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Foreign trade growth expected to be stable

来源:中国日报    2022-11-08 15:25

        The growth of China's foreign trade is expected to be stable this year, given the robust performance during the January-October period, which has laid a solid foundation, trade watchers said on Monday.        贸易观察人士11月7日表示,鉴于1月至10月期间的强劲表现奠定了坚实的基础,今年中国外贸增长有望保持稳定。
        The country's foreign trade surged 9.5 percent year-on-year to 34.62 trillion yuan in the first 10 months of 2022, while its trade surplus jumped 46.7 percent year-on-year to 4.8 trillion yuan, according to the General Administration of Customs.        根据海关总署发布的数据,2022年前10个月,我国货物贸易进出口总值34.62万亿元,同比增长9.5%,贸易顺差4.8万亿元,扩大46.7%。
        Judging from the sector's performance so far this year, and given the resilience of the country's industrial and supply chains, China is likely to see stable growth of foreign trade and a high trade surplus this year, said Wei Jianguo, vice-chairman of Beijing-based China Center for International Economic Exchanges.        中国国际经济交流中心副理事长魏建国表示,从今年外贸的表现来看,考虑到中国产业链和供应链的韧性,中国今年的对外贸易将稳定增长,并出现较高的贸易顺差。
        "Despite the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the United States' interest rate hike, Chinese exporters, backed by the government's supportive measures and new foreign trade formats such as cross-border e-commerce business, have been busy in upgrading their product structure this year," he said, adding the country's export impetus is no longer dominated by products with low industrial added value.        他说:“尽管受俄乌冲突和美国加息的影响,但在政府的支持措施和跨境电商等新的外贸业态的支持下,中国出口商今年一直忙于升级产品结构。”他补充说,中国的出口贸易不再由工业附加值低的产品推动。
        Li Kuiwen, director-general of the GAC statistics and analysis department, also held that opinion and said that China's exports of electric vehicles doubled on a yearly basis from January to October, while the exports of mechanical and electrical products such as lithium batteries and solar cells soared by about 80 percent year-on-year.        海关总署统计分析司司长李魁文也持同样观点,他表示,从1月到10月,中国电动载人汽车出口翻倍,锂电池、太阳能电池等机电产品出口增长八成左右。
        China's high-tech exports rose from $474.35 billion in 2010 to $942.31 billion in 2021, up by 98.65 percent, according to the World Bank database.        根据世界银行的数据库,中国高科技产品出口从2010年的4743.5亿美元增长到2021年的9423.1亿美元,增长了98.65%。
        This indicates China's manufacturing sector has not only withstood the test of the market amid global supply chain disruptions, but also continuously bolstered its strength driven by the market forces.        这表明,在全球供应链受到影响的情况下,中国制造业不仅经受住了市场的考验,而且在市场力量的推动下不断增强实力。
        Meanwhile, the foreign trade value of private companies accounted for more than half the total, and their growth rate was 4.9 percentage points higher than the overall export and import growth rate over the past 10 months, showing the resilience and competitiveness of the private companies, Li said.        李魁文表示,前10个月,我国民营企业进出口总值占整体的比重超过一半,进出口增速高出全国外贸整体增速4.9个百分点,显示出民营企业的韧性和竞争力。
        With the growth of China's foreign trade dropping from 8.3 percent in September to 6.9 percent in October, experts said that external factors such as softening global consumption demand and high inflation will continue to pose challenges to companies at home in the fourth quarter and next year.        随着中国外贸增长从9月的8.3%下降到10月的6.9%,专家表示,全球消费需求疲软和高通胀等外部因素将在第四季度和明年继续对国内企业构成挑战。
        Meanwhile, the high export base last year is also a factor for the slowing growth rate this year, experts said.        与此同时,专家表示,去年的高出口基数也是今年增速放缓的一个因素。
        China's exports had been weighed down by a sluggish Christmas shopping season, high inflation and high interest rates, as well as an uncertain economic outlook in overseas markets. These factors have severely dampened consumer confidence in many parts of the world.        中国的出口一直受到圣诞购物季低迷、高通胀和高利率,以及海外市场经济前景不确定的影响。这些因素严重挫伤了世界许多地区的消费者信心。
        Zhou Maohua, an analyst at China Everbright Bank, said as the prices of energy and raw materials are high, companies are holding off on replenishing inventory, so imports continued to be depressed last month.        中国光大银行分析师周茂华表示,由于能源和原材料价格高企,企业推迟补充库存,因此上个月进口继续低迷。

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