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How a Festive Stroll Over a Historic Bridge Turned to Carnage in India

来源:纽约时报    2022-11-01 01:48

        They had flocked to the newly reopened suspension bridge on a Sunday evening during India’s most festive season, buying a ticket costing the equivalent of about 20 cents or less to experience the sensation of swaying across the wide Machchhu River in the western Indian state of Gujarat.        在印度最盛大节日季的周日晚上,为体验在印度西部古吉拉特邦浩荡的默丘河上摇荡的感觉,他们以相当于20美分或更少的价格购买门票,涌向了最近重新开放的吊桥。
        The 755-foot-long pedestrian bridge, built during the Victorian era, had long been a tourist attraction, and it was packed with people as the sun set on Sunday and the intense heat eased. As countless others had done before them, some on the span spread their arms across its four-foot width, grabbing the green netting on either side and making the bridge shimmy from side to side.        这座人行桥建于维多利亚时代,长约230米,长久以来一直是旅游景点。周日,太阳落山,酷暑消退时,桥上挤满了人。就像之前无数人做过的那样,一些人在约1.2米宽的桥面上伸开双臂,抓住两边的绿网,让桥左右摇摆。
        Then, suddenly, the cables snapped, and the bridge spilled its human cargo into the river, like a fishing net releasing its catch. Once in the dark water, some tried to swim to the fallen structure and climb up its tangled netting. Others were swept away.        然后,突然之间,缆绳断了,桥上承载的人都落入河中,就像抛洒捕获物的渔网一样。落入暗黑的深水之后,有人竭力游至倒塌的桥体,爬上缠结其上的网状绳索。其他人则被冲走。
        The regional police chief, Ashok Yadav, said Monday morning that at least 140 people had been killed, but later revised that number to 134. He gave no reason for the new number. Many of the victims were schoolchildren on vacation during the Diwali holiday and migrant workers celebrating a Hindu festival, leaving India to ask once again why its infrastructure keeps failing so calamitously.        该地区警察局长阿肖克·亚达夫周一上午表示,至少140人丧生,但后来将这一数字修正为134人。他没有给出修改数字的原因。许多遇难者是排灯节放假的学生,以及庆祝印度教节日的外来务工者,这让印度民众再次发出质问,为何基础设施不断出现如此灾难性的故障。
        Mr. Yadav said that a police case had been filed, and that nine people — including two company managers, two ticket takers, two bridge repairmen and three security guards — had been arrested on charges of attempting to commit culpable homicide and of causing death by negligence.        亚达夫表示,警方已经立案调查,包括两名企业经理、两名检票员、两名桥梁修理工和三名保安在内的九人已被逮捕,罪名是企图过失杀人罪和过失致死罪。
        On Monday, platoons of disaster response workers and members of India’s armed forces combed the fast-moving river in small boats, paddling through the mangroves next to the riverbanks, searching for the missing. In the afternoon, Indian Navy rescue divers were still looking for victims 12 hours after the last body had been recovered.        周一,救灾人员和印度武装部队乘坐小船,沿着河岸边的红树林划行,在湍急的河水中搜寻失踪者。到下午,在最后一具尸体被发现的12个小时后,印度海军救援潜水员仍在寻找遇难者。
        “The scene is rotating in my head, bodies lying here and there, being taken out, everyone shouting, ‘Save me, save me, save me,’” one survivor, Mahesh Bhai, told a TV reporter from his hospital bed. He was among the dozens of people who had been injured in the collapse but had survived; more than 180 people were rescued in all.        “当时的场景在我脑海中反复浮现,到处都是被抬出来的人,所有人都在喊,‘救救我,救救我,救救我,’”幸存者马赫什·拜在病床上对电视记者说道。他是在坍塌中受伤但幸存下来的数十人之一;共有180多人获救。
        The colonial-era bridge is among a collection of attractions in the quaint town of Morbi, whose ceramic tile industry draws workers from across India. It was a favorite meeting place for young lovers to escape parents’ prying eyes, said Devyesh Pithva, who a decade ago met the woman who became his wife on the bridge. He had visited the structure on Friday, and, out of a sense of poignancy, returned to the site of the disaster on Monday.        在古朴的莫尔比镇,这座殖民时代的桥梁是众多景点之一,镇上的瓷砖产业吸引了来自印度各地的工人。德维耶什·皮特瓦说,这座桥是年轻情侣躲避父母窥探的最佳约会地点,十年前,他就是在这座桥上遇见了自己后来的妻子。周五他曾来到这里,出于伤感,他周一又返回了灾难现场。
        In March, the bridge’s operations were awarded to Ajanta Manufacturing, a local clock and electronics manufacturer.        今年3月,这座桥的运营权被授予一家当地钟表及电子产品制造商“阿旃陀制造”。
        Ajanta’s founder, Odhavaji Patel, was known in India as the “father of wall clocks.” The company he ran before his death also makes light bulbs and toothpaste. What is unclear from business records is whether Ajanta had any experience operating bridges before taking over the one in Morbi.        阿旃陀的创始人奥达瓦吉·帕特尔在印度被誉为“挂钟之父”。他生前经营的公司还生产灯泡和牙膏。从商业纪录中无法明确的是,在接受莫尔比的这座桥之前,阿旃陀是否有任何桥梁运营经验。
        After winning the contract, Ajanta, which also goes by the name Oreva Group, managed seven months of repairs on the bridge, which had been in poor condition. The structure reopened four days before the disaster, timed to coincide with the Gujarati New Year, on Oct. 26.        在赢得项目合同后,阿旃陀(又名奥莱瓦集团)对这座状况不佳的桥梁进行了七个月的维修。该桥梁在灾难发生前四天重新开放,正好赶上10月26日的古吉拉特新年。
        When Mr. Pithva visited the bridge on Friday, two days before the disaster, he said, there were as many as 500 people crowded onto it. He waited 20 minutes for a clearing to take a photograph with his family.        皮特瓦说,上周五——也就是灾难发生的两天前——他参观这座桥时,有多达500人挤在桥上。他等了20分钟才等到空位与家人合影。
        “You could actually hear people breathing, it was so tight,” Mr. Pithva said. “I have an emotional bond with this bridge, and when I heard the news, I felt like I was going down with my family.”        “你都能听到别人的呼吸声,真的太挤了,”皮特瓦说。“我对这座桥很有感情,当我听到新闻,感觉就像是自己和家人也掉下去了。”
        On Monday, scrutiny turned to how Ajanta had won the contract, and to whether the company had ties to the Bharatiya Janata Party, or B.J.P., which has governed Gujarat for more than two decades and which also controls the national government, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.        周一,外界关注点转向了阿旃陀为何能赢下合同,以及该公司是否与印度人民党有关联。该党已统治古吉拉特邦20余年,也控制着由总理莫迪领导的全国政府。
        A municipal official told the Indian news media that the bridge had been opened without a “fitness certificate” or the authorities’ permission. Unaddressed was why the authorities did not shut down the bridge if it had been reopened without approval.        一名市政官员告诉印度媒体,这座桥是在没有“合格认证”或当局许可的情况下开放的。悬而未决的问题是,如果桥是未经批准重新开放的,当局为何没有关闭它。
        Arjun Modhwadia, a member of the Congress party and a former opposition leader in Gujarat, said that B.J.P. leaders had announced the bridge’s opening as a “Diwali gift to the people of Morbi,” without ensuring its safety.        国民大会党成员、古吉拉特邦前反对党领袖阿琼·莫德瓦迪亚表示,人民党领导人宣布将这座桥的开放作为“献给莫尔比人民的排灯节大礼”,但并未确保其安全。
        Yamal Vyas, a spokesman for the B.J.P. in Gujarat, said that the national government had appointed a “high-powered committee” to investigate the disaster. Mr. Modi, who was campaigning in Gujarat, his home state, ahead of fiercely contested state assembly elections, canceled at least some of the rest of the week’s campaign events.        古吉拉特邦人民党发言人亚马尔·维亚斯表示,全国政府已经任命了一个“权限很大的委员会”来调查这场灾难。在竞争激烈的议会选举将要来临之际,正在家乡古吉拉特邦拉票的莫迪至少取消了本周剩余的部分竞选活动。
        “Congress wants to ply politics in everything,” Mr. Vyas said.        “国民大会党想把一切都扯上政治,”维亚斯说。
        Ajanta blamed the victims. “Too many people in the midsection of the bridge were trying to sway it from one side to the other,” a newspaper, The Indian Express, quoted a company spokesman as saying. It was unclear why the company had allowed so many people on the bridge at once; Ajanta did not immediately respond to requests for comment from The New York Times.        阿旃陀将责任归咎于受害者。一家名为《印度快报》的报纸援引该公司发言人的说法称,“站在中间试图摇动桥梁的人太多了。”不清楚该公司为何允许那么多人同时上桥;阿旃陀没有立即回应《纽约时报》的置评请求。
        The company’s chairman, Jaysukh Patel, spoke at a news conference Monday.        该公司董事长杰苏克·帕特尔周一在新闻发布会上进行了表态。
        “This hanging bridge is a historical treasure of Morbi,” Mr. Patel said, adding that Ajanta had hired a subcontractor with experience repairing bridges to meet “technical specifications” and other requirements.        “这座吊桥是莫尔比的历史瑰宝,”帕特尔说,并补充称,为了满足“技术规格”和其他要求,阿旃陀聘请了一家有修复桥梁经验的分包商。
        If history holds, it may be unlikely that any companies or municipal officials face serious consequences. Infrastructure failures caused by overcrowding are common in India and rarely result in accountability or change.        如果依照先例,所有企业或市政官员都不太可能面临严重后果。拥挤造成的基础设施故障在印度很常见,很少导致问责或变革。
        Building contracts are often awarded to relatives or associates of political leaders, who can acquire necessary permissions but may not be competent builders. Planning is piecemeal. On-site supervision is weak. Safety measures are haphazard. And life, when it is lost, costs the government very little.        建筑合同通常被授予政治领导人的亲属或伙伴,这些人能获得必要的许可,但可能不是合格的承建商。建设规划零散。现场监督薄弱。安全措施杂乱无章。即使出了人命,政府要付的代价也微乎其微。
        When things go wrong, officials offer cash compensation. On Sunday, within hours of the disaster, Gujarat’s chief minister, Bhupendra Patel, announced payments of about $4,800 for each of the families of the dead and about $600 for the injured.        如果出现问题,官员们会提供现金补偿。周日,在灾难发生几小时后,古吉拉特邦首席部长布彭德拉·帕特尔宣布向每位遇难者家属支付约4800美元,向伤者支付600美元。
        In India, hundreds of people have been killed over the past decade in infrastructure disasters.        在印度,过去十年里有数以百计的人在基础设施灾难中丧生。
        In 2013, after the police failed to control crowding on a bridge in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, one of its railings snapped, resulting in more than 100 deaths.        2013年,在印度中部中央邦的一座桥上,警方未能控制住拥挤的人群,导致一根栏杆断裂,上百人死亡。
        In 2014, an overpass that was under construction collapsed in Gujarat, killing at least 10 people. A police investigation found that both the design and the construction materials were faulty.        2014年,古吉拉特邦一座在建立交桥倒塌,造成至少10人死亡。警方调查发现,桥梁设计和建筑用料都有问题。
        In 2016, part of an unfinished overpass, in the works for over seven years in the eastern city of Kolkata, came crashing down on a busy street, killing more than two dozen people. Mr. Modi described that disaster, in an opposition-controlled state, as an “act of fraud” rather than an “act of God.”        2016年,东部城市加尔各答一座在建了七年多的未完工立交桥部分垮塌到一条繁忙的街道上,造成20多人死亡。莫迪称,这场灾难发生在由反对派控制的邦,原因是“造假”而非“天灾”。
        That same year, at least 42 people were killed in the collapse of a British-era bridge along a scenic landscape in the western Indian state of Maharashtra.        同年,印度西部马哈拉施特拉邦一座建于英属时代的桥梁垮塌,造成至少42人死亡。
        On Monday, Randeep Surjewala, a Congress party lawmaker, echoed Mr. Modi’s 2016 statement to turn it against him, calling the latest bridge collapse a “man-made tragedy.”        周一,印度国民大会党议员兰迪普·苏尔杰瓦拉重复了莫迪2016年的声明,称此次桥梁垮塌是“人为的悲剧”。

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