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How Ukraine’s Surrogate Mothers Have Survived the War

来源:纽约时报    2022-10-17 05:16

        KYIV, Ukraine — After months huddled in a basement to escape shelling, a surrogate mother named Viktoria was able to get her family, and the unborn child she carried for foreign clients, away from the fighting in northeastern Ukraine.        乌克兰基辅——为躲避炮击,一位名叫维多利亚的代孕母亲蜷缩在地下室几个月,最终带着家人和她为外国客户所怀的未出生孩子离开了战火纷飞的乌克兰东北部。
        She could do so, she said, because her employer, a surrogacy agency, had offered financial aid and an apartment in the capital, Kyiv, to ensure her safety and the baby’s. And although she had initially been reluctant to leave her home, Kharkiv, even under artillery attacks, she is now glad to live in relative security.        她说,之所以能这么做,全因为她的雇主——一家代孕机构——提供了经济援助和在首都基辅的一套公寓,以确保她和孩子的安全。尽管一开始即使面对炮击也不愿离开哈尔科夫的家,但她现在很高兴能过着相对安全的生活。
        “I would not have left if the clinic had not persuaded me,” she said.        “如果不是诊所说服了我,我是不会离开的,”她说。
        Viktoria is one of hundreds of surrogate mothers who have brought pregnancies to term over seven harrowing months, running for safety as air-raid sirens sounded, surviving in bomb shelters, then fleeing from ruined towns to deliver children for parents abroad.        维多利亚是数百名代孕母亲中的一员,在这痛苦的七个月里,她们在空袭警报响起时四处寻找安全的地方,在防空洞中努力活下去,然后逃离被毁的城镇,为国外的父母生下孩子。
        Before Russia invaded in February, Ukraine was a major provider of surrogacy, one of the few countries that allows it for foreign clients. After a pause in the spring, surrogacy agencies are resuming their work, reviving an industry that many childless people rely on but that critics have called exploitative and that, in peacetime, was already ethically and logistically complex.        在今年2月俄罗斯入侵之前,乌克兰一直是代孕服务的主要提供来源,是少数几个允许向外国客户提供代孕服务的国家之一。经过春季的暂停之后,代孕机构正在恢复工作,令这个许多没有孩子的人所依赖的行业得以复苏,但批评人士称这个行业具有剥削性,即使在和平时期,伦理和实务方面的问题就已经非常复杂。
        Salvos of Russian missiles that hit Ukrainian cities last week underscored the dangerous environment in which the industry operates.        俄罗斯上周向乌克兰城市发射了导弹,这更突显了该行业危险的经营环境。
        In interviews, a dozen surrogate mothers said that extra financial support they received had helped assure their own families’ survival by allowing them to leave areas under siege or regularly bombarded with artillery. But the surrogacy industry has also, in some instances, taken mothers into new dangers they would not have faced by staying home, like Russian checkpoints to leave occupied territory.        在采访中,十几位代孕母亲表示,她们获得的额外经济支持让她们能够离开被围困或经常遭到炮击的地区,从而帮助确保了家人的生存。但在某些情况下,代孕行业也让这些孕母面临居家时不会有的新危险,比如离开占领区时,她们需要通过俄罗斯设置的检查站。
        Viktoria, like other surrogate mothers who agreed to be interviewed and photographed at a clinic in Kyiv, spoke on the condition of using only her first name. Some of the women had concerns about privacy, and others had security concerns, either for relatives who remain in Russia-occupied territory or because of their own ties there.        和其他同意在基辅一家诊所接受采访和拍照的代孕母亲一样,维多利亚要求只透露自己的名字。其中一些女性有隐私方面的顾虑,另一些则有安全方面的顾虑,要么是担心留在俄罗斯占领地区的亲属,要么是因为她们自己在那里的种种关系。
        Agencies are also adapting to the war. Besides helping surrogate mothers and their families relocate to safer cities, some have had to come up with ways to care for children as their biological parents struggled to overcome wartime and pandemic hurdles to reach Ukraine. Svitlana Burkovska, the owner of one small agency, Ferta, took infants into her own home for months.        代孕机构也在适应这场战争。除了帮助代孕妈妈和她们的家人转移到更安全的城市外,在孩子的生理父母艰难克服战争和疫情障碍抵达乌克兰之前,一些机构还不得不设法照顾孩子。一家名为Ferta的小中介公司的老板斯维特拉纳·布科斯夫卡把几个婴儿带到自己家里照料了几个月。
        Fears that the business would unravel — especially as Russia tried and failed to seize Kyiv in the war’s early weeks — have proved overblown. Life in western and central Ukraine has largely stabilized despite fighting in southern and eastern regions and the continued risks of long-range missile strikes.        人们原本担心该行业会崩溃,尤其是在战争开始的最初几周,俄罗斯试图占领基辅,但没有成功,然而事实证明,这样的担忧被夸大了。尽管南部和东部地区还在战斗,远程导弹袭击的风险仍在继续,但目前乌克兰西部和中部的生活基本稳定。
        “We did not lose a single one,” said Ihor Pechenoha, the medical director at BioTexCom, Ukraine’s largest surrogacy agency and clinic. “We managed to bring all our surrogate mothers out from under occupation and shelling.”        “我们没有损失一个人,”乌克兰最大的代孕机构和诊所BioTexCom的医疗主管伊霍尔·佩切诺哈说。“我们设法把所有的代孕母亲从占领和炮击下救了出来。”
        But for months, women who thought they would earn money by giving life have had to first protect their own lives.        但是,几个月来,那些认为自己可以通过生育来赚钱的女性不得不首先保护自己的生命。
        Outside the capital, pregnant surrogate mothers have slept in cars on dusty roadsides while escaping occupied territory, have faced interrogation by Russian soldiers and have lived in underground shelters.        在首都郊外,代孕母亲在逃离被占领土时,睡在尘土飞扬的路边汽车里,面临俄罗斯士兵的审讯,还要住进地下避难所。
        In the first month of the war, 19 babies born to surrogate mothers for one agency were marooned in a basement nursery in Kyiv. For weeks and months, it was difficult or impossible for biological parents to reach their children in Ukraine, but by August, all of the babies had gone home.        在战争爆发的第一个月,一家机构的代孕母亲所生的19名婴儿被困在基辅的一个地下室托儿所里。几个星期乃至几个月内,生理父母很难或根本不可能联系到他们在乌克兰的孩子,但是到了8月,所有的婴儿都回家了。
        The war has not diminished the appeal of surrogacy for couples desperate to have children, said Albert Tochylovsky, the director of BioTexCom. “They are in a hurry,” he said. “To explain, ‘We have a war going on,’ doesn’t work.”        BioTexCom公司负责人阿尔伯特·托奇洛夫斯基说,战争并没有降低代孕对渴望孩子的夫妇的吸引力。“他们很着急,”他说。“‘我们正在打仗’这种解释,他们听不进去。”
        Before Russia launched its full-scale invasion, BioTexCom was impregnating about 50 women per month. Since the beginning of June, the company has begun at least 15 new pregnancies.        在俄罗斯发动全面入侵之前,BioTexCom公司每个月让大约50名妇女怀孕。自6月初以来,该公司已经开始有至少15例新的妊娠。
        With the money that the business brings in, Mr. Tochylovsky said, surrogate mothers have been moved from frontline towns and Russia-occupied regions to safer places, like Kyiv.        托奇洛夫斯基说,利用这项业务带来的资金,代孕妈妈们已经从位于前线的城镇和俄占区转移到了更安全的地方,比如基辅。
        Many women in the business describe surrogacy as “the job” — a term that doctors say avoids emotional attachment to the babies they carry. On a recent morning in Kyiv, about 20 women queued at the company’s reception area for checkups or to prepare for a pregnancy.        许多从事这一行业的女性视代孕为“工作”——按照医生的说法,这个词避免了对她们所怀婴儿的情感依恋。在基辅不久前的一个上午,大约20名女性在公司的接待区排队,等候做检查或为怀孕做准备。
        All of them had war stories to tell, of close calls and painful losses. All, including Viktoria — who was carrying a baby for Chinese clients, as many surrogate mothers do in Ukraine — said they were motivated by money, the love for their own children and the desire to keep them safe.        每个人都有跟战争有关的故事要讲:关于死里逃生,关于让人痛苦的损失。包括维多利亚在内的所有人都表示,她们的动机是钱、对自己孩子的爱以及保护他们的愿望。维多利亚和乌克兰的许多代孕母亲一样,为中国客户代孕。
        “I do it for money, but why not?” said Olha, 28, who started a new surrogate pregnancy this summer. “I have good health and can help people who have money” and want children, she added.
        Before the war, the business thrived in Ukraine, where surrogate mothers typically earn about $20,000 per child they deliver. The war has made financial security even more urgent.        战前,代孕生意就在乌克兰蓬勃发展,通常情况下,代孕妈妈生一个孩子就能拿到约2万美元的酬劳。这场战争使得财务安全变得更加紧迫。
        Owing to the nine-month lead time, agencies cannot make snap decisions about continuing or halting the business after developments like last week’s flurry of missile strikes, and pregnant mothers cannot be moved to jurisdictions outside Ukraine that do not recognize custody for biological parents in surrogate births.
        The war has created many new quandaries for the women, clients and medical personnel. Viktoria and her family face one such dilemma: Her payment will help them survive, but it is far from clear where they should go after her recovery from a C-section. The family has remained in the apartment rented by the clinic in Kyiv; her hometown, Kharkiv, is still hit by regular shelling.        战争给代孕妈妈、客户和医务人员带来了许多新的困境。维多利亚和她的家人面临的是这样一个麻烦:她的报酬将帮助他们生存下去,但在她从剖腹产康复后,不知道他们应该去哪里。这家人一直住在基辅诊所租的公寓里;她的家乡哈尔科夫仍然经常遭到炮击。
        A Chinese client with BioTexCom, Zhang Zong, was one of those who struggled to reach Kyiv through travel delays. He said the wait had been excruciating. “I was very worried because of the war,” he said.        BioTexCom的中国客户张宗(音)是费尽周折终于抵达基辅的人之一。他说等待的过程非常痛苦。“因为战争,我非常担心,”他说。
        Meeting his 6-month-old son, he said, was both thrilling and a little strange. “I was extremely excited when they let me hug him,” Mr. Zhang said. “He has been here for a long time and everyone hugs him, everyone likes him, and I am not so special.”        他说,见到六个月大的儿子时,他既兴奋又感觉有点奇怪。“当他们让我抱他的时候,我非常兴奋,”张先生说。“他在这里已经住了很长时间了,每个人都抱他,都喜欢他,而我并没有那么特别。”
        But he added that was only for now. “When he grows up,” Mr. Zhang said, “I can tell him this story.”        但他补充说,这只是暂时的。“等他长大了,”张宗说,“我可以给他讲这个故事。”

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