给达妮丝·洪夫妇看了一名卷发白人女性站在跑车旁的照片。
        Mr. Yu, the agency founder, said that many of its egg donors came from Russia, Ukraine and South Africa. The intended fathers were Chinese, and many were gay.        该机构创始人托尼·于称,他们的许多供卵人来自俄罗斯、乌克兰和南非。委托父亲都是中国人,其中许多是同性恋者。
        “Mixed-race children are popular with our clients,” said Mr. Yu.        “混血儿很受我们客户的欢迎,”托尼·于说。
        For the Cambodian surrogates, being forced to raise children from other ethnicities can create additional strains in their families and their communities. The children’s features make it hard to explain their origins.        对于柬埔寨代孕母亲而言,被迫抚养其他种族的孩子会给她们的家庭和社区带来额外的压力。因为有这样的容貌,很难解释孩子的出身。
        “People wonder, ‘Why does he have brown hair? Where did he come from?’” said Vin Win, 22, another surrogate who was arrested with Ms. Hun Daneth.        “别人会好奇,‘他为什么有棕色头发?他是哪里来的?’”22岁的温文(音)说,她是与达妮丝·洪一起被捕的另一位代孕母亲。
        Ms. Vin Win’s husband resents the child she bore, she said. They have separated. She hopes the boy will get more than the third-grade education she received.        温文说,她的丈夫讨厌她生的孩子。他们已经分居。她希望自己所生的男孩得到的教育能比她的小学三年级水平更高。
        “I look at my son, and I feel pity because I think he should be living in a nice place,” Ms. Vin Win said. “This is not his real home.”        “看着我的儿子,我会觉得很可惜,因为我以为他会生活在很好的环境,”温文说。“这不是他真正的家。”
        ‘Disaster happened’        灾难发生
        The police swarmed past the compound’s marble arches and burst into the two villas, handcuffing pregnant women who had been dozing on their pink-framed beds or lounging on sofas playing Candy Crush.        警察蜂拥穿过院子的大理石拱门,冲进两栋别墅,给孕妇们戴上手铐,她们原本在粉色的床上打瞌睡,或者懒洋洋地躺在沙发上玩《糖果传奇》。
        The police operation in July 2018 followed a regionwide crackdown on commercial surrogacy. Three years before, Thailand had banned the practice for foreigners, shutting down a cheaper alternative to surrogacy in the West, which can cost more than $150,000.        2018年7月的警方行动是在全区范围内对商业代孕进行打击之后进行的。三年前,泰国已经禁止为外国人代孕,关闭了这种相对于在西方代孕的更便宜选择,在西方寻找代孕花费可能超过15万美元。
        Two cases spooked the Thai authorities. One involved an Australian couple accused of refusing a baby boy with Down syndrome. A judge in Australia later found that the couple had not abandoned the child; the boy remained in Thailand, with the surrogate.        两起案件令泰国当局震惊。其中一起涉及一对澳大利亚夫妇,他们被指控拒绝收养一名患有唐氏综合症的男婴。澳大利亚的一名法官后来发现,这对夫妇并没有遗弃孩子;这名男孩仍在泰国,与代孕者在一起。
        The other case raised concerns about baby trafficking after a Japanese man fathered at least 16 children by Thai surrogates. A Thai court eventually granted the man custody over most of the children after he said that he wanted a large family.        另一起案件引发了人们对拐卖婴儿的担忧,一名日本男子通过泰国代孕母亲生育了至少16个孩子。在他表示想要一个大家庭之后,泰国法院最终将大部分孩子的抚养权授予了他。
        India and Nepal also limited surrogacy for noncitizens. In many of these cases, politicians spoke of the sanctity of the maternal bond and the purity of Asian women.        印度和尼泊尔也限制非公民的代孕。在许多这样的案例中,政界人士谈到母性纽带的神圣和亚洲女性的纯洁。
        With options narrowing, Cambodia beckoned. Fertility clinics in Thailand moved across the border. Intended parents arrived from Australia, the United States and, most of all, China.        在选择越来越少的情况下,柬埔寨开始招手。泰国的生育诊所也跨越了边境。有意向的父母来自澳大利亚、美国,最主要的来自中国。
        Ten Cambodian women who spoke to The Times, including the eight who were arrested in 2018, said surrogacy was their choice.        10名接受时报采访的柬埔寨女性(包括2018年被捕的八名女性)表示,代孕是她们自己的选择。
        As the surrogacy business blossomed, a senior official from the ruling party questioned whether foreigners should be paying for access to Cambodian women.        随着代孕业务的蓬勃发展,一名来自执政党的高级官员质疑是否应该允许外国人这样付费使用柬埔寨女性。
        With its compromised courts and pliant legal system, Cambodia has been plagued with exploitation, by foreigners and by its own citizens. The government of Hun Sen, the world’s longest-serving prime minister and a former functionary for the murderous Khmer Rouge, has been tied to systemic corruption and the erasure of human rights.        由于法院和法律体系不健全,柬埔寨一直被外国人和本国公民的剥削所困扰。洪森是世界上任职时间最长的总理,曾为残暴的红色高棉效力。他的政府与体制性腐败和践踏人权联系在一起。
        Late in 2016, the Cambodian Ministry of Health announced the ban on surrogacy, but did so without adopting new legislation making it a crime. In the resulting gray space, fertility clinics and surrogacy agencies continued to open up.        2016年底,柬埔寨卫生部宣布禁止代孕,但没有通过新的立法将其定为犯罪。在由此产生的灰色地带,生育诊所和代孕机构不断涌现。
        The raids began the next year. An Australian nurse and two Cambodian staff members at a fertility clinic that worked with surrogates were convicted of human trafficking.        警方于次年开始突查。在一家为代孕者服务的生育诊所,一名澳大利亚护士和两名柬埔寨工作人员被判犯有贩运人口罪。
        Mr. Yu, who was not in Cambodia when the police raided the villas, said he’d had no idea that his agency was breaking any law. Lotus Fertility, one of the clinics the agency relied on to perform in vitro fertilization for surrogates, operated out of Central Hospital, a private facility with a strong political pedigree. The hospital’s director and deputy director are the daughter-in-law and son of Dr. Mam Bunheng, Cambodia’s health minister. The hospital has not responded to requests for comment.        警方突查别墅时,托尼·于不在柬埔寨。他说,他不知道他的机构违反了任何法律。莲花生育公司是该机构为代孕者进行体外受精的诊所之一,在中央医院之外运营,后者是一家有强大政治背景的私人机构。该医院的院长和副院长是柬埔寨卫生部长马姆·本亨的儿媳和儿子。院方没有回应记者的置评请求。
        “I wanted to do everything legally and openly,” Mr. Yu said. “With the fertility clinic, everyone said, ‘Everything is safe, everything is comfortable, they have a good background,’ so I believed them.”        “我想合法、公开地做每件事,”于说。“在生育诊所,每个人都说,‘一切都很安全,一切都很舒适,他们的背景很好,’所以我相信了他们。”
        “But then disaster happened,” he added.        “但灾难发生了,”他补充说。
        Ms. Hun Daneth said she’d had a sense that she wasn’t supposed to talk too openly about what she was doing. Four other surrogates said they were warned by agency staff not to stroll outside the villa complex.        达妮丝·洪说,她有一种感觉,她不应该太公开地谈论自己在做什么。另外四名代孕者说,中介工作人员警告她们不要在别墅外散步。
        In documents for Mr. Xu’s payment to P.F.C.’s bank account, an addendum cautions: “Do not note surrogacy-related words when transferring money.”        在向许文军说明如何汇款给PFC的文件中,有一条附注警告说:“汇款时不要注明与代孕相关的词语。”
        A Cambodian employee of Lotus Fertility, who agreed to speak only if her name was not used, said that the clinic filed documentation stating that all the in vitro fertilizations were for prospective Cambodian mothers, even though it was clear many of the women were surrogates.        莲花生育中心一名不愿透露姓名的柬埔寨雇员表示,诊所提交的文件称,所有的体外受精都是为柬埔寨的未来妈妈做的,尽管很多女性明显是代孕母亲。
        Lotus Fertility has closed. A representative for the clinic blamed the coronavirus for the closure.        莲花生育已经关闭。该诊所的一名代表称是因为新冠疫情。
        In testimony this spring before the United Nations-linked Committee on the Rights of the Child, Ms. Chou Bun Eng, the government official, dodged questions about the children born of imprisoned surrogates.        今年春天在一个与联合国有关联的儿童权利委员会作证时,官员朱文英(音)回避了有关代孕母亲在狱中生产的问题。
        “The committee does not take a position on whether surrogacy is wrong or right,” said Ann Skelton, a children’s rights lawyer and member of the committee. “But we are concerned about a situation that does not uphold the rights of the women, the intended parents and, of course, the children.”        “委员会对代孕是对是错没有立场,”儿童权利律师、委员会成员安·斯凯尔顿说。“但我们担心的是,目前的状况没有维护女性、准父母,当然还有孩子的权利。”
        ‘Our babies are the crime’        “我们的孩子就是罪行”
        Chained to a military hospital bed in August 2018, Ms. Hun Daneth delivered a baby with soft brown hair, a pale complexion and the same wide eyes as his intended father.        2018年8月,达妮丝·洪被锁在一所军队医院的病床上,生下了一个婴儿,他有着柔软的棕色头发,苍白的肤色,以及和准爸爸一样的大眼睛。
        Another surrogate, Phay Sopha, gave birth sprawled on the cement floor of the military hospital, no midwife in sight.        另一位代孕母亲菲·索法躺在军队医院的水泥地面分娩,身边没有助产士。
        “The baby came out, and I thought, ‘It looks Chinese,’” Ms. Phay Sopha said. “Then I passed out.”        “孩子一出生,我就想,‘看起来像中国人,’”菲·索法说。“然后我就昏过去了。”
        After Mr. Yu, by his account, paid the police nearly $150,000, the surrogates were released. In total, Mr. Yu said he spent more than $740,000 trying to fix the situation, money paid in cash to intermediaries or to anonymous bank accounts.        据托尼·于说,在他向警方支付了近15万美元后,代孕母亲被释放。托尼·于说,他总共花了超过74万美元,试图解决问题,资金以现金形式支付给中间人或匿名银行账户。
        A spokesman for the Cambodian National Police, Chhay Kimkhoeun, questioned Mr. Yu’s claim.        柬埔寨国家警察发言人蔡·金洪恩对托尼·于的说法提出质疑。
        “First, is there any evidence of what is said?” he said. “Second, if there is factual evidence, they can file a complaint.”        “首先,是否有证据证明他所说的话?”他说。“其次,如果有事实证据,他们可以提出投诉。”
        Ms. Phay Sopha now works at a garment factory, from 6:30 in the morning to 8 at night. She rents a boardinghouse room barely long enough to fit her outstretched body. The child, she said, is back in her village, being raised by her mother.        菲·索法现在在一家服装厂工作,从早上6点半工作到晚上8点。她租了一个只能勉强能容下她伸展身体的屋子。她说,孩子已经回到村子里,由母亲抚养。
        The government ordered a Christian charity, founded by Americans to combat child sex trafficking, to check up on the women after they gave birth, officials said. Some surrogates said they also had to report to the police station, children in tow.        有关官员说,政府命令一个由美国人创立的、打击儿童性交易的基督教慈善机构在这些妇女分娩后进行检查。一些代孕妈妈说,她们还得带着孩子到警察局报到。
        “It was like we were criminals,” said Ry Ly, another surrogate. “Our babies are the crime.”        “我们就像罪犯一样,”另一位代孕妈妈莱·黎说。“我们的孩子就是罪行。”
        Most of the women are struggling financially. Soeun Pheap, aunt to Chan Nak, a surrogate who gave birth to twins, said her niece fed the babies water thickened with a squirt of condensed milk. After living for a while with her aunt, Ms. Chan Nak left abruptly with the babies. She sent another surrogate a message saying she was out of the country and would be returning without the twins.        大多数女性经济上都很困难。陈娜(音)的姨母苏恩·菲说,她的外甥女给婴儿喂的是兑水的炼乳。陈娜是一位代孕母亲,生过一对双胞胎。与姨母住了一段时间后,陈娜突然带着孩子离开了。她给另一位代孕母亲发了一条消息,说她出了国,不会带着这对双胞胎回来。
        Despite the surrogates’ promises to the court that they would raise the babies, a good number of the children are no longer in Cambodia and have been united with their Chinese parents, Mr. Yu said.        托尼·于说,尽管代孕母亲向法院承诺会抚养这些孩子,但很多孩子已经不在柬埔寨,已经和他们的中国父母团聚。
        Mr. Xu, the Chinese businessman now in jail, went to Cambodia to try to extricate his child. He contacted Ms. Hun Daneth directly, even though the agency had warned him to keep a low profile. He bought toys and diapers for the boy, whom he called Yeheng in Mandarin, a name alluding to karmic perseverance.        现在被关在监狱里的中国商人许文军曾前往柬埔寨试图解救他的孩子。尽管该机构警告他要保持低调,但他还是直接联系了达妮斯·洪。他给这个男孩买了玩具和尿布,用普通话给他起名叶恒,这个名字暗指业力的坚持。
        Mr. Xu submitted a paternity test to the Chinese Embassy in Phnom Penh. In 2019, he secured a passport for the boy.        许文军向中国驻金边大使馆提交了一份亲子鉴定报告。2019年,他为这个男孩拿到了护照。
        A worker from the Christian charity accompanied Mr. Xu to the police station to finish up paperwork. The founder of the surrogacy agency warned Mr. Xu that it was a setup by the police. Officers were waiting. He has been imprisoned ever since.        一名来自基督教慈善机构的工作人员陪同许文军去警察局完成文书工作。这家代孕机构的创始人警告许文军,这是警方设的局。警察们在守株待兔。从那以后,他一直被监禁。
        Representatives for the charity, Agape International Missions, would not comment on Mr. Xu’s arrest.        该慈善机构阿加比国际宣教会的代表不愿就许文军被捕一事置评。
        In 2020, Mr. Xu was convicted of human trafficking and sentenced to 15 years in prison. In June, his appeal was denied.        2020年,许文军被判贩卖人口罪,被判处15年监禁。今年6月,他的上诉被驳回。
        “Are they serious that he is trafficking his own child?” said May Vannady, Mr. Xu’s lawyer, waving a notarized copy of the paternity test.        “他们真的认为他在贩卖自己的孩子吗?”许文军的律师梅·凡纳迪挥舞着一份亲子鉴定的公证副本说。
        Mr. May Vannady says they will take their appeal to the Supreme Court. Ms. Chou Bun Eng, the government official, said that the conviction should stand. She suggested that Chinese gangs wanted to harvest organs from children born of Cambodian surrogates.        梅·凡纳迪表示,他们将向最高法院上诉。政府官员周文英(音)表示,判决应该成立。她暗示,中国的黑帮想从柬埔寨代孕母亲所生的孩子身上获取器官。
        This spring, Ms. Hun Daneth took a day off work and rode a motorized rickshaw to the appeals court in Phnom Penh. Mr. Xu didn’t mean any harm, she told the judge. He only wanted a son. He was not a baby trafficker.        今年春天,达妮丝·洪请了一天假,骑着机动车去了金边的上诉法院。她告诉法官,许文军没有恶意。他只想要个儿子。他不是贩卖婴儿的人。
        Still, she told the court, she had grown attached to the boy. After the hearing, Ms. Hun Daneth said she had decided to move back to the countryside because she did not want anyone to kidnap her son. She didn’t like it when Chinese-speaking people showed up at her home.        尽管如此,她在法庭上说,她已经对这个男孩产生了感情。听证会结束后,达妮丝·洪说,她决定搬回农村,因为她不想让任何人绑架她的儿子。她不喜欢说中文的人出现在她家。
        “No one will take him from me,” she said. “He is mine.”        “没人能把他从我身边夺走,”她说。“他是我的。”

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