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RM, Boy Band Superstar, Embraces New Role: Art Patron

来源:纽约时报    2022-11-22 01:00

        SEOUL — RM, the leader of the South Korean pop group BTS, first visited Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan to perform for Jimmy Fallon’s “Tonight Show.” It was early 2020, before the coronavirus lockdown, and in middle of the night, joined by a sizable dance crew, BTS’s seven members put on a raucous display for their single “ON” in the otherwise empty hall.        首尔——那是防弹少年团(简称BTS)的队长RM第一次来到曼哈顿中央车站,为吉米·法伦的《今夜秀》担任表演嘉宾。时值2020年初,新冠封锁尚不存在,到了午夜时分,BTS的七名成员就与一群数量相当可观的舞者一起,在除了他们之外空荡荡的车站大厅里为宣传他们的单曲《ON》进行了一番喧闹的表演。
        Late last year, RM returned as a civilian. “It felt really strange to be in Grand Central for the second time with so many people,” he told me one recent afternoon, sitting in the Seoul headquarters of Hybe, the entertainment firm behind the boy band. This time, he said, “I went with my friends, and I’m just a visitor buying tickets.” They jumped aboard a Metro-North train headed to Dia Beacon, the Minimalist art Xanadu in the Hudson Valley. “It’s a utopia,” he said. A room there is devoted to his favorite artist, On Kawara, who spent his career making austere darkly colored paintings that bear the date of their creation in white text.        去年年底,RM以普通人的身份重回了一趟纽约。“第二次身处中央车站,身边有那么多人,感觉真的很奇怪,”不久前的一天下午,他在Hybe首尔总部对我说道,这家娱乐公司是BTS的经纪方。他说这回“我是跟朋友来的,只是买票的游客”。他们登上了一列开往迪亚毕肯美术馆的大都会北方铁路列车,这是坐落于哈德逊河谷的一处极简主义艺术仙境。“它是一处乌托邦,”他说。他最喜欢的艺术家河原温在那里有一个主题展厅,后者在艺术生涯中一直在创作深色背景上用白色文字写上创作日期的简洁画作。
        Dia was the latest stop in a far-ranging art journey that RM, 27, has been on over the past few years as he has been building an art collection and thinking about opening an art space. BTS’s fervent fans (who call themselves Army) have used his social-media posts and press reports to follow after him, boosting attendance at the places that he hits. The veteran dealer Park Kyung-mee credits the singer and rapper with making art more accessible to the general public. “He is throwing away the kind of barrier between the art institutions — galleries and museums — and younger people,” she said in an interview at her gallery, PKM, in Seoul.        迪亚毕肯美术馆是27岁的RM过去几年涉猎广泛的艺术之旅的最新一站,他一直在打造自己的艺术收藏,并考虑开设一处艺术空间。BTS的狂热粉丝(以Army自称)依靠他的社交媒体动态和媒体报道追随他,因此,他所到之处的人气也被推高。资深艺术商朴京美(音)认为,这位歌手兼说唱乐手让艺术更容易为大众所接受。“他正在破除画廊和博物馆等艺术机构与年轻人之间的那种壁垒,”她在自己位于首尔的画廊PKM接受采访时表示。
        RM has also been embracing the role of art supporter, loaning a terra cotta sculpture of a horse by the Korean artist Kwon Jin-kyu to a Seoul Museum of Art retrospective that ran until May, and in 2020 donating 100 million won (about $84,000 at the time) to the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA) so that it could reissue out-of-print art books and distribute them to libraries. Arts Council Korea, a government-affiliated body, subsequently named him an Art Sponsor of the Year. “We are very happy that RM, who has a high global influence, is an art lover,” the MMCA’s director, Youn Bummo, said in an email.        RM也一直在扮演艺术支持者的角色,把韩国艺术家权镇圭的陶瓦马匹雕塑借给了首尔美术馆举办的一场回顾展(该展览一直持续到5月);并在2020年向韩国国立现代美术馆(MMCA)捐赠了一亿韩元(当时约合8.4万美元),使其能够重新发行绝版艺术书籍,并将之分发给各个图书馆。韩国文化艺术委员会这家政府机构后来将他评为年度艺术赞助人。“我们很高兴看到全球影响力极高的RM是一位艺术爱好者,”MMCA负责人尹范模在邮件中表示。
        That global influence has almost unfathomable reach. BTS’s YouTube channel has over 70 million subscribers (another K-pop act, Blackpink, is the only artist with more), and RM’s Instagram alone has 37 million followers. (The MMCA’s has 200,000.) A 35-minute vlog that he recorded about his visit to the Art Basel fair in Switzerland this past summer has racked up almost 6 million views. For the insular, impenetrable world, he may be a dream ambassador.        他的全球影响力几乎深不可测。BTS的YouTube频道的粉丝数超过7000万(另一个K-pop人气团体Blackpink是唯一一个粉丝数超过他们的艺人团体),单是RM的Instagram账号就有3700万粉丝(MMCA有20万)。去年夏天,他录制了一段35分钟的视频博客,讲述了自己参观瑞士巴塞尔艺术展的经历,收获了近600万的点击量。对于这个与世隔绝且难以逾越的领域,他或许是最理想的大使。
        Which makes it remarkable that his passion for visual art came about through “serendipity, more of an accidental encounter,” said RM, whose given name is Kim Namjun. (He adopted the stage name formally in 2017 to replace the moniker Rap Monster.) He grew up near Seoul, and his parents “did take me to museums, but I don’t think I enjoyed it that much,” he said. Sitting in his hotel room while on tour in 2018, deciding what to do during some downtime, RM opted to venture to the Art Institute of Chicago. Paintings by Seurat and Monet captivated him. “It was almost like Stendhal syndrome,” he said, referring to the condition whereby art induces physical symptoms in a viewer, like lightheadedness or a quickened heart rate. It was a shock to see works that he knew from reproductions in person. “It was like: wow. I was looking at these art pieces, and it was an amazing experience.”        真名为金南俊的RM说,难得的是,他对视觉艺术的热情来自于“机缘巧合,更像是一次意外的邂逅”。(他在2017年正式使用了这个艺名,代替了“Rap Monster”的绰号。)他说,自己在首尔附近长大,父母“也带我去过博物馆,但我并不是很喜欢”。在2018年的巡演中,RM坐在酒店房间里,思考在休息时间可以做些什么,他决定去芝加哥艺术学院看看。修拉和莫奈的画作深深吸引了他。“我像是犯了司汤达综合征,”他指的是艺术引发观赏者出现的身体症状,比如头晕或心跳加速。亲眼见到所知复制品的真迹,令他震惊不已。“就像是——天呐。当时我看着这些艺术品,真是一种超凡体验。”
        Anytime the subject turned to art, the already energetic musician got especially excited; he was with an interpreter, but he usually switched to English (he is very fluent, and has said that he learned watching “Friends”). “I quit my studying when I was 17 because of this BTS thing, because I was a trainee,” he said, listing off all the practice that involved. “But after 10 years, I met art, and I started to read the books again — seriously.” He is charismatic and a quick study, and you could imagine him being an effective politician or a beloved, slightly eccentric professor.        只要话题转到艺术,这位本就充满活力的音乐人会变得更加兴奋;他身边有口译员,但一般他会改说英语(说得非常流利,他表示自己是看《老友记》学的)。“因为BTS,因为我是一名练习生,我17岁就放弃了学业,”他说道,并列出了他要参与的大量训练。“但在十年后,我遇到了艺术,又开始看书了——很认真地看。”他很有魅力,而且学得很快,可以把他想象成一名高效的政治人物,或是一位受人爱戴但有点古怪的教授。
        From an early age, RM was collecting: stamps, coins, Pokémon cards, rare stones (“not expensive ones”) and then toy figures. A large KAWS “Companion” stands in his art-filled recording studio at Hybe, but much of his art is older. A George Nakashima table holds his computer workstation, which has a spare abstract painting by Yun Hyong-keun — just three luminous masses of paint — hovering behind it. A wall is hung with more than 20 works, many by key 20th-century Korean artists like Park Soo Keun, Chang Ucchin and Nam June Paik.        RM从小就热爱收集:邮票、硬币、“精灵宝可梦”卡片、稀有宝石(“并不贵”),还有玩具人偶。他在Hybe充满艺术气息的个人录音室里,摆着一个KAWS“伙伴”的大型人偶,但他收集的大部分艺术品都很有年头。一张乔治·中岛的桌子上放着他的电脑工作站,后面是一幅尹亨根的抽象简画——只有三个鲜亮的色块。有一面墙上挂了20多件作品,其中很多都是20世纪韩国重要艺术家的作品,比如朴寿根、张旭镇和白南准。
        Touring abroad underscored for RM that “my roots are in Korea,” he said, and he has centered his collecting on artists from home, particularly of the generations that lived through the Korean War, military dictatorship and immense economic precarity. These artists remain too-little-known beyond their country. (Other idols have preferred well-recognized blue-chip artists, dealers told me.) “I was able to feel their kind of sweat and blood,” RM said, relating to them as “human beings that were trying to present their artworks in the world.”        RM说,出国巡演让他更清楚地意识到,“我的根在韩国”,而他的收藏也集中于国内的艺术家,尤其是那些经历过朝鲜战争、军事独裁和经济严重动荡时期的人。这些艺术家在国外仍然鲜为人知。(艺术商都告诉我,其他偶像都更喜欢广为人知的热门艺术家。)“我能感受到他们的血与汗,”RM说,将他们称为“努力将自己的艺术作品呈现于世间的人”。
        The BTS leader comes across as an old soul. Asked to define his taste, he mentioned being drawn to art about “eternity, and that comes because of this fast and hectic aura from this K-pop industry.” His interest is in the past, but he has been trying to learn about newer art. (His solo music, in stark contrast, has a bracingly of-the-moment, even experimental, texture.) He posted from a summer show at the N/A space organized by the emerging gallerist Dooyong Ro, who said that some assumed that the star had bought the work photographed in his post. Not so. Still, RM’s post brought in visitors, even without identifying the location by name, and the ever-assiduous Army found the Instagram of Ro’s own space, Cylinder, he said. “How did they know about this?”        这位BTS队长给人的感觉很老成。当被问及艺术品位时,他提到自己会被关于“永恒”的艺术所吸引,“因为K-pop行业的氛围是快速而匆忙的。”他的兴趣在过去,但他一直尝试了解更新的艺术。(与此形成鲜明对比的是,他的独唱作品有一种当下令人振奋的甚至堪称实验性的质感。)他在崭露头角的画廊经营者卢斗永(音)组织的N/A空间的夏季展上发帖,卢斗永说,有人以为这位大明星买下了帖子中的作品。事实并非如此。RM的帖子虽然没有写明地点,但还是吸引了不少来访者,而且卢斗永说,一直勤奋追星的“Army”找到了他个人的艺术空间“Cylinder”的Instagram账号。“他们怎么连这都知道?”
        Surrounded by the work of deceased greats, “I feel like they’re watching me,” RM said. “I’m motivated. I want to be a better person, a better adult, because there is this aura that is coming from these artworks on display.” When he is feeling “tired or let down, I sometimes stand there and have a conversation” with them, he said. Standing in front of a spare painting by Yun, he might ask, “Mr. Yun, it’s going to be OK, right?”        被已故伟大艺术家的作品所环绕,“我感觉他们在看着我,”RM说。“我受到了很大鼓舞。因为展出的这些艺术品散发出的一种气场,让我想成为一个更好的人,更好的成年人。”他说,当他感到“疲倦或失落,我有时会站在那里和他们聊天”。站在尹亨根的一幅简画前,他可能会发问,“尹先生,一切都会好的,对吧?”
        RM is mulling his future. Mandatory military service is on the horizon. (The band’s members are spending time on solo projects right now, though their label has been emphatic that BTS is not on hiatus.) A couple months back, RM told Marc Spiegler, the global director of Art Basel, on the fair’s podcast, that he was thinking about opening an art space of some kind. “I want it to be really quiet and calm, but it must still look cool, like Axel,” he told me, name-checking the Belgian designer, antiquarian and gallerist Axel Vervoordt (also a favorite of one of RM’s musical inspirations, Kanye West).        RM正在考虑他的未来。强制兵役即将到来。(虽然唱片公司一直强调BTS并未中断团体活动,但该乐团成员目前都在追求个人发展。)几个月前,RM在巴塞尔艺术展的播客上对该展览的全球总监马克·斯皮勒表示,他在考虑开设某种艺术空间。“我希望那会有非常宁静、平和的感觉,但看起来必须很酷,就像阿塞维尔一样,”他告诉我,特别提到了比利时设计师、古董商及画廊经营者阿塞维尔·伍德(还有RM最中意的音乐灵感来源之一——坎耶·韦斯特)。
        That space is still some ways off, but RM imagines a ground-floor cafe and exhibition areas above showing Korean and international artists in ways that appeal to the young. “I think that there’s something that I can offer as an outsider of the art industry,” he said.        这个空间距离成为现实还有很远,但RM设想在一楼开一家咖啡厅,楼上是展示韩国和国际艺术家的区域,要拿出能吸引年轻人的办法。“我想,作为艺术圈的局外人,我是可以带来一些东西的,”他说。
        He may be able to claim outsider status only for so long. He recently added one of Roni Horn’s cast-glass cylinders — in a spectral, semi-translucent white — to his collection, and he is becoming recognized as an art expert. Ms. Park, the established Seoul dealer, said that he has found texts about Yun that her gallery did not have in its archives. (She represents the Yun estate, and became Army a few years ago, before she met RM. “I started to study them through YouTube,” she said. “There is so much content. It really requires a long, long time to master.”)        他声称自己是局外人的机会可能也不多了。最近,他将罗尼·霍恩的压铸玻璃圆柱体——一种幽灵般半透明的白色——加入了自己的收藏,他也正在成为公认的艺术专家。首尔的知名艺术商朴京美说,他所发现的尹亨根文本是她的画廊档案所没有的。(她是尹亨根遗作的代理,几年前成为了“Army”,后来她认识了RM本人。“我开始通过Youtube了解他们,”她说,“内容太多了。真需要很长的时间才能掌握。”)
        Yun had a harrowing life, as RM recounted to me. Imprisoned four times for political reasons, he narrowly escaped execution on one occasion. In his 40s, he began making meditative paintings by spreading large swaths of diluted, ink-like umber and blue paint across linen or canvas. “It is a complete kind of combination of Western and Eastern, or Asian or Korean styles,” RM said.        正如RM向我讲述的那样,尹亨根的一生很悲惨。他曾因政治原因四次入狱,有次险些遭到处决。40多岁时,他开始在亚麻布或帆布上涂抹大量稀释过的墨色和蓝色颜料,创作冥想式画作。“这是一种西方和东方,或者说亚洲或者韩国风格的完美结合,”RM说。
        Does he have a favorite era of the artist’s work? “I started really liking his works from the ’70s, his paintings, but now I’m so into him, his world, his artwork, that I love everything. I’m not objective anymore,” RM said. “That’s what we call a fan.”        他最喜欢这位艺术家那个时期的作品呢?“一开始我非常喜欢他在上世纪70年代的作品,他的绘画,但现在我已经深深沉迷于他,他的世界,他的艺术,我喜欢他的一切。我已经不再客观了,”RM说。“这就是我们所说的粉丝了。”

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