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Tesla Cuts Prices in China in Sign of Slowing Demand

来源:纽约时报    2022-10-25 10:46

        Tesla on Monday cut prices for its cars in China, a sign of intensifying competition in the world’s largest car market that provoked a slump in the company’s shares.        特斯拉周一下调了在中国的汽车价格,这是全球最大汽车市场竞争加剧的一个迹象,导致该公司股价暴跌。
        Tesla’s Chinese website was offering the Model 3 sedan on Monday for a starting price of 265,900 renminbi, or $36,600, including government subsidies, a 5 percent reduction. The Model Y sport utility vehicle was advertised at 288,900 renminbi, a 9 percent cut.        周一,Model 3轿车在特斯拉中国网站的售价定为从26.59万人民币(合3.66万美元)起,其中包括政府补贴,降幅5%。Model Y运动型多用途车的广告价格为28.89万元人民币,降幅9%。
        Tesla shares fell more than 6 percent before recovering a little as the price cuts reinforced fears among investors that the company’s profitability and dominance of the electric vehicle market was threatened by slowing economic growth and increased competition. Until recently, strong demand for Tesla cars had allowed the company to frequently raise prices.        特斯拉股价下跌超过6%,之后略有回升,降价加剧了投资者的担忧,他们担心该公司的盈利能力以及在电动汽车市场的主导地位受到了经济增长放缓和竞争加剧的威胁。直到前不久,对特斯拉汽车的强劲需求使得该公司得以频繁提价。
        In China, Tesla faces competition from domestic companies like BYD, SAIC Motor and Nio, which are also pushing into the European market with more affordable electric vehicles. The Chinese government has promoted its electric vehicle and battery makers, seeing the shift in technology as a chance to break into the global market and challenge established Japanese, German, Korean and U.S. carmakers.        在中国,特斯拉面临着来自比亚迪、上汽集团和蔚来等国内公司的竞争,这些公司也在以更便宜的电动汽车进军欧洲市场。中国政府一直在推广本国的电动汽车和电池制造商,将技术的转变视为打入全球市场、挑战日德韩美的老牌汽车制造商的机会。
        Although China has the world’s largest car market, Chinese automakers are small players in the rest of the world. Investors closely monitor Tesla’s performance in China because the country is seen as having far more growth potential than Europe or the United States.        尽管中国拥有世界上最大的汽车市场,但中国汽车制造商在世界其他地区的份额很小。投资者密切关注特斯拉在中国的表现,因为人们认为中国的增长潜力远远超过欧洲或美国。
        Tesla shares have fallen 12 percent since Wednesday, when the company reported third quarter profit figures that disappointed Wall Street. Although its earnings in the third quarter doubled from a year earlier, to $3.3 billion, investors had expected more.        周三该公司公布的三季度利润数据令华尔街失望,在那之后特斯拉股价已下跌12%。尽管该公司报告的三季度收益较去年同期翻了一番,达到33亿美元,但不及投资者的预期。
        Investors have been concerned about problems that Tesla has encountered increasing production at new factories near Austin, Texas, and Berlin. “Factory ramps take time,” Tesla told investors last week.        特斯拉在得克萨斯州奥斯汀和柏林附近的新工厂增加产量时遇到了一些问题,投资者对此感到担忧。“工厂增产需要时间,”特斯拉上周对投资者表示。
        Tesla stock is also under pressure because traders widely expect that the company’s chief executive, Elon Musk, will have to sell more shares to come up with the money he needs to close his purchase of Twitter by Friday.        特斯拉股价也面临压力,因为交易员普遍预计,该公司首席执行官埃隆·马斯克将不得不出售更多股票,以筹集所需资金,在周五之前完成对Twitter的收购。
        For car buyers, the Tesla price cuts in China could be good news. Popular electric models like the Ford Mach-E, Hyundai Ionic 5 or Volkswagen ID.4 have been difficult to find, and there are reports of dealers demanding thousands of dollars more than the retail prices suggested by manufacturers.        对于购车者来说,特斯拉在中国降价可能是个好消息。福特Mach-E、现代Ionic 5或大众ID.4等受欢迎的电动车型很难买到,有报道称,经销商的报价比制造商建议的零售价高出数千美元。
        The market may be shifting as automakers produce more cars because they have fewer supply chain problems, and rising interest rates reduce demand by raising monthly car payments sharply.        汽车制造商的供应链问题较少,因此生产了更多汽车;而利率上升导致汽车月供大幅提高,从而减少了需求,这些都可能令市场发生转变。
        Wait times for Teslas have already been shrinking, in part because the company was able to increase production at its factory in Shanghai, which had been hit by slowdowns related to pandemic lockdowns.        特斯拉的等待时间已经在缩短,部分原因是该公司能够增加其上海工厂的产量,该厂曾受到疫情封锁的打击,导致生产放缓。
        Tesla’s Chinese website tells potential buyers they could receive a Model Y in as little as a week. The United States website tells buyers they could receive a Model 3 as early as this month. Previously, Tesla buyers had to wait several months.        特斯拉的中国网站告诉准备买车的人,他们最快可以在一周内收到Model Y。美国网站告诉买家,他们最早可以在本月收到Model 3。此前,特斯拉买家需要等待数月。

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