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In Philippines, Harris Promises Support and Denounces China

来源:纽约时报    2022-11-23 12:05

        PUERTO PRINCESA, Philippines — Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday denounced China for what she called “intimidation and coercion” in the disputed waters of the South China Sea and promised that the United States would stand by the Philippines, at a time when the Biden administration is looking for ways to counter Beijing’s influence in the region.        菲律宾普林塞萨港——美国副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯周二谴责中国在南海争议水域的“恐吓胁迫”行为,并承诺美国将与菲律宾站在一起,与此同时,拜登政府正在寻找对抗北京在该地区影响力的方法。
        Ms. Harris made her remarks in a speech to members of the Philippine Coast Guard in Palawan, the province closest to the disputed Spratly Islands, where the Philippines has accused China for years of harassing its fishing vessels and naval ships. Earlier Tuesday, she visited a Palawan fishing village.        哈里斯是在巴拉望省对菲律宾海岸警卫队成员讲话时发表上述言论的。这里是距离有争议的南沙群岛最近的省份,菲律宾指责中国多年来在南沙群岛骚扰菲律宾渔船和海军舰艇。星期二早些时候,哈里斯访问了巴拉望的一个渔村。
        “Communities like this have seen the consequences when foreign vessels enter Philippine waters and illegally deplete the fishing stock, when they harass and intimidate local fishers, when they pollute the ocean and destroy the marine ecosystem,” said Ms. Harris, who did not single out China by name.        “当外国船只进入菲律宾水域,非法消耗渔业资源时,当他们骚扰和恐吓当地渔民时,当他们污染海洋、破坏海洋生态系统时,这样的社区已经看到了后果,”哈里斯说。她没有点名中国。
        China claims nearly all of the South China Sea as its own, flouting an international tribunal’s rejection of that assertion. In recent years, it has aggressively expanded its presence in the sea, through which much of the world’s shipping passes. It has built and fortified artificial islands and deployed fleets of ships to drive vessels from smaller nations, like the Philippines, out of contested areas.        中国宣称几乎整个南海都是自己的,无视国际法庭对这一主张的否决。近年来,中国积极扩大了在南海的存在,而世界上大部分航运都要经过这片海域。中国建造并加固了人工岛,并部署了舰队,将菲律宾等小国的船只赶出争议海域。
        In the Philippines, many saw Ms. Harris’s two-day visit as a sign of the country’s growing significance to President Biden’s foreign policy as he seeks partners to counter China. The U.S.-Philippine relationship had soured somewhat under the overlapping administrations of President Donald J. Trump and Rodrigo Duterte, the Philippine leader who often voiced anti-American sentiment and tilted toward China while in office from 2016 to earlier this year.        在菲律宾,许多人将哈里斯为期两天的访问视为一个迹象,表明该国对拜登总统的外交政策越来越重要。拜登正在寻找伙伴对抗中国。在特朗普总统和罗德里戈·杜特地都在位期间,美菲关系有所恶化。杜特地在2016年至今年早些时候执政期间经常表达反美情绪,并倾向于中国。
        On Sunday, a senior Biden administration official said the United States and the Philippines were in talks about expanding a program under which American service personnel are stationed temporarily at Philippine military bases. Currently, five bases around the country are used for the program. The official, who spoke to reporters on the condition of anonymity, did not say how many new sites were being discussed but said specific locations had been proposed.        周日,拜登政府的一名高级官员表示,美国和菲律宾正在就扩大一个美国军人临时驻扎在菲律宾军事基地的项目进行谈判。目前,菲律宾有五个基地用于该项目。这位不愿透露姓名的官员没有透露正在讨论的新地点有多少,但表示已经提出具体地点。
        Two days before Ms. Harris’s speech, an encounter between Chinese and Philippine ships in the Spratlys — over debris that Philippine officials believe was from a Chinese rocket — provided an unusual example of the frequent altercations in the region.        就在哈里斯发表演讲的两天前,中国和菲律宾船只在南沙群岛发生冲突(围绕的是菲律宾官员认为是来自一枚中国火箭的残骸)——这是该地区的频繁争吵中一个不同寻常的例子。
        Vice Admiral Alberto Carlos of the Philippine Navy said the debris was spotted on Sunday, floating about half a mile from Pag-Asa Island, also known as Thitu, and that a boat was sent to retrieve it. As it was coming back, a Chinese Coast Guard ship blocked its path twice and “forcefully retrieved” the debris, cutting the rope that was being used to tow it, Vice Admiral Carlos said.        菲律宾海军中将阿尔贝托·卡洛斯表示,周日发现了漂浮物,距离又名提图岛的帕格阿沙岛(中国称中业岛——译注)约800米,一艘船被派去打捞。卡洛斯中将说,在它返航时,一艘中国海警船两次挡住了它的航道,并“强行打捞”了残骸,切断了用来拖拽它的绳子。
        The Chinese Embassy disputed that account on Monday night, saying that the Philippine crew had handed over the object “after friendly consultation.”        中国大使馆在周一晚上反驳了这一说法,称菲律宾船员“经过友好协商”交出了该物品。
        The Philippine Space Agency said it was “highly likely” that the debris was from a Long March 5B rocket stage that tumbled to Earth in an uncontrolled re-entry early this month. The United States and other countries have criticized China’s space agency for not using technology that allows such rocket parts to be guided safely to unpopulated areas.        菲律宾航天局表示,这些碎片“极有可能”来自长征五号B运载火箭,该火箭在本月初不受控制地返回大气层过程中坠落到地球。美国和其他国家批评中国的航天机构没有使用能将这些火箭部件安全引导至无人居住地区的技术。
        On Monday, Ms. Harris met with President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. in Manila, reiterating that the United States had an “unwavering commitment” to defend the Philippines should its ships or planes be attacked in the South China Sea, under a mutual defense treaty dating to 1951. Mr. Marcos, who succeeded Mr. Duterte this year, has signaled an openness to repairing the relationship.        周一,哈里斯在马尼拉会见了菲律宾总统小费迪南德·马科斯,重申根据1951年签订的共同防御条约,如果菲律宾的船只或飞机在南海遭到攻击,美国将“毫不动摇地承诺”保护菲律宾。今年接替杜特地的马科斯已经表示愿意修复两国关系。
        Prof. Aries Arugay, the chairman of the University of the Philippines’ political science department, said the speech by Ms. Harris — the highest-ranking American official to visit Palawan, according to the Biden administration — was mostly for “optics.”        菲律宾大学政治学系主任阿里斯·阿鲁盖教授说,哈里斯女士(根据拜登政府的说法,她是访问巴拉望的最高级美国官员)的演讲主要是为了“政治观感”。
        But he said an expansion of military cooperation wouldn’t surprise him “because of our proximity to Taiwan,” the self-governed island that China claims as its territory and has not ruled out seizing by force. “If you look at this part of the world, the Taiwan Strait is very important,” Professor Arugay said. Okinawa, the Japanese island where the United States has military bases, “is too far,” he added.        但他说,扩大军事合作不会让他感到意外,“因为我们离台湾很近”。台湾是一个自治岛屿,中国宣称为领土,并且不排除以武力夺取的可能性。“如果你看看世界的这一部分,你会发现台湾海峡非常重要,”阿鲁盖说。他还表示,美国在日本冲绳的军事基地“太远了”。

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