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China Launches Its Space Station’s Third and Final Module

来源:纽约时报    2022-11-01 11:16

        China launched the third and final module of its space station on Monday, a significant step as the country expands its extensive scientific research outside the Earth’s atmosphere.        中国周一发射了其空间站的第三个也是最后一个舱段,这是该国在地球大气层外扩展其广泛科学研究的重要一步。
        State television broadcast the launch live, showing a rocket roaring into a gray layer of clouds above Hainan Island in southernmost China, with the module aboard. Deng Hongqin, the director of the launch command center, announced after 14 minutes that the module was in orbit.        国家电视台现场直播了发射过程,在中国最南端的海南岛,载着该实验舱的一枚火箭轰鸣着冲入灰色云层。发射指挥中心主任邓洪钦在14分钟后宣布,舱段已进入预定轨道。
        Nearly 59 feet long and weighing 23 tons, the module, called Mengtian, docked with the Tiangong space station about 13 hours after launch. The module carries a wide range of experimental equipment, including extremely accurate atomic clocks and gear designed to create the coldest conditions ever achieved by humanity.        名为“梦天”的实验舱长17.88米,重23吨,在发射约13小时后与天宫空间站对接。该实验舱携带各种实验设备,包括高度精确的原子钟以及用于实现人类有史以来最冷环境的设备。
        Yang Hong, the space station’s chief designer, said at a news conference in April that the Mengtian module would be equipped with a cargo airlock. Outside the airlock will be a platform on which experiments can be mounted, with robotic arms to help carry them out, he said. The module will supply the space station with racks of additional laboratory equipment and give the astronauts more room to operate.        空间站总设计师杨宏在4月的新闻发布会上表示,梦天实验舱将配备货物气闸舱。他说,气闸舱外将是一个可以安装实验设备的平台,在机械臂协助下进行实验。该实验舱将为空间站提供许多额外的实验室设备,并为宇航员提供更多操作空间。
        Completing the space station is the latest step in Beijing’s broad effort to match and eventually surpass the United States in the exploration of space, and to build a broad base of knowledge for China’s large and ever-growing scientific community.        建成空间站是北京在太空探索方面追赶并最终超越美国的广泛努力的最新一步,并为中国庞大且不断发展的科学领域建立广阔的知识基础。
        The station’s core module, called Tianhe, went into space last year. In July, China followed up by launching the first of two science modules, the Wentian, which then docked with the core. Once the Mengtian module docks, the completed space station will essentially have a “T” shape.        空间站的天和核心舱于去年进入太空。7月,中国又发射了问天实验舱,与核心对接,这是两个科学实验舱中的第一个。一旦梦天实验舱合体完成交会对接,空间站将实现“T”字基本构型。
        Like the first two modules, the Mengtian was launched on a Long March 5B rocket. These launches have prompted criticism from the United States, because China has not demonstrated the ability to control where the rocket’s 23-ton core booster stage, as tall as a 10-story building, will hit the Earth on re-entry.        梦天与前两个舱段一样,都是由长征五号B火箭发射的。这几次发射引起了美国的批评,因为中国没有展现出自己有能力控制火箭重达23吨、有10层楼高的芯级助推器,令其坠落在指定位置。
        Typically, the core stages of similar rockets that reach orbit fire their engines again after releasing their payloads. That allows them to be aimed at unpopulated areas, like the middle of an ocean, when they fall from orbit. But so far, China has not shown that the Long March 5B can do this.        通常,类似的火箭在进入轨道后,其芯级在释放运载物后会再次点火。这使它们在从轨道坠落时能够瞄准无人居住的区域,例如海洋。但到目前为止,中国还没有证明长征五号B可以做到这一点。
        After a Long March 5B launch in 2020, the booster re-entered over West Africa. Debris caused damage to villages in Ivory Coast, but no injuries. When another Long March 5B was used last year to launch the space station’s Tianhe core, the booster fell into the Indian Ocean near the Maldives.        2020年长征五号B发射后,助推器重新进入西非上空。碎片对科特迪瓦的村庄造成破坏,但没有人员受伤。去年长征五号B发射空间站天和核心舱时,助推器落入马尔代夫附近的印度洋。
        And in July, after China launched the Wentian module, much of the booster burned up over the Sulu Sea, southeast of the Philippines.        7月,在中国发射问天舱后,大部分助推器在菲律宾东南部的苏禄海上空烧毁。
        The China Manned Space Agency said in an online statement that it had made adjustments to the Long March 5B used for the launch on Monday. But those changes involved putting the Mengtian module into orbit more accurately, not guiding the booster back to earth.        中国载人航天工程办公室在一份网络声明中表示,已对用于周一发射的长征五号B火箭进行了调整。但这些变化涉及将梦天舱段更准确地送入轨道,而不是引导助推器返回地球。
        The Mengtian module is designed to function in space for 10 years, state television said. One of its first experiments will involve testing how seeds grow after being exposed to microgravity and the radiation of space. Chinese scientists also plan to use it to study how spiders spin webs in free fall, an experiment that has also been performed aboard the International Space Station.        国家电视台称,梦天实验舱的设计使用寿命为10年。它的首批实验之一将包括测试种子在暴露于微重力和太空辐射后如何生长。中国科学家还计划用它来研究蜘蛛如何在微重力自由落体中结网,这项实验在国际空间站上也进行过。

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