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Nation leads surge in global patent applications

来源:中国日报    2022-11-23 17:42

        Global intellectual property applications rose last year despite the COVID-19 pandemic, with China leading the growth, World Intellectual Property Organization data shows.        世界知识产权组织数据显示,尽管新冠疫情持续,但2021年全球知识产权申请量仍呈上升趋势,中国申请量增长居首。
        Of the 3.4 million patent applications filed around the world in 2021, China's IP office received 1.59 million, according to the World Intellectual Property Indicators Report 2022, issued on Monday.        11月21日发布的2022年《世界知识产权指标》报告显示,2021年全球创新者提交了340万件专利申请,其中,中国国家知识产权局在2021年受理了159万件专利申请。
        The worldwide total was "slightly higher" than the pre-COVID peak of 3.3 million in 2018, and represented 3.6 percent growth on 2020, the report said.        报告称,全球专利申请总量“略高于”2018年的330万(疫情前的峰值),与2020年相比增长3.6%。
        The number of Chinese patent applications was equivalent to the total for the next 12 ranked countries. China also witnessed growth in other IP sectors, such as trademarks, industrial designs, plant varieties and geographical indications.        中国专利申请量相当于紧随其后的12个国家申请量总和。中国在商标、工业设计、植物品种、地理标志等其他知识产权领域申请量也呈现增长。
        "The latest data demonstrates the sustained development of the world's IP filings amid the pandemic, which shows people's awareness about innovation and IP protection is being continuously strengthened," said Zhao Zhanling, an expert on intellectual property at China University of Political Science and Law.        中国政法大学知识产权专家赵占领表示:“最新数据表明,疫情期间世界知识产权申请持续发展,这表明人们对创新和知识产权保护的意识正在不断加强。”
        Highlighting the important relationship between IP applications and economic growth, Zhao added that the report reflected China's contributions to the global economy during the pandemic.        赵占领强调,知识产权申请与经济增长密切相关,该报告反映出中国在疫情期间对全球经济的贡献。
        There were an estimated 73.7 million active trademark registrations at 149 IP offices last year — up 14.3 percent on 2020. Of those, 37.2 million were in China, followed by 2.8 million in the United States and 2.6 million in India, the report said.        据估计,2021年149家知识产权局的有效商标注册量为7370万件,比2020年增长14.3%。报告称,其中,中国占3720万件,其次是美国占280万件,印度占260万件。
        China also reported the largest number of geographical indications in force and industrial design registrations in force, it said. China's IP office received 11,195 plant variety applications in 2021, accounting for 44.2 percent of the global total.        报告称,中国的地理标志和工业外观设计有效注册数量最多。2021年,中国知识产权局受理了11195份植物品种申请,占全球总量的44.2%。
        Kang Lixia, an IP lawyer from Hanray Law Firm in Beijing, said the report showed that the innovations and steps toward development Chinese enterprises have undertaken have not been slowed by the pandemic.        北京瀚仁律师事务所知识产权律师康丽霞(音译)称,报告显示,中国企业的发展创新和进步并未因疫情而放缓。
        Kang said Chinese companies have applied for more patents in new industries, including communication electronics, artificial intelligence, voice recognition, elderly care and biomedicine.        她表示,中国企业在通信电子、人工智能、语音识别、养老和生物医药等新兴行业申请了更多专利。
        She said enterprises should consider increasing IP research, despite the cost and time involved. "Better IP studies, I believe, will play a role in promoting economic development," she said.        康丽霞称,尽管涉及成本和时间问题,企业仍应考虑加大知识产权研究,“我相信,加大知识产权研究将在促进经济发展方面发挥作用。”
        The report also showed that last year China surpassed the US to become the top jurisdiction in terms of the number of patents in force.        报告还显示,去年,中国超过美国,成为有效专利数量最多的国家。
        Patents in force worldwide grew by 4.2 percent to reach around 16.5 million in 2021. China had 3.6 million, followed by the US, Japan, the Republic of Korea and Germany.        截至2021年,全球有效专利数量约为1650万件,同比增长4.2%。其中中国有效专利数量达360万件,其次是美国、日本、大韩民国和德国。

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