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These are the 4 best foods for your brain

来源:中国日报    2022-11-14 17:33

        1.Blueberries        蓝莓
        Add a few handfuls of berries to a salad or your morning smoothie for a big brain boost. Recent research found that as little as 2.5 cups of the flavonoid-rich berries per day for six months tamped down inflammation and significantly improved the speed that the brain could process information. It’s essential to eat blueberries daily to get the benefits.        在沙拉或晨间奶昔中加入几把浆果,非常有益大脑健康。最新研究发现,六个月内每天摄入2.5杯富含类黄酮的浆果就可以抑制炎症,并显著提高大脑处理信息的速度。每天吃蓝莓对大脑就能起到这些益处。
        “[Flavonoids] improve brain tissue by depressing inflammation and not allowing oxidative stress to impair brain functioning,” It has to be a regular input of flavonoids, says Mary Ann Lila, director of the Plants for Human Health Institute at North Carolina State University. “You have to eat a serving a day; you can’t just load up on weekends.”        北卡罗来纳州立大学人类健康植物研究所所长玛丽·安·莉拉说:“类黄酮通过抑制炎症和阻止氧化应激损害大脑功能,从而改善大脑组织。”必须定期摄入类黄酮才能产生这种效果。“要保证每天的摄入,而不能只是周末一口气吃个够。”
        2.Salmon        三文鱼
        Wild-caught salmon and other fatty fish are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which a 2022 study linked to greater brain volumes, improved abstract reasoning and logical thinking; omega-3s also slow cognitive decline and decrease the risk of developing dementia.        野生三文鱼和其他高脂肪鱼类富含欧米伽3脂肪酸,2022年的一项研究表明,这种脂肪酸与大脑体积增大、抽象推理和逻辑思维能力提高有关;还能减缓认知能力下降速度,降低痴呆风险。
        Three pieces of sushi contain around three ounces of salmon—a sufficient amount to get those essential fatty acids and boost brain health, according to Nyree Dardarian, professor at Drexel University.        据德雷塞尔大学教授尼里·达达里安介绍,三块寿司中含有大约三盎司三文鱼,这一份量的三文鱼足以提供人体所需的欧米伽3脂肪酸,对大脑健康有益。
        3.Eggs        鸡蛋
        Whether you prefer them scrambled, poached, or fried, eggs are chock-full of nutrients like choline and lutein that support brain function. Eating one egg per week is associated with slower rates of cognitive decline.        无论是炒鸡蛋、煮鸡蛋还是煎鸡蛋,都富含胆碱和叶黄素等营养物质,这些营养物质可以维持大脑运转。每周吃一个鸡蛋能减缓认知能力下降速度。
        4.Coffee        咖啡
        A morning caffeine jolt can actually provide a brain boost, too.        早晨摄入咖啡因也对大脑有益处。
        “[Coffee] isn’t building brain cells or providing the fuel for the brain neurotransmission but it does seem to help people with neurological diseases,” Lila explains. “Coffee is helping you to be more alert and helping you concentrate.”        莉拉解释称:“(咖啡)并不能生成脑细胞,也不为大脑神经传递提供能量,但它似乎确实能帮助神经疾病患者。咖啡有助于提高大脑敏捷度、集中注意力。”
        Studies show that the popular beverage could help slow cognitive decline and improve planning and decision-making abilities. But drinking too much coffee could have the opposite effect. Drinking more than six cups of coffee per day was linked to a 53% increase in the risk of dementia.        研究表明,咖啡作为一种人气饮品,有助于减缓认知衰退,提高大脑的规划和决策能力。但喝太多咖啡可能会产生相反的效果。每天喝六杯以上咖啡,痴呆风险增加53%。

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