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NDRC push to speed up steps for stability

来源:中国日报    2022-11-18 15:12

        China's top economic regulator will continuously promote the implementation of a package of policies to stabilize the economy, further expedite the financing of projects via policy-based and developmental financial instruments, accelerate infrastructure projects and proactively expand effective investment, said an official with the National Development and Reform Commission on Wednesday.        国家发展改革委新闻发言人孟玮11月16日表示,国家发展改革委将继续推动实施稳经济一揽子政策措施,进一步通过政策性开发性金融工具,加大重大项目融资支持。加快基础设施项目建设,积极扩大有效投资。
        "We have noticed that economic stabilization is speeding up in major economically developed provinces. Industrial growth drivers and investing confidence will continue to increase as the implementation of economic stabilization policies will accelerate, and a series of measures, including the launch of a relending facility to support equipment upgrades, will achieve the desired effect in the fourth quarter," said Meng Wei, a spokeswoman for the NDRC, at a news conference.        孟玮在当日举行的例行发布会上说:“我们也注意到,经济大省等重点地区经济正在加快回稳发展。随着稳经济一揽子政策和接续措施加快落地见效,以及设备更新改造专项再贷款和财政贴息等一系列举措将在四季度集中显效,工业增长动力、投资信心将继续增强。”
        "Recently, China announced measures to optimize COVID-19 response and guide local governments to put into practice anti-pandemic measures in a more scientific and targeted way. This is conducive to further promoting unimpeded flows in the economy and the market demand recovery. As for the outlook for the whole year, China's economic growth is likely to accelerate further, and the foundations of the stabilizing and improving economy will be consolidated," Meng said.        孟玮说:“近日,国务院联防联控机制发布优化疫情防控20条措施,指导各地更加科学精准做好疫情防控工作,这有利于进一步畅通经济循环、促进市场需求恢复。展望全年,经济增速有望进一步加快,回稳向好基础将不断得到巩固。”
        Considering that the current international environment is still complicated and the COVID-19 prevention situation is still severe, China must make strenuous efforts to promote a continuous economic recovery in the fourth quarter, she said.        “同时,我们也注意到当前国际环境仍然错综复杂,疫情防控形势依然严峻,促进四季度经济持续恢复还需付出艰苦努力。”孟玮表示。
        The country has invested 739.9 billion yuan via policy-based and developmental financial instruments since a coordination mechanism promoting effective investment in major projects was established at the end of July.        7月底,国务院部署通过政策性开发性金融工具,加大重大项目融资支持,目前,7399亿金融工具资金已全部投放完毕。
        The government selected a batch of high-quality projects and recommended them to policy banks, which independently chose the projects to invest in, as per market-based principles. Commercial banks are also encouraged to ramp up financing for these projects.        政府组织筛选推荐了一大批质量较高的备选项目,推荐给政策性银行,由银行按市场化原则独立评审、自主决策,从中选取项目投放资金。同时也鼓励商业银行加大对这些项目的融资支持力度。
        In the next step, the coordination mechanism will push for expediting the start of the projects backed by such financial instruments, strengthen the role of investment in optimizing the supply structure, and promote steady and sound development of the Chinese economy, Meng said.        下一步,有关部门将集中力量推动金融工具项目加快开工和建设,增强投资对优化供给结构的关键作用,助力巩固经济回升向好趋势。
        During the first 10 months, the NDRC approved 97 fixed-asset investment projects worth 1.42 trillion yuan. The projects mainly focus on energy, transportation and water industries.        1-10月,国家发展改革委共审批核准固定资产投资项目97个,总投资约1.42万亿元。
        Factors like policy banks' financing of major projects via financial instruments have played a positive part in boosting growth of infrastructure investment, said Luo Huanjie, senior researcher at the Zhixin Investment Research Institute.        植信投资研究院高级研究员罗奂劼表示,政策性银行借助金融工具为重大项目融资等因素在促进基础设施投资增长方面发挥了积极作用。
        Looking ahead, the production expectations and confidence of businesses will regain strength as China will coordinate pandemic control and economic development in a more targeted way. China's infrastructure investment will maintain a relatively fast pace, and industrial production is resilient with strong adjustment capacity. As a result, industrial production will continue to recover to a normal level, Luo said.        罗奂劼说,展望未来,随着疫情防控与经济发展更加精准协调,企业生产预期和信心将重新增强。基础设施投资将保持较快增长,工业生产韧性强,调整能力强。因此,工业生产将继续恢复到正常水平。
        With marginal improvement of the internal and external environment emerging as a trend this month, and various economy-stabilizing policies producing further results, an upturn in the Chinese economy is likely in the fourth quarter, said Wen Bin, chief economist at China Minsheng Banking Corp.        中国民生银行首席经济学家温彬表示,随着本月内外部环境的边际改善成为一种趋势,以及各种稳定经济的政策产生进一步效果,中国经济很可能在第四季度出现好转。

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