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This Is What China’s Renewed War on Covid Looks Like

来源:纽约时报    2022-11-23 10:23

        Less than a month after softening pandemic restrictions, China has reinstated some “zero-Covid” policies in an effort to control a new wave of infections surging across the country.        放宽疫情防控措施不到一个月,中国恢复了部分“清零”政策,以努力控制全国范围内的新一轮感染激增浪潮。
        Covid-19 cases have climbed almost every day since late October, and China recently recorded its first coronavirus-related death in months. In response, officials have closed businesses, resumed citywide lockdowns and reinstated frequent testing requirements.        自10月下旬以来,新冠病例几乎每天都在攀升,最近还出现了数月来首例与新冠病毒相关的死亡病例。作为回应,官员们关闭了营业场所,重新封锁城市,并恢复了频繁的核酸检测要求。
        China stands alone as the only major country still going to extreme lengths to eradicate Covid-19 infections, raising questions about when, if ever, its economy might fully reopen.        中国是唯一一个仍采取极端措施根除新冠感染的大国,这引发了人们对其经济何时完全重新开放,甚至是否会重新开放的疑问。
        The photographs below show scenes across a country once again disrupted by lockdowns.        以下照片显示这个国家再次被封锁扰乱的场景。
        Barriers formed a security checkpoint in Guangzhou in southern China’s Guangdong Province, earlier this month. Below, a health care worker taking a swab sample for Covid-19 testing in Beijing on Tuesday.        本月早些时候,广州用路障设置安全检查站。下图是一名核酸检测人员周二在北京采集拭子样本。
        Red fences blocked access to public recreation areas and exercise machines near the Futian District border crossing in Shenzhen.        在深圳福田区边境口岸附近的公共休闲区,健身器材被红色隔板围住。
        A newly opened mall in Nanshan District in Shenzhen, which is home to many technology companies.        深圳南山区一家新开张的商场,这里有许多科技公司。
        A lock barred the entrance to a local bar at Xiasha Village in Shenzhen.        深圳下沙村一家铁将军把门的酒吧。
        In Beijing on Tuesday, a woman waited to cross a nearly empty intersection in the Central Business District during rush hour. Most workers are now expected to work from home, and many offices are closed.        周二,高峰时段北京CBD一个空荡荡的十字路口,一名女子正在等待过马路。大多数上班族都要在家办公,许多办公室都关闭了。
        Earlier this month, a worker in protective gear kept watch near metal barriers that blocked off shuttered shops as part of Covid-19 controls in Beijing.        本月早些时候,一名身穿防护服的工作人员在铁板外看守,铁板将关闭的商店围了起来,这是北京的新冠防控措施之一。
        A coronavirus testing site in Beijing.        北京一处核酸检测点。
        Residents lining up for routine testing at a site in Beijing.        北京一处核酸检测点,排队检测的民众。
        People lined up for Covid-19 tests at a testing site in a tunnel in the central business district of Beijing this month.        本月,在北京CBD一个通道里排队接受核酸检测的民众。
        Security guards outside a popular shopping district in Beijing on Sunday after stores and restaurants were closed.        周日,北京一个热门购物区的商店和餐馆关门后,站在外面的保安。
        Staff members sat for a meal at a restaurant that was closed for indoor dining in Beijing.        在北京一家禁止堂食的餐馆里,员工正在用餐。
        A street with shuttered bars in Beijing on Sunday.        周日,北京一条酒吧关门的街道。

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