加强供应链韧性 共促亚太产业链融合发展_OK阅读网
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加强供应链韧性 共促亚太产业链融合发展
China calls for extra cooperation on global supply chain security

来源:中国日报    2022-11-04 14:34

        China called for more international cooperation to enhance industrial and supply chain security amid pressure from COVID-19 outbreaks, geopolitical tensions and a gloomy global outlook, the country's top economic regulator said on Wednesday.        国家发展改革委11月2日表示,在新冠肺炎疫情、地缘政治紧张局势和全球经济挑战加剧的压力下,中国呼吁开展更多的国际合作,以加强产业链供应链安全。
        Lin Nianxiu, deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission, called on Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation members to promote regional trade liberalization and facilitation, boost industrial and supply chain connectivity, and build a green and sustainable supply chain system.        国家发展改革委副主任林念修呼吁亚太经合组织(APEC)各成员经济体推进区域贸易自由化便利化,促进产业链供应链互联互通,构建绿色可持续供应链体系。
        Lin said China is willing to work with other APEC members to actively participate in consultation as well as economic and trade cooperation in fields such as digital economy, big data and artificial intelligence.        林念修表示,中国愿与亚太经合组织其他成员经济体一道,积极参与数字经济、大数据、人工智能等领域的磋商和经贸合作。
        More efforts will be made to strengthen cooperation to tackle shortcomings in the supply chain and deal with challenges in fields like logistics, energy and agriculture. And China will also work with other APEC members to promote policy research, standards setting and international cooperation in the green industry.        各方将进一步加强合作,解决供应链的短板,应对物流、能源、农业等领域的挑战。中国还将与亚太经合组织其他成员经济体一道,推动绿色产业的政策研究、标准制定和国际合作。
        "China will not shut its door to the outside world, but only open it wider," Lin said.        他说:“中国开放的大门不会关闭,只会越开越大。”
        "China will not change its determination to share development opportunities with the rest of the world, and it will not change its commitment to economic globalization that is more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial for all."        “中国同世界各国分享发展机遇的决心不会改变,推动更加开放、包容、平衡、共赢的经济全球化的决心不会改变。”
        Lin made the remarks at the APEC Workshop on Strengthening Supply Chains Resilience for Economic Recovery held in Beijing on Wednesday. Taking place both online and offline, the event was organized by the NDRC and brought together around 150 guests from home and abroad to discuss topics including maintaining stability of supply chains, bolstering free trade and increasing supply chain resilience.        11月2日,由国家发展改革委主办的APEC加强供应链韧性促进经济复苏论坛在北京以线上线下相结合方式召开。国家发展改革委副主任林念修出席论坛并致辞。来自国内外的150多名嘉宾齐聚一堂,讨论了维护供应链稳定、支持自由贸易、提高供应链韧性等议题。
        Zhang Shaogang, vice-chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, said the country is committed to building an open economy and ensuring the security and smooth flow of global supply chains.        中国国际贸易促进委员会副会长张少刚表示,中国致力于建设开放型经济,确保全球供应链的安全和畅通。
        Zhang highlighted the importance of increasing the resilience and stability of industrial and supply chains, saying this will help promote global economic recovery amid pressure from the ongoing pandemic and regional conflicts.        张少刚强调了增强产业链和供应链韧性和稳定性的重要性,表示这将有助于在当前疫情和地区冲突的压力下促进全球经济复苏。
        He called for more efforts to promote building an open global economy, support the multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization at its core, encourage e-commerce and digital trade development and cooperation, increase support for small and medium-sized enterprises, strengthen the construction of logistics infrastructure and accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of industrial and supply chains.        他呼吁进一步推动构建开放型世界经济,支持以世界贸易组织为核心的多边贸易体制,鼓励电子商务和数字贸易发展与合作,加大对中小企业的支持力度,加强物流基础设施建设,加快产业链和供应链绿色低碳转型。
        Zhang's views were echoed by Lu Mei, China's APEC senior official, who called on deepening international cooperation in industrial and supply chains to promote solid and sustainable economic recovery in the Asia-Pacific region.        张少刚的观点得到了中国APEC高官鲁梅的赞同,她呼吁深化产业链和供应链方面的国际合作,以促进亚太地区稳固和可持续的经济复苏。
        Lu said more efforts are needed to encourage green development, foster new growth drivers, insist on openness and connectivity and promote digital transformation and upgrading of traditional enterprises.        鲁梅表示,要大力鼓励绿色发展,培育发展新动能,坚持开放和互联互通,推动传统企业数字化改造升级。
        Looking ahead, she said China will continue to expand high-level opening-up and it is willing to deepen industrial and supply chain cooperation with all parties, offering more development opportunities for global stakeholders and helping promote innovation-driven development in the Asia-Pacific region.        鲁梅表示,展望未来,中国将坚持高水平的对外开放,坚定深化产业链供应链国际合作,为各方提供更多发展机遇,助力推动亚太地区的创新驱动发展。
        Despite challenges and pressures from renewed COVID-19 outbreaks and a grim and complicated international situation, China has witnessed a steady rise in foreign direct investment, showcasing foreign investor confidence in the China market.        在新冠肺炎疫情和国际形势严峻复杂带来的挑战和压力下,中国的外国直接投资稳步增长,显示了外国投资者对中国市场的信心。
        The actual use of FDI in the Chinese mainland rose 15.6 percent year-on-year to over 1 trillion yuan in the first nine months, said the Ministry of Commerce. In US dollar terms, the country's actual use of foreign capital grew by 18.9 percent.        商务部的数据显示,今年前9个月,全国实际使用外资金额超过1万亿元,按可比口径同比增长15.6%,按美元计算增长18.9%。
        In the next step, the NDRC will make a big push to encourage more foreign investment, continuously promote the implementation of major foreign-invested projects and improve services for foreign investors, said Xia Qing, deputy director of the NDRC's Department of Foreign Capital and Overseas Investment.        国家发展改革委外资司副司长夏晴表示,下一步,国家发改委将大力鼓励更多外资投资,不断推动重大外商投资项目的实施,并改善对外国投资者的服务。

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