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Jan-Sept data show stable trade growth

来源:中国日报    2022-10-25 17:29

        China's foreign trade is expected to maintain its growth momentum despite rising uncertainties arising from the slowdown in global economy, thanks to the nation's complete and stable industrial and supply chains, experts said on Monday after reviewing data on the first three quarters of this year.        10月24日,回顾今年前三季度经济数据,专家认为,尽管全球经济放缓带来的不确定性持续增加,但中国拥有完整而稳定的产业链供应链,对外贸易有望保持增长势头。
        They also said they expect steady export growth in certain sectors like new energy, and key overseas markets will continue to drive China's trade growth.        专家预测,新能源等行业的出口将稳步增长,主要海外市场将继续支撑中国贸易增长。
        The latest data from the General Administration of Customs showed on Monday that China's imports and exports were valued 31.11 trillion yuan ($4.29 trillion) in the first three quarters, up 9.9 percent year-on-year.        海关总署10月24日发布的最新数据显示,今年前三季度,中国货物贸易进出口总值31.11万亿元,同比增长9.9%。
        The exports increased 13.8 percent year-on-year to 17.67 trillion yuan, while imports totaled 13.44 trillion yuan, rising 5.2 percent year-on-year.        其中,出口17.67万亿元,同比增长13.8%;进口13.44万亿元,同比增长5.2%。
        The combined export and import value rose 9.4 percent year-on-year for the first half of the year, while the yearly export and import growth rates were 13.2 percent and 4.8 percent, respectively, during the period.        今年上半年,中国货物贸易进出口总值同比增长9.4%。出口增长13.2%,进口增长4.8%。
        "The trade growth during the first three quarters has edged up from that in the first half, with further improvement in trade quality and structure, which has demonstrated the strong resilience of China's foreign trade," said Gao Lingyun, director of the international investment division at the Institute of World Economics and Politics, which is part of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.        中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所国际投资研究室主任高凌云表示:“前三季度的贸易增长比上半年略有上升,贸易质量和结构进一步向好,展现出中国外贸的强劲韧性。”
        Li Yong, a senior research fellow of the China Association of International Trade, observed China has maintained foreign trade growth momentum and will continue to keep it stable, despite negatives such as the slowdown in global economic recovery and COVID-19 disruptions.        中国国际贸易学会资深专家李永表示,尽管存在全球经济复苏放缓、新冠疫情等消极因素,但中国外贸仍将继续保持稳定增长。
        "Thanks to its complete industrial chain, China is able to produce and supply products at relatively low cost and in a stable manner, while the inflation in developed economies has snarled the global supply and demand systems," he said.        李永称:“中国拥有完整的产业链,能够以相对低的成本和稳定的方式生产和供应产品,而发达经济体的通货膨胀已经扰乱了全球供需体系。”
        He also said as the effects of policy measures adopted by the Chinese authorities since September to further stabilize foreign trade are expected to further manifest themselves, greater potential of the sector will come into play.        他还表示,随着中国政府9月以来推出的新一轮稳外贸政策效果进一步显现,外贸领域将释放更大潜力。
        GAC data also showed China's trade quality and structure are on track to realize optimization. Experts said such improvements are underpinned by the sound long-term fundamentals of the Chinese economy. The country is expected to adopt more measures to facilitate trade growth and improvement, they said.        海关总署数据还显示,中国的贸易质量和结构持续优化。专家称,这得益于中国经济长期向好的基础。专家预计中国将采取更多措施促进贸易增长和优化。
        The nation's trade with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the European Union and the United States rose 15.2 percent, 9 percent and 8 percent year-on-year, respectively, in the first three quarters.        今年前三季度,中国与东盟、欧盟和美国的贸易额分别同比增长15.2%、9%和8%。
        General trade surged 13.7 percent to 19.92 trillion yuan in the first three quarters, accounting for 64 percent of total foreign trade, which was 2.1 percentage points higher than that in the same period of last year.        前三季度,一般贸易进出口增长13.7%,达到19.92万亿元,占外贸总额的64%,同比增长2.1%。
        Zhou Mi, a senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation in Beijing, said China should make more efforts to boost trade with developing economies, through institutional arrangements like free trade agreements that can create better conditions for exporters.        国际贸易经济合作研究院高级研究员周密表示,中国应该通过自由贸易协定等制度安排,为出口商创造更多有利条件,大力促进与发展中国家的贸易。
        For developed economies, trade potential in sectors like renewable energy should be further tapped, he said.        他表示,应在可再生能源等行业进一步挖掘与发达经济体之间的贸易潜力。
        Gao of the CASS suggested the country should continue to bolster development of new business forms and formats in foreign trade, improve trade facilitation and help enterprises to take part in offline expos.        高凌云建议,中国应继续发展外贸新业态新模式,促进贸易便利化,支持企业参与线下博览会。

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