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‘Yankees, Go Home!’: Seoul Gets Squeezed Between the U.S. and China

来源:纽约时报    2022-10-21 01:57

        SOSEONG-RI, South Korea — Do Geum-yeon, 86, has lived in this valley in South Korea all her life. During the Korean War in the 1950s, her village was so peaceful that she remembers refugees taking shelter in its humble homes and quiet hills. These days, though, Ms. Do spends much of her time protesting an unwanted guest: an American military base that is expanding on a nearby hilltop.        韩国韶成里——86岁的陶锦妍(音)一辈子都生活在韩国的这个山谷里。上世纪50年代的朝鲜战争期间,这里如此安宁,她还记得躲进村里的简陋农舍和安静山谷的难民。但最近这些日子里,陶女士把大部分时间花在抗议一个不速之客上:正在附近一个山顶进行扩建的美国军事基地。
        “Now, if there is war, our village will become the first target because of that machine up there,” she said impatiently.        “现在如果发生战争的话,因为上面有那个机器,我们的村子将成为第一个打击目标,”她焦急地说。
        The “machine” Ms. Do was referring to is the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system, a powerful radar and missile-interceptor battery also known as Thaad. Five years ago, it was brought to this hamlet about 135 miles southeast of Seoul by the United States, infuriating China and prompting it to unleash economic retaliation. ​        陶女士口中的“机器”指的是终端高空区域防御系统,也就是威力强大的雷达和导弹拦截系统,简称“萨德”。五年前,美国人把萨德系统带到了这个位于首尔东南方约220公里的小村庄,此举激怒了中国,致其展开经济报复。​​​
        Washington and Seoul said the weapons system was crucial in their defense against North Korean aggression. China argued that the United States was using North Korea as an excuse to expand its military presence in the region and make implicit threats toward its most formidable competitor. Villagers like Ms. Do and their supporters, including labor activists, have tended to agree.        美韩都表示,该武器系统对防御朝鲜的攻击至关重要。而中方则认为,那是美国以朝鲜为借口,扩大它在该地区的军事存在,并对其最大的竞争对手进行不直接言明的威胁。像陶女士这样的村民及其支持者们(包括劳工活动人士)都倾向于中国的说法。
        Now, the Thaad system, located in an area once known for its melon patches, has become a symbol of the broader challenges facing South Korea as it ​tries to strike a balance between China, the country’s largest trading partner, and the United States, its main security ally.        现在,随着韩国试图在其最大贸易伙伴中国与其主要安全盟友美国之间寻找平衡,在这个曾以瓜田闻名的地方部署的萨德系统已成为韩国面临的更广泛挑战的象征。
        “​Thaad has brought nothing but harm to South Korea, causing economic damage and heightening tensions,” ​said ​Kang Hyunwook, another ​protester. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine earlier this year has magnified those concerns, he said. “If South Korea sides with one party in the rivalry between the U.S. and China, we could suffer the fate of Ukraine.”        “​​萨德给韩国带来的只有伤害,导致了经济损失,加剧了紧张局势,”另一名抗议者姜贤旭(音)说。他表示,俄罗斯今年早些时候对乌克兰的入侵加剧了这些担忧。“如果韩国在美中竞争中选边站队的话,我们可能会遭受跟乌克兰一样的命运。”
        Few things showcase the many polarizing divides in South Korea better than the Thaad system. For those who favor a strong alliance with the United States, it represents Washington’s unwavering commitment to its Asian ally. For​ those who oppose​ it, it is a reminder of the dangers of being drawn into a rivalry between two major powers.        没有什么比萨德系统更能说明韩国社会存在的许多截然对立的分歧了。对那些支持与美国结盟的人来说,萨德代表了华盛顿对其亚洲盟友作出的坚定承诺。对那些反对者来说,萨德让人看到了卷入两个大国间竞争的危险。
        Seongju County, which includes this village, had been known mainly for its farming community before residents grabbed national headlines protesting the arrival of the Thaad system five years ago. Villagers here — and many South Koreans elsewhere — were concerned that it could place South Korea on the front lines of a potential Sino-American conflict.        这个村子所在的星州郡以前主要以农产品闻名,直到五年前,当地居民因抗议萨德系统的到来而登上了全国的新闻头条。这里的村民及其他地方的许多韩国人担心,中美若是发生冲突,萨德系统会将韩国置于前线。
        As Beijing and Washington clash over issues such as Taiwan, global supply chains and the South China Sea, anxieties have been on the rise. Numerous anti-American banners line both sides of the road that winds through the village and up to the American military base. “Yankees, go home! Thaad, go home!” they demand.        随着中美在台湾、全球供应链,以及南中国海等问题上争论不休,这里的焦虑情绪一直在上升。许多反美横幅挂在穿过村庄通往美军基地的蜿蜒山路两侧,上面写着:“美国佬,滚回家!萨德,滚回家!”
        During a recent early-morning rally, Ms. Do and 20 other protesters sat on plastic chairs on a two-lane asphalt road, shouting: “We don’t need Thaad! We need peace!” An hour later, police officers ​removed them — carrying them in their chairs — so the road could be cleared for trucks and water and fuel tanks going up the hill to the Thaad base​.        在最近的一次早间集会上,陶女士和其他20名抗议者坐在摆在一条两车道柏油路的塑料椅上,大喊口号:“我们不要萨德!我们要和平!”一小时后,警察把他们连椅子一起抬走,以便清理道路,让卡车以及运水和油的车前往山上的萨德基地。
        South Korea has long been careful not to take sides in the rivalry between the United States and China, benefiting from a national strategy known as “anmigyeongjung,” which loosely translates to “the United States for security and China for the economy.”        长期以来,韩国一直小心翼翼,避免在美中竞争中选边站队,“安美经中”战略使其受益。
        Washington has provided security for Seoul since the Korean War. But after South Korea established diplomatic ties with Beijing in 1992, China quickly replaced the United States as the country’s biggest trading partner, helping to fuel a thriving, export-driven economy​. About 30 percent of South Korean exports go to China or Hong Kong​ — almost equaling the country’s trade with the ​United States, Japan and Europe combined.        自朝鲜战争以来,华盛顿就一直为首尔提供安全保障。但自从韩国在1992年与北京建立外交关系后,中国迅速取代美国成为韩国的最大贸易伙伴,帮助推动了一个繁荣的出口驱动型经济。韩国约30%的出口销往中国或香港,几乎与销往美国、日本和欧洲的出口总额持平。
        Over the years, it has become increasingly difficult for South Korea to enjoy the best of both worlds.​ President Yoon Suk Yeol has aligned his country more closely with Washington, deepening ties in missile defense and supply chains to help deter North Korea. He has done so at the risk of provoking Beijing.        多年来,同时在两边得到好处对韩国来说变得越来越难。​尹锡悦总统让韩美更紧密地结盟,并加强在导弹防御和供应链方面的关系,以帮助威慑朝鲜。他这样做冒下了激怒北京的风险。
        Under Mr. Yoon, South Korea opted in to the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework; increased trilateral military cooperation with the United States and Japan;​ and joined those nations and Taiwan in preliminary talks for a technology alliance known as “Chip 4” — all moves opposed by Beijing.        在尹锡悦领导下,韩国选择了加入印太经济框架,加强了与美国和日本的三边军事合作,并与美国、日本和台湾就建立所谓“芯片四方联盟”进行了初步谈判,所有这些都是北京反对的。
        South Korean chip-makers Samsung and SK Hynix announced multibillion-dollar investments in the United States to help it secure a chip supply chain earlier this year. But China and Hong Kong still buy 60 percent of South Korea’s chip exports.        今年早些时候,韩国芯片制造商三星和SK海力士宣布,为帮助确保美国芯片供应链的安全,将在那里进行数十亿美元的投资。但中国和香港仍是韩国60%芯片出口的买家。
        “Like it or not, China is a massive market, and abandoning it isn’t an option,” SK’s chairman, Chey Tae-won, told reporters in July.        “不管你喜欢不喜欢,中国是一个巨大的市场,放弃中国市场不是一种选择,”SK集团董事长崔泰源今年7月对记者说。
        That same month, Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for the Chinese foreign ministry, warned that South Korea should “keep in mind its own long-term interests.” ​In 2017, when the Thaad battery first arrived, Beijing shut down tourism to South Korea and ​restricted exports like ​K-pop in response.        同月,中国外交部发言人赵立坚警告,韩国应该“从自身长远利益”出发。​2017年,萨德系统刚运到韩国后,中国政府曾用禁止去韩国旅游、限制韩国流行音乐进口等措施作出回应。
        Many people in the country saw the retaliation as bullying. South Koreans now regard​ China more unfavorably than North Korea and Japan, its former colonial ruler, according to a survey conducted in July.        在韩国,许多人把中国的报复视为霸凌行径。据今年7月进行的一项调查,韩国人现在对中国的负面看法高于他们对朝鲜和日本的负面看法,日本曾对朝鲜半岛进行殖民统治。
        “The Thaad deployment has become a weapon for China to divide South Koreans and drive a wedge into the alliance,” said Cho Kyunghwan, a research fellow at the Korea Institute for National Unification in Seoul.        “萨德的部署已成为中国分裂韩国人、对韩美联盟进行挑拨离间的武器,”首尔的韩国国家统一研究院研究员赵景焕(音)说。
        Mr. Yoon’s predecessor, Moon Jae-in, tried to improve relations with Beijing ​​by pledging a “Three Nos” policy: no​ additional Thaad systems; no participation in ​American missile defense networks; and no trilateral military alliance with ​Washington and Tokyo. Mr. Yoon has said he is not bound by those promises.        尹锡悦的前任文在寅曾试图与北京改善关系,他正式承诺了“三不”政策:不会部署更多的萨德系统;不会加入美国的导弹防御网络;不会与华盛顿和东京建立三边军事联盟。尹锡悦表示,他不受这些承诺的约束。
        In an interview with The New York Times last month, Mr. Yoon said North Korea’s growing nuclear threat compelled South Korea to cooperate more closely with Washington on missile defense​ and that the Thaad system was a matter of national security that would not be negotiated with Beijing​.        尹锡悦上个月接受《纽约时报》采访时表示,朝鲜日益增长的核威胁迫使韩国在导弹防御方面与华盛顿进行更密切的合作,萨德系统事关国家安全,不会与北京就其进行谈判。​
        He told The Times that he would consider another Thaad system in the country, depending on the evolving threat from North Korea. He also emphasized: “Our defense system is to deal with the North Korean threat, not China.”        他告诉时报,他会考虑在韩国部署第二个萨德系统,这将视朝鲜不断变化的威胁而定。他还强调:“我们的防御系统是为了应对朝鲜的威胁,而不是针对中国。”
        Both American and South Korean defense officials have complained that the village protests have limited traffic in and out of the base, at times forcing American military personnel to travel there by helicopter.        美国和韩国的国防官员都已对村民的抗议活动表示了不满,称抗议活动让进出基地的交通受阻,有时迫使美国军方人员乘直升飞机前往基地。
        In May, Gen. Paul J. LaCamera, commander of the United States military in South Korea, called for “unfettered access” to the base to ensure logistical support and to help speed up construction.        今年5月,驻韩美军司令官保罗·拉卡梅拉将军说,为了确保后勤支持、帮助加快基地建设,需要“能不受限制地进入”基地。
        Seoul and Washington have been building new facilities at the base to train soldiers and improve their living conditions. (The allies have no official name for the military installment yet, simply referring to it as the “Thaad site” as they race to complete an environmental impact study before formally approving the stationing of the Thaad system here.)        首尔和华盛顿一直在为训练士兵、改善他们的生活条件在基地建设新设施。(美国和韩国尚未正式命名这个军事设施,只将其称为“萨德基地”。正式批准在这里部署萨德系统之前,双方正在忙于环境影响评估。)
        Defense Minister Lee Jong-sup of South Korea said that the slow pace of construction has forced many of the hundreds of South Korean and American troops stationed there to live “in tents and shipping containers.” South Korean police have had to remove protesters almost daily.        韩国国防部长官李钟燮表示,工程进度缓慢迫使驻扎在那里的数百名韩国和美国军人中的许多人“住在帐篷和集装箱里”。韩国警方几乎每天都需要将抗议者抬走。
        After a North Korean missile flew over Japan this month, the United States military brought new equipment to the base to improve the Thaad system’s link with other antimissile systems located in South Korea. North Korea is also working hard to thwart missile defenses in the region, testing weapons considered harder to detect and intercept.        一枚朝鲜导弹本月飞越了日本上空后,美军将新设备带到了该基地,以改进萨德系统与韩国其他地方的反导弹系统的连结。朝鲜也在为挫败该地区的导弹防御系统而努力,测试了被认为更难被雷达监测、更难遭拦截的武器。
        The growing arms buildup only deepened villagers’ worries.        越来越多的军备集结只是加深了村民们的担忧。
        “They parked Thaad in our village without asking us because we were the smallest and weakest village and they thought old people living here would not protest,” said Lim Soon-boon, 68. “But it dawned on us that they were really considering us and our country cannon fodder in a war between the U.S. and China.”        “他们没问我们就把萨德安在了我们村里,因为我们的村子最小、最弱,他们以为住在这里的老人不会抗议,”现年68 岁的林顺凤(音)说。“但我们已恍然大悟,他们其实是在一场美国与中国的战争中把我们和我们的国家当炮灰。”

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