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Suspect Arrested in ‘Execution-Style’ Killings of 4 at Oklahoma Marijuana Farm

来源:纽约时报    2022-11-24 02:32

        The authorities in Oklahoma on Tuesday arrested a suspect who they believe killed four people “execution style” and injured one more in an attack at a rural marijuana farm on Sunday.        俄克拉荷马州当局周二逮捕了一名嫌疑人,称其涉嫌于周日袭击一个乡村大麻农场,以“处决式”射杀四人,伤一人。
        The suspect, Wu Chen, 45, was arrested by the Miami Beach Police Department after a car-tag reader “flagged the vehicle he was driving,” the authorities said in a statement on Tuesday night. He will face charges of murder and shooting with intent to kill and will be extradited to Oklahoma, according to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation.        当局在周二晚间的一份声明中表示,迈阿密海滩警察局在车牌识别器“标记了嫌疑人驾驶的车辆”后,逮捕了现年45岁的陈武(音)。据俄克拉荷马州调查局称,他将面临谋杀和蓄意开枪杀人的指控,并将被引渡到俄克拉荷马州。
        Capt. Stan Florence of the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation said at a news conference on Monday that Mr. Chen knew the victims, but it was unclear how.        俄克拉荷马州调查局局长斯坦·弗洛伦斯周一在新闻发布会上表示,陈武认识受害者,但尚不清楚是如何认识的。
        “They all know each other,” he said. “Don’t know if they’re related, don’t know if they’re co-workers, but certainly, we believe they were all familiar with each other.”        “他们都认识彼此,”他说。“不知道他们是否有亲戚关系,不知道他们是否是同事,但可以肯定的是,我们相信他们彼此都很熟悉。”
        The victims were all Chinese, the authorities said Tuesday, adding that “because of a significant language barrier, next of kin notification is pending.”        当局周二表示,遇难者均为华人,并说“由于严重的语言障碍,通知最近亲属的工作尚未完成”。
        Brook Arbeitman, a spokeswoman with the bureau, said by phone on Tuesday that officials were still investigating what had motivated the killings.        该局发言人布鲁克·阿贝特曼周二在电话中表示,官员们仍在调查杀人动机。
        Deputies at the Kingfisher County Sheriff’s Office initially responded to calls of a hostage situation at the marijuana farm on Sunday.        金菲舍县治安官办公室的警官最先接到了周日大麻农场发生人质事件的电话。
        At about 5:45 p.m. on Sunday, the suspect entered a building at the marijuana farm on a rural road near Hennessey, Okla., which is about 70 miles northwest of Oklahoma City. Several employees were inside the building at the time, Ms. Arbeitman said.        周日下午约5点45分,嫌疑人进入了俄克拉荷马州亨尼西附近一条乡村公路上的大麻农场的一栋建筑物,距离俄克拉荷马城西北约110公里。阿贝特曼说,当时大楼内有几名雇员。
        The suspect was inside the building “for a significant amount of time” before violence erupted, the authorities said.        当局表示,杀戮开始前,嫌疑人在建筑内“待了很长时间”。
        Ms. Arbeitman said the three men and one woman had been shot and killed in a “violent, execution-style manner.” She did not offer more specific information.        阿贝特曼说,这三名男子和一名女子是以“暴力、处决式的方式”被枪杀的。她没有提供更具体的信息。
        “It was clearly an execution and not just a random firing,” she said.        “这显然是一次处决,而不是随意射击,”她说。
        The person who was wounded was still hospitalized on Tuesday, Ms. Arbeitman said.        阿贝特曼说,受伤的人周二仍在住院。
        Mark Woodward, a spokesman with the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control, which is also investigating the deaths, said by phone on Tuesday that the site where the killings occurred had a license to grow marijuana. But officials were still investigating whether that license had been obtained legally or fraudulently, he added.        俄克拉荷马州麻醉品和危险药物管制局发言人马克·伍德沃德也在调查该事件,他周二在电话中说,发生杀人事件的地点有种植大麻的许可证。但他说,官员们还在调查该许可证是合法获得还是以欺诈手段获得。
        Since the spring of 2021, the state has given out about 8,500 licenses to grow marijuana, but officials have determined that about 2,000 of those licenses were obtained fraudulently, Mr. Woodward said.        伍德沃德说,自2021年春季以来,该州已发放了约8500个大麻种植许可证,但官员们已确认其中约2000个是通过欺诈手段获得的。
        To qualify for a license, Oklahoma requires that applicants seeking at least a 75 percent ownership stake of the marijuana farm must show that they have resided in the state for at least two years. The rule proved easy to bypass, Mr. Woodward said, with people — mostly from countries like China and Mexico — finding “ghost owners” in the state to help fulfill the requirement and establish criminal organizations that grow for the black market.        为获得执照,俄克拉荷马州要求大麻农场至少75%所有权的拥有者在申请时必须证明他们已在该州居住至少两年。伍德沃德说,这项规定很容易被规避,一些人——主要来自中国和墨西哥等国家——在该州找“幽灵业主”来帮助达到要求,并为这种黑市发展建立犯罪组织。
        “I can’t say that that’s what this group is doing,” Mr. Woodward said of the farm where the killings occurred. “That’s what we will determine in our investigation.”        “我不能说这群人是在做这件事,”伍德沃德谈到发生杀人事件的农场时说。“我们将在调查中确认是否是这样。”
        He added that “there’s also a violence aspect” tied to the criminal organizations, with unpaid debts often leading to violence.        他还说,这些犯罪组织还“涉及暴力”,未偿还的债务往往会导致暴力。
        “We’ve had several homicides tied to medical marijuana businesses in Oklahoma,” Mr. Woodward said.        “俄克拉荷马州已经发生了几起与医用大麻企业有关的凶杀案,”伍德沃德说。

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