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After Pandemic Barriers, Can Hong Kong Recover as a Global Metropolis?

来源:纽约时报    2022-10-01 02:17

        HONG KONG — Luxury storefronts have been replaced by pop-up shops selling masks. Whole floors of skyscrapers are deserted. Streets once crammed with locals and visitors jostling for space are quiet.        香港——销售奢侈品的店铺被卖口罩的快闪店取代。摩天大楼整层整层地空着。曾经挤满了当地人和游客的街道现在悄无声息。
        This is “Asia’s World City,” Hong Kong’s self-appointed title, after more than two years under some of the world’s toughest pandemic rules. The city now wants to reclaim that cosmopolitan status by taking its biggest step toward living with Covid-19: scrapping a crushing quarantine mandate that at one point required 21 days in a designated hotel and easing restrictions on the global gatherings that gave it its reputation as an international metropolis.        这就是自诩为“亚洲国际都会”的香港的现状,两年多来,香港一直实行着世界上一些最严厉的新冠防疫规定。现在,它希望通过朝着与新冠病毒共存方向迈出的最大一步来恢复其国际大都市的地位。政府取消了对当地打击惨重的强制性酒店隔离措施(曾一度要求入境人员在指定酒店隔离21天),并放松了对举办全球性活动的限制,这些活动曾让香港拥有国际大都会的名声。
        But uncertainty lingers over the new approach, which still prohibits visitors from going to places considered high risk like restaurants, bars and gyms during their first three days in the city, and many industry leaders say the changes are not enough to pull Hong Kong out of an economic recession and restore its once-clamorous social life.        但新政策仍存在不确定性,入境人员在抵达香港的前三天仍被禁止前往餐馆、酒吧和健身房等被视为高风险的地方。许多工商界领袖表示,新政策不足以扭转香港的经济衰退,恢复曾经喧嚣的社会生活。
        There are deeper worries, too. The fact that Hong Kong began to diverge from China’s “zero Covid” policy only after Beijing gave its blessing has touched off worries over the city’s broader loss of autonomy. Before the pandemic, the former British colony was already changing in irreversible ways after months of citywide pro-democracy protests. Beijing then unleashed a devastating crackdown that shut down or pushed out some of the people and things that made Hong Kong unique to the rest of China: a politically boisterous, irreverent, semiautonomous city.        还有更深层次的担忧。在得到了中央政府的许可后,香港才开始偏离中国的“新冠清零”政策,这个事实已引发了人们对香港已丧失大部分自治权的担忧。疫情前,这个英国前殖民地就已在以不可逆转的方式发生变化。香港曾发生了持续数月的大规模民主抗议活动,后来中央政府发起严厉镇压,许多人被逮捕,机构被关闭,一些人被赶走。这些人和事的存在曾让香港不同与中国其他地方:它本来是一个充满政治活力、对政府不恭的半自治城市。
        “For Hong Kong’s international credibility, it is shot to pieces,” said David Webb, a longtime corporate governance activist in Hong Kong. As the city scrambled to get a grip on a Covid outbreak earlier this year, its leaders fumbled. They lurched back and forth between insisting on ever-more restrictive policies that mirrored China’s own draconian approach and backing off, panicking residents and triggering an exodus, predominantly of foreigners.        “就香港的国际信誉而言,它已被彻底损坏,”曾长期在香港从事公司治理活动的戴维·韦布说。今年早些时候,香港领导人在控制新冠疫情上不知所措,一会儿坚持与中国内地的严厉做法接轨,一会儿又要放弃那种措施,结果在当地居民中引起恐慌,导致很多人离港,其中以外国人为主。
        “What happens the next time there is a health threat?” Mr. Webb asked. “They have done permanent damage to our reputation as having autonomy in matters like this.”        “下次出现公共卫生威胁时会怎样呢?”韦布问道。“他们已给我们在这类问题上拥有自主权的声誉造成了永久性损害。”
        Under John Lee, a former police officer who became the city’s chief executive in July, Hong Kong has loosened restrictions more quickly than at any point in the pandemic. He has assured residents that the city will continue to move in that direction while emphasizing the need to also protect people from future outbreaks.        前警务官员李家超今年7月出任香港行政长官后,香港放松防疫限制的速度比疫情期间的任何时候都快。李家超向居民保证,香港将继续朝放松的方向移动,同时强调有必要保护人民不受未来疫情的影响。
        Other politicians have struck a similar tone.        香港的其他政客也发表了类似的言论。
        “We have not lost the title — you could say it’s a bit tarnished,” said Tommy Cheung, a legislative councilor representing the catering industry and an adviser to Mr. Lee. “We have more people leaving than coming, but that happens all over the world. That doesn’t mean we are no longer a global city.”        “我们并没有失去那个称号,你也可以说它有一点儿受损,”代表餐饮界的立法会议员、李家超的顾问张宇人说。“离开香港的比来的人多,但世界各地都有这种情况。这并不意味着我们不再是一个国际城市。”
        Despite the positive spin, the damage of the past few years has been devastating. After decades in Hong Kong, many multinational companies have pulled their headquarters and staff out, moving to less restrictive places like Singapore and Seoul. International teachers, foreign athletes and many of Hong Kong’s own professional elite have left. For many, the move is permanent, but for some, Covid was only the latest worry.        虽然存在正面的看法,但香港在过去几年里遭受的打击是毁灭性的。许多在香港经营了几十年的跨国公司已将总部和员工迁出,搬到新加坡和首尔等防疫限制不那么严格的地方。在国际学校教书的教师、外国运动员和许多本地专业精英都已离开。对许多人来说,离开是永久性的,但对一些人来说,新冠病毒只是最近的担忧。
        “In some ways, Hong Kong is just another big city in China now,” said Meredith Haskins, a former teacher at Hong Kong International School who retired in June. Teachers have left amid continuing school disruptions and fears about possible mass testing and family separations in government quarantine. A long stretch of a mandatory 21-day hotel quarantine for many arrivals and several rounds of social distancing measures have weighed on families.        “在某些方面,香港现在只不过是另一个中国大城市而已,”梅雷迪思·哈斯金斯说,她曾在香港国际学校任教,已于今年6月退休。由于学校持续停课,教师们纷纷离开,他们也担心可能要被迫接受全员病毒检测,被送往政府的集中隔离设施致使家人分离。对许多入境人员实行21天的酒店强制隔离以及几轮保持社交距离的措施给家庭带来了压力。
        But the city’s changing political atmosphere has cast a shadow, too. Curriculum guidelines issued by the government last year emphasize loyalty to mainland China, its leaders and its coercive methods, and many worry that it is only a matter of time before the new national security law negatively affects curriculums at international schools. Schools have had difficulty filling positions.        但香港不断变化的政治气氛也给人们的内心投下了阴影。政府去年公布的课程指引强调了对中国大陆、中央领导人,以及中央政府强制做法的忠诚,这让许多人担心,新的国安法对国际学校的课程产生负面影响只是个时间问题。国际学校在填补空缺职位上已遇到困难。
        Strict Covid rules have also made it hard for foreign businesses to persuade employees not to leave Hong Kong. Companies have complained that even with the loosened rules, travel barriers remain for new hires from abroad and those who want to visit for a conference.        遏制新冠病毒的严格规定也让外国企业难以说服员工留在香港。企业抱怨,即使放松了规定,但对从海外雇来的新员工和想来参加会议的人来说,仍存在旅行障碍。
        Whether Hong Kong can return to being an attractive city for foreign businesses “would mean a massive effort to rebuild Hong Kong’s global image,” said Frederik Gollob, the chairman of the European Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong.        香港能否重新成为对外国企业有吸引力的城市,“意味着付出巨大努力重塑香港的全球形象,”香港欧洲商会主席高飞(Frederik Gollob)说。
        Finance industry professionals are even more explicit. To regain its competitiveness, they say, Hong Kong has to put itself back on a par with other international financial centers like London, New York and Singapore.        金融行业的专业人士则更明确。他们说,香港要想重新获得竞争力,就必须回到与伦敦、纽约、新加坡等其他国际金融中心同等水平的做法。
        “It is incumbent upon the government to wean the community away from being fixated on Covid — return to normalcy is key,” said Sally Wong, the chief executive of the Hong Kong Investment Funds Association, which represents big global investment firms including BlackRock. In a recent survey from the group, more than a third of investment firms said they had moved some or all their regional and global executives out of Hong Kong.        “政府有责任让社区摆脱对新冠病毒的过度关注,回归正常才是关键,”香港投资基金公会行政总裁黄王慈明说,该公会代表着包括贝莱德在内的一些大型全球投资公司。在它最近所做的一项调查中,超过三分之一的投资公司表示,它们已将地区和全球高管部分或全部迁出了香港。
        The exodus has been harmful to the economy and Hong Kong’s labor force, which has shrunk to a decade low. The city’s financial secretary warned this month that Hong Kong was likely to finish the year in a recession.        这种外流已给香港经济和劳动力造成了不利影响,香港的劳动力已萎缩到10年来的最低水平。香港财政司司长本月警告,香港很可能在经济衰退中结束今年。
        Parts of pre-Covid Hong Kong will probably never return.        香港疫情前的某些东西可能永远不会再回来。
        Media companies, including The New York Times, and nongovernmental organizations began moving staff to other Asian cities like Seoul and Tokyo in 2020, over uncertainty that followed Beijing’s imposition of the sweeping new national security law.        由于中央政府对香港实施涉及范围广泛的国安法带来的不确定性,包括《纽约时报》在内的媒体公司和非政府组织已从2020年开始将员工转移到首尔和东京等其他亚洲城市。
        Much of Hong Kong’s once-vibrant civil society is unlikely to return. Some industries that depend on the city’s open border are cautiously optimistic but unsure whether the easing of Covid restrictions goes far enough.        香港一度生机勃勃的公民社会也不太可能回来。一些依赖香港开放边境的行业虽然保持谨慎的乐观,但对与新冠疫情有关的限制是否已放得足够宽没有把握。
        An early test will be the Hong Kong Sevens rugby tournament, one of the city’s best-known sports events, which will take place in November for the first time since the start of the pandemic.        一个较早的检验将是香港七人橄榄球锦标赛,这是香港最著名的体育赛事之一,将于今年11月举行,是疫情暴发以来的首次。
        Presale tickets are down 30 percent from 2019, as international corporate sponsors express uncertainty about the event, said Robbie McRobbie, chief executive of the Hong Kong Rugby Union. Overseas spectators will not be able to attend until they have passed three days of health monitoring.        香港榄球总会行政总裁麦伟彬(Robbie McRobbie)说,由于国际企业赞助商们对赛事表达了不确定性,预售门票较2019年下降了30%。海外观众必须在入境后进行三天自我医学观察,然后才能去现场观赛。
        “Whether or not we will be able to put up the sold-out signs, I’m not sure at this stage,” Mr. McRobbie said. There is also confusion over whether the 350 athletes, coaches, referees and medical-support teams will have to remain in a closed loop for the first three days, restricted to their hotel and the stadium.        “门票是否能售罄,现阶段还不确定,”麦伟彬说。还有一个问题是,350名运动员、教练、裁判和医疗支持团队在抵达香港的头三天里,是否需要呆在一个限于酒店和体育场的闭环内。
        The main beneficiaries of quarantine changes so far have been tour operators. “It’s a very positive direction,” said Moon Yau, the assistant general manager at Sunflower Travel Services, which does tours to Japan, Europe and mainland China. Since Friday, when officials announced the change in rules, he had received more than 300 inquiries a day about trips, he said. He added that for now, they had been mostly residents taking their first overseas holiday in nearly three years.        到目前为止,放松入境规定的主要受益者是旅游业经营者。“这是旅游业非常正向的方向,”新华旅游有限公司助理总经理尤满意说,新华旅游为人们安排去日本、欧洲和中国大陆的旅行。他表示,自从上周五官员宣布放松入境规定以来,他每天收到300多份有关旅行的询问。他补充说,就目前而言,询问主要来自当地居民,他们是近三年来首次去海外度假。
        For others, the impact is more mixed. The first weekend after the announced changes, revenues fell at Black Sheep Restaurants’ nearly 40 restaurants across the city, said Syed Asim Hussain, a co-founder, as residents rushed to leave the city on long-planned overseas trips. The new rules are not enough to bring people to Hong Kong, he said, and he plans to write a complaint to the government.        对其他人来说,放松入境规定的影响好坏参半。宣布放松入境规定后的第一个周末,餐饮集团Black Sheep Restaurants在香港各地的近40家餐厅都出现了收入下滑的情况,集团联合创始人赛义德·阿西姆·侯赛因说,因为居民们急于离开香港,开始计划已久的海外旅行。他说,新规定还不足以吸引人们来香港,他打算给政府写信抱怨。
        He said he also wonders whether Hong Kong has changed irrevocably after months of protests, the silencing of dissent that followed and more than two years of isolation.        他说,他还想知道,经过了几个月的抗议、对异见人士的镇压,以及两年多的边境封锁后,香港是否已发生了不可逆转的变化。
        “My industry demands that I be optimistic, but I haven’t found many reasons for optimism for three years,” Mr. Hussain said. “It’s been so difficult. In some ways — even though safety is in sight — it is more frustrating.”        “我的行业要求我保持乐观,但三年来我没有找到太多乐观的理由,”侯赛因说。“一直有太多的困难。从某个方面来看,尽管安全在望,但更令人沮丧。”
        “I definitely feel,” he added, “that we have been through something really heavy collectively, as a community.”        “我的确觉得,作为一个社会,我们共同经历了一些非常沉重的事情,”他补充说。

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