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U.S. Penalizes Chinese Companies for Aiding Iran’s Oil Exports

来源:纽约时报    2022-09-30 02:10

        WASHINGTON — The Biden administration announced on Thursday that it would impose sanctions on two Chinese companies that transport and store Iranian oil, a shift to a tougher stance on Tehran amid signs that efforts to restore the 2015 Iran nuclear deal have failed.        华盛顿——拜登政府周四宣布,将对运输和储存伊朗石油的两家中国企业实施制裁,在已有迹象表明恢复2015年伊朗核协议的努力失败之际,此举意味着美国对伊朗采取更强硬立场的转变。
        In a statement, the State Department said the United States was targeting Zhonggu Storage and Transportation Co. Ltd., which it said operates a commercial crude oil storage facility for Iranian petroleum, and WS Shipping Co. Ltd., which it said manages a vessel that has transported Iranian petroleum products.        国务院在一份声明中表示,制裁对象包括中谷储运有限公司,它运营的一处商业原油设施存储着伊朗石油;以及威盛航运有限公司,它旗下有一艘船只运送伊朗石油。
        The Treasury Department also said eight entities based in Hong Kong, Iran, India and the United Arab Emirates had been designated as sanctions violators.        财政部还表示,总部设在香港、伊朗、印度和阿拉伯联合酋长国的八家实体已被认定违反制裁。
        The actions come as officials in the Biden administration worry that more than 18 months of negotiations to contain Iran’s nuclear program may have reached a dead end and suggest they have begun reaching for new forms of leverage over the country’s hard-line leadership.        采取这些行动之际,拜登政府官员正担心超过18个月的遏制伊朗核计划的谈判可能已经进入死胡同,并表示他们已开始寻找新方式来抗衡伊朗强硬派领导层。
        The sanctions against Chinese companies could also presage a tense confrontation with Beijing over its substantial purchases of Iranian oil, which have provided Iran’s government with a badly needed windfall, to the frustration of the Biden administration.        对中国企业的制裁也可能预示了中美围绕着中国购买伊朗石油问题的紧张对抗,中国的购买为伊朗政府提供了亟需的意外之财,拜登政府为此非常失望。
        President Donald J. Trump withdrew from a 2015 agreement clinched by the Obama administration and imposed new sanctions on Iran, leading Tehran to significantly accelerate its nuclear program. U.S. officials estimate that Iran could be within one month of having enough highly enriched uranium to produce a nuclear weapon, which might take a year or more to build.        特朗普总统退出2015年奥巴马政府达成的一项协议,并对伊朗实施新制裁,导致伊朗大幅加快了核计划进展。美国官员估计,伊朗能在一个月内获得制造核武器所需的高浓缩铀,而制造核武器可能需要一年或更长时间。
        This month, the United States and Iran appeared on the brink of restoring the nuclear deal after the European Union presented a “final text” for their joint agreement. Biden officials say that Iranian negotiators raised 11th-hour obstacles, including a demand that the International Atomic Energy Agency close an investigation into past undeclared Iranian nuclear activity.        本月,在欧盟提交了双方联合协议的“最终文本”后,美伊两国似乎就要迎来核协议的恢复。拜登手下官员称,伊朗谈判代表在最后时刻设下了阻碍,包括要求国际原子能机构结束对伊朗以往未申报的核活动的调查。
        During a visit to the U.N. gathering, Iran’s president, Ebrahim Raisi, struck a bellicose tone and demanded more U.S. concessions.        在出席联合国大会期间,伊朗总统莱希用好战的语气要求美国做出更多让步。
        As Iran struggles with punishing American sanctions imposed by Mr. Trump after he unilaterally abandoned the nuclear deal in 2018, China has helped Tehran stay solvent by purchasing large quantities of oil, which is its main export. Reuters reported in March that China now imports more oil from Iran than it did before Mr. Trump piled new sanctions on Tehran, citing data from three tanker-tracking companies that indicated China was importing around 700,000 barrels per day.        特朗普在2018年单方面放弃核协议后,美国对伊朗实施了惩罚性制裁,在它陷入挣扎之际,中国大量购买其主要出口产品石油,帮助伊朗维持偿付能力。路透社3月曾报道,中国现在从伊朗进口的石油比特朗普对伊朗施加新制裁之前更多,还说,三家油轮追踪公司的数据显示,中国的每日进口量约为70万桶。
        “China is principally responsible for keeping the Iranian regime in business through oil purchases that have totaled $38 billion since President Joe Biden assumed office,” the nonprofit group United Against a Nuclear Iran said in a report last week.        非营利组织“反对伊朗核武器联盟”上周在一份报告中表示,“自拜登总统上任以来,中国购买了总额达380亿美元的石油是伊朗政权能够维持运转的主要原因。”
        “China has therefore proven to be the savior of Tehran by continuing to import millions of barrels of oil every single day,” the group said, calling for tougher U.S. action against Chinese entities.        “因此,中国继续单日进口数以百万计桶石油,被证明是伊朗的救星,”该组织表示,并呼吁美国对中国实体采取更严厉的措施。
        A State Department spokesman said on Wednesday that some public estimates of Iranian oil trade with China “have been inflated.”        国务院发言人周三表示,对伊朗与中国石油贸易的一些公开估算“被夸大了”。
        Existing U.S. sanctions allow for penalties against foreign governments whose companies import oil from Iran, but the Biden administration has refrained from taking that step against China.        美国现有的制裁措施对允许企业从伊朗进口石油的外国政府进行惩罚,但拜登政府一直避免对中国采取这一措施。
        Instead, the administration has tried for months to persuade Beijing to prevent Chinese companies from facilitating the export of Iranian oil, but to little avail. Thursday’s action suggests that the Biden administration may be losing its patience with China and will take increasing unilateral steps.        相反,数月以来,拜登政府一直试图说服中国不要让企业为伊朗石油出口提供便利,但收效甚微。周四的举动表明,拜登政府可能对中国失去耐心,并将采取越来越多的单边措施。
        The State Department said in a statement that as Iran pursues its nuclear program in violation of the 2015 agreement’s limits, “we will continue to accelerate our enforcement of sanctions on Iran’s petroleum and petrochemical sales under authorities that would be removed” under a restored nuclear deal.        国务院在声明中表示,由于伊朗继续发展核计划,违反了2015年核协议的限制,根据恢复的核协议中“本应被取消的权限,我们将继续加快对伊朗石油和石化销售的制裁”。
        “These enforcement actions will continue on a regular basis, with an aim to severely restrict Iran’s oil and petrochemical exports,” the statement said. “Anyone involved in facilitating these illegal sales and transactions should cease and desist immediately if they wish to avoid U.S. sanctions.”        “为了大力限制伊朗石油和石化出口,这样的强制措施将继续定期进行,”该声明称。“如果希望避免美国的制裁,任何参与促成这些非法销售和交易的相关方,都应立即终止这样的行为。”
        The United States first imposed sanctions on a Chinese company for violating restrictions on the purchase of Iranian oil in July 2019, when Mike Pompeo, then the secretary of state under Mr. Trump, announced penalties against a state-owned oil trading company, Zhuhai Zhenrong, and its chief executive, Li Youmin.        2019年7月,美国首次对一家违反购买伊朗石油限制的中国企业实施制裁,当时特朗普的国务卿迈克·庞皮欧宣布了对珠海振戎这家国有石油贸易企业及其首席执行官李右民的惩罚措施。
        After Washington imposed expansive sanctions on Iran in 2018, the Trump administration granted waivers to eight governments, including that of China, to continue importing limited amounts of oil. But those waivers expired in May 2019.        在美国于2018年对伊朗实施大规模制裁后,特朗普政府允许包括中国在内的八国政府继续从伊朗限量进口石油。但这些豁免已于2019年5月到期。
        Zhuhai Zhenrong and Sinopec, another state-owned enterprise, were the largest importers in China of Iranian oil.        珠海振戎和另一家国企中国石化是中国最大的伊朗石油进口商。
        A New York Times investigation from August 2019 found that China and other countries were receiving oil shipments from a larger number of Iranian oil tankers than previously known. Even after the waivers expired that year, 12 Iranian tankers loaded and delivered oil across Asia and the Mediterranean, with six of those unloading their cargo at ports in China.        《纽约时报》2019年8月的一项调查发现,伊朗运往中国和其他国家的石油量比此前所知的还要多。即便在当年的豁免到期后,仍有12艘伊朗油轮在亚洲和地中海地区装载和运送石油,其中六艘在中国港口卸货。
        Last month, the State and Treasury Departments announced sanctions against six companies, four of them based in Hong Kong, for helping sell tens of millions of dollars of Iranian oil and petrochemical products.        上个月,国务院和财政部宣布制裁六家企业,其中四家总部设在香港,这些公司都帮助销售了价值数以千万计美元的伊朗石油及石化产品。

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