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In Bid to Show It Is Open, Hong Kong Bends Covid Rules … for Some

来源:纽约时报    2022-11-07 01:30

        Hong Kong is eager to show the world that the city is open for business after years of pandemic restrictions. Officials this week even found themselves willing to bend some rules for visitors — as long as they could afford it.        香港急于向世界展示,经历了数年疫情限制后,这座城市已经重新敞开大门。本周,官员们甚至愿意为来访者放宽一些规定——只要他们负担得起。
        Bankers in town for the Global Financial Leaders’ Investment Summit were told they could skip mandatory quarantine and leave on a private jet if they tested positive for Covid. Tech executives attending Fintech Week from overseas were allowed to dine in private rooms, despite a rule prohibiting visitors from eating out during their first three days in the city. Spectators at the Hong Kong Sevens rugby tournament this weekend will be able to eat in the stands after rules were relaxed.        来参加国际金融领袖投资峰会的银行家被告知,如果新冠病毒检测呈阳性,可以不用强制隔离,并且乘坐私人飞机离开。参加金融科技周的海外科技公司高管被允许在餐厅包间用餐,尽管有一项规定禁止来访者在抵达香港的头三天外出就餐。规则放宽后,本周末观看香港国际七人榄球赛的观众可以在看台上吃东西。
        These three splashy events — the first in three years to involve international guests — were meant to show that Hong Kong was still worthy of its self-appointed title of “Asia’s World City.” But the privileges being doled out to the few have magnified the challenges the former British colony faces as it tries to balance increasing demands from Beijing, which has final say on Hong Kong’s Covid policies, with an international community that is determined to move past the pandemic.        这三场引人注目的活动都是三年来首次邀请国际嘉宾参加,意在证明香港仍然无愧其自封的“亚洲国际都会”称号。但向少数人发放的特权放大了这个前英国殖民地面临的挑战,因为它试图在北京越来越多的要求与决心摆脱疫情影响的国际社会之间取得平衡。北京对香港的新冠政策拥有最终决定权。
        “We were, we are and we will remain one of the world’s leading financial centers. And you can take that to the bank,” John Lee, Hong Kong’s leader, told executives, including those from Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan, on Wednesday. (Mr. Lee, who usually wears a mask at news conferences, took his off for the speech.)        “我们过去是,现在是,将来也将依然是世界领先的金融中心之一。这句话可以打包票,”香港特首李家超周三对来自高盛、摩根士丹利和摩根大通的高管表示。(通常在新闻发布会上戴口罩的李家超在发言时摘下了口罩。)
        Hong Kong has struggled to break free from Beijing’s relentless “zero-Covid” policy and restore a global reputation bruised by a widespread crackdown on pro-democracy protests. U.S. lawmakers called on bankers to boycott the investment summit, saying attending would be a form of “whitewashing” of China’s authoritarian grip on the once semiautonomous territory.        香港一直在努力摆脱北京严苛的“清零”政策,恢复因大规模镇压亲民主抗议活动而受损的全球声誉。美国国会议员呼吁银行家抵制此次投资峰会,称参加峰会无异于“洗白”中国对这块一度半自治的领土的威权控制。
        For residents who have endured several difficult years of Covid rules, the loopholes and exceptions given to visiting executives sting. “If the rules are to be fair, it should be done across all levels of society, and if you think it’s hard to hold these summits, then just open up Hong Kong,” said Virginia Chan, the owner of Humid with a Chance of Fishballs Tours.        对于已经艰难忍受了几年新冠疫情规定的居民来说,给来访高管提供的空子和特权刺痛了他们。“如果规则是公平的,那么就应该在社会的各个层面实行,如果你觉得举办这些峰会很难,那就打开香港的大门,”经营导游路线Humid with a Chance of Fishballs Tours的弗吉尼亚·陈(音)说。
        Like many other business owners in the city, Ms. Chan’s bottom line has been devastated by the stringent Covid restrictions. Her company used to run 60 group tours a month. Now, she’s grateful to have three so far this month.        和这座城市的许多其他商家一样,严格的新冠限制措施让弗吉尼亚·陈的收益受到了重创。她的公司过去一个月有60个旅游团。现在,这个月到目前为止有三个团就足以令她庆幸。
        Few people would dispute that the city needs an economic jolt. Citywide pro-democracy protests scared off tourists in 2019. Then Covid-19 restrictions barred nonresidents from the city for two years. Lengthy mandatory hotel quarantines triggered an exodus of professional workers, many of whom relocated to rival cities, such as Singapore.        几乎没有人会质疑这座城市需要经济复苏。2019年全市范围内的亲民主抗议吓跑了游客。随后两年,新冠限制措施禁止非居民进入这座城市。长时间的强制酒店隔离导致专业人员大量流失,其中许多人移居到新加坡等竞争城市。
        With the economy heading for a recession, thousands of small businesses have shuttered, pushing many people out of a job.        随着经济走向衰退,数以千计的小企业倒闭,导致许多人失业。
        Officials took a big step toward reopening in September when they jettisoned hotel quarantine requirements. But many say the new approach has made little difference because some restrictions remain in place. Travelers are barred from restaurants, bars and many other businesses for three days after arrival and must undergo health monitoring for a week.        官员们在9月放弃了酒店隔离要求,朝着重新开放迈出了一大步。但许多人表示,新方法收效甚微,因为一些限制仍然存在。游客在抵达后的三天内被禁止进入餐馆、酒吧和其他许多企业,并且必须接受一周的健康监测。
        “There are no tourists coming in,” said Eric Lee, the owner of a souvenir shop selling retro toy cars and snacks. Revenues at his nearly decade-old business, Hong Kong Tram Store, have fallen by as much as 70 percent in the past two years. “Will tourists have the patience to scan QR codes here and there?” he asked, referring to a cumbersome smartphone app required for visitors.        “没有游客进来,”出售复古玩具车和零食的纪念品商店的老板埃里克·李(音)说。过去两年里,他经营了近十年的叮叮老香港办馆的收入下降了70%。“游客会有耐心到处扫二维码吗?”他指的是访客需要使用的一款繁琐的智能手机应用。
        “You don’t have to do these things in other places,” he said. “And how about masks?”        “其他地方不用做这些事情,”他说。“还有戴口罩呢?”
        Some of those small hassles were scrapped for financial executives to convince them to visit the city this week. Even the city’s financial secretary, Paul Chan, appeared to be given a pass when he returned to the city after testing positive for Covid while overseas. He also tested positive upon arrival, but was allowed to skip quarantine to attend events, where he abandoned his mask for important speeches.        为了说服金融高管们本周访问这座城市,其中一些小麻烦被消除了。就连在海外新冠病毒检测呈阳性后返回的香港财政司司长陈茂波似乎也得到放行。他抵达时检测也呈阳性,但被允许跳过隔离,参加活动,在重要演讲时他摘下了口罩。
        Mr. Chan told reporters that health officials treated his case like any other. “There’s no particular privilege at all,” he said.        陈茂波告诉记者,卫生官员对待他的病例和对待其他病例一样。“根本没有什么特别的特权,”他说。
        Despite the special dispensation given to V.I.P.s, many declined to visit Hong Kong. Officials said 12,000 people signed up for Fintech, a little more than half the 20,000 visitors that organizers expected.        尽管贵宾享有特殊优待,但许多人拒绝来香港旅游。官员们表示,有1.2万人报名参加金融科技周,只是组织者预期的2万人的一半多一点。
        Some of the biggest names on the guest list for the finance summit — including Citigroup’s Jane Fraser, Blackstone’s Jonathan Gray and Capital Group’s Timothy Armour — canceled at the last minute, with four of them citing Covid-19 or virus-like symptoms.        金融峰会嘉宾名单上的一些大人物——包括花旗集团的范洁恩(Jane Fraser)、黑石集团的乔纳森·格雷和资本集团的蒂莫西·阿穆尔——在最后一刻取消了行程,其中四人以新冠或疑似感染症状为由。
        The bankers who did visit Hong Kong this week mostly limited their stay to just a few days, attending a private dinner at M+, a new contemporary art museum, and meeting with employees for the first time in more than two years.        本周到访香港的银行家大多将停留时间限制在几天之内,他们在新开的当代艺术博物馆M+参加私人晚宴,并在两年多来首次与他们的员工见面。
        Though U.S. lawmakers and advocacy groups had discouraged bankers from attending, officials in Beijing and Hong Kong showered the executives with praise.        尽管美国国会议员和维权组织不鼓励银行家参加,但北京和香港的官员对这些高管给予了高度赞誉。
        “Your presence today puts a heady exclamation point to this welcome gathering,” Mr. Lee, Hong Kong’s leader, told bankers on Wednesday. China’s state controlled media trumpeted the summit as a sign of Hong Kong’s return as a global city.        “你们今天的出席,为这次欢迎大会加上了一个令人兴奋的感叹号,”香港特首李家超周三对银行家们说。中国官方媒体将此次峰会吹嘘为香港回归全球城市的标志。
        One Chinese regulator, Fang Xinghai, urged visiting bankers not to read international media’s coverage of his country. During a panel discussion with the heads of Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, the UBS chairman Colm Kelleher assured the audience that “we’re all very pro-China.”        中国监管机构官员方星海敦促来访的银行家不要阅读国际媒体对中国的报道。在与高盛和摩根士丹利负责人的小组讨论中,瑞银董事长科尔姆·凯莱赫向观众保证,“我们都非常支持中国。”
        Still, it was impossible to shield the executives from the ways in which Hong Kong is trying to adhere to some of Beijing’s Covid policies. Outside the ballroom at the Four Seasons Hotel where the finance summit was held, one sign prominently pointed to the “PCR test center,” a key requirement that even V.I.P.s were unable to get out of.        尽管如此,香港试图遵守北京的一些新冠政策,要让这些高管们避开它们似乎是不可能的。在举行金融峰会的四季酒店的宴会厅外,一块醒目的标志指向“核酸检测中心”,这是一个关键的要求,就连贵宾们也无法摆脱。
        In their bid to get more visitors to come back, city officials also adjusted Covid rules for the Rugby Sevens tournament, Hong Kong’s top sports event.        为了吸引更多游客回来,香港官员还调整了国际七人榄球赛的新冠规则,这是香港最顶级的体育赛事。
        Initially, officials said no food could be consumed in the stands, but then pivoted to say a small amount would be allowed, though masks were still required. Raphaël Seghin, who traveled to Hong Kong on Tuesday and hoped to attend the tournament, said he was confused about what rules still applied.        起初,官员们表示,看台上不能吃任何食物,但后来又改口说,可以吃少量食物,不过仍然需要戴口罩。拉斐尔·塞金于周二前往香港,希望能参加比赛。他说,他对哪些规则仍然适用感到困惑。
        Mr. Seghin had already received two doses of a Covid vaccine when he booked his flight from Marseille, France, where he runs a soap factory. When he heard later that most locals needed three shots to enter restaurants and other venues, he rushed to get a booster before flying out, only to find out that it wouldn’t be valid until 14 days later. “I was stressed the whole ride,” he said, though he found testing procedures after arrival to be efficient.        预订从法国马赛起飞的航班时,在那里经营着一家肥皂厂的塞金已经接种了两剂新冠疫苗。后来,当他听说大多数当地人需要打三针才能进入餐馆和其他场所时,他赶去打了一针疫苗,然后出发,结果发现疫苗要到14天后才有效。“我全程都很紧张,”他说,不过他发现,到达目的地后的检测程序很有效率。
        Mr. Seghin, 37, grew up in Hong Kong and was returning to the city to renew his permanent residency.        37岁的塞金在香港长大,准备回香港续上他的永久居留权。
        “I live in a world now where Covid is not part of the preoccupations of most people on a daily basis,” Mr. Seghin said. “When you come here, it’s at the center of everything you do.”        “我现在生活在一个大多数人日常不关心新冠的世界里,”塞金说。“然而你来到这里,它成了一切事情的中心。”

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