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Ocean-Eaten Islands, Fire-Scarred Forests: Our Changing World in Pictures

来源:纽约时报    2022-11-09 06:30

        Climate change does not lend itself to easy documentation.
        Like nature itself, it can move slowly. Change can come in increments, and it is not always clear what to make of it.        跟自然本身一样,变化可能是缓慢的。这种变化可能是渐进的,而且人们有时候并不明白究竟是怎么回事。
        Did that species die out because our home is growing too warm? Or was another cause the primary factor in the extinction? Is today’s raging wildfire or monster storm part of something bigger? Or are they just one-offs?        那个物种的灭绝,是因为我们的家园变得太温暖了吗?抑或导致灭绝的主因是另有其他?今天肆虐的野火或巨型风暴的背后,是否有什么更大的事情正在发生?或者它们只是孤立事件?
        No single change tells the story of a climate in crisis, but a seemingly endless succession of them is another matter. Likewise, no single image, no matter how powerful, can capture what is happening, but our photographers have come back from their global travels with an encyclopedia’s worth.        处于危机中的气候,是无法用一种变化来阐述的,但变化一个又一个接踵而至,就是另外一回事了。同样,不管画面是多么有力,没有一张照片能够捕捉到正在发生的事情,但我们的摄影师从世界各地带回来的照片的价值不输百科全书。
        Collected here is a roundup of some of the best visual journalism about climate change that New York Times journalists have produced over the past few years. From methane-spewing feedlots in the Texas Panhandle to a hurricane-drowned church in Louisiana, and from ocean-eaten Easter Island in Chile to fire-scarred New South Wales in Australia, our visual journalists have gone out to take the pulse of an ailing planet.        以下是《纽约时报》记者在过去几年里制作的一些关于气候变化的最佳视觉新闻汇总。从得克萨斯州潘汉德尔排放甲烷的饲养场,到路易斯安那州被飓风淹没的教堂,从被海水吞噬的智利复活节岛,到大火吞噬的澳大利亚新南威尔士州,我们的视觉记者走出去,为这个患病的星球号脉。
        HEREFORD, TEXAS        得克萨斯州赫里福德
        Cattle ranching is big business in the United States, and a big source of planet-warming methane is produced by the cows themselves.        养牛场在美国是一项大生意,导致全球变暖的甲烷一大来源正是牛只本身。
        In the Congo River Basin, people who collect bundles of wood to make charcoal are playing a surprisingly large role in the deforestation of a region that rivals the Amazon in ecological importance.        刚果河流域的生态重要性与亚马孙不相上下,在这里,人们收集成捆的木材烧制木炭,这是当地森林砍伐背后令人意外的一大因素。
        SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN        南太平洋
        As the ocean rises, Rapa Nui, or Easter Island, a UNESCO world heritage site, is being carved away piece by piece. Waves have unsealed tombs and have even reached the ancient statues for which the island is famous.        随着海洋上升,被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产的大拉帕岛——也就是复活节岛,一点点地遭到吞噬。海浪掀开了坟墓,甚至到达了岛上闻名遐迩的那些古代雕像。
        WEST KALIMANTAN, BORNEO, INDONESIA        印度尼西亚婆罗洲西加里曼丹
        The world has a seemingly insatiable appetite for palm oil, but the deforestation its production brings about is wiping out wild orangutans. In Borneo, where the vast majority live, their population has declined by 80 percent.        世界对棕榈油的需求似乎永无止境,但棕榈油生产带来的森林砍伐正在导致野生猩猩的灭绝。在它们的主要栖息地婆罗洲,野生猩猩数量减少了80%。
        NILE RIVER, EGYPT        埃及尼罗河
        There is no Egypt without the Nile, but with that powerful river that cuts through land and history alike under severe stress, including from a new dam, some are starting to imagine a day with no Nile.        没有尼罗河就没有埃及,但这条穿越土地和历史的强大河流承受着巨大的压力,其中一部分来自一座新修建的大坝,有些人开始试想有朝一日尼罗河会不复存在。
        LAKE CONJOLA, NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA        澳大利亚新南威尔士州康乔拉湖
        With temperatures far above seasonal norms, fires raged across the east coast of Australia in early 2020. Some burned until there was nothing left to burn, stopping only when they reached the water. Some national leaders scoffed at those who blamed climate change. “They need to get out and have a real look at what’s happening to this country,” one local official responded.        由于气温远高于季节正常水平,2020年初,大火席卷了澳大利亚东海岸。有些地方一直烧到水边没有东西可烧才停止。一些国家领导人嘲笑那些把此事归咎为气候变化的人。“他们需要走出去,真正看看这个国家正在发生的事情,”一名澳大利亚官员回应道。
        PAULET ISLAND, ANTARCTICA        南极洲保莱特岛
        Few places illustrate the capriciousness of climate change better than the Antarctic Peninsula. The west side is warming faster than almost anywhere else on earth, and its penguins are dying off. On the east, the penguins are doing fine. For now.        很少有地方比南极半岛更能说明气候变化的莫测。西侧变暖的速度几乎比地球上任何地方都要快,那里的企鹅正在灭绝。而在半岛东侧,企鹅的情况还不错。就目前来看是如此。
        BAD MÜNSTEREIFEL, GERMANY        德国巴特明斯特艾弗尔
        It was not a hurricane but floods that tore though Germany and much of Western Europe in the summer of 2021. A relief worker dispatched to the scene said it reminded him of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina — “but this was much faster.”        2021年夏天,席卷德国和西欧大部分地区的不是飓风,而是洪水。一名来到现场的救援人员说,这让他想起了飓风“卡特里娜”后的新奥尔良——“但袭击速度要快得多。”
        AMAZON RAINFOREST, BRAZIL        巴西亚马孙雨林
        Some fires are spurred by global warming. Others send it galloping along. The Amazon Rainforest stores a huge volume of carbon dioxide, but it has been unleashed by slash-and-burn loggers, ranchers and miners. “The Amazon is completely lawless,” one climate scientist says.        一些火灾是由全球变暖引发的。还有一些则让变暖加速。亚马逊雨林储存着大量的二氧化碳,但连砍带烧的伐木工、牧场主和矿工将它们释放了出来。“亚马孙完全乱套了,”一位气候科学家说。
        MARRERO, LA.        洛杉矶马雷罗
        Even in a summer of extreme weather, Hurricane Ida stood out when it lashed the coast of Louisiana in August 2021. It gained power with extraordinary speed — most likely because of the warming ocean — and its winds hit 150 miles per hour. It was one of the costliest storms in U.S. history.        即使是在一个出现了各种极端天气的夏天,飓风“艾达”在2021年8月袭击路易斯安那州海岸时还是引人注目。它以惊人的速度获得能量——很可能是因为海洋变暖——风速达到每小时240公里。它是美国历史上造成损失最大的风暴之一
        SAN FRANCISCO        旧金山
        A timeless companion may be slipping away on the coast of Northern California. It is hard to imagine San Francisco without fog. But it is getting sadly easier.        长期陪伴北加州海岸的天气现象可能正在消失。没有雾的旧金山是难以想象的。但令人难过的是,现在已经没那么难了。
        MAGARAS, RUSSIA        俄罗斯马加拉斯
        The tundra was burning. Siberia was afire. For a third year in a row, a people who endure the bitterest of winters with little complaint were reeling from the worst wildfires anyone there could remember.        苔原正在燃烧。西伯利亚在起火。那里的人们不惧严酷的寒冬,却连续第三年被终身难忘的山火折磨。
        DAKAR, SENEGAL        塞内加尔达喀尔
        Plastic waste is exploding in Senegal, as in many other countries. As populations and incomes grow, so does the demand for packaged, mass-produced products. So is the push for more recycling.        与许多其他国家一样,塑料垃圾在塞内加尔呈爆炸式增长。随着人口和收入的增长,对包装的、大批量生产的产品的需求也在增长。对进一步回收利用的推动也在增加。
        KINGS CANYON NATIONAL PARK, CALIFORNIA        加利福尼亚州国王峡谷国家公园
        California’s epic wildfires of 2020 made quick work of some of the state’s most beloved trees. In a relative instant, countless ancient redwoods, hundreds of giant sequoias and more than one million Joshua trees perished.        加利福尼亚2020年的大规模野火迅速摧毁了该州一些最受人们喜爱的树木。似乎在一瞬间,无数古红杉、数百棵巨杉和超过一百万棵约书亚树灰飞烟灭。
        GYEONGJU CITY, SOUTH KOREA        韩国庆州市
        The links between major tropical storms and climate change are becoming more apparent, and so South Koreans braced in September as Typhoon Hinnamnor bore down. The storm did bring the heavy winds and rains that were feared, but it did not linger, limiting the damage.        大型热带风暴与气候变化之间的联系变得越来越明显,因此韩国人在9月准备好迎接台风“欣南诺”的冲击。风暴确实带来了令人畏惧的强风暴雨,但并没有持续下去,也没有造成更大的损失。
        SARATOGA SPRINGS, UTAH        犹他州萨拉托加泉
        The Great Salt Lake has already shrunk by two-thirds, as a broad swath of Utah around it parches. Its troubles are closely linked to the health and economy of an entire region.        大盐湖已经缩小了三分之二,围绕它的犹他州出现大面积干旱。它的气候问题与整个地区的健康和经济密切相关。
        SHOYNA, RUSSIA        俄罗斯绍伊纳
        A fishing village on the frigid shores of the White Sea is slowly vanishing under sand. Years of overfishing is believed in part to blame. Residents now bulldoze the sand away to prepare for winter — “lest the snow piling up on top of the sand buries us to our roof.”        白海寒冷海岸上的一个渔村正慢慢地被掩埋在沙下。人们认为多年来的过度捕捞是部分原因。居民们现在用推土机推开沙子,为冬天做准备——“以免堆积在沙子上的雪把我们的屋顶埋起来。”
        BAROUK CEDAR FOREST, LEBANON        黎巴嫩巴鲁克雪松林
        The ancient cedars of Lebanon have outlived empires and survived modern wars. Now global warming could finish them off.        黎巴嫩的古老雪松目睹了帝国的兴衰,并在现代战争中幸存下来。现在全球变暖可能会终结它们的生命。
        FATEHGARH-SAHIB, INDIA        印度法塔加-萨希布
        Many of the world’s most vulnerable to the ravages of climate change live in South Asia, where rising temperatures are making it harder than ever to address poverty, food insecurity and health challenges. Floods in Assam, India, in June affected more than half a million people across nearly 1,000 villages.        世界上许多最容易受到气候变化破坏的人生活在南亚,那里的气温上升使解决贫困、粮食不安全和健康挑战变得比以往任何时候都更加困难。印度阿萨姆邦6月的洪水影响了近1000个村庄的50多万人。
        TAIYUAN, SHANXI, CHINA        中国山西太原
        With its heavy reliance on coal, China is by far the world’s top emitter of the heat-trapping gases that accelerate climate change, though it has also become a global leader in policy and diplomacy on limiting the effects of climate change.        虽然中国已经成为制约气候变化影响的政策与外交的全球领导者,但由于对煤炭的严重依赖,该国是迄今为止世界上加速气候变化的吸热气体的最大排放国。
        BOHOL, PHILIPPINES        菲律宾薄荷岛
        They called it a “super typhoon,” and after it left in December 2021, the smell of death hung in a central Philippine province. The winds from Typhoon Rai reached 168 miles per hour, and when it was over, the country’s Climate Change Commission called for urgent action “to build community resilience against extreme climate-related events.”        人们叫它“超级台风”,在2021年12月离开后,死亡的气息笼罩着菲律宾中部的一个省份。台风“雷伊”的风速达到每小时270公里,该国的气候变化委员会在灾后呼吁采取紧急行动,“加强社区对极端气候相关事件的抵御力。”
        MEYERS, CALIF.        加利福尼亚州迈耶斯
        Thousands of firefighters, 25 helicopters and an arsenal of more than 400 fire engines and 70 water truck were sent to battle the flames near Lake Tahoe in the summer of 2021, yet the Caldor fire still advanced. Experts believe it offered a cautionary tale for the next megafires in the West, and it lay bare a certain futility in trying to fully control the most aggressive wildfires.        2021年夏天,数千名消防员、25架直升机以及400多辆消防车和70辆运水车被派往太浩湖附近扑灭大火,但卡尔多山火仍在蔓延。专家认为,它是西方再次遭遇大型山火前的警示故事,人们试图完全控制最具侵略性的山火,却目睹了这种努力在一定程度上的徒劳。
        DOOLOW, SOMALIA        索马里杜洛
        The worst drought in four decades was imperiling lives across the Horn of Africa, with up to 37 million people in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia facing the risk of starvation by the end of this year, aid officials said in June. Makeshift settlements swelled with displaced people.        援助官员在6月表示,四年来最严重的干旱正在危及整个非洲之角的生命,到今年年底,肯尼亚、埃塞俄比亚和索马里将有多达3700万人面临饥饿的风险。临时定居点因流离失所者而越来越多。
        ANTARCTICA        南极洲
        On the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula, warming linked to climate change has occurred faster than almost anywhere else on the planet.        在南极半岛的西侧,与气候变化相关的变暖发生得比地球上几乎任何其他地方都要快。

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