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Private companies get support, guidance

来源:中国日报    2022-10-21 14:53

        China's latest commitment to unswervingly encourage, support and guide the development of the nonpublic sector will boost confidence among private enterprises and stimulate market vitality for greater economic growth, according to private company executives and industry experts.        民营企业高管和行业专家称,党的二十大报告提出,要毫不动摇鼓励、支持、引导非公有制经济发展,这将增强民营企业的信心,激发市场活力,促进经济增长。
        In the report delivered on Sunday to the ongoing 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the country emphasized that it will provide an enabling environment for private enterprises, protect their property rights and the rights and interests of entrepreneurs in accordance with the law, and facilitate growth of the private sector.        10月16日,中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会开幕。党的二十大报告提出,要为民营企业发展提供有利环境,依法平等保护民营企业产权和企业家权益,促进民营经济发展。
        "The report once again demonstrates the determination to support the private sector economy, which assures us private sector entrepreneurs can boldly conduct our business," said Nan Cunhui, chairman of Chint Group, a leading industrial electrical equipment and new energy company.        正泰集团董事长南存辉说:“二十大报告再次表明了国家支持民营经济的决心,这使我们确信民营企业家能够大胆开展业务。”正泰集团是一家领先的工业电气设备和新能源企业。
        Shang Jiyong, chairman of the board of China Wanda Group Co Ltd, said that recent years have seen various beneficial policies provided for private companies.        万达控股集团有限公司董事局主席尚吉永表示,近年来,各种优惠政策为民营企业提供了支持。
        "The latest commitment to developing the nonpublic sector has set private enterprises at ease seeing that such support has and will be consistent," Shang said.        他说:“二十大报告提出要支持民营经济发展,这给民营企业吃了定心丸,已有的支持政策还将持续下去。”
        From small private businesses in provinces like Zhejiang and cities like Shenzhen, Guangdong province, to internet enterprises leading global technological advances, China's private companies are pioneers in spurring economic growth and innovative development both at home and abroad.        从浙江省和广东省深圳市等省市的小型民营企业、到引领全球技术进步的互联网企业,我国的民营企业成为推动国内外经济增长和创新发展的先行者。
        They have contributed about 50 percent of the country's tax revenue, 60 percent of GDP, 70 percent of technological innovation and 80 percent of urban employment, said the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.        工业和信息化部表示,民营企业贡献了约50%的税收,60%的国内生产总值,70%的技术创新和80%的城镇就业。
        "China is striving to offer a stable and predictable business environment for the nonpublic sector, especially private businesses, which is of great significance in boosting their confidence and stabilizing expectations," said Zhang Lianqi, a member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the nation's top political advisory body.        全国政协常委张连起说:“中国努力为非公有制经济,特别是民营经济提供稳定和可预测的商业环境,这对提振信心、稳定预期具有重要意义。”
        "With better market expectations, more companies and entrepreneurs will go forward with their business. This, in turn, will drive economic recovery as well as the steady development of various sectors," Zhang said.        他说:“有了更好的市场预期,更多的企业和企业家将继续开展他们的事业。这将带动经济复苏和各领域的稳定发展。”
        The latest report also said that China will improve its modern corporate system with distinctive Chinese features, encourage entrepreneurship and move more quickly to help Chinese companies become world-class outfits. The country will also support the development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.        报告还提到,要完善中国特色现代企业制度,鼓励创业,更快地帮助中国企业占据全球领先地位。国家还将支持中小微企业的发展。
        The report inspired private entrepreneurs like Han Dongcheng, chairman and president of Easpeed, an emerging tech startup focused on touchless technology and solutions.        东超科技有限公司董事长兼总经理韩东成等民营企业家深受报告鼓舞。东超科技有限公司是一家专注于非接触式技术和解决方案的新兴科技初创公司。
        Han said that he felt confident to continue to focus on the research and development of the next generation of core technologies.        韩东成说,他有信心继续专注于下一代核心技术的研发。

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