上海数据交易所揭牌一年 数商生态走向融合发展_OK阅读网
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上海数据交易所揭牌一年 数商生态走向融合发展
Data trading set to grow despite odds

来源:中国日报    2022-11-28 15:05

        Although data exchanges built nationwide are spurring trading in data, more efforts are needed to establish the basic trading mechanism and construct related infrastructure, experts said on Friday, on the occasion of the anniversary of the Shanghai Data Exchange.        上周五,在上海数据交易所成立一周年之际,专家们表示,尽管全国各地建立的数据交易所正在推进数据交易,但在建立基本的交易机制和建设相关基础设施方面还需要付出更多努力。
        Official trading on the SDE commenced on Nov 25 last year. By the end of this year, total trading value of various data products is expected to exceed 100 million yuan, SDE officials said at the Global Data Ecosystem Conference, which was held on Friday to mark the exchange's anniversary.        上海数据交易所于2021年11月25日正式成立。上海数据交易所负责人在上周五举行的全球数商大会上表示,到今年年底,各种数据产品的总交易额预计将超过1亿元。这次大会是上海数据交易所成立一周年的庆祝活动。
        Typically, data, in the context of trading on specialized exchanges, signify wide-ranging content — research material, analytics, insights and other kinds of actionable information or knowledge — on industries or subjects like finance, transportation, consumer behavior and public utilities.        通常,在专业交易所交易的背景下,数据意味着广泛的内容——研究材料、分析、见解和其他可操作的信息或知识——涉及金融、交通、消费者行为和公共事业等行业或主题。
        Only 20 products debuted on the first day of the SDE operations last year. That number is expected to exceed 800 by this year-end.        去年,在上海数据交易所成立的第一天,只有20种数据产品挂牌。预计到今年年底,这一数字将超过800种。
        To date, more than 500 companies from 10 major sectors of consulting, security and compliance rating and data delivery have signed partnership agreements with the exchange, according to data in the public domain.        公开数据显示,迄今为止,来自咨询、安全和合规评级、以及数据交付等10个主要领域的500多家公司与该交易所签署了合作协议。
        Efforts will be made to set up an international board at the SDE, exchange officials said.        交易所负责人表示,将在上海数据交易所探索设立国际板。
        The Shenzhen Data Exchange was inaugurated on Nov 15 this year, with the total trading value exceeding 1.1 billion yuan so far.        深圳数据交易所于今年11月15日正式揭牌,迄今为止总交易额已超过11亿元。
        The Beijing International Data Exchange was launched in March 2021, while its counterpart in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, became operational on Sept 30, with turnover on the first day exceeding 1.55 million yuan.        北京国际大数据交易所于2021年3月成立,而广州数据交易所于今年9月30日成立,首日交易额超过155万元。
        According to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, 44 data trading institutions have been built across the country as at the end of August.        据工业和信息化部透露,截至8月底,全国已建成44家数据交易机构。
        Ding Xiaodong, associate professor at the Law School of the Renmin University of China, said that government-backed data exchanges can help companies meet compliance regulations amid reliable trading rules. Necessary risk evaluation and security recognition are also provided at these exchanges.        中国人民大学法学院副教授丁晓东表示,政府支持的数据交换可以帮助公司在可靠的交易规则中满足合规规定。这些交易所还提供必要的风险评估和安全识别。
        Although companies are willing to engage in data trading, turnover is relatively small at present. Lack of adequate data with authentic and verifiable ownership has somewhat slowed the pace of development of the market, said Jiang Xiangyu, partner of Co-Effort Law Firm in Shanghai, adding the trading parties concerned are keen to avoid any violations of law during data trading.        虽然企业愿意从事数据交易,但目前成交额相对较少。上海市协力律师事务所合伙人江翔宇表示,由于缺乏足够的、具有真实和可核实所有权的数据,市场的发展速度在一定程度上有所放缓。他还表示,相关交易各方都希望避免在数据交易过程中出现任何违法行为。
        Price discovery in traditional commodity and securities exchanges tends to be relatively easier as all the traders concerned perceive the value in the same light, leading to agreement on a price of a commodity or stock. But in data trading, perception of value of a piece of data might, and often does, change from person to person. This factor is hindering the development of large-scale data trading, said Jiang.        在传统的商品和证券交易中,价格发现往往相对容易,因为所有相关的交易者都以同样的眼光看待价值,从而对商品或股票的价格达成一致。但在数据交易中,对一份数据价值的看法可能且经常会因人而异。江翔宇说,这一因素阻碍了大规模数据交易的发展。
        "It will take some more time to build and complete the trading mechanism at data exchanges," he said.        他表示:“建立和完善数据交易所的交易机制还需要更多时间。”
        To address these challenges, six major documents concerning basic mechanism and infrastructure construction for data trading were released at the conference on Friday.        为了应对这些挑战,上周五举行的全球数商大会发布了六份关于数据交易基本机制和基础设施建设的主要文件。
        Among these is a white paper to build a unified data asset registration system nationwide, which pointed out that the same standards for seven major areas, including data registration credentials, registration body and registration process, should be applied throughout the country.        会议发布的白皮书提出要在全国范围内建立统一的数据资产登记体系,其中指出,数据登记凭证、登记主体、登记流程等七大领域应在全国范围内实行统一标准。
        Six major projects kicked off at the conference, including an experimental program for standardized data trading and the launch of a data asset registration platform.        会议启动了六个重大项目,包括标准化数据交易试点计划和启动数据资产注册平台。

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