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China's auto export accelerates to new record

来源:中国日报    2022-12-02 15:29

        China's auto export industry registered steady growth amid headwinds such as chip shortage, rise of raw material prices, and the pandemic, with export totaling 2.46 million units in the first 10 months, up 54.1 percent on a yearly basis.        在芯片短缺、原材料价格上涨、新冠疫情等不利因素的影响下,中国汽车出口行业稳步增长,今年前10个月共出口246万辆,同比增长54.1%。
        Xu Haidong, vice-chief engineer of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, expects the total exports of this year to cross 3 million units, reported People's Daily on Tuesday.        据《人民日报》周二报道,中国汽车工业协会副总工程师许海东预计,今年的汽车总出口量将超过300万辆。
        Passenger vehicle export recorded growth rise 57.1 percent to 1.98 million units during the Jan-Oct period, and new energy vehicles registered 96.7 percent growth to 499,000 units, CAAM statistics showed.        中国汽车工业协会的统计数据显示,1-10月期间乘用车出口198万辆,同比增长57.1%,新能源汽车出口49.9万辆,同比增长96.7%。
        According to Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the China Passenger Car Association, China's automobiles were mainly exported to the European, North American, and Asian markets, with Mexico, Belgium, and Saudi Arabia big importers of Chinese automobiles.        据全国乘用车市场信息联席会秘书长崔东树介绍,中国汽车主要出口到欧洲、北美和亚洲市场,墨西哥、比利时和沙特阿拉伯是中国汽车的主要进口国。
        The SAIC Motor topped China's exporters by delivering 684,000 units through to October this year, data from the CAAM showed. Chery and Chang'an Auto also posted exports of over 200,000 units during the same period. Meanwhile, Geely reported the fastest growth rate at 86 percent during the period to 160,000 units.        中国汽车工业协会的数据显示,今年前10个月,在整车出口前十位的中国企业中,上汽出口量达68.4万辆,高居第一,奇瑞、长安同期出口量也超过20万辆。吉利汽车同期出口量为16万辆,同比增长86%,增速最为明显。
        China's export footprints have expanded from the traditional African and Middle Eastern market into the markets in North America and Europe, Cui said, adding that the export products have upgraded to higher-end ones, with better outer appearance, quality and services.        崔东树说,中国汽车的出口版图已经从传统的非洲、中东市场,逐步向北美、欧洲市场拓展;产品从过去的低端车型升级为高端车,在外观、质量、以及服务等方面都有更高水准。
        Customs data showed in the first half of 2022, the Western European market accounted for 34 percent of China's export of new energy passenger vehicles, with Belgium the top one importer.        海关数据显示,2022年上半年,西欧市场占到中国新能源汽车出口市场的34%,其中比利时是最大的进口国。
        The country's export volume broke the 2 million units threshold last year, with an over 50 percent growth in the first 10 months of this year, said Xu, noting that the recovery of the overseas market, as well as a completed supply chain in China, have all contributed to the growth of export.        许海东说,去年我国的汽车出口量突破了200万辆大关,今年前10个月增长超过50%,海外市场的复苏,以及中国完整的供应链,都对汽车出口增长做出了贡献。
        The improved competitiveness of China's automobiles, including the designing, appearance, quality, management, tech innovation, integration and services, remain the core reason of export increase, Xu said.        许海东说,中国汽车在设计、外观、质量、管理、技术创新、集成和服务等方面竞争力的提高仍然是出口增长的核心原因。
        The average export price of Chinese automobiles, an important indicator of export strength, also jumped from the $12,900 in 2018 to the $18,900 in August this year, Xu said, adding that pure electric vehicles have seen larger rise with average price at $25,800 in August.        许海东表示,作为出口实力的重要指标,中国汽车的出口均价也从2018年的1.29万美元跃升至今年8月的1.89万美元。他补充说,纯电动车均价提升更为明显,8月份达到2.58万美元。
        Xu said China's auto market will sustain its growth momentum in the fourth quarter of the year, as the government has released a notice in November to vitalize the industrial economy with 17 specific measures, including further expanding automobile consumption, and continuing the exemption of NEV purchase tax.        许海东表示,今年11月,政府印发《关于巩固回升向好趋势加力振作工业经济的通知》,提出了17项具体举措,中国汽车市场将在今年第四季度保持增长势头。通知明确进一步扩大汽车消费,并继续免征新能源汽车购置税。

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