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Kim Jong-un Takes His Daughter to Missile Test Launch

来源:纽约时报    2022-11-21 10:26

        SEOUL — As North Korea fired its largest ballistic missile on Friday, the country’s leader, Kim Jong-un, appeared at the launch along with his wife, Ri Sol-ju, and a young girl who had never been publicly seen before.        首尔——周五,朝鲜发射了其最大的弹道导弹,领导人金正恩带着妻子李雪主和一名此前从未公开露面的年轻女孩一起亮相发射现场。
        A series of images from the state news agency showed the girl walking hand in hand with Mr. Kim, wearing a white puffer jacket, black pants and red dress shoes, with her hair in a ponytail.        在朝鲜国家通讯社发布的一系列图片中,这名女孩身穿白色羽绒服、黑色裤子和红色皮鞋,扎着马尾辫,与金正恩携手同行。
        She is Mr. Kim’s daughter, the North Korean state media confirmed. Mr. Kim attended the launch “with his beloved daughter and wife,” it said on Saturday. Photographs of her appeared on the second page of Rodong Sinmun, North Korea’s main state newspaper.        该朝鲜官方媒体证实,她是金正恩的女儿。该媒体周六报道称,金正恩与“他心爱的女儿和妻子”来到了导弹发射现场。她的照片出现在朝鲜主要的官方报纸《劳动新闻》的第二版。
        It was quite a day for Mr. Kim to reveal a daughter to the world — and to the North Korean people. The test was one of the most successful among the several intercontinental ballistic missile tests his country has conducted this year. State media called it a milestone in the strengthening of the country’s nuclear force. After the test, Mr. Kim reaffirmed his pledge to “react to nukes with nukes” and engage in “direct confrontation” against enemy threats.        金正恩向世界——以及朝鲜人民——公开展示他的女儿,是非同寻常的一件事。这是朝鲜今年进行的多次洲际弹道导弹试射中最成功的一次。官媒称这是加强该国核力量的里程碑事件。实验结束后,金正恩重申了他“以核制核”和“直接对抗”敌人威胁的承诺。
        Together, the pair watched as the missile was carried in a giant military truck to the launch site and then fired into the air.        父女二人一起观看了导弹被巨型军用卡车运至发射场,然后发射升空的场面。
        Little is known about North Korea’s ruling family. No outsider has reported ever having seen any of the couple’s other children. But South Korean intelligence officials believe that Mr. Kim and Ms. Ri have had three children since their secretive marriage: a son, a daughter and a third child whose gender is unknown.        外界对朝鲜的统治家族知之甚少。从没有外人报告说见过这对夫妇的其他子女。但韩国情报官员认为,金正恩和李雪主在秘密结婚后育有三名子女:一个儿子、一个女儿,第三个孩子性别不明。
        The North Korean state media did not reveal the name or the age of the girl in the photographs. But researchers scrutinizing North Korea say that her name is most likely Kim Ju-ae and that she is probably Mr. Kim’s second child.        朝鲜官媒并未透露照片中女孩的姓名或年龄。但密切关注朝鲜的研究人员表示,她很有可能名叫金朱爱,应该是金正恩的第二个孩子。
        North Korea had never previously disclosed the existence of Mr. Kim’s daughter, although Mr. Kim’s wife, Ms. Ri, was seen pregnant on the North’s state-run television in 2012. In 2013, the retired N.B.A. star Dennis Rodman said that he had met Mr. Kim’s daughter, then a baby, on a visit to Pyongyang. In an interview with The Guardian, Mr. Rodman said her name was Ju-ae, and that Mr. Kim had trusted him enough to let him hold her.        朝鲜此前从未披露金正恩这一女儿的存在,虽然朝鲜官方电视台曾在2012年放出李雪主怀孕的画面。2013年,退役NBA球星丹尼斯·罗德曼透露,他在访问平壤时见到了金正恩的女儿,那时还是个婴儿。在接受《卫报》采访时,罗德曼说她名叫朱爱,金正恩非常信任他,甚至让他抱了孩子。
        The decision by Mr. Kim to appear at the missile launch with his daughter was possibly a way of indicating that his nuclear program would be a multigenerational effort. “They’re going to keep their nuclear forces for the long haul,” Ankit Panda, a nuclear expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said in an interview. Mr. Kim has declared that he would never give up his nuclear weapons.        金正恩决定让女儿一同在导弹发射现场亮相,可能是为了表明他的核计划将会是多代人共同努力的成果。“他们将长期保持核力量,”卡内基国际和平基金会安吉特·潘达在接受采访时表示。金正恩已经宣称永远不会放弃他的核武器。
        Mr. Kim’s own first appearance in the North Korean state media was in 2010, shortly after he had been designated the successor to his father, Kim Jong-il, who was ill at the time and died the following year. The photograph, published on the front page of Rodong Sinmun, showed him in a dark suit with his father and a large group of senior party officials.        金正恩本人首次出现在朝鲜官媒上是在2010年,当时他被指定为父亲金正日的继任者,金正日当时生病,并于次年去世。那张照片被刊登在《劳动新闻》的头版,照片中他身穿深色套装,身边是父亲和一大群党内高级官员。
        The missile launched on Friday was the North’s newest and most powerful ICBM, South Korean defense officials said. It appeared to be a Hwasong-17, which North Korea unveiled in 2020 but has since had trouble launching. Friday’s test showed progress: Missile experts said it could theoretically reach anywhere in the United States.        韩国国防官员表示,周五发射的导弹是朝鲜最新、威力最大的洲际弹道导弹。它的型号似乎是“火星-17”,是朝鲜在2020年推出、但此后一直未能成功试射的导弹。周五的试射说明取得了进展:导弹专家称在理论上,该导弹可以打到美国的任何地方。
        North Korea said the missile launch was a reaction to the “reckless military confrontation by the United States and hostile forces” that it said was “driving the Korean Peninsula’s military and political situation to the edge of danger.”        朝鲜表示,此次导弹发射是对“美国与敌对势力不计后果的军事对抗”的反应,朝鲜称这些对抗“将朝鲜半岛的军事和政治局势推向了危险边缘”。

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