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A Basic Guide to the U.S. Midterm Elections

来源:纽约时报    2022-11-05 11:10

        If you are broadly aware that the upcoming midterm elections in the United States have major global implications, but you’re not up to speed on the American system of government or you’re having trouble following along, you’re in the right place.        如果你大致上知道即将到来的美国中期选举将对全球产生重大影响,但对美国的政府制度并不了解,或者觉得难以跟上进度,看这篇文章就对了。
        In the United States’ two-party system, control of two crucial bodies of government — the Senate and the House of Representatives — is essential for getting laws made, and it will be decided by a vote on Nov. 8. Democrats currently control both bodies and the presidency, and losing either the House or the Senate to Republicans would significantly decrease Democrats’ power in the next two years of President Biden’s term.        在美国的两党制下,参议院和众议院这两个控制政府的关键机构,对于制定法律至关重要,它们的控制权将由11月8日的投票决定。民主党目前控制着两院和总统职位,如果在众议院或参议院输给共和党人,在拜登总统未来两年任期内,民主党的权力将大幅下降。
        Hundreds of elections will take place, but many candidates are considered shoo-ins and control in each body will most likely be decided by a few tight races.        为此将举行数百场选举,但许多候选人被认为稳操胜券,两院的控制权极有可能由几场势均力敌的竞选决定。
        I need the basics: What is decided in this election?        我需要了解一些基本情况:这次选举将决定什么?
        The Senate, which is now at a 50-50 deadlock but is controlled by Democrats because Vice President Kamala Harris casts the tiebreaking vote, has 100 members, with two from each of the 50 states. Not all 100 senators are up for re-election at once. This year, there are 34 seats up for grabs, and winners serve six-year terms.        参议院目前处于五五开的僵局,但由民主党控制,因为副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯可以投下打破僵局的一票。参议院有100名议员,50个州中,每州各有两名。并不是所有100名参议员都要同时竞选连任。今年有34个席位需要竞选,获胜者的任期为六年。
        The House, with 435 voting members, is controlled by the Democrats, 222 to 213. All 435 seats are up for election, with winners serving two-year terms.        有435名投票议员的众议院由民主党控制,对比情况为222比213。所有435个席位都将进行选举,获胜者任期为两年。
        The odds are against Democrats, but this has been a strange year.        民主党的胜算不大,但今年是奇怪的一年。
        Historically, the party that controls the presidency — currently the Democrats — has fared poorly in the midterms. Frustration with the president often leads to success for the other party, and Mr. Biden has low approval ratings.        历史上,控制总统席位的政党——目前是民主党——往往在中期选举中表现不佳。对总统的失望往往会导致另一个政党的成功,而拜登的支持率很低。
        Currently, Republicans are favored to win the House, and the Senate is considered a tossup, according to FiveThirtyEight. Democrats enjoyed a major polling bump after the Supreme Court made an unpopular ruling in June that removed the constitutional right to abortion, giving the party hope that it could defy historical trends, but that advantage has mostly faded.        根据FiveThirtyEight的数据,目前,共和党人被看好会赢得众议院,而参议院则被认为是胜负难料。今年6月,美国最高法院做出了一项不受欢迎的裁决,取消了宪法赋予的堕胎权利,随后的民调中,民主党获得了很大的提升,这让该党有了挑战历史趋势的希望,然而这种优势现在基本上已经消退。
        Read more here on how to follow the polls and the predictions, and on the wide range of outcomes possible.        点击这里阅读更多关于如何跟踪民意调查和预测,以及各种可能的结果。
        Why it matters: If Democrats lose control of either body, Biden’s agenda is in trouble.        为什么这次选举如此重要:如果民主党失去对两院中任何一个的控制,拜登的议程就有麻烦了。
        In highly polarized times, it is exceedingly difficult to pass legislation unless one party controls the presidency, the House and the Senate. If Republicans win either the House or the Senate, they can prevent much of what Mr. Biden and the Democrats would hope to accomplish before 2024, the next presidential election. You could kiss any major Democratic legislation goodbye.        在高度极化的时代,除非一个政党控制总统、众议院和参议院,否则通过立法是极其困难的。如果共和党人赢得众议院或参议院中的任何一个,他们就可以阻止很多拜登和民主党人希望在2024年下届总统选举之前实现的目标。你可以和民主党的任何重要立法说再见了。
        On the other hand, if Democrats hold onto the House and increase their lead in the Senate, it could give them more ability to pass new laws. And, since senators serve six-year terms, running up a lead now would give them some breathing room in 2024, when analysts say Republicans are likely to be highly favored.        另一方面,如果民主党能保住众议院的控制权,并增加在参议院的领先优势,他们就有更多的能力通过新法律。而且,由于参议员的任期是6年,现在领先会让他们在2024年获得一些喘息的空间,分析人士说,届时共和党人很可能获得很大优势。
        If Republicans gain power, they could block Democratic efforts to codify abortion rights and take action on the climate, and question the aid sent to Ukraine.        如果共和党人掌权,他们可能会阻止民主党将堕胎权写入法律以及气候问题采取行动,并质疑向乌克兰提供的援助。
        Trump’s influence looms over the races.        特朗普的影响力笼罩着这些竞选。
        Candidates endorsed by former President Donald J. Trump — who has not announced whether he will seek another term in 2024 — are in place for some of the most crucial Senate elections, including Herschel Walker in Georgia, Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania, Blake Masters in Arizona and J.D. Vance in Ohio. Mr. Trump has also offered his support in House and state races, in many cases lifting candidates who have questioned or spread misinformation about the 2020 election results.        前总统特朗普支持的候选人已经为最关键的一些参议院选举准备就绪,这些人包括乔治亚州的赫歇尔·沃克、宾夕法尼亚州的穆罕默德·奥兹、亚利桑那州的布莱克·马斯特斯和俄亥俄州的J·D·万斯,而特朗普尚未宣布他本人是否会在2024年寻求连任。特朗普还在众议院和州竞选中给予支持,有些候选人曾质疑2020年选举结果或散布过虚假信息,特朗普多次为他们站台。
        At times, Republicans have worried that Mr. Trump’s preferred candidates were too far to the right, or that association with the former president could do more harm than good, but the president maintains a loyal base of voters.        有时,共和党人担心特朗普支持的候选人过于偏右,或者与前总统的联系可能弊大于利,但这位前总统拥有忠实的选民基础。
        Republicans could gain investigative and impeachment powers.        共和党人可以获得调查和弹劾的权力。
        If the Republicans take one or both of the chambers, they could use their new powers to create an onslaught of investigations into Democrats, as opposition parties have long done in Washington. With subpoenas and court hearings, they could highlight perceived incompetence or alleged wrongdoing on a variety of subjects, including the search of former President Donald J. Trump’s private club and residence in August, the withdrawal from Afghanistan and the pandemic response.        如果共和党赢得一个或两个议院的控制权,他们可以利用他们的新权力对民主党进行调查,就像反对党长期以来在华盛顿所做的那样。通过传票和法庭听证会,他们可以强调一系列议题中被认为能力不足或被指控的不当行为,包括8月对前总统特朗普的私人俱乐部和住所的搜查、从阿富汗撤军和对大流行病的回应。
        Democrats expect that Mr. Biden and his family would be among the targets, along with Dr. Anthony Fauci, a top medical adviser in the Trump and Biden administrations.        民主党人预计,拜登和他的家人以及特朗普和拜登政府的高级医疗顾问安东尼·福奇博士将成为目标。
        Some Republicans have also pledged to impeach the president, a complicated process that could force Mr. Biden to stand trial in the Senate, as Mr. Trump did for separate impeachments in 2020 and 2021. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, a Republican, said last year that there would be “enormous pressure” on a Republican House to impeach Mr. Biden “whether it’s justified or not.”        一些共和党人还承诺弹劾总统,这是一个复杂的过程,可能会迫使拜登在参议院接受审判,就像特朗普在2020年和2021年分别弹劾总统时所做的那样。共和党参议员特德·克鲁兹去年表示,共和党众议院将面临弹劾拜登的“巨大压力”,“无论是否合理。”
        An important power of the Senate: Approving court nominations.        参议院的一项重要权力:批准法官提名。
        Control of the Senate includes the power to approve federal judges, up to and including the Supreme Court. If Republicans claim control, they could use their power to block President Biden’s nominations.        参议院的控制权包括批准联邦法官的权力,直至并包括最高法院。如果共和党人取得控制权,他们可以利用他们的权力阻止拜登总统的提名。
        When President Barack Obama, a Democrat, had to work with a Republican-controlled Senate, the Republicans blocked his Supreme Court nomination in 2016. But Mr. Trump was able to speed through three Supreme Court nominations, thanks to the friendly Senate.        当民主党总统奥巴马不得不面对一个共和党控制的参议院时,共和党人在2016年阻止了他对最高法院的提名。但特朗普能够加速通过三项最高法院法官提名,因为他与参议院关系友好。
        Though not as high-profile, lower-court nominations can also be highly influential. As president, both Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden have used same-party Senate control to appoint dozens of their preferred judges to important posts across the nation.        虽然不那么引人注目,但下级法院的提名也可能具有很大的影响力。作为总统,特朗普和拜登都利用同党参议院控制权任命了数十名他们首选的法官在全国担任重要职位。
        State races could have a huge effect on issues like abortion rights and voting.        州竞选可能会对堕胎权和投票等问题产生巨大影响。
        A governor will be elected in 36 states. Governors have a wide range of powers, with many laws decided at the state level.        36个州将选举产生州长。州长拥有广泛的权力,许多法律由州一级决定。
        That includes abortion, which lost federal protections after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June. In several states, the legality of abortion is likely to be decided by the midterm results; several states are directly asking voters whether to protect abortion rights, while others have close races for the governor and state legislature.        这包括堕胎,在最高法院于6月推翻罗诉韦德案后,堕胎失去了联邦保护。在一些州,堕胎的合法性很可能取决于中期选举结果;一些州直接询问选民是否保护堕胎权,而另一些州进行着激烈的州长竞选和州立法部门选战。
        The races for each state’s secretary of state do not usually receive much attention, but this year they have attracted major interest because of the office’s role in overseeing elections. It could become a key position if there are election disputes in the 2024 presidential election, and some of the Republicans running in key states supported Mr. Trump’s false claims that the 2020 election was stolen from him.        每个州的州务卿的竞选通常不会受到太多关注,但由于州务卿办公室在监督选举中的作用,今年它们引起了人们极大的关注。如果2024年总统大选出现选举纠纷,州务卿可能会成为关键人物,一些在关键州竞选的共和党人支持特朗普关于2020年大选结果被窃取的不实说法。

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