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How China Targets the Global Fish Supply

来源:纽约时报    2022-09-27 05:54

        Over the last two decades, China has built the world’s largest deep-water fishing fleet, by far, with nearly 3,000 ships. Having severely depleted stocks in its own coastal waters, China now fishes in any ocean in the world, and on a scale that dwarfs some countries’ entire fleets near their own waters.        过去20年里,中国建立了世界上最大的深海捕鱼船队,拥有近3000艘船,远远多于其它国家。在本国沿海水域的渔业资源严重枯竭之后,目前中国在世界上任何海域都展开了捕鱼作业,其规模让一些国家在本国水域附近的整个船队都相形见绌。
        The impact is increasingly being felt from the Indian Ocean to the South Pacific, from the coasts of Africa to those off South America — a manifestation on the high seas of China’s global economic might.        从印度洋到南太平洋,从非洲海岸到南美海岸,人们越来越多地感受到这种影响——这是中国全球经济实力在公海上的体现。
        The Chinese effort has prompted diplomatic and legal protests. The fleet has also been linked to illegal activity, including encroaching on other countries’ territorial waters, tolerating labor abuses and catching endangered species. In 2017, Ecuador seized a refrigerated cargo ship, the Fu Yuan Yu Leng 999, carrying an illicit cargo of 6,620 sharks, whose fins are a delicacy in China.        中国的行动引发了外交和法律抗议。这些船还与非法活动有关,包括侵入他国领海、纵容劳工虐待和濒危物种捕捞。2017年,厄瓜多尔没收了一艘冷藏货船“福远渔冷999”号,船上非法装载了6620条鲨鱼,鱼翅在中国是一种美味佳肴。
        Much of what China does, however, is legal — or, on the open seas at least, largely unregulated. Given the growing demands of an increasingly prosperous consumer class in China, it is unlikely to end soon. That doesn’t mean it is sustainable.        然而,中国所做的大部分事情都是合法的——或者,至少在公海上,基本上是不受监管的。考虑到中国日益富裕的消费阶层日益增长的需求,这种局面不太可能很快结束。但这并不意味着它是可持续的。
        In the summer of 2020, the conservation group Oceana counted nearly 300 Chinese ships operating near the Galápagos, just outside Ecuador’s exclusive economic zone, the 200 nautical miles off its territory where it maintains rights to natural resources under the Law of the Sea Treaty. The ships hugged the zone so tightly that satellite mapping of their positions traced the zone’s boundary.        2020年夏天,据环保组织Oceana统计,有近300艘中国船只在加拉帕戈斯附近作业,加拉帕戈斯位于厄瓜多尔专属经济区之外,也就是厄瓜多尔根据《海洋法条约》享有自然资源权利的200海里之外。这些船只紧紧地包围着该区域,以至于用卫星测绘出它们的位置,可以勾勒出专属经济区的边界。
        Together, they accounted for nearly 99 percent of the fishing near the Galápagos. No other country came close.        它们加在一起,几乎占据了加拉帕戈斯附近捕捞量的近99%。没有哪个国家能够相提并论。
        “Our sea can’t handle this pressure anymore,” said Alberto Andrade, a fisherman from the Galápagos. The presence of so many Chinese vessels, he added, has made it harder for local fishermen inside Ecuador’s territorial waters, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that inspired Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution.        加拉帕戈斯的渔民阿尔贝托·安德拉德说:“我们的海洋再也无法承受这种压力了。”他还说,这么多中国船只的出现,使厄瓜多尔领海内的当地渔民生活更加艰难,这片领海是联合国教科文组织的世界遗产,曾启发了达尔文的进化论。
        Mr. Andrade has organized a group of fishermen, the Island Front for the Galápagos Marine Reserve, to call for the expansion of fishery protections around the islands.        安德拉德组织了渔民团体“加拉帕戈斯海洋保护区岛屿阵线”,呼吁扩大对岛屿周围渔业的保护。
        “The industrial fleets are razing the stocks, and we are afraid that in the future there will be no more fishery,” he said. “Not even the pandemic stopped them.”        “工业船队正在掠夺鱼群,我们担心未来将不再有渔业,”他说。“就连大流行也没能阻止他们。”
        An Industrial Effort        一场工业化行动
        China can fish on such an industrial scale because of vessels like Hai Feng 718, a refrigerated cargo ship built in Japan in 1996. It is registered in Panama and managed by a company in Beijing called Zhongyu Global Seafood Corporation.        中国能够以这样的工业化规模捕鱼,是因为有了像海丰718这样的船只,这是一艘1996年在日本建造的冷藏货船。它在巴拿马注册,由北京的中渔环球海洋食品公司管理。
        Its owner is a state-owned enterprise: the China National Fisheries Corporation.        该公司的所有者是一家国有企业:中国水产有限公司。
        Hai Feng 718 is known as a carrier vessel, or mothership. It has refrigerated storage holds to preserve tons of catch. It also carries fuel and other supplies for smaller ships that can unload their hauls and resupply their crews at sea. As a result, the other vessels do not need to spend time returning to port, allowing them to fish almost continuously.        海丰718被称为运载船或母船。它有冷藏的储藏舱来保存成吨的渔获。它还可以为较小的船只运载燃料和其它补给,让它们可以卸下渔获,让船员获得补给。这样一来,其它船只就不需要花时间返回港口,从而可以几乎无间断地捕鱼。
        Over the course of a year beginning June 2021, the Hai Feng 718 met at least 70 smaller Chinese-flagged fishing vessels in various locations at sea, according to Global Fishing Watch, a research organization that assembles location data from ship transponders. Each encounter, known as a transshipment, represents the transfer of tons of fish that the smaller ships would have had to unload in port hundreds of miles away.        根据收集船舶应答器位置数据的研究机构全球渔业观察的统计,从2021年6月开始的一年时间里,海丰718在海上不同地点与至少70艘悬挂中国国旗的小型渔船对接。每一次——即所谓“海上转运”——都会转移数吨渔获,如果没有这样的转运,这些小型船只就必须在数百公里外的港口卸货。
        Together the vessels followed the coasts of South America in what has become a year-round pursuit of catch.        这些船只一起沿着南美洲海岸进行了长达一年的捕捞活动。
        After leaving Weihai, a port town in China’s Shandong Province, the Hai Feng 718 arrived in the Galápagos in August 2021 and spent nearly a month in the waters off Ecuador’s exclusive economic zone. There it serviced numerous ships like the Hebei 8588.        从中国山东省港口城市威海出发的海丰718于2021年8月抵达加拉帕戈斯,在厄瓜多尔专属经济区附近的海域停留了近一个月。在那里,它为许多像河北8588这样的船只提供服务。
        Such vessels are designed for catching squid, one of the prizes for the fleet. The lights the ships use at night to lure squid to the surface are so bright they can be tracked from space.        这种船是为捕捞船队格外青睐的鱿鱼而设计的。船只在夜间用来引诱鱿鱼浮出水面的灯光非常明亮,从太空都能追踪到。
        A month later, the Chinese fleet traveled to the coast of Peru, where the Hai Feng 718 sidled up to more than two dozen smaller vessels, some of them multiple times, including, again, the Hebei 8588.        一个月后,中国船队前往秘鲁海岸,在那里,海丰718与20多艘较小的船只擦肩而过,其中一些船多次靠近,包括河北8588号。
        Loaded with catch, the mothership returned to China. By last December, it was at sea again, this time heading west through the Indian Ocean. It arrived off the coast of Argentina for the start of the squid season there in January. In May, it was once again off the coast of the Galápagos.        母船满载着渔获返回中国。到去年12月,它又出海了,这次是向西穿过印度洋。今年1月,它抵达阿根廷海岸,迎接那里鱿鱼季的开始。今年5月,它再次出现在加拉帕戈斯海岸。
        These operations have allowed a boom in the squid harvest. Between 1990 and 2019, the number of deep-water squid boats soared from six to 528, while the annual reported catch rose from about 5,000 tons to 278,000, according to a report this year by Global Fishing Watch. In 2019, China accounted for nearly all the squid boats operating in the South Pacific.        这些操作使得鱿鱼的收获大幅增加。根据全球渔业观察今年的一份报告,在1990年至2019年期间,深水鱿鱼船的数量从6艘飙升至528艘,而每年报告的渔获量从约5000吨上升至27.8万吨。2019年,在南太平洋作业的鱿鱼船几乎全部来自中国。
        The arrangement of transferring catch to another vessel is not illegal, but according to experts, the use of the motherships makes it easy to underreport the catch and disguise its origins. Other places also deploy deep-water fleets, including Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, but none do so on the scale of China.        将渔获物转移到另一艘船上的安排并不违法,但专家表示,使用母船很容易少报渔获并掩盖其来源。包括日本、韩国和台湾在内的其他地方也部署了深水舰队,但都没有达到中国这样的规模。
        The Hai Feng 718 alone has more than 500,000 cubic feet of cargo space, enough to carry thousands of tons of fish.        仅海丰718的载货空间就超过1.4万立方米,足以装载数千吨鱼。
        Global Fishing Watch has tracked scores of unexplained “loitering events,” where larger ships linger in one area without any recorded meetings between the carriers and smaller ships. Experts warn that the smaller ships may be turning off their transponders to avoid detection to disguise illegal or unregulated catch.        全球渔业观察已经追踪了数十起原因不明的“游荡事件”,即大型船只在一个区域徘徊,但没有任何记录显示母船与小型船只之间的会面。专家警告说,较小的船只可能会关闭应答器,以避免被发现,从而掩盖非法或不受监管的捕捞。
        The impact on certain species like squid off the coast of South America is difficult to measure exactly. In some regions, like the South Pacific, international agreements require countries to report their haul, though underreporting is believed to be common. In the South Atlantic, there is no such agreement.        这些行为对某些物种的影响很难精确衡量,比如南美洲海岸的鱿鱼。在南太平洋等地区,国际协议要求各国报告其捕捞量,尽管少报被认为是普遍现象。在南大西洋没有这样的协议。
        There are already worrisome signs of diminishing stocks, which could foreshadow a broader ecological collapse.        已经有令人担忧的迹象显示,鱿鱼的种群数量正在减少,这可能预示着更大范围的生态崩溃。
        “The concern is the sheer number of ships and the lack of accountability, to know how much is being fished out and where it’s going to,” said Marla Valentine, an oceanographer with Oceana, the conservation group. “And I’m worried that the impacts that are happening now are going to cascade into the future.        “令人担忧的是船只数量之大,而且缺乏问责,无从了解捕捞数量,以及它们的去向,”保护组织Oceana的海洋学家玛拉·瓦伦丁说。“而且我担心,现在正在发生的影响会延伸到未来。
        “Because it’s not just the squid that are going to be affected,” she added. “It’s going to be everything that feeds on the squid, too.”        “因为受影响的不仅仅是鱿鱼,”她补充道。“一切以鱿鱼为食的生物都会受到波及。”
        The Global Backlash
        The appearance of the Chinese fleet on the edge of the Galápagos in 2020 focused international attention on the industrial scale of China’s fishing fleet. Ecuador lodged a protest in Beijing. Its president at the time, Lenín Moreno, vowed on Twitter to defend the marine sanctuary, which he called “a seedbed of life for the entire planet.”        2020年,中国的渔船出现在了加拉帕戈斯群岛的边缘,这让国际社会开始留意中国渔船船队的庞大规模。厄瓜多尔在北京提出抗议。时任总统莱宁·莫雷诺在Twitter上放话,要捍卫这个海洋保护区,他称其为“整个地球生命的苗床”。
        China has responded with offers of concessions. It announced moratoriums on fishing in certain areas, though critics noted that the restrictions apply to seasons when the fish are not as abundant. It vowed to cap the size of its deep-water fleet, though not to reduce it, and to trim the government subsidies it provides fishing companies, many still state-owned or controlled.        作为回应,中国提出了让步。它宣布在某些地区暂停捕鱼,但批评人士指出,这些限制只用于鱼类不是那么丰富的季节。它还承诺限制深水船队的规模,但不会减少,并削减对渔业公司的补贴,其中不少公司依旧是国有或者国家控股。
        In the year that followed the furor over the Galápagos, the bulk of the Chinese fleet kept a greater distance from Ecuador’s exclusive economic zone. Otherwise it continued to fish as much as before.        在加拉帕戈斯群岛捕鱼引发愤怒之后的一年里,大部分中国舰队与厄瓜多尔的专属经济区保持了更远的距离。除此之外,捕鱼的规模并无缩减。
        In Argentina, a group of environmentalists, supported by the Gallifrey Foundation, an ocean conservation organization, filed an injunction with the country’s top court last year in the hope of prodding the government to do more to comply with its constitutional obligations to protect the environment. They plan to submit a similar injunction in the coming months in Ecuador.        在阿根廷,一群环保主义者在海洋保护组织加里弗雷基金会的支持下,在去年向该国最高法院申请禁制令,希望促使政府采取更多措施来履行其保护环境的宪法义务。他们计划未来几个月在厄瓜多尔也提交类似的申请。
        “We have a permanent Chinese fleet 200 miles off our coast,” said Pablo Ferrara, a lawyer and professor at the University of Salvador in Buenos Aires, referring to the distance covered by Argentina’s exclusive economic zone.        “在距离我们海岸200英里(约合320公里)的地方,有一支常驻的中国船队,”布宜诺斯艾利斯萨尔瓦多大学教授、律师巴勃罗·费拉拉说,他提及的这个距离在阿根廷的专属经济区范围之内。
        Argentina’s navy, which sank a Chinese fishing boat inside the zone in 2016, has since announced it would add four new patrol ships to step up its enforcement efforts in its coastal waters.        阿根廷海军于2016年在该区域内击沉了一艘中国渔船,此后宣布增派四艘新巡逻舰,以加强在沿海水域的执法。
        The United States, too, has pledged to assist smaller nations to counter China’s illegal or unregulated fishing practices. The U.S. Coast Guard, which now calls the practice one of the greatest security threats in the oceans, has dispatched patrol ships to the South Pacific.        美国也承诺帮助较小的国家对抗中国的非法或不受管制的捕鱼行为。美国海岸警卫队现在称这种行为是海洋中最大的安全威胁之一,并且向南太平洋派遣了巡逻船。
        In July, President Biden issued a national security memorandum pledging to increase monitoring of the industry. Speaking virtually at a forum of Pacific nations that month, Vice President Kamala Harris said the United States would triple American assistance to help the nations patrol their waters, offering $60 million a year for the next decade.        7月,拜登总统签署了一份国家安全备忘录,承诺加强对渔业的监管。副总统哈里斯同月在一个太平洋国家论坛上发表视频讲话时表示,美国将把援助增加两倍,帮助这些国家在它们的海域巡逻,同时在未来十年每年提供6000万美元。
        Such efforts may help in territorial waters, but they do little to restrict China’s fleet on the open seas. The consumption of fish worldwide continues to rise, reaching a record high in 2019. At the same time, the known stocks of most species of fish continue to decline, according to the latest report by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.        这些努力可能在领海上有所帮助,但无法在公海上限制中国的捕捞船队。全球鱼类消费量持续上升,2019年达到历史新高。与此同时,根据联合国粮农组织的最新报告,大多数鱼类的种群数量都在持续下降。
        “The challenge is to persuade China that it, too, has a need to ensure the long-range sustainability of the ocean’s resources,” said Duncan Currie, an international environmental lawyer who advises the Deep Sea Conservation Coalition. “It’s not going to be there forever.”        “挑战在于说服中国,它也需要确保海洋资源的长期可持续性,”为深海保护联盟提供建议的国际环境律师邓肯·库里说。“海洋资源不是取之不竭的。”

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