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Integration boosts development of twin cities in Guangdong province

来源:中国日报    2022-10-20 16:19

        It takes residents of Foshan less than an hour to reach their workplaces in the southern Chinese metropolis of Guangzhou, thanks to the intercity subway that facilitates an extraordinary daily commute.        佛山居民只需不到一个小时就可以到达广州的公司,这多亏了城际地铁让日常通勤更加方便快捷。
        Approximately 255,000 passengers commute daily between the two cities via subway, accounting for 14 percent of the total number of daily commuters. The Guangzhou-Foshan Line is the first intercity metro line in China, with an average daily passenger volume of about 531,000, said Zhang Jian, an official with Guangzhou Metro Group Co Ltd.        广佛线跨市交互量达每天25.5万人次,占广佛两市每天通勤总人数的14%。广州地铁集团负责人张剑称,广佛地铁是中国第一条跨城地铁线路,日均客运量约53.1万人次。
        While meeting the travel needs of commuters, the intercity subway line also plays an important role in the social and economic integration of Guangzhou and Foshan, with 18.8 million and 9.6 million permanent residents, respectively.        广州和佛山的常住人口分别为1880万和960万。城际地铁线路在满足广佛地区通勤需求的同时,也在两地社会经济一体化中发挥着重要作用。
        Both cities are located in the core area of the Pearl River Delta in Guangdong, featuring close economic ties and cultural similarities. The GDP of the two cities exceeded 4 trillion yuan ($563 billion) in 2021, accounting for more than 32 percent of the entire province.        广州和佛山地处珠三角核心区,经济联系密切、文化同源。2021年,广佛地区生产总值超过4万亿元,占广东省生产总值的32%以上。
        In August, the two cities jointly issued a plan to push for further integration during the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25). It stated that by 2025, the combined GDP of the two cities should reach 5 trillion yuan and the commute time between their downtown areas would be reduced to 30 minutes.        2022年8月,广州市政府和佛山市政府联合印发了《广佛全域同城化“十四五”发展规划》。《规划》提出,到2025年,广佛地区生产总值将达到5万亿元,广佛中心城区半小时通达。
        The Baiyun Lake Digital Technology City is located in the western part of Guangzhou's Baiyun district, across the river from Nanhai district in Foshan.        白云湖数字科技城位于广州市白云区西部,与佛山市南海区隔江相望。
        The tech city is dedicated to fostering the digital economy and propelling the digital transformation of traditional industries, such as leather goods, cosmetics, furniture and equipment production.        白云湖科技城致力于发展数字经济产业,推动皮具、美妆、家具和装备制造等传统产业数字化转型。
        "Utilizing geographical advantages, we will strengthen industrial collaboration between Guangzhou and Foshan, as well as promote the digital economy's growth and green, low-carbon development," said Zhang Min, deputy director of the service and management center of the Baiyun Lake Digital Technology City.        白云湖数字科技城服务管理中心副主任张敏表示:“白云湖科技城将利用区位优势,加强广佛产业合作,促进数字经济发展和绿色低碳发展。”
        The industrial clusters have injected vigor into the regional economy, and the business environment has been steadily improving.        产业集群为区域经济注入活力,营商环境不断优化。
        Guangzhou and Foshan established a mechanism in August 2020 allowing their citizens to access government services in both cities without traveling there.        2020年8月,广州与佛山建立政务服务“跨城通办”工作机制,居民可以直接跨城办理业务。
        The story of Guangzhou and Foshan has become a new paradigm for China's regional integration drive, said an official with the Guangzhou municipal development and reform commission.        广州市发展和改革委员会的一位官员表示,广佛同城化已成为中国区域发展一体化的新典范。

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