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After #MeToo Reckoning, a Fear Hollywood Is Regressing

来源:纽约时报    2022-10-26 03:26

        Harvey Weinstein’s second sex crimes trial began Monday in Los Angeles. “She Said,” about the journalistic investigation that took him down and helped ignite the #MeToo movement, arrives in theaters on Nov. 18. “The Woman King” opened to strong ticket sales last month, with Viola Davis saying she thought about the man who sexually assaulted her to power her visceral performance as the leader of an all-female group of African warriors.
        哈维·韦恩斯坦的第二次性犯罪审判于周一在洛杉矶开庭。以那场将他打败并帮助点燃“#我也是”(#MeToo)运动的新闻调查改编的电影《她说》(She Said)将于11月18日上映。《达荷美女战士》(The Woman King)上个月上映后票房强劲,维奥拉·戴维斯扮演一个全女性非洲战士团体的领袖,她说,她会在脑海里回想这个对她进行性侵犯的男人,以增强她表演的真情实感。
        The convergence is a reminder of just how earthshaking #MeToo was for Hollywood.
        It helped touch off a broader reckoning in the entertainment industry around diversity, equity and inclusion on both sides of the camera — who gets to make movies, who gets to be the subject of them. Activists say that studios and sets have been permanently changed for the better. Zero tolerance for workplace sexual harassment and discrimination is real.
        In recent months, however, Hollywood’s business culture has started to regress in subtle ways.
        New problems — widespread cost-cutting as the box office continues to struggle, coming union contract negotiations that producers worry will result in a filming shutdown — have become a higher priority. Fearing blowback, media companies that were vocal about #MeToo and Black Lives Matter have been quieter on more recent political debates over cultural issues.
        Diversity, equity and inclusion executives say they are exhausted by an old-boy network that is continuously trying to reconstitute itself: Women who were hired for big jobs and held up as triumphant examples of a new era have been pushed aside, while some of the men who were sidelined by misconduct accusations are working again.
        If asked to speak on the record about their continued dedication to change, Hollywood executives refuse or scramble in terror toward the “we remain staunchly committed” talking points written by publicists. But what they say privately is a different story. Some revert to sexist and racist language. Certainly, much of the fervor is gone.
        This article is based on interviews with more than two dozen industry leaders — including top studio executives, agents, activists, marketers and producers — who spoke on condition of anonymity to candidly discuss the current state of the entertainment business. They varied in age, race, ethnicity and gender.
        “For three years, we hired nothing but women and people of color,” said a senior film executive, who like many leaders in the industry is a white male. He added that he did not think some of them were able to do the jobs they got.
        In hushed conversations over lunch at Toscana Brentwood and cocktails at the San Vicente Inn, some powerful producers and agents have started to question the commercial viability of inclusion-minded films and shows.
        They point to terrible ticket sales for films like “Bros,” the first gay rom-com from a major studio, and “Easter Sunday,” a comedy positioned as a watershed moment for Filipino representation. “Ms. Marvel,” a critically adored Disney+ series about a teenage Muslim superhero, was lightly viewed, according to Nielsen’s measurements.
        他们指出,像《哥们儿》(Bros)这样的电影票房很糟糕,这是一家大型制片厂的第一部同性恋浪漫喜剧,还有《复活节》(Easter Sunday),该喜剧被定位为代表菲律宾裔的分水岭时刻。《惊奇少女》(Ms. Marvel)是一部备受影评人推崇的迪士尼+系列剧,讲述的是一位青少年穆斯林超级英雄,但根据尼尔森收视率,观看人数很少。
        “There was an overcorrection,” one studio head said.
        At another major studio, a top production executive pointed to the implosion of Time’s Up, the anti-harassment organization founded by influential Hollywood women, as a turning point. “For a while, we all lived in complete fear,” he said. “That fear remains, but it has lessened. There is more room for gray and more benefit of the doubt and a bit of cringing about the rush-to-judgment that went on at the height of #MeToo.”
        在另一家大型制片厂,一位顶尖制片主管指出,由有影响力的好莱坞女性创立的反骚扰组织Time’s Up的内部分裂是一个转折点。“有一段时间,我们都生活在完全的恐惧中,”他说。“这种恐惧仍然存在,但已经减轻。灰色空间和无罪推定变多了,对“我也是”运动巅峰时期的仓促判断也有些忌讳了。”
        Is this a pendulum swing back to the bad old days?
        “Amazing progress has been made that is not going away, and that should not be discounted or overlooked,” said Amy Baer, a producer, former studio executive and the board president of Women in Film, an advocacy organization. “But there is fatigue. It is hard to maintain momentum.”
        “已经取得了惊人的进步,并且不会消失,这一点不应被打折扣或忽视,”制片人、前制片厂高管、倡导组织Women in Film的董事会主席艾米·贝尔说。“但有疲惫。很难保持势头。”
        Entertainment companies are not backing off the tough sexual harassment policies that have been introduced in recent years, in part because board members are worried they will face shareholder lawsuits. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences recently recommitted to its diversification campaign. Despite years of aggressive efforts to invite women and people of color to become members, the academy is currently 66 percent male and 81 percent white.
        Studios remain focused on inclusive casting, most notably Disney, which has a live-action “Little Mermaid” movie on the way with a Black actress playing the title role, and a “Snow White” movie in production with a Latina lead.
        制片厂仍然专注于包容性选角,最著名的是迪士尼,该公司正在制作一部由黑人女演员担任主角的真人版《小美人鱼》(Little Mermaid)电影,以及一部由拉丁裔主演的《白雪公主》(Snow White)电影。
        The moment is nonetheless unnerving, said Sarah Ann Masse, an actress who appears in “She Said” — which is based on a book by The New York Times reporters Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey — and who serves on two sexual harassment prevention committees for SAG-AFTRA, the omnipotent actors union. In 2017, Ms. Masse accused Mr. Weinstein of sexually assaulting her in 2008. He has denied wrongdoing.
        “I’m not naïve enough to think that a system that is unequal and oftentimes oppressive — yes, still, very much so — is going to change overnight,” Ms. Masse said. “At the same time, I find it incredibly frustrating. People at the top of the food chain, in particular, seem to have gotten distracted by new concerns.”
        In August, Warner Bros. Discovery shelved “Batgirl,” a nearly finished movie starring a Latina actress, featuring a transgender actress in a supporting role, written by a woman, produced by women and directed by two Muslim men. Warner Bros. Discovery never publicly explained its decision, but signaled that it found “Batgirl” to be creatively lacking.
        Dan Lin, a producer whose credits include “Aladdin” (2019) and “The Lego Movie,” was among those who inferred something else.
        制作了《阿拉丁》(Aladdin ,2019)和《乐高大电影》(The Lego Movie)等片的制片人林丹也认为还有其他因素。
        “It’s no longer about optics,” Mr. Lin said. “A recession is coming, budgets are tightening and I’m really worried that diversity is going to be the first thing that goes.”
        Last week, Warner Bros. Television, as part of wider cost cutting, shut down “new voices” programs for emerging writers and directors, prompting a fiery reaction from the Directors Guild of America. “The D.G.A. will not stand idly by while WB/Discovery seeks to roll back decades of advancement for women and directors of color,” the guild said in a statement.
        Within a day, Warner Bros. Discovery had scrambled to clarify that, while the “new voices” programs would indeed end, it had planned all along to expand talent pipeline programs in its diversity, equity and inclusion department.
        “The resolve is still there to have more women and people of color in writers’ rooms and directing and up on the screen” Mr. Lin said. “The problem is that there is so little training and support. Those things cost money.” To help, Mr. Lin recently started a nonprofit accelerator called Rideback Rise that focuses on budding minority filmmakers and writers.
        “让更多女性和有色人种进入编剧室、担任导演和登上银幕的决心依然存在,”林丹说。“问题是培训和支持太少了。这些东西要花钱。”为了提供帮助,林丹最近启动了一个名为Rideback Rise的非营利性加速器公司,专注于崭露头角的少数族裔电影制作人和作家。
        There is no longer across-the-board banishment for men who have been accused of misconduct. Johnny Depp is directing a film, having largely won a court case in which his former spouse, the actress Amber Heard, accused him of sexual and domestic violence. John Lasseter, the animation titan at Disney and Pixar, was toppled in 2018 by allegations about his behavior and unwanted hugging and apologized for “missteps” that made some staff members feel “disrespected or uncomfortable.” He is now making big-budget films for Apple TV+. James Franco’s acting career imploded in 2018 amid sexual misconduct allegations. Four years later, after a $2.2 million settlement in which he admitted no wrongdoing, he has at least three movies lined up.
        对被指控行为不端的男性,业内不再实行全面放逐。约翰尼·德普被前配偶、女演员安珀·赫德指控性暴力和家庭暴力,德普在官司中基本胜诉,如今他正在执导一部电影。2018年,迪士尼和皮克斯动画巨头约翰·拉塞特因其行为和不必要的拥抱遭受指责而下台,他为让一些员工感到“不受尊重或不舒服”的“失误”道歉。如今他正在为Apple TV+制作高预算电影。2018年,詹姆斯·弗兰科的演艺生涯因性行为不端指控而崩溃。他以220万美元和解,并在和解协议中没有承认任何不当行为,四年后,他手头至少有三部电影要拍。
        Studios have also started to take more risks with content — backing scripts, for instance, that would have been radioactive in 2018, at the height of #MeToo, or in 2020, when Black Lives Matter was at the forefront of the culture.
        Examples include “Blonde,” the Netflix drama about Marilyn Monroe that has been derided by critics as exploitative and misogynistic. (It features an aborted fetus that talks.) Paramount Pictures is working on a live-action musical comedy about slave trade reparations; it comes from Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the politically incorrect creative forces behind “South Park” and “The Book of Mormon.”
        比如Netflix出品的关于玛丽莲·梦露的电视剧《金发梦露》(Blonde),一直被批评人士嘲讽为剥削和厌恶女性。(片中有一个会说话的流产胎儿。)派拉蒙影业正在制作一部关于奴隶贸易赔偿的真人音乐喜剧,来自特雷·帕克和马特·斯通的手笔,也就是创作了《南方公园》(South Park)和《摩门经》(The Book of Mormon)的那个政治不正确二人组。
        Two ride-along reality shows that glorified the police, “Cops” and “Live PD,” and were canceled in the aftermath of George Floyd’s killing in police custody have both been reconstituted. “Cops” was picked up by Fox Nation, a streaming service from Fox News, and “On Patrol: Live,” a thinly disguised copy of “Live PD,” debuted over the summer on Reelz, a cable network.
        乔治·弗洛伊德遭警察拘捕期间被杀后,两档美化警察的随车真人秀节目《警察》(Cops)和《直击追捕现场》(Live PD)被取消,现在它们已经恢复。《警察》被福克斯新闻旗下的流媒体服务福克斯国家选中,《巡逻现场》(On Patrol: Live)是《直击追捕现场》稍作掩饰的翻版,今年夏天将在有线电视网Reelz首播。
        At the same time, some movies and shows that overtly showcase diversity and inclusion have either struggled in the marketplace or failed to get off the runway. The takeaway, at least to some agents and studio executives: We tried — these “woke” projects don’t work.
        Of course, most of what Hollywood makes struggles to get noticed, and almost never for a single reason; nobody looks at poor ticket sales for a Brad Pitt movie and concludes that no one wants to see older white men onscreen. But entertainment is a reactive business — chase whatever worked over the weekend — and there is a risk that “go woke, go broke” jokes could calcify into conventional Hollywood wisdom.
        “When the real question should be whether comedies generally can succeed at the box office, my concern is that the question is becoming ‘can a Filipino comedy work’ or ‘can a gay comedy work,’” said Mr. Lin, who produced “Easter Sunday,” which starred Jo Koy and collected $13 million in theaters before stalling out. “If you are a woman or a minority, you still do not get repeated chances.”
        “当真正的问题应该是‘喜剧是不是通常来说就不会获得票房成功’时,我担心的是问题会变成‘菲律宾裔喜剧能成功吗’,或者‘同性恋喜剧能成功吗’,”林丹说。他制作了《复活节》(Easter Sunday),该片由乔·科伊主演,在下线前获得了1300万美元的票房收入。“如果你是女性或少数族裔,你仍然无法反复得到机会。”

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